MFP Runner's Club



  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    well it's official, I signed off on the paperwork to do the NYC marathon in November so I am definitely having to kick up the training.

    Today was my first attempt at speedwork. There is a man and woman at the gym that are hard-core runners and have been running for 20+ years, I am so lucky that they are kind of taking me under their wing and teaching me some things. We met at the track this morning and did 4 miles of speedwork working on lengthening my stride and working on form.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day :flowerforyou:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Does anyone ever had sharp pain from groin muscle that wraps around to your hip?

    Yes, this pain is pretty common for me. I have horribly tight hips and it effects every part of my legs, pretty much. I stretch my hips throughout the day.

    One that I LOVE to do is:
    1. Lay on your back. Legs flat on floor.
    2. Pull one leg close to your chest. Hold.
    3. Then, sort of push the knee outward, but still holding it very close.
    4. Then, pull the knee inward (across body), still holding very close.

    I do that all the time.

    I also got some good stretches specifically for my hips at Yoga Journal online.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Today is a rest day for me.

    It is inspiring to see so many posts every day.

    Thanks everyone
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    No run today - got plyo X done this morning
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I too have a rest day from running -- lifted weights this morning working upper body. Legs need to rest:ohwell:

    Having a terrible time with blisters -- got new shoes in April and lately have had blisters on the inside of my left foot like on the side of the ball of my foot. Going to the running store today to see what in the world I am doing to cause this. Right foot is great -- left foot -- not so happy :grumble:

    willywonka -- CONGRATS on signing up for the marathon -- that's awesome!!!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Good morning everyone,
    well it's official, I signed off on the paperwork to do the NYC marathon in November so I am definitely having to kick up the training.

    Today was my first attempt at speedwork. There is a man and woman at the gym that are hard-core runners and have been running for 20+ years, I am so lucky that they are kind of taking me under their wing and teaching me some things. We met at the track this morning and did 4 miles of speedwork working on lengthening my stride and working on form.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day :flowerforyou:

    Yeah! Good for you!!! How neat that you have found some local coaches! I wish I lived closer so I could join your training! I'm aiming for the Thunder Road half in December in Charlotte.

    For those of you used to running in the heat and humidity....or our resident expert Raymond :wink: ....any post/pre workout suggestions for snacks or hydration? I'm struggling with a lot of post run nauseau and headaches. Regular water makes it much worse, chocolate milk didn't work, don't like bananas....suggestions?

    Today was River Hills again...2.8 miles today in 32:39. Hoping to do the 5K in 35 or less, but it's going to be tough!* Hills * is rather an understatement!

    Have a good day everyone!

  • Lesli
    Lesli Posts: 46 Member
    I ran (jogged) 4.5 miles today....and now I have some blisters on the arch of each foot. Not good considering I just bought these Asics about three weeks ago.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Heat/humidty is a killer. I wish I had some magic but I always get headache's too. You simply have to take it easy and drink a ton. During July/August I actually dig into some treadmill routine :cry:

    Ibuprofen is your friend before and after

    Dress ultra light (true runners have a no-cotton policy)

    Mix in some biking (and sing that epic Queen song "Bicycle race")

    I don't know of any magic food for heat, expcept bananas are amazing to prevent cramping

    After a hard or long weekend run try and schedule some nap time. If nothing else you won't be as grumpy :grumble:

    Vaseline between toes to prevent blisters on long runs (everyone needs really good socks too)

    A good tip, if you have any water available during the run. A dab behind the neck and wrists does AMAZING things to cool you down. It's always been part of my water break, especially those long August marathon training runs.

    Get hair off the neck, if it's an issue. My mullet has been gone since HS... :laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I'm seeing/hearing great results from those of you that do speedwork. What exactly do you do? I have been working to do 3 minutes at my desired 1/2 marathon pace -- 1 minute sprinting -- 1 minute walking then repeat for 3+ miles.

    Would love to hear how you all are breaking it down.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I am so glad that there is a runner's club on here, I just joined the site yesterday and I am sooo already addicted! I ran my first 5k last month in 29:02, and have another coming up next week. I want to be able to work up to a 10K and then a half marathon....anyone have suggestions on how I can improve my run time and stamina?
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    didn't get my full run in yesterday so I made up for it this morning with a 7 miler. Now, I am back on track for my goal of 100 miles this month. :happy:

    Have a great run everyone!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    I am so glad that there is a runner's club on here, I just joined the site yesterday and I am sooo already addicted! I ran my first 5k last month in 29:02, and have another coming up next week. I want to be able to work up to a 10K and then a half marathon....anyone have suggestions on how I can improve my run time and stamina?

    I'm pretty sure Rainman posted some really good tips earlier in the thread on increasing distance, improving time, etc. He is our running guru and resident expert...whether he wants to be or not! :wink:

  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261
    Does anyone ever had sharp pain from groin muscle that wraps around to your hip?

    Yes, this pain is pretty common for me. I have horribly tight hips and it effects every part of my legs, pretty much. I stretch my hips throughout the day.

    One that I LOVE to do is:
    1. Lay on your back. Legs flat on floor.
    2. Pull one leg close to your chest. Hold.
    3. Then, sort of push the knee outward, but still holding it very close.
    4. Then, pull the knee inward (across body), still holding very close.

    I do that all the time.

    I also got some good stretches specifically for my hips at Yoga Journal online.

    Thank you so much! :smile:
    Wonka, Congrats!! You will do great!:flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    For those of you used to running in the heat and humidity....or our resident expert Raymond :wink: ....any post/pre workout suggestions for snacks or hydration? I'm struggling with a lot of post run nauseau and headaches. Regular water makes it much worse, chocolate milk didn't work, don't like bananas....suggestions?
    It goes without saying that you have to work on your hydration all week long, not just on your running days. Sports drinks are great on run days because the electrolytes enhance the water uptake, so you don't feel like you're sloshing around during your run. You are supposed to drink it full strength, but if I know I am going to be drinking a lot, I will mix it with water, or carry a bottle of each and alternate. (Partly for the calorie control, partly because it seems to agree with me more). On my especially long runs, I carry electrolyte tablets as well. Even if you drink a lot of sport drink on your run, you can't keep ahead of the electrolyte depletion if you are sweating profusely, so the electrolytes really help with the nausea and headaches. (You still have to drink a lot, the tablets are not a substitute for hydration).

    I try to get my runs done before sunrise as much as possible, or plan my route so the shady parts of the route are after sunrise. (We joke about running like vampires, always avoiding the sun:laugh: )

    If I know it is going to be really hot, I have a bandana that is packed with some sort of gel. You soak it in cool water before you put it on and tie it around your neck. The gel stays cool on the back of your neck for a long time and really helps prevent over-heating. (Sorry, I've had it for ages, don't know where I got it or if they have a brand name, but they are great if you can find them). I'm sure any old bandana soaked it water would do the same trick, it just wouldn't stay as cold for as long.

    Hope this helps.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    This book that I'm reading about Pam Reed, an ultra-marathon runner, says that she puts ice in a long tube sock and puts it around her neck while she runs.

    She was running through death valley at the time, 120-130 degree heat, but I'm sure it would work for 80's and humidity! :laugh:
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Hi runners.

    Hope everyone is having a good one today. I did a 6-mile tempo run today:

    1 mile warm up
    4 miles @ a 8-minute mile pace
    1 mile cool down

    Let me tell you, my quads and butt muscles are feeling it! I think the soreness is from playing tennis yesterday and using muscles that I haven't used in quite sometime. It's a good hurt, though! :happy:

    I'll try to get an hour's worth of strength training in sometime this evening.

    vrdz3215 - WELCOME. That's a great 1st 5K time. Good luck with your training!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Thank you everyone for the hot weather tips! :flowerforyou:
    I had a feeling my 4 day headache was dehydration related...sounds like it is a very common problem. I have always needed to force myself to drink..(unless it's diet coke!)...obviously I need to get back on that.
    Tom, an excellent point about staying hydrated at all times...not just on running days. Duh! Why didn't I think of that??:tongue:
    It sounds like I need to find a Gatorade flavor that I like so I can keep the electrolyte balance up because Lord knows...this woman doesn't glow....she sweats!! :ohwell:
    I think I'll also try the bandanna trick...sounds great!
    Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your advice,experience, and wisdom! :happy:

  • KristinLynn25
    Just got back from a Horrible 5.2 miler! Had to pee at mile 0.5 even though I went before I left. Felt like I was going to throw up from mile 1.5-2.5!! Think I didn't wait long enough after lunch!! Oops. Walked to mile 3... then did a jog/sprint the last 2.2 miles! I have never been so glad to be home from a run!!!! I really hope everyone else's runs today were/are much better than mine!!!

  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    3.75 miles is 29 minutes!!! :smile: even got a compliment from one of the "fast guys"

    :tongue: :drinker: :drinker: :tongue:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I'm seeing/hearing great results from those of you that do speedwork. What exactly do you do? I have been working to do 3 minutes at my desired 1/2 marathon pace -- 1 minute sprinting -- 1 minute walking then repeat for 3+ miles.

    Would love to hear how you all are breaking it down.

    I use Runner's World's Smart Coach tool. If you plug in a current time and distance, it'll give you a custom workout schedule. Let me know if you have questions about the plan you get. Some people have a hard time understanding the speed/interval workout lingo.:heart: