MFP Runner's Club



  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Had my bone scan today and it looks like the stress fracture will be confirmed. (I wont get the official written report until tomorrow). It looks like I will be out for a little while.

    I have already been down for 3 weeks so I may have a few more weeks to heal. I have an appt. with an ortho next Friday so I will know more then.

    Let me ask some of the experienced runners a question. If I am down for another 8 weeks and the 1/2 I want to do is in 16 weeks, is 8 weeks of training doable or should I just bag this race and wait for the next one? These stupid little injuries are killing me!
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    I completed my 5K Race today. It was great weather-it rained late in the afternoon so the temp was great and a little humidity. There was a mixed crowd of about 300 racers all really nice. I did wear my running clothes and felt fine once everyone was there. I kept at my own pace and finished the race at 35:12 which is my normal run time. I really was starting to push myself but then I get scared I'll "peeter" out so I didnt push myself. I think I will try it now though just on normal runs. Thanks for all the support and motivation! I love coming on here everyday and being part of our little group!! :)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I completed my 5K Race today. It was great weather-it rained late in the afternoon so the temp was great and a little humidity. There was a mixed crowd of about 300 racers all really nice. I did wear my running clothes and felt fine once everyone was there. I kept at my own pace and finished the race at 35:12 which is my normal run time. I really was starting to push myself but then I get scared I'll "peeter" out so I didnt push myself. I think I will try it now though just on normal runs. Thanks for all the support and motivation! I love coming on here everyday and being part of our little group!! :)

    Congrats on finishing your first race...that's wonderful! You should be so proud of yourself! :bigsmile:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Finished up day 1 of week 8 for Couch 2 5k, ended up running an extra few minutes because I decided to pick up my pace at the last minute, which led to me doing some sprinting. I'm amazed at how much longer I can now sprint than I used to be able to - 100 meters and I'd be breathing heavy for a few minutes. It's a nice change... I'm proud of me.

    Also, if I can handle week 8 like this, I totally have a 5k in the bag. I just need to finish up c25k and start doing speed work, and muscle building work.
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Had my bone scan today and it looks like the stress fracture will be confirmed. (I wont get the official written report until tomorrow). It looks like I will be out for a little while.

    Sherry - that completely stinks. Please take care of yourself and heal quickly. I'm not sure how to answer your question about the 1/2. I'll let our more experienced peeps handle that one!
  • Lesli
    Lesli Posts: 46 Member
    I completed my 5K Race today. It was great weather-it rained late in the afternoon so the temp was great and a little humidity. There was a mixed crowd of about 300 racers all really nice. I did wear my running clothes and felt fine once everyone was there. I kept at my own pace and finished the race at 35:12 which is my normal run time. I really was starting to push myself but then I get scared I'll "peeter" out so I didnt push myself. I think I will try it now though just on normal runs. Thanks for all the support and motivation! I love coming on here everyday and being part of our little group!! :)

    Way to go on your 5K!!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    I completed my 5K Race today. It was great weather-it rained late in the afternoon so the temp was great and a little humidity. There was a mixed crowd of about 300 racers all really nice. I did wear my running clothes and felt fine once everyone was there. I kept at my own pace and finished the race at 35:12 which is my normal run time. I really was starting to push myself but then I get scared I'll "peeter" out so I didnt push myself. I think I will try it now though just on normal runs. Thanks for all the support and motivation! I love coming on here everyday and being part of our little group!! :)

    YAY, Gustergirl! You did very well! I'm thrilled for you. WTG!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I did 7.5 tonight... well like 5 hours ago, it was a great run, I picked up my pace on all the chorus' of my music... if you want to add in some speed training this is a great way to do it especially at the end of songs when they say the chorus over and over again! It really made me push myself. Happy Running!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261

    Thanks Becky!

    I've decided to go to the doctor today about my legs and hips.. :cry: I was told, they might give me a cortizone shot to help me through my race tomorrow.
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  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Had my bone scan today and it looks like the stress fracture will be confirmed. (I wont get the official written report until tomorrow). It looks like I will be out for a little while.

    I have already been down for 3 weeks so I may have a few more weeks to heal. I have an appt. with an ortho next Friday so I will know more then.

    Let me ask some of the experienced runners a question. If I am down for another 8 weeks and the 1/2 I want to do is in 16 weeks, is 8 weeks of training doable or should I just bag this race and wait for the next one? These stupid little injuries are killing me!

    First let me say that I'm so sorry - I know how frustrating it can be to have to take time off running. I felt like a crack head going cold turkey when I was on limited activity. Next, please no matter what follow your doctor's advice as far as running. I hope you have a runner friendly doctor who can give you practical advice.

    You can train for a half in 8 weeks but you would have to alter your expectations for the run. Decide if you are willing to give up on your expectations for the run. You may have to make it a run/walk with more walk. While training for my first half I actually stuck a bonus half in early in the training because it was a brand new local run and I wanted to support it. I ran it like an easy training long run with many walk breaks. I finished in 2:30 and enjoyed every minute of it.

    The biggest problem with and cause of stress fractures is increasing your mileage too quickly. I've always tried to follow the 10% rule for increasing long runs. Check out many different traning programs you would probably need to choose a lower mileage plan.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I completed my 5K Race today. It was great weather-it rained late in the afternoon so the temp was great and a little humidity. There was a mixed crowd of about 300 racers all really nice. I did wear my running clothes and felt fine once everyone was there. I kept at my own pace and finished the race at 35:12 which is my normal run time. I really was starting to push myself but then I get scared I'll "peeter" out so I didnt push myself. I think I will try it now though just on normal runs. Thanks for all the support and motivation! I love coming on here everyday and being part of our little group!! :)

    Good job, girl!!! You did awesome!! So when's the next one?? :laugh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Thanks! I did my tempo run today -- 5 miles -- 3 at a 8:34 pace (which is a stretch for me) -- but it felt great. I kind of had a little extra motivation today. I turned the BIG 40 today -- so I had a little something to prove :bigsmile: and I did it!! WOOHOO!!! I can definitely see where the tempo/speed runs are going to help! thanks for all the support and great ideas shared by all of you!
    Have a great day!

    Great job!! I did my tempo runs while training for my half between 8:15- 8:40. They are tough!! But you really will see improvements.

    And happy belated!! :flowerforyou:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey Everybody!:flowerforyou: I did 30 min on the elliptical then ran for 20 min. Then strength training for legs and abs!

    Race on Friday! I'm pretty excited! 2nd 5k race ever! (They don't have a lot of races where I live)

    Some people at the gym invited me to do the P90X thing. What's that about anyway?

    Good for you! Have fun at your race! I'm racing a 5K on Sat! :bigsmile: P90X is an awesome strength training program from Beachbody. Let me know if you have any questions! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm here! On the go all week... this is the first week my kiddos were out of school and it's been non-stop activities!!

    I'm in full swing of training for the Olympic tri. I went to an open water swim last night put on by my local tri club. I did a 1,200 yd swim!! Then my buddy and I did an 11 mile bike. It was the perfect night for it!

    Then got up this morning for a 4 mile run. Tonight is a volleyball game but that's it! :laugh: Need to rest up and get ready for the 5K on Sat!! My dh is running his first 5K, and my 3 girls are all running the 1 mile race and then fun run. I think I'm running the mile w/ my 5yo, she's very excited. I love seeing my kids excited about running! :heart:

    Have a super day! :flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Tempo run for me today.:tongue:

    One mile warm-up
    3 x 800s @ 4:16 w/ 400m jogs
    One mile cool down

    Still not hitting 4:16 for every interval but I'm getting closer. Today I hit 4:07 for the first interval. It was all downhill from there.:laugh:

    Since today is the first day of summer break and swimming doesn't start until next week, I did a run- walk with my 7yo. We ran for 2 minutes then walked for 2 minutes for 20 minutes. We covered a mile and a half. I love summer break!

    Enjoy the day
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member

    First let me say that I'm so sorry - I know how frustrating it can be to have to take time off running. I felt like a crack head going cold turkey when I was on limited activity. Next, please no matter what follow your doctor's advice as far as running. I hope you have a runner friendly doctor who can give you practical advice.

    The first thing I plan to tell my doctor is that telling me I can't run anymore is not an option. If he isn't keen to that then I will end the appointment and find another doctor. Right now due the pain I am limited to what I do so I haven't really done a lot. I will follow the doctors order and take it slow. I plan on becoming a better swimmer and do some spinning to keep up the cardio while my leg heals.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Had my bone scan today and it looks like the stress fracture will be confirmed. (I wont get the official written report until tomorrow). It looks like I will be out for a little while.

    Sherry, sorry to hear that.:flowerforyou: Hope you get better soon.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I completed my 5K Race today. It was great weather-it rained late in the afternoon so the temp was great and a little humidity. There was a mixed crowd of about 300 racers all really nice. I did wear my running clothes and felt fine once everyone was there. I kept at my own pace and finished the race at 35:12 which is my normal run time. I really was starting to push myself but then I get scared I'll "peeter" out so I didnt push myself. I think I will try it now though just on normal runs. Thanks for all the support and motivation! I love coming on here everyday and being part of our little group!! :)

    Excellent! Great time too!

    I felt the same way when I first started running. For me, it was so important that I be able to run the whole time. I too did not want to peeter. Keep training and add some speed and long workouts to your training. Speed workouts taught me how to run when I'm tired and the long runs can help you learn a technique called resting on your feet. Resting on your feet is when you are resting while running. Obviously, you will slow your pace but the key to it is focusing on maintaining your effort or how much energy you're using.

    I am so proud of you. Congratulations.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    5 miles this morning 3 at tempo.
    Perfect running weather. Cool and overcast.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    :bigsmile: Thanks for all the birthday wishes -- I survived

    Did 4.5 easy miles -- enjoying these easy days -- now just waiting for the speedwork which looks like it is definitely going to challenge me!

    Hope you all have a Happy Thursday!