Women who don't accept male friend requests



  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    Also wanted to note, Just cause there are "strange guys" on the internet Does not mean their aren't also strange women....I have met quite a few of both types. If you want people to respect you and Your journey to better health, then why not respect men that are on that same journey. I am married and have no interest in any women other than my wife, no matter their age, body type, race, appearance, personality or any other trait. But that said I still want to share my success to inspire ANYONE not just guys like me, we ALL need to remember that we can if we keep our head into it. I said my opinion now I will back out of this thread.
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    totally understand. The females who are on my friends list, when they post their exercise and the cal burn is not as high as what I could have done, I still support them and tell them they did a great job. There are females on my friends list who have kicked my *kitten* in excercise and I give them a big round of applause.

    Please understand, I am not trying to argue with you. As you have presented your point, I am just presenting mine and I totally respect your decision to only have female friends.

    I didn't think you were trying to argue with me at all :). Thank you for telling me how to change my profile!
    Ok, cool. Sometimes what I want to say and what I say are 2 different things. You know, the ole foot in mouth disease! lol

    Glad I could help you on your profile.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    I only add girls so I can perv on their beach photos.
  • dontwantausername1
    dontwantausername1 Posts: 120 Member
    I only add girls so I can perv on their beach photos.

    ...not helping your cause
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    I only add girls so I can perv on their beach photos.

    .....Sometimes Honesty can be creepy. No offence.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Strange dudes on the internet sending you friend requests? Yeah, no. Sort of like, when I was looking for a place to live when I was in college, I specifically looked for women-only houses to share. I feel safer being surrounded by strange women than I do being surrounded by strange men. That's not to say I actually am safer, but I feel that way.

    Sorry, but this sounds to me kinda like a white person saying they looked for an white-only household so they could feel safer.

    I know it's just how you feel, but this is how I feel about that.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    In real life my friends are 99% male. I came to this site and didnt put up the fact I code and I got a bunch of women I couldn't relate to personality wise but I sure could body wise. Changed my name to coder girl and men came out of the woodworks. I gotta say I've gotten a bunch of creepy comments since. I can understand people wanting to avoid certain situations or not understanding certain humors and rathering their own sex for personal experience.
    Thats quiet a blanket statement tho, all are not the same

    That being said men are awesome. Everyone should have one ;)
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    I only add girls so I can perv on their beach photos.

    .....Sometimes Honesty can be creepy. No offence.

    What about sarcasm?
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Funny nobody (yeah, fair enough, TL;DR) who's concerned about guys perving/feeling sexually toward them isn't concerned about lesbians or bi girls.
  • dontwantausername1
    dontwantausername1 Posts: 120 Member
    Funny nobody (yeah, fair enough, TL;DR) who's concerned about guys perving/feeling sexually toward them isn't concerned about lesbians or bi girls.

    True. I've thought of that before but I guess it's less common that it will happen. (And even if it does we won't know lol).
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Funny nobody (yeah, fair enough, TL;DR) who's concerned about guys perving/feeling sexually toward them isn't concerned about lesbians or bi girls.

    True. I've thought of that before but I guess it's less common that it will happen. (And even if it does we won't know lol).

    Ah, touche!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Strange dudes on the internet sending you friend requests? Yeah, no. Sort of like, when I was looking for a place to live when I was in college, I specifically looked for women-only houses to share. I feel safer being surrounded by strange women than I do being surrounded by strange men. That's not to say I actually am safer, but I feel that way.

    Sorry, but this sounds to me kinda like a white person saying they looked for an white-only household so they could feel safer.

    I know it's just how you feel, but this is how I feel about that.

    How are those two things even remotely the same? I mean, for one, men (at least white men) are a fairly privileged group. A more realistic comparison would be a person of color looking for a household made up entirely of other people of color so they could feel safer (which I've actually known to happen in college towns).
  • nikkinoonarr
    nikkinoonarr Posts: 101
    Some of my best friends are men!
  • nikkinoonarr
    nikkinoonarr Posts: 101
    Maybe they only want female friends. Isn't that reason enough?

    I guess, but enough to go out of their way to specify that male friend requests won't be accepted? I just don't understand why. It's mind boggling to me. What's wrong with male friends?
    boys have cooties?

    Not me. I have herpes.

    Ha ha! that made me laugh loads! I have 2 male friends on here and they are the best, They are kind, respectful, funny and really supportive. I have had a few personal messages too from men but only about my car!

    Male friends rock!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Maybe they only want female friends. Isn't that reason enough?

    I guess, but enough to go out of their way to specify that male friend requests won't be accepted? I just don't understand why. It's mind boggling to me. What's wrong with male friends?
    boys have cooties?

    love this!
  • NorseMaiden
    NorseMaiden Posts: 95 Member
    I'm going with a combination of some of the other peoples suggestions...boys have cooties, sweat and leave the toilet seat up.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    I think it's fine if they only want female friends. Same goes for men who might only want male friends. I wouldn't discriminate in this way but I'm choosy about my friends. I don't decline - or remove - many but male or female, if they're on my list, I love them, value them as people, accept their choices whether I personally agree with them or not - and will support them to infinity and beyond...

    As far as the 'creepy men' suggestion goes; there are 'creepy women' too, posting the same things - or worse. It's a fitness site, not a dating agency.
  • Yeti1083
    Yeti1083 Posts: 13 Member
    Maybe they only want female friends. Isn't that reason enough?

    I guess, but enough to go out of their way to specify that male friend requests won't be accepted? I just don't understand why. It's mind boggling to me. What's wrong with male friends?
    boys have cooties?

    Not me. I have herpes.

    Point proven.
    Even if it did make me laugh :)
  • Burlesque12
    Burlesque12 Posts: 177 Member
    I dont accept male friend requests, although I dont have it posted in my profile. Although we all ultimately have the same goal, we reach it in different ways. Men dont have periods, carry babies in their bodies or have breasts as big as women. And I certainly dont care to share my personal thoughts on these topics with men I dont know. If I want a mans support, I reach out to my husband.
    In my personal life, I have friends of all walks of life. MFP is not my social network, it's my fitness tool.
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    Of course people have a right to have preferences on this matter, but the glaring issue I see here is presupposing that all men are heterosexual in the first place. There must be many gay men on the site too who are clearly not sexually interested in any of the women on here. I wonder if gay male friends would still come under the category of undesirable in the eyes of those women on here who avoid opposite sex friends out of respect to their husbands.