Attitudes of people with different levels of fitness and wei



  • ProjectLGD
    Let me just say there is NO such thing as naturally skinny people. They eat less and possibly move more.

    Why do they eat less? Are they chronically hungry like everyone who is obese yet they just have amazing willpower? Of course not, they eat a tiny amount of calories and are satiated because they are lucky as hell. When they overeat, they expend more energy or delay their next meal to compensate. There is plenty of evidence suggesting these people exist.

    There was a fascinating show on British television that studied why naturally skinny people were skinny. Put a bunch of naturally skinny people on high-calorie diets, limited activity via pedometers, and checked the results. It was fascinating. One guy simply did not gain much fat. Even without exercising - and even though he limited his walking as much as possible - his body converted the extra calories to muscle.

    Also, all the participants lost the weight in a few weeks without consciously dieting. They simply stopped deliberately overeating.

    I'll try to find the link to the show on Youtube....

    Ah! Here it is:

    I guess these folks lack the psychological or moral defect that leads to gluttonous excuse-driven behavior.

    Really?? You want to make this a moral issue? If your immoral issues (by my standards not yours), faults and imperfections were visible for all to see, what would you look like? This kind of judgemental bashing of fat people is so shallow and immature its pathetic. "Judge not lest ye be judged."

    I did already post my stance, but this is a long thread so I forgive you for missing the sarcasm. Basically the majority of posters here are implying this statement that I just said sarcastically.

    mea culpa
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    It's the character judgement that annoys me. That's what Grinch and I are on about. The fact is, some people have a very, very hard time losing weight. For some people it is effortless. Most people fall somewhere in between. But, for the ones who have a hard time losing it (never mind keeping it off), it may be harder than a lot of people could manage to do, short of being deported to a gulag.

    Anybody would lose weight in a gulag. That's because they'd be starved and forced to do hard physical labour. So, I am NOT saying that weight gain/loss is unrelated to calorie consumption and expenditure. However, for some people, the challenges of overcoming the urge to eat (which can be physiological, not just emotional) and/or to overcome their bodies' tendency to hoard energy via slowed metabolism may be far greater than the rest of us can imagine.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    It's the character judgement that annoys me. That's what Grinch and I are on about. The fact is, some people have a very, very hard time losing weight. For some people it is effortless. Most people fall somewhere in between. But, for the ones who have a hard time losing it (never mind keeping it off), it may be harder than a lot of people could manage to do, short of being deported to a gulag.

    Anybody would lose weight in a gulag. That's because they'd be starved and forced to do hard physical labour. So, I am NOT saying that weight gain/loss is unrelated to calorie consumption and expenditure. However, for some people, the challenges of overcoming the urge to eat (which can be physiological, not just emotional) and/or to overcome their bodies' tendency to hoard energy via slowed metabolism may be far greater than the rest of us can imagine.

    And to augment that, I don't see this as an excuse for anyone to give up their weight loss battle, but I think people need to approach weight loss in a smarter way than the typical over-simplications I see on this forum like "eat less, move more" or "all calories are the same", etc. I really think people need to find a sweet spot where they can manage hunger AND a caloric deficit at the same time, and that sweet pot is determined by the quality of foods they eat.
  • ProjectLGD
    It's the character judgement that annoys me. That's what Grinch and I are on about. The fact is, some people have a very, very hard time losing weight. For some people it is effortless. Most people fall somewhere in between. But, for the ones who have a hard time losing it (never mind keeping it off), it may be harder than a lot of people could manage to do, short of being deported to a gulag.

    Anybody would lose weight in a gulag. That's because they'd be starved and forced to do hard physical labour. So, I am NOT saying that weight gain/loss is unrelated to calorie consumption and expenditure. However, for some people, the challenges of overcoming the urge to eat (which can be physiological, not just emotional) and/or to overcome their bodies' tendency to hoard energy via slowed metabolism may be far greater than the rest of us can imagine.

    And to augment that, I don't see this as an excuse for anyone to give up their weight loss battle, but I think people need to approach weight loss in a smarter way than the typical over-simplications I see on this forum like "eat less, move more" or "all calories are the same", etc. I really think people need to find a sweet spot where they can manage hunger AND a caloric deficit at the same time, and that sweet pot is determined by the quality of foods they eat.

    In addition to QUALITY of foods, I humbly suggest that the sweet spot is also influenced by which nutrients (fiber, protein, fat, carbs) are combined with which nutrients. For example, I can eat 500 cal of totally organic, high quality fresh fruits and vegetables but it will cause a quick rise and fall in my blood glucose. However, eating 400 cal of f/v with 100 cal of quality protein would provide a more stable glucose level. And this is directly linked to perceived hunger.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    "Factors" is just another name for "Obstacles" and I repeat from earlier...

    If you love telling everyone all the obstacles that are in your way, then you love being blocked from success and all the sympathy, time extensions and special treatment it gets you.
    If you love telling everyone all the obstacles that you have overcome, then you love succeeding and beating all the odds.

    Please note, since I know so many have seriously problematic reading comprehension skills, I did not say...

    If you have obstacles, you're weak.
    If you overcome obstacles, you're better than other people.

    Im talking about how too many people spend more time talking about why they CANT EXERCISE and CANT STOP EATING than they do actually exercising and planning healthy meals. If you have time to spend an hour and a half blogging about all the reasons you can't exercise, then just be aware that somewhere there is a 55 year old woman with severe arthritis doing hot yoga so slow that you can barely see her move... but she spent that hour better than you did while complaining.

    You cant complain about something that you are doin nothing to change.

    If you exercise regularly and eat well, by all means, PLEASE ***** AND MOAN when you get frustrated, I probably will join you.




  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    "Factors" is just another name for "Obstacles" and I repeat from earlier...

    If you love telling everyone all the obstacles that are in your way, then you love being blocked from success and all the sympathy, time extensions and special treatment it gets you.
    If you love telling everyone all the obstacles that you have overcome, then you love succeeding and beating all the odds.

    Please note, since I know so many have seriously problematic reading comprehension skills, I did not say...

    If you have obstacles, you're weak.
    If you overcome obstacles, you're better than other people.

    Im talking about how too many people spend more time talking about why they CANT EXERCISE and CANT STOP EATING than they do actually exercising and planning healthy meals. If you have time to spend an hour and a half blogging about all the reasons you can't exercise, then just be aware that somewhere there is a 55 year old woman with severe arthritis doing hot yoga so slow that you can barely see her move... but she spent that hour better than you did while complaining.

    You cant complain about something that you are doin nothing to change.

    If you exercise regularly and eat well, by all means, PLEASE ***** AND MOAN when you get frustrated, I probably will join you.

    This this this this this this thisthistsitsihtishtishtihsihti
  • rbjcksn
    rbjcksn Posts: 31 Member

    You cant complain about something that you are doin nothing to change.

    This this this this this this thisthistsitsihtishtishtihsihti

  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    It's the character judgement that annoys me. That's what Grinch and I are on about. The fact is, some people have a very, very hard time losing weight. For some people it is effortless. Most people fall somewhere in between. But, for the ones who have a hard time losing it (never mind keeping it off), it may be harder than a lot of people could manage to do, short of being deported to a gulag.

    Anybody would lose weight in a gulag. That's because they'd be starved and forced to do hard physical labour. So, I am NOT saying that weight gain/loss is unrelated to calorie consumption and expenditure. However, for some people, the challenges of overcoming the urge to eat (which can be physiological, not just emotional) and/or to overcome their bodies' tendency to hoard energy via slowed metabolism may be far greater than the rest of us can imagine.

    And to augment that, I don't see this as an excuse for anyone to give up their weight loss battle, but I think people need to approach weight loss in a smarter way than the typical over-simplications I see on this forum like "eat less, move more" or "all calories are the same", etc. I really think people need to find a sweet spot where they can manage hunger AND a caloric deficit at the same time, and that sweet pot is determined by the quality of foods they eat.

    In addition to QUALITY of foods, I humbly suggest that the sweet spot is also influenced by which nutrients (fiber, protein, fat, carbs) are combined with which nutrients. For example, I can eat 500 cal of totally organic, high quality fresh fruits and vegetables but it will cause a quick rise and fall in my blood glucose. However, eating 400 cal of f/v with 100 cal of quality protein would provide a more stable glucose level. And this is directly linked to perceived hunger.

    Excellent point. I agree. I have a sweet tooth and it gets me into trouble.

    Today being a Lenten Friday, I'm struggling to get the balance right. I had some shrimp, and I'll have eggs for dinner, but I've really been relying on grilled chicken breasts with lots of cabbage and cauliflower to keep me full up. Today has been hard!
  • ProjectLGD
    I read this a long time ago and rely on it every now and then when I have a problem with my obstacles:

    “Set Yourself Free” by Ralph Marston---"There is no outside force holding you back. You are holding you back and you are blaming it on someone or something else. The way you are able to continue holding yourself back is by maintaining the illusion that you're a victim. Once you realize that illusion, you will naturally and easily move forward. In fact, it is easier to fulfill your best possibilities than it is to avoid them. So let go of the blame and watch the limitations drop away. Certainly there will always be challenges that hold you back. For each challenge provides you with a pathway through which you can move toward fulfillment. It is your very nature to accomplish. Lovingly accept your destiny, and allow that accomplishment to be manifest through you. Set yourself free to follow your purpose. Set yourself free to truly live." Visit Mr. Marston at

    (you have to include his web address when you quote him)

    The hard part is finding the pathway through which I can move beyond the challenge.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Doing anything works better than saying you need to do something.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    Maybe a lot of people don't realize that metabolism is affected by exercise and muscle. .....
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    "the harder you train, the better you're genetics become"
  • leighanne6380
    leighanne6380 Posts: 3 Member
    OK I have aerobic asthma (I can't breath if my blossom pressure or heart rate goes up) and I have pelvic prolapse excercise can worsen both conditions but if I stay obese my prolapse even with surgery will still happen add diabetes cause I'm fat would improve if I loose the weight what exercise is left also have back injury not supposed to lift more than 5-10 lbs with everything I felt defeated before I even begin what's the point of modifying food if I don't know how to exercise let alone when I have 3 kids my day is get up at 6 get kids to ready fir school/ Daycare. See them to bus stops. Get ready for work grab granola bar for breakfast take last kid to daycare eat on drive straight to work sometimes I don't get to eat til dinner I'm a hairdresser so business is all over the place get off at 7 get home start dinner homework with kids laundry switch eat and feed kids my food is usually cold by the time I get to sit and eat get kids in shower and to bed clean up from dinner switch and fold laundry by this time it is after ten.and I'm exhausted any suggestions
  • leighanne6380
    leighanne6380 Posts: 3 Member
    I forgot to mention my highest weight 325 current weight 275-280 I don't drink soda unless its diet Dr pepper and that is one 12 oz can 2 a week
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    Very good observations! Whenever fat (yes, I said it!) people say their whole family is obese, so it must be their genetics, I can't help but wonder if they think their parents are related. Then I think they might have larger problems than obesity. It's interesting how they refuse to see the correlation between the food culture in their family and the weight problems. There are definitely some people who have a harder time losing weight than others, but it is never impossible. My favorite posts on the Success board are definitely the ones where people have gained control of their bodies despite serious illnesses!
  • leighanne6380
    leighanne6380 Posts: 3 Member
    I disagree a little with it not being an epidemic and hereditary simply because monkey see monkey do if your parents are overweight and have a believe that an empty plate is a happy plate BC people are starving if you put it there you eat it full or not even tho you are 5 and should not be left to determine healthy portion size for your self or taught by those that do not understand it to begin with. Then there is the restaurant where busy people go when tired or in a time crunch did you know that in the past 30 or so years portions at restaurants have tripled then add the growth hormones they feed livestock (animals are not eating corn on their own the graze for food) and in our produce to make it what...grow Ans fatten faster than nature intended do you seriously think that has nothing to do with the nations weight just learned a few weeks ago a serving size of LEAN meat is the size of a deck of cards I'm 32 been eating at least twice that as a serving not knowing any different society plays a huge factor in what/how we eat my kids come home from school starving they get breakfast and lunch at school but they feed them junk so they are packing on the weight as well and very active playing outside after school until I get home so now that I have written 2 books LOL when
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    "the harder you train, the better you're genetics become"


    Likewise all exercise is not created equal. Progressive exercise leads to results. Exercise for exercise's sake to lose weight...not so much.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    So it always gets me wondering is the denial and political correctness that prevent appropriate honesty a major cause of the increasing trend of obesity??

  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Okay, I'm a research psychologist and I don't know that your observations are true or not BUT . . .

    It would make sense that people who are thin and fit attribute their good characteristics to their own efforts (food intake and exercise).

    And for people who are overweight attribute their bad characteristics to something they can't control (metabolism, bad schedule, having a baby).

    It is harder to say yes, I'm really thin because I'm lucky and have a crazy fast metabolism or yes, I'm fat because I eat too much junk and never exercise.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Having being on MFP for a few years more recently I have started to look at the forums.

    I have a genuine observation and wonder if people agree with me and what their opinion is. I am not meaning to be in any way offensive.

    I notice that fitter / correct weight people seem to have a more no-nonsense approach - to get fit you exercise , lots , and eat less because you are overweight because you eat too much.

    Overweight people seem to be constantly in denial and bringing up health and metabolism issues that are, whilst unfortunate in those they affect, rarely the true reason that is eating too much. The word 'fat' on here almost seems to be a massive insult

    I saw a program on TV where someone had to have a leg cut off from health complications that were simply overweight - but there was no addressing of the weight problem just the acceptance of the situation -- if I had a leg cut off because of weight I would glue my mouth shut!!

    So it always gets me wondering is the denial and political correctness that prevent appropriate honesty a major cause of the increasing trend of obesity??

    Interestingly enough I'm English and find American posters on here (in a country with more obesity) very quickly flare up at the use of the fat word. As do the larger posters (I admit I am judging this from profile pictures) you wont see a toned person defending metabolism as a major cause of obesity - even if they once weighed 20 stone

    I agree with you. The only thing I would add is that the healthy-eating-and -exercise mindset is probably easier to adopt for people who have been committed to healthy living for years. Even though I've never been overweight, much less fat, I've never liked to exercise, or rather, I've always found it to be a tremendous hassle. (I do try to be active generally, but it's no replacement for vigorous, extended exercise several times a week.). I keep hoping that I'll get into a rhythm and things finally will click into place.

    As for eating, unless I'm unusually depressed, I can usually manage to eat the right things if I'm not being constantly distracted or tempted. I like to eat the same fairly simple meals most days.