Can't believe you ate the whole thing...



  • am0206089
    am0206089 Posts: 18 Member
    very embarrassed to say this but i've eaten like 3 1/2 McDoubles from McDonalds with and order of Med Fries...Thank God that was a long time ago and now my eating habits are way different and better..
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    I also wanted to add my husband who weighs 180 lbs will easily eat over 3 lbs of steak or chicken in any given supper, with salad, potatoe(s), and a vegetable. Then within an hour of eating I catch him at the fridge eating the leftover meat cold!

    He also eats 4-5 full meals a day, with snacks, and always eat a huge dinner when he comes home from work (930pm or 1 am if he has overtime)

    He makes me sick. I've added his Calorie intake on occasion and came up with something like 4000-6000 a day. He hasn't gained any weight since I've known him, it's unnatural.

    Yeah, I was like that, too. Then I turned 35. :grumble:

    He is 35...His sister is exactly the same! I bet she's 125 soaking wet and she's in her 40's, I've seen that girl eat and drink she never stops. Neither exercise either. Funny since his 2 other sisters have wt issues. Weird genetic glitch or something.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    When I was about 9 or 10, my mom bought some 7Up and Oreos. I got into them, ate a few, drank some of the 7Up and then lied about it (told her I didn't eat/drink any of it). My mom sat me at the dining table and made me drink a whole 7Up 2 liter, along with a whole package or Oreos. It was awful-I was begging her to let me stop eating and she just kept handing me Oreos and demanding angrily that I eat them. To this day I still can't stand Oreos.

    I don't know how people can eat a whole pizza! I don't eat it often, but when I do i'm really full after 4, maybe max 5 slices. It's so filling!

    I have been known to eat 2 or 3 candy bars in one sitting...every once in a while i get a horribly intense craving for candy...and chips and salsa, I can go to town on that!
  • shellie1206
    shellie1206 Posts: 80 Member
    when I was with my ex we went to go get some cold stone ice cream and we decided to get the big tub and he had like maybe 20 bites and I finished it without even thinking since we were watching a movie and when you watch a movie and have food you just keep eating it LOL.. I will never forget that since I think I gained 10 pds the next day.. haha
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I also wanted to add my husband who weighs 180 lbs will easily eat over 3 lbs of steak or chicken in any given supper, with salad, potatoe(s), and a vegetable. Then within an hour of eating I catch him at the fridge eating the leftover meat cold!

    He also eats 4-5 full meals a day, with snacks, and always eat a huge dinner when he comes home from work (930pm or 1 am if he has overtime)

    He makes me sick. I've added his Calorie intake on occasion and came up with something like 4000-6000 a day. He hasn't gained any weight since I've known him, it's unnatural.

    Yeah, I was like that, too. Then I turned 35. :grumble:

    He is 35...His sister is exactly the same! I bet she's 125 soaking wet and she's in her 40's, I've seen that girl eat and drink she never stops. Neither exercise either. Funny since his 2 other sisters have wt issues. Weird genetic glitch or something.

    My ex was like this. I think he's maybe 5 foot 10 and like 140 pounds, if he even weighs that much-he's very very thin and wiry. He could go to TOWN and eat everything in sight and never gain a pound. It was crazy. When we were teenagers, we would all hang out and order pizza-he would order one whole pizza for himself and eat it all-and he was probably about 5 foot 4, maybe a little over 100 pounds back then (he was about 14 during our "pizza party days" lol). He still seems to have the same "stick thin, eat anything" he wants metabolism, too! I kinda wouldn't mind being able to eat like that and not gain. :laugh:
  • bakay138
    bakay138 Posts: 47 Member
    Whole bottles of wine, every time I open wine, disappear. Which is why I'm off the wine now.

    Wait....what? What's wrong with this? This doesn't seem to belong on this thread. Is this not a good thing?

    no one likes someone that is constantly wine-ing.

    WINE COUNTS?!?!?!?! ;-)
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    An entire hot cheetos bag... I'm not talking about the $1 ones, instead I'm talking about those huge ones (the $2.49 one). The entire bag is almost 2,000 calories. I swear, that's the reason I never lost weight. I'm so addicted to them and any other type of hot cheeto chips in general (the extra flaming hot especially). I'd eat a huge bag of them like 2x a week.
    They were my weakness. Thankfully, I'm starting to control myself and no longer purchase them. :)

    I did this every day for over a week, all I could think of was hot cheetos! I swore to myself I was not purchasing them again, of course that was after my 2 bags in one day, day.
  • EdytaSlapinska
    I can no longer eat Star Crunches because when I was younger I ate a whole box...LOL

    These were my favorite when I was younger! I know I ate boxes at a time
  • EdytaSlapinska
    Doritos and rice krispie treats are my kryptonite. I can't have Doritos near me at all, really hard to say no. I used to make pans of rice krispie treats nightly after the birth of my 2nd son and I would tear it up
  • embclark
    embclark Posts: 186 Member
    lol embarassed to say this, but once i ate a whole box of gushers on the way home from the store, and half a box of roll ups when i got home.

    Same here! Gushers used too be such a weakness in college! I would eat the box before I got home and then feel soo gross... Darn kids snacks!
  • danimarie1782
    danimarie1782 Posts: 25 Member
    Whole bottle of wine...or one and a half bottles of wine!
    3/4 of a large bag of Sensible Portions apple crisps - irony! Nothing sensible about that lmao!
    An 8 oz block of extra sharp cheddar with a half of a box of Trisquits and a half of a bag of sliced pepperoni
    Half a box of Little Debbie star crunch cosmic snacks or nutty bars or peanut butter bars
    A whole cantelope
    Several plates of chinese plus ice cream after
    Half of a cheesecake
    Captain Crunch with crunchberries - two bowls - like margarine container sized bowls
    A whole bag of colored mini marshmallows
    A 9x13 pan of rice crispy treats

    The last two items I was not exactly sober so I'm going to blame that, but everything else, oh, the shame.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
  • Vikingmiss
    Vikingmiss Posts: 22 Member
    Ate an entire box of Chocolate Rice Crispies.. with chocolate milk... Not so proud...
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    A whole large Giordano's supreme deep dish. has to be well over 7,000 cals. lol
  • StoutGirl09
    StoutGirl09 Posts: 73 Member
    I can go through a Jacks pizza in about 10 min, the whole thing. Yikes. lol
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    5lb burrito in 48 min

  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    a jar of soy nut butter with a family sized bag of mountain trail mix.....probably 10,000 calories. and 9561856815656 grams of fat.
  • tigerdactyl
    tigerdactyl Posts: 112 Member
    I used to regularly eat one of the family sized bags of pizza rolls in one sitting. ALL THE TIME.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I used to eat 20 chicken Mcnuggets, A Mushroom & Swiss, a large fry, and a large Hi-C every single day. For a year.

  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    I once had a GIANT hamburger with 4 all-beef patties (about 3 oz each), covered with 3 different kinds of cheese, pickles, onions..... and continued on for fries. I was really young (about 6), had a huge appetite, and had this idea that not finishing a meal was bad. I finished it all, but had a massive stomach ache and threw up about one hour later. Surprised that I finished it... nowadays I'd probably only get a few bites into it.