How do you log "relations"?



  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    For the record, the OP just walked past my office door, waved, said, "Goin' horseback ridin'," and walked out the door.

    So...there's that.

    True story
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I've worn an HRM before.

    46 calories.

    Dare I ask if wearing the hrm was worth the 46 calories or the time stamp? Lol
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    I wore it the other night and my boyfriend gave me the deer in the headlights look like "are you serious?!"

    :laugh: In a little under two hours, it was like 300-something calories burned. I didn't log them but curiosity got the best of me!

    LMAO!!! Is it a polar? Did it chirp?

    OMG! I hadn't figured out how to turn that stupid thing OFF so every time I got in that target "fitness zone" that **** would chirp!! We didn't know what it was amongst the love making sounds but like half-way into it, I had my wrist near my ear and heard it! LOL Sorry for the TMI haha!
  • Sydlexia
    Sydlexia Posts: 2 Member
    Ha! My husband was wondering the same thing. He hasn't come up with an answer yet. You'd probably have to guess at your "exertion" level and pick something comparable (brisk walking, boxing...) to enter instead.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I only consider it a burn if we run out of lube.
  • arnoswife
    arnoswife Posts: 228 Member
    :blushing: on a somewhat related note, did you know they actually have listed umm the male's ummm hmmm, how do I want to say this?? The male's whip cream under the food database?? LOL I had to check it out, I am a sick little lady!:blushing: dang it, it used to be there!! They removed it!! It was 7 calories per ouce! LOL
  • Malaika946
    Malaika946 Posts: 107 Member
    Love the thougthts
  • rayleansout
    rayleansout Posts: 234
    Well theres

    Morning honey - im kinda tired but horny - do you from the side one - called - Oblique planks - 5 calories per minute
    the jackhammer im energetic and gonna rock ur world - jackahmmer box thrusts - 12 calories per minute
    plank on the skank - for the ones you dont tell your bros about - 8 calories per minute
    to drunk but doin it anyway, - hard - soft - hard intervals - 6 calories per minute
    let her ride - 3 calories per minute

    and many other variations with an average calorie burn of 5.3 per minute..
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I only consider it a burn if we run out of lube.

    Laughing my abs off~!
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 111 Member
    :blushing: on a somewhat related note, did you know they actually have listed umm the male's ummm hmmm, how do I want to say this?? The male's whip cream under the food database?? LOL I had to check it out, I am a sick little lady!:blushing: dang it, it used to be there!! They removed it!! It was 7 calories per ouce! LOL

    I did see that and checked out of sick curiosity on another site...14 calories for 2 tablespoons which is average..hahahahaha! Watch that late at night when intake is filled up for the day!!!
  • Dawnnan
    Dawnnan Posts: 32 Member
    LMBO! Thanks for the laugh. I'm sure that burns calories as well!!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I log it as "HIIT - Right arm"

  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    Never logged it, but if I did, it'd have to be something liiiike, 'Gettin jiggy with it'

    Or if you don't feel like adding it to the database, just use something like, 'Poledancing'.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Is the beer or wine considered vegatarian?
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Why would anyone WANT to log sex? Sex is for pleasure, not for exercise. How stupid.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Why would anyone WANT to log sex? Sex is for pleasure, not for exercise. How stupid.

    Technically it's for procreation. But **** that noise. NO BABBIES!
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Why would anyone WANT to log sex? Sex is for pleasure, not for exercise. How stupid.

    Technically it's for procreation. But **** that noise. NO BABBIES!

    pleasure and procreation?
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Why would anyone WANT to log sex? Sex is for pleasure, not for exercise. How stupid.

    Technically it's for procreation. But **** that noise. NO BABBIES!

    pleasure and procreation?

    If I understand the theory correctly, the pleasure from sex is an incentive for the procreation.

    Oh also, you'd log it because you wanna eat more. I'm always hungry after some nookie. I always make sure a girl has snacks at her place before I go home with her.
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I log it as "HIIT - Right arm"

    LMAO!! That is so funny!!