Do you ever lie to your food log ??



  • Jackiales
    Jackiales Posts: 24 Member
    I really admire your post. I log all 4 olives I eat too. But I haven't been able to shake the guilt part of it yet. I actually feel terrible if I'm out for dinner & have gone over. Almost to a point it ruins my time out with my bf or friends. I do my best to plan ahead, look at the menu & log prior to eating. But there are still slip ups.
    If you don't mind me asking, how many times have you gone over your calorie allowance in a month?
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I feel completely guilty if I lie on my food log....I know what I have eaten so I know that I have lied to myself...It's silly to lie to yourself & if you don't want everyone to know when you overeat just close your diary....It doesn't bother me at all, I actually like logging everything so that I can keep track of what is going on with my body....Why lie to your food log? You are only lieing to yourself...
  • Desy91
    Desy91 Posts: 2
    I've only been at this a few days, but I've been pretty honest. I royally screwed up last night with calories, but I logged it anyway. I hope that it serves as a reminder of how easy it was to lose control with food.
  • ShawnaCurley
    ShawnaCurley Posts: 82 Member
    Why lie about it? Just because you don't log it, doesn't mean you didn't eat it! You still consumed it whether you logged it or not.
  • Specialkayrina
    Specialkayrina Posts: 242 Member
    Nope, I log absolutely everything.
    I don't see a reason to lie, would be lying to yourself, no point.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I am one of those if a person logs 100% of their food they should log 100% of the exercise, even the exercise others say shouldn't be logged even though extra calories are burned.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I sometimes take bites of thing I make for my kids throughout the day, but when I do that and cant figure out how many calories a bite would be I usually just make sure I am under 50calories or so to make up for it
  • xMsAlly
    xMsAlly Posts: 164 Member
    Not intentionally. Sometimes if I log my food for the day and log off I end up eating after i log off. i don't bother tracking it the next day either.

    Or there's days like today when I don't log food at all by choice.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    i log everything unless i have a meal that is a total bust.. then instead of putting in every miserable thing i devoured.. or more than likely drank (pesky bottles of wine) i list the whole day at 4000 calories...

    haha me too
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    This is the way I look at it. If you ate something that you know is going to push you over on calories and you decide not to log it.... You still know in your head that you went over on whats the point of not logging it,? The Beautiful thing about life is every day is a brand new day. If you screw up 1 Day you still have 364 more days in a given year to get right!

    We are all human. We all have urges. If you feel like eating extra one day its not the end of the world. Nor does it mean if you go 1 calorie over your goal will you gain 10lbs that instant. Just eat 1 less calorie the next day then BAM! problem solved. lol
  • Ohjeezitskim
    Ohjeezitskim Posts: 129 Member
    Not that I lie really.. I just don't add one thing maybe once or twice a week. Like since yesterday I have had strep throat. And around ten at night I couldn't handle it anymore and just made hot soup to soothe the pain. I know one serving was 70 calories and I might have had 1.5. I didn't add it because, one it was late and I didn't want too and I had 277 calories left and was just like.. well I didn't go over anyway so why bother..
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    i log everything good or bad, i like to be able to look back on my diaries and see what did / didnt work for me. If i eat something bad, i prefer to have it still show in my diary and my calories be over rather than just pretend i never ate it, i guess thats how most of us on here got fat in the first place, at the end of the day you are only lying to yourself!!
  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 124 Member
    First off why lie to yourself? You're doing this for you.... if you cant be honest with yourself, then you aren't in an optimal mental state to fully accept yourself as you are...and hence, this is gonna be a LOT harder... just love yourself fo where you are at!

    Secondly.... you people who think you have to get your cal's right on the dot are driving yourselves crazy. Lower the stress level. its cool if you're over or under +30-50.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    It's not lying to myself, because I am aware of and responsible for my actions. It's not lying to my food diary, because, well, it's an inanimate object and it's never going to hold me accountable for not logging, or logging incorrectly.

    I don't log things if I've closed out my diary and I'm 2-300 under and I have something that I know does not exceed the amount I'm under by.

    If I've gone over by 300 or so, and have a little more, I don't log it. I've already crashed over, I get the message that the day hasn't been pretty.

    I try to log the food that is in my diary, (and my diary's open, so you can see I do log each day and I don't do 'quick calories') as accurately as I can. I use the recipe function to cut down on time, but I can't guarantee that I always stick to a recipe.

    I log exercise as accurately as I can, but I sometimes don't log things. And, (this is shocking, I know) even though I've got a ft4, I don't always wear it. There. It's out. Sometimes I'll use the calories I burned last time I did that exercise. I have a fair idea of my caloric burn depending what exercise I'm doing and sometimes I just go with that, because I'm too damn lazy to wash the strap each time.

    But, I'll get over all these frailties of my nature.
  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    I log it all, no matter how bad, so I can remember why I gained that pound- so I hopefully learn from it
  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 124 Member
    This is the way I look at it. If you ate something that you know is going to push you over on calories and you decide not to log it.... You still know in your head that you went over on whats the point of not logging it,? The Beautiful thing about life is every day is a brand new day. If you screw up 1 Day you still have 364 more days in a given year to get right!

    We are all human. We all have urges. If you feel like eating extra one day its not the end of the world. Nor does it mean if you go 1 calorie over your goal will you gain 10lbs that instant. Just eat 1 less calorie the next day then BAM! problem solved. lol

    ^ I like this guy! Great Attitude! And it obviously worrked!!! :)
  • littlelady1950
    littlelady1950 Posts: 10 Member
    No whats the point of doing it if you are going to lie about what you eat you are only cheating yourself. I must be a freak because everything that goes in my mouth i log and would over estimate rather than under if i cant find the exact food. But to be honest is the main thing to me...
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    I lie by adding calories. Sometimes my intake isn't enough and I don't like it when it says i'm consuming too little. So I backwards lie.

    LOL. I almost feel like I do the same thing because I quick-add 200 calories per day just in case I happen to forget to log/underestimate something and often times I'm pretty accurate, so it's just bonus calories to make it look like I ate more that day! Since upping my calories, I have been struggling to reach my calorie goals, so the quick-add make it look like I'm closer than I really am :blushing:
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    Not intentionally, but I do make a 'best guess' sometimes.

    Also if I remember a few days later 'oh crap, I forgot about that cookie' I don't go back and add it.

  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Yes, I log absolutely everything and, that way, I am held accountable if I do not lose weight that week. I like to know if I hit my goals or not. It's not really too much to ask from myself that I track everything (regardless of what it is) for a short period of time so that I can ensure optimal fat loss. I also weigh everything to the gram. I'm extremely anal when it comes to cutting.

    If I'm bulking or maintaining then it's a different story since I don't have to be as strict and can get away with more.