Do you ever lie to your food log ??



  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    I'd only be cheating myself. You have to have accurate data to get to your goal.
  • nullmom
    nullmom Posts: 10
    my motto is "if I nibble it I scribble it" If you lie to your diary and dont add all your food you are only hurting yourself. If I dont want it in my diary I dont eat it. I even add the gum I chew.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I don't measure everything down to the last gram. So I guess I always kind of lie! But I always log what it is that I'm eating. If I don't feel like logging, which happens from time to time, I just don't log that day.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I log everything. What's the point of lying in your food diary? You know what you ate or drank so log it even if you have to break it down ingredient by ingredient.
  • macx2mommy
    macx2mommy Posts: 170 Member
    I don't log everything but don't think it's cheating. If its really low calorie like coffee or one piece of lettuce on a sandwich, I don't bother. Also, if I am eatiing lts of different foods such as a buffet or family style, I will log it as the worst item or quick calories. For me if it becomes too tedious, will not keep with it.
  • GonnaBeAFitMom
    GonnaBeAFitMom Posts: 34 Member
    No, never. The only person who would lose out would be me. Forgive me, I forgot who posted this, but there was a quote I saw in the forums the other day that said:

    "Your body is keeping an accurate journal of what you eat regardless of what you write down. And it remembers everything."
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    No because the only person you are lying to is yourself, the friends on your list care but it doesn't affect them, it affects you. If I don't want people to know what I eat, I don't allow it to be public, but I don't lie when I log it. No point in that. Whatever you eat in private you will wear in public :)

    Absolutely true! You eat it you wear it! Love that!
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Nope but i didnt check every nutritional value from the database if i was tired or w.e so i spose the calories could have been wrong...ive stopped slacking with that though and check most things!

    EDIT: i'd never intentionally lie though.
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    I include everything as soon as i either eat it ....or write it down....this is my first full week.....the first few days i ate normally, and logged all of it...just to see what i needed to improve. This week, i am trying to stay within my calorie limits...but if i do go over ...i will log point at all in not logging...the only person you would not be helping by not logging is yourself.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    OK.. I will 'fess up that I sometimes shave a few cals by not logging all my food...Since I consider myself near normal, I think that some of my fellow members do the same thing...Did you log that extra glass of white wine or a beer ?? Did you say "forget about that microwave popcorn"...I do that and I confess my transgression...I think you should too if you want to get it off your chest and move on in our near normal lives..It's up to you...I know that some people would find it *unthinkable", but others, like me might find it a sign of our human frailty..

    What is your take on it ??? Are you going to come clean if you do it ??? or do you think it is a cardinal sin..

    Shake and bake,


    I have been tempted to but I know its better when I'm honest and put everything in, it seems to stick with me better and creates more of a reality on what I just ate for that day when I have to see it. It would be easier not to log it and try to forget it but it just doesn't seem to have the same impact from logging it. I had some splurge day that weren't suppose to be and as I was logging in the food I couldn't believe how much I had ate and what I ate, I knew it was a pretty bad day but I truly couldn't see how bad until I was logging it, especially when I first started to die but I've also had days that I 'felt' were bad and once I was done loggin, it turned out it really wasn't so I was happy and nearly relieved I had logged. Mapping my days for food is also easier now since I'm always logging. Its not perfect by far but since I have an idea on calories with many different types of foods its alot easier to make choices.
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    Nope, I never intentionally lie or omit. I'm sure I make mistakes and forget stuff sometimes, though.
  • happypath101
    I use the notes section to record tidbits that might be helpful if I'm going back to see how I ate when I lost or didn't lose weight, but that are too tedius or difficult to get into the journal. For example: Drank a pot of green tea and stayed full, or it was really a bikini martini not a lychee martini, but I couldn't find it in the database, or lettuce and tomato on that sandwich, or didn't measure the pasta - took a best guess.... But, other than that, I try to be super honest. I can't beleive how big the database is. It's easy to be honest.
    I lie all the time...I don't lie about the food I eat but I do lie about the exercise I do and don't log ....I don't depend upon the exercise to make me lose weight..I am true blue to logging all my caloric intake...Why fool yourself? I use the exercise as ''gravy''....It is the portion control that helps you lose weight..and the choice of foods you eat....The exercise to me just makes me feel stronger and able to be more agile
  • grannygethealthy1111
    I don't get it. WHY would you lie to yourself? You are accountable to yourself only, no one else. It is not like MFP have food police that will come lock you up for going over your calories. Geez! If shaving calories off your food log makes you feel like you are showing your "human frailty," then go for it, I suppose. Me? I like being accountable and keeping an accurate record of what I really ate each day. I don't like lying in general and I like to see what does and does not work for me. Each to their own.
  • imaginaryplaces
    imaginaryplaces Posts: 123 Member
    If you start out in Corpus Christi and try to head to Tampa, you might sail east across the gulf of mexico to get there, But if you are ACTUALLY in Miami, but think you are in Corpus Cristi and decide to head sail east that will be another story. It'll take a lot longer before you hit land, you probably aren't prepared for the journey and instead of finding Busch Gardens, you end up in Morrocco. This would probably cause a whole lot of crankiness.
    Although I've always wanted to visit Morocco ;-)
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Yes, I sometimes add more serving if I'm not sure, and take away exercise calories if they seem to high.

    Is that lying?

  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I log everything to keep myself accountable.
  • alex063287
    alex063287 Posts: 61 Member
    I used to lie and not log in things. Now I log everything, even those extra spoonfuls of peanut butter that I eat.
  • Jentheoriginal
    Jentheoriginal Posts: 18 Member
    I can't say I lie to it. It's not going to judge me. Even on St. Patricks Day I logged every single one of those glasses of 312 (beer) that I had, regardless of the fact that it was 100+ calories per beer. I logged every one of them. I log everything all the time. If I lie to it, I'm just lying to myself. I look accountable on paper, but in real life I'm not being accountable if I cheat. So, I just don't cheat. I have two "off track" meals per week.
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    One of the biggest things I've learned is it's OK if I am not "perfect" all the time. I try to log accurately and consistantly as often as I can. I don't intentionally shave calories because that underminds my success. Sometimes, I've left off the details and just entered a calorie estimate. I like the fact that it tracks the nutritional data so I generally try to be as accurate as possible but I don't beat myself up one way or the other.