Do you ever lie to your food log ??



  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    No. That would defeat the purpose.
  • Love2HikeMT
    Why would you do that? You're only lying to yourself. What good does that do? Come on ~ be honest...the only one hurt by the lying is YOU.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I've been tempted. At the end of the day I figure if I don't lose weight in a months time and have people look at my food log, it won't be any help.
    Plus my friends are cool about it =), if not slightly jealous of the yummy food I eat.
  • lisa46219
    lisa46219 Posts: 99 Member
    In previous weight loss efforts, I would often shave off calories, or add a touch more than the serving size. After all, how much could that extra glass of wine or a couplemore crackers make a difference. Not any more! If this is going to be a life long change in my eating patterns, I need to know, as accurately as posssible, what I am eating- or exercising. You are eating what you are eating- whether you log it or not. If that throws you over your calorie goals, then it does. I have a friend who, since she has gained weight, refuses to buy any clothes larger than a 14. She is NOT a size 14, but feels better buying sweats in an XXL instead of size 18 jeans, Well, guess what... you're butts a size 18 whether you squeeze it into a 14 or wear an 18. Don't fool yourself, those little extras will add up!
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    I definitely have wanted too. Especially when I haven't ate well. But I don't, because it forces me to be accountable to myself and make me work harder (if I go over a lot) the next day.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I read this really fast and thought it said, "Do you ever give food to your dog??"

    I was like, um, yeah. Twice a day. What the hailz kinda question is that?


    And yeah, sometimes I lie. But not by omitting stuff I ate. Sometimes I add in something with a silly name but the same number of calories. ;)

    If I don't feel like logging, I don't. Why lie?

    P.S.: Everyone better be feeding their dogs.
  • WorkoutMaine
    I don't always log things like pickles as long as they are 0 calories and I only have one serving. On the other hand if I only eat half of something I usually log a full serving because I don't want to hear people yelling at me for not eating enough.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    You can lie to viewers, you can try to lie to yourself, but you can't trick your scale...
  • Renie44
    Renie44 Posts: 5 Member
    I lied to myself for years about my weight, but no more...I record everything I put into my mouth. In the past two months I have lost 29 pounds and this easiest program I have ever been on and I realize for me to keep dropping the pounds, I need to be honest with myself. Seeing what I eat each day shows me how to stay within my calorie range.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    Never lie....what is the point?

    For me, the lie is a little psychological lift of sorts... a couple of times a week, I eat a hard candy and I don't log it. I get the thrill of being a little naughty, but the 20 calories is not going to have any negative effect on my overall goals! If the scale weren't moving, I'd reassess, but all systems are go over here.

    So, yes... I lie a teensy bit. Now you all know my terrible secret! :blushing:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I've kept my diary private to keep me honest.
    The way I see it what good is it to fool my brain, if I can't fool my body?

    I try to accept that I can't make the best choice everytime and that's no reason to give up.

    I also recognize that while I'm very opinionated, I take too much to heart and don't want to risk criticism setting me back or well intended advice launching me in too many different directions at once.

    I figure If I track accurately it's way easier to see the cause and effect.

    +if I have too much sugar, it spurs my appetite and I have a harder time staying in my calories.

    +What kind of foods I turn to during a high stress day and figure out a reasonable substitute (not eat salad instead of a snickers bar, more like, a piece of dark chocolate or a cup of coffee with some cocoa powder... maybe not perfect, but better and better is better than giving up.)

    +Like what my trigger foods are some treats I can control, some I will eat until they are gone.

    +Like which foods make me feel good and which make me feel like caca

    It's sort of like trying to get someplace with a map.
    You've got to be honest about where you are or you'll never get where you are going.

    If you start out in Corpus Christi and try to head to Tampa, you might sail east across the gulf of mexico to get there, But if you are ACTUALLY in Miami, but think you are in Corpus Cristi and decide to head sail east that will be another story. It'll take a lot longer before you hit land, you probably aren't prepared for the journey and instead of finding Busch Gardens, you end up in Morrocco. This would probably cause a whole lot of crankiness.
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 392 Member
    I am unsure why you would lie to yourself. Overestimating your calories doesn't mean they just disappear... however, I think underestimating is fine... it just makes your work a little harder. :)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Yup. All the time. I almost never add spices, lemon juice, salt, herbs, cloves of garlic, a few ounces of juice or tea (I like to add a splash to my water). I generally forget about in-store samples until two days later. A few days ago I forgot to log some bread I had with dinner.

    I don't feel bad about not logging 25 or under calorie items. I do feel bad about forgetting things that are significant calories. It isn't intentional, I try to keep my diary fairy accurate. I don't log water or tea unless add I sweetener with calories.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Lie to it? Sometimes I'll be like, "food log, I swear I wasn't flirting with that waiter!" when I really was.:wink:

    But, no I don't lie on it. I sometimes won't log if I don't feel like it though.
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    Neva eva!!!
  • starfishsaving
    starfishsaving Posts: 14 Member
    I log it, good or bad to make myself accountable. I will overestimate on cals before I short them. But with exercise I will estimate them low to keep myself under.

    Exactly how I do it. I don't log individual spices or anything; that is too overwhelming and time consuming, but I log anything with calories. Sometimes I won't log a small piece of candy (15-20 cals) or lettuce out of laziness, but then I don't log an equivalent amount of exercise so I know I'm even :p

    I agree with others who say you are only hurting yourself by being dishonest. The number isn't important, the choices you make are. If I go over, I go over (I don't anymore!) and I hold myself accountable- it's in my body whether I log it or not. I don't see the point in tracking at all if you're just going to make adjustments so you can get the number you want... seems like a setup for failure to me but if it works for you, go for it!
  • aelarek
    aelarek Posts: 83 Member
    Oh my goodness. I'm with the OP on this.

    I ate a freaking Peep today. No remorse. No logging. Then, I fed the head of it to my dog cuz the eyes creep me out.
    I get the whole honesty thing. But there is usually one thing, I refuse to log a day just to say I didn't log something. I don't see it ad lying to myself. I know I ate it. And my body knows I ate it, so does the fat on the inside of my legs. Oh well.

    Like the other night, I ate an entire bag of m&ms by myself. Are they logged? No.

    I do because I don't have one specific cheat day. I eat on my goodies throughout the weekend, and I don't log 'em. I don't log the exercise I did to burn them off either. My days are not ruled by how many calories I ate in a bite of my husbands sandwich or how many calories are in the freaking spices in my kitchen cabinet.

    If I don't log something, I'm not lying to myself. I know where it went. I know its there. Just heck.


    Freaking goodie goodies.
  • realtreegirl
    I don't lie on there.

    What I do tend to do is if I have a bad day of eating is to not journal the rest of the day which is my downfall and I am working on fixing that.

    But I don't purposely close out my journal and lie what I had. That won't help me out in the long run.

    I do the same thing at times, if I have a bad day of eating I tend to not journal the rest of the day. This is something I also need to work on :(
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    No, but I don't log every bite either. Like I ate one Trix to see what it tasted like, and took one bite of my daughter's quesadilla. I figure I don't have to be that anal about it. I also don't specify the spices I'm using in my recipes. For instance, I'll add the ginger, garlic, onion, etc. but not the turmeric, chili powder, coriander powder, etc. I have enough calories left at the end of the day for small stuff like this.
  • lorelei105
    lorelei105 Posts: 39 Member
    Wow, you guys are all so accountable on here! That's great, and if it's working, than keep it up!

    For me personally, if I ever lie on my food log, it's to keep myself sane! I can get a little crazy with wanting to be a perfectionist, but I recognize that this can be bad for my mental health. Sometimes I just want to eat a candy bar and not have to log it and feel like I failed that day. I use MFP to lose weight and stay healthy, but I don't want calorie counting and number crunching to control my life. So sometimes I need to forget about calories and enjoy a piece of pizza or an end of the day beer, MFP accountability be damned.