any females with big calves



  • LinsenNRoses
    LinsenNRoses Posts: 284 Member
    I have always had huge calves! Even when I was thin!! I've had compliments and negative comments about them. I used to hate them but now I don't mind anymore. It's better than having chicken legs!! :)
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I don't have exceptionally big calves BUT... I have really slim ankles so my calves look really huge. I rarely wear skirts or shorts because of it.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    According to my mother I was born with well defined calf muscles. My calves are now ~15". I've lost 10" off my waist and only 1" off my calves. And sorry, it's not fat. It's solid well defined muscle. I can't even pinch 1/2".

    I'm actually pretty self conscious about them. Plus I love boots and I can't wear them. I'm only 4' 10 1/2" and I wear a size 6 shoe. Boot shopping is hugely frustrating.
  • alikat789
    alikat789 Posts: 105 Member
    Always had big calves. I'm 5'2 and 18" calves. Like to think they are all muscle but i would be lying a little. Would love to have more of an ankle though. Soccer is what i like to blame on huge calves on. Would love to have more definition time i will just started on this weight loss journey. Can't say anyone has ever said anything to me about my calves and i'm okay with the big calves, never been a trouble spot for me, just accepted that's how i'm built.
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    My calves are sick. I did point ballet growing up and I cheered in high school. ("Oh gee, you must have been thin." Um, noooo!) I am thankful for this thread. I feel the pain. Anytime I'm complimented on my calves, I have to admit I don't take it well. AND OH THOSE CHARLIE HORSES! I'm not at the point yet where I can imagine burning off what muscle is in my calves. No way these things are mostly fat. Keeping this girl on toe shoes?--they are SOLID.
  • damnedlady
    damnedlady Posts: 32 Member
    I have really big calves (and thighs) as well, no matter how skinny I am. It's just the way it is! My mother, a physical therapist, tries to comfort me with the fact that it's very important for your body that you have strong muscle there, but it doesn't really help much :P I also have trouble finding boots.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    I hate to be "that guy", but most women with big calves simply store a lot of fat on them. 90% of the time, it's not muscle.

    Then don't be "that guy." If you really hated to be him, you wouldn't be.

    What? Just trying to set realistic expectations. The truth is, unless you've been really lean before - low teen body fat for men, upper teen for a woman, you have no idea how much fat you really have on your body. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it's simply is what it is.

    Did you realllllly have to come in here on a calorie counting website and tell us all that there is a 90% chance that we're simply whinging about being fat?

    Probably not.

    Not helpful, mate.

    And for your information, which you may not wish to know, when women drop below 20% body fat most no longer have a regular period. I know this, I have been there - I am one of the '10%' who truly do just have massive calf muscles regardless of whether I am 30% body fat or 16%.

    Where possible, it is actually healthier for a woman's body to maintain a body fat level between 20-25%.

    Given that many here are not trying to decrease their body fat to the low you say yourself, they will probably continue to have big calves. So just leave them be, thanks.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Oh man, add me to the big calf crew. Well. Not right now, but usually. Being injured for a year and a half gave me piddly little Secret Garden legs, but I'm getting ready to get boot busting calves back!

    I was under the impression that the reason bigger women had bigger calves was because their bodies usually carried more weight and their calves were just a little stronger because of it. Most of us gain the majority of our weight mid body, so while our calves get fat as well, they're proportionally smaller than the rest of our bodies when under the influence of chub! :)
  • jily32
    jily32 Posts: 16
    Mine are 16", but I'm 5'11", so I've never considered them to be big. I do own several pairs of tall boots, and am surprised (and dismayed) to hear that so many of you with smaller calves are having trouble finding boots that fit! :brokenheart: Everyone who wants a pair deserves them, in my opinion!

    I have been told that you can get a cobbler to add in a gusset of leather or elastic, and you can also get boots stretched. If you just wanted that one pair of wonderful, wonderful knee high boots, it might really be worth the added expense. :love:
    I actually wish mine were a bit bigger considering I'm 6'1" I think they look slim on my long body, which I'm mostly legs 36" inseam
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    <--- 15.5" calves here on top of 8.5" ankles. Ugh - no tall boots in my future.

    And to That Guy: do you really think those of us with a flab-u-lanche going on down there don't know it?! If someone says their calves are solid muscle, I'm gonna go ahead and believe them. After all, we do tend to be our own worst critics most times. Sheesh.
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    17 they were 19 when I was training 4 hours a day
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Are you guys measuring your calves while stood up, or while sitting down with the muscle relaxed?

    I have always had calves, I was just born with a body type that tends to build muscle in the legs easily. I used to rollerskate a lot as well, and found that really bulked them up. Now I cycle most days, and that has a similar effect with all the hills. Walking 2 hours a day didn't help either, although I had hoped it would have less effect, I can get into most skinny jeans though, possibly because I am quite tall at 5'9 and a half. Never wanted to wear long boots so that has never been an issue.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    My calves are 16", they've always been big. My feet are tiny so it makes my legs look super unbalanced so I don't like them :/
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I wanted to add on to here, I found boots at Forever 21 that fit my solid calves. I'm working with somewhere around 16.5 inches now, but I bought these boots at least a year ago, and I know I've lost at least an inch. Not the highest quality boots, but hey, they fit!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I don't understand why some are not able to find boots. My calves are 14.5 and I never had a problem finding tall boots.

    I have small ankles, so my calves stick out. But I don't have a problem with them. I know once I lose the rest of my weight, I will probably only get down to 13.5. I am 5'8 by the way.
  • jella74
    jella74 Posts: 106 Member
    I have them, and can't get tall boots in extra wide calves to fit. I've always have very muscular legs, and they're noticeable. My hubby's legs look more girly than mine :cry:

    But it's nice to be the fat girl with really nice legs and feet.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I've always had large calves as well. Primarily from years of tae kwon do, softball, track, swimming & what not. They're probably the only part on my body that is entirely muscle right now (they measure 11.5")

    Your calves are the size of my biceps!!
  • amontoya68
    amontoya68 Posts: 2 Member
    My calves are to big for my liking! I have NEVER been able to find me any knee high boots to fit, and extra wide calves are either to big or I don't like the style. :ohwell: 16 1/2 way to big!
  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    Former horseback rider here. I'm 5'0" tall with 14" calves. They're not super big, but big enough that the whole skinny jeans with tall boots trend? Yeah, doesn't happen for me. I also have stupidly tiny feet (size 3 children's, size 5 ladies) so the combination of small foot and wide calves, plus short calves.... Boots don't happen!
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    My calves are sick. I did point ballet growing up and I cheered in high school. ("Oh gee, you must have been thin." Um, noooo!) I am thankful for this thread. I feel the pain. Anytime I'm complimented on my calves, I have to admit I don't take it well. AND OH THOSE CHARLIE HORSES! I'm not at the point yet where I can imagine burning off what muscle is in my calves. No way these things are mostly fat. Keeping this girl on toe shoes?--they are SOLID.

    Meeee too! Muscle memory at its finest! These things will never go away! Working on my butt to balance the look HS my calves were bigger than my thighs!! Lol!!!