Supplements---What do you take?



  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    metamucil for extra fibre and a flintstone vitamin.
  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    Puritan's Pride Woman's Multivitamin (you really can't beat their deals. Usually buy one get one free or buy 2 get 3 free)
  • KissMyAx
    KissMyAx Posts: 129 Member
    Fish oil (since I don't eat seafood)
    and Hair, skin and nail vitamins
  • weathergirl320
    It was my doctor that informed me of the latest research on vitamins. I was asking her if I should take some calcium due to my gastic bypass and she told me that it could do more harm than good because of the latest research. Everyone I know has been affected by cancer, eating fruits and veggies and clean food is the way I am helping myself. You can do what you want. I am just sharing what I do. In my experience though, when people get defensive about advice they are wishing to recieve, it might be wise to look inwards instead of attacking the advice given. I did this about gluten and now I don't touch the stuff. Getting vitamins from healthy food is the best way. It is also possible to teach yourself to like fruits and veggies, I have and my body is thanking me for it. Oh and vitamins are in fact processed junk that you are referring to. If you are belching up vitamin stench, there is something seriously wrong. There is no evidence to prove that vitamins help one way or the other. You can either think it through or follow what everyone else is doing without thought. It is of course your choice. It seems really silly to me to even thinking about taking a carb blocker, why not just eat less carbs? And why take vitamins unless you absolutely know for a fact that you need them?? But if you would like to make the vitamin companies rich, be my guest. :) oh and most vitamins contain gelatin which is definitely not vegetarian. But veggies are :)

    right on. why take a pill to "block carbs" just eat less. is that crazy talk??? actaully control what goes into your body without a pill??? food is where nutrients come from. and not all fruits and veggies and meats and eggs taste bad.
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    I listen to JIllian Michaels podcast and recently she addressed the need for supplements. What she said made alot of sense to me... A lot our fields are over farmed and as a result the nutrients that plants as suppose to get from the soil are depleted. Also there is so much of our food that is GM that we are simply not getting the all nutrients our bodies need. She did recommend that you have a blood test to see what you are most deficient in and then invest in a high quality vitamin supplement (not the One a Days).

    Just food for thought :-)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I take nothing. I get all my nutrients from food. IMO Thats where they should come from.

    So where do you get your endothelial defense nutrition from? CoQ10? Vitamin D? You have to eat an awful lot of fish to get an adequate amount of Omega 3's into your body.
  • emilysuelemus
    emilysuelemus Posts: 66 Member
    I have 2 body vi protein shakes a day that surpassess all the vits dailey I need and then some! love it! then I take omega 3 for heart and co enzyme q-10 antioxidant. occ vit b's/
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I would suggest taking a blood test to see what vitamins you are lacking instead of guessing in the dark. There have been recent studies linking supplements to cancer. We are so conditioned into believing that we need them but there is no scientific proof that these artificial vitamins do any good in the first place and may in fact cause irreperable harm. I also do not believe in supplements unless you absolutely need them. I am a pescatarian so I eat only fish. My blood tests recently showed that B12 and iron are issues for me and I am severely anemic because I cannot absorb them through my food (due to a gastric bypass) or even through supplements. I get a B12 shot every 3 months and will be getting an iron infusion every month. Other than that I eat a ton of veggies and they make me and my body feel fantastic.

    Sorry but I can't believe that vitamins would cause cancer. Where did this study come from? Who conducted it?

    I get my blood tested once a year to figure out where I am health and supplement wise and up as necessary.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    NOW Adam Multi-Vitamin Fish Oil (I take 4 capsules a day)
    NOW Vitamin D3 5000IU (Everyone should supplement with Vitamin D)
    NOW Magnesium
    Whey - LeanFit, Myofusion, and Canadian Protein - I take two scoops a day
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    It was my doctor that informed me of the latest research on vitamins. I was asking her if I should take some calcium due to my gastic bypass and she told me that it could do more harm than good because of the latest research. Everyone I know has been affected by cancer, eating fruits and veggies and clean food is the way I am helping myself. You can do what you want. I am just sharing what I do. In my experience though, when people get defensive about advice they are wishing to recieve, it might be wise to look inwards instead of attacking the advice given. I did this about gluten and now I don't touch the stuff. Getting vitamins from healthy food is the best way. It is also possible to teach yourself to like fruits and veggies, I have and my body is thanking me for it. Oh and vitamins are in fact processed junk that you are referring to. If you are belching up vitamin stench, there is something seriously wrong. There is no evidence to prove that vitamins help one way or the other. You can either think it through or follow what everyone else is doing without thought. It is of course your choice. It seems really silly to me to even thinking about taking a carb blocker, why not just eat less carbs? And why take vitamins unless you absolutely know for a fact that you need them?? But if you would like to make the vitamin companies rich, be my guest. :) oh and most vitamins contain gelatin which is definitely not vegetarian. But veggies are :)

    right on. why take a pill to "block carbs" just eat less. is that crazy talk??? actaully control what goes into your body without a pill??? food is where nutrients come from. and not all fruits and veggies and meats and eggs taste bad.

    You can not possibly get all the nutritional needs for your body from food alone. I love fruits and veggies and eat them every day however I am not getting my vitamin D from them. I'm not getting my coQ10. I'd have to eat a truck load of fish to get a quarter of the omega 3's my body needs. Vitamins are NOT "Processed Junk". They're called "supplements" because you are "supplementing" what you are already eating to get the nutrition that your body needs. If your body doesn't need it you just pee it out plain and simple. Yes there are vitamins out there that have added fillers and the like but there are also a plethora of supplements that don't. You need to read the labels, as with anything else out there, and make sure there isn't any crap or dyes in the vitamins. We get ours from a reputable company and the only "filler" is what the capsules are made out of. Every thing else is 100% natural and what my body needs.
  • Effy826
    Effy826 Posts: 33 Member
    What supplements do you take and where do you get yours?
  • nlaper
    nlaper Posts: 6

    Don't forget to take your vitamins and supplements with lunch! Don't drink caffeine any time during or before you take your vitamins!

    is there a time amount for the caffeine? I did not know that.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    my goodness. I wrote, get a blood test and see what you are lacking and if you can't get whose vitamins from your food, then get them however you can. It is really simple. I do not advocate guessing in the dark and taking supplements blindly.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    and some people can get all their vitamins from food and the sun. The only way to tell is by taking a blood test which is what I said in my first post. If you eat no veggies or fruits then that is on you and believe me you will suffer the consequences. Your body won't absord a pill the way it will absorb the real vitamins directly from the source and that is the fact.
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    GNC Women's Ultra Mega Multi Vitamins
    NOW 4000 Vitamin D on top of the 1600 I get from the multi vitamins (I'll knock that down in the summer)
    Occasionally I will take Probiotics (perscription strength)

    I need to add more Calcium to this mix. I'll be hitting GNC sometime this week for that.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    There is a reason the FDA does not put their stam of approval on vitamins. I believe most vitamins are processed junk and you can read a number of articles about it, here is one
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    Protein....thats all I need.. and Food
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    I would suggest taking a blood test to see what vitamins you are lacking instead of guessing in the dark. There have been recent studies linking supplements to cancer. We are so conditioned into believing that we need them but there is no scientific proof that these artificial vitamins do any good in the first place and may in fact cause irreperable harm. I also do not believe in supplements unless you absolutely need them. I am a pescatarian so I eat only fish. My blood tests recently showed that B12 and iron are issues for me and I am severely anemic because I cannot absorb them through my food (due to a gastric bypass) or even through supplements. I get a B12 shot every 3 months and will be getting an iron infusion every month. Other than that I eat a ton of veggies and they make me and my body feel fantastic.
    There are also tons of studies showing the harm of pesticides that you get mostly from fruits and veggies. Washing can help but doesn't get them all off. Buying organic helps but that can get expensive.

    Nothing is a sure thing and studies are often flawed. You have to do the best you can and go with what makes sense to you.