

  • biggestloserjlc
    biggestloserjlc Posts: 1 Member
    Looking to be successful this time - anything lost at the end of each month will be GREAT! Have set a goal for 70 pounds in a year! Add me to your friends and keep encouraging me and I'll do the same for you! Retired last summer, bought a little place at the beach and then became a grandmother in the fall. Would like to feel good, look good and have a lot of fun with this baby! Let me know how I can support you!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi ladies

    :flowerforyou: Doing some overtime at work and just on my lunch, had cottage cheese and Ryvita thins followed by a yogurt. Trouble is the yogurt was an extra creamy one loaded with calories :embarassed: but it was delicious :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have accounted for it, so will have to be careful with my evening meal or more honestly my after meal snacks!!

    :frown: Someone was talking about night sweats and not being able to sleep, that is what I am going through at the moment, I'm sure that's why I am so tired all the time :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I am trying to get to bed a little earlier. I've not heard of Estrovin and wonder if I can get it over in the UK.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda we must be getting the same weather Rainy! Taking the dogs out for walks is a nightmare, Tara walks through every puddle she sees and gets soaked. I am sick of getting wet and can't wait for some lovely sunny weather.

    Well lunch is over, better get back to it.

    Chat soon.

    Viv xx
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Seems like ages ago I was chatting with you all about what to eat and exercise. Just don't have the energy anymore. The only natural sleep I am get is sitting up in the recliner catnapping between waves of nausea. This has become pretty much a nightly thing until about 3:30-4 a.m. By then I am usually exhausted and can sleep a few hours in the bed until the alarm goes off to get hubby up for work. About every 3rd night I take a sleeping pill and go to bed. It is the only way I can stand to lay flat and ignore the rumblings.

    Saw the Internist Thursday and had a labs done. Don't know if it was all that poking and prodding from the exam or what, but I have been much more uncomfortable below my rib cage ever since and gastric episodes are almost nonstop now. Dr. prescribed Nexium but my insurance denied it, so I am still relying on otc acid reducers. I have a fasting abdominal ultra sound Monday to confirm if it is my gall bladder, then more tests after that if it is negative. I'm just ready to get to the bottom of this and feel better!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Seems like ages ago I was chatting with you all about what to eat and exercise. Just don't have the energy anymore. The only natural sleep I am get is sitting up in the recliner catnapping between waves of nausea. This has become pretty much a nightly thing until about 3:30-4 a.m. By then I am usually exhausted and can sleep a few hours in the bed until the alarm goes off to get hubby up for work. About every 3rd night I take a sleeping pill and go to bed. It is the only way I can stand to lay flat and ignore the rumblings.

    Saw the Internist Thursday and had a labs done. Don't know if it was all that poking and prodding from the exam or what, but I have been much more uncomfortable below my rib cage ever since and gastric episodes are almost nonstop now. Dr. prescribed Nexium but my insurance denied it, so I am still relying on otc acid reducers. I have a fasting abdominal ultra sound Monday to confirm if it is my gall bladder, then more tests after that if it is negative. I'm just ready to get to the bottom of this and feel better!

    sorry suzy.....i hope you feel better very soon:flowerforyou:
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I realize April is almost over, but I would love to join this group. I am 58 and am only 1.4 lbs away from my goal, but I just can't seem to get there. I presently weigh 139.4 lbs., and my goal is 138. I was within .5 lb a week ago. Very frustrating! I feel like a yo-yo! I have been doing JM 20 DS and RI 30. I just picked up NROLFW from the library. I am hoping that adding some weights might help me to get there. I am 5'6" and my daily calorie goal is 1400. I definitely eat my exercise calories!

    My goals are to workout 4 days/week, eat well, limit wine (my vice!). My other goal is to support my MFP friends! Anyone who relates to anything I have said, I'd love to hear from you!!
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    hello Ladies :flowerforyou:
    hope you all are haveing a great day. I'm working to day and so I will make this short.
    Jellyfishjen: I am happy to help when I can , have fun at the Ballet. I have a niece that is a dancer she is 17 but verey good. she was in the nutcraker at the Mosonic loge downtown Indianapolis , she also is a student teacher for Jazz Dance . she hope to teach dance as a career.

    wow 100 and 110 degrees is realy hot! hope you all have air conditioning! IT was 44 degrees here but will warm up to 70's by noon

    DererminedinA: woo hoo!! under 200 that is great , I can't wait until I can say the same!
    Laura hope you are feeling better soon.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I love my teenagers dearly and support them in things they want to do. Our state's graduated drivers program is driving me crazy. 17 and they still can't drive themselves around! lol Today is the last day of soccer and soccer practice is OVER.

    DD has soccer Monday and Friday, DS has soccer Tuesday and Thursday and standing doctor appointments on Tuesday and Wednesday. Hence the no time to exercise or cooking right.

    Monday will be my restart day. Restarting time for me.

    Well, time to go,

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Beautiful Blue Sky Saturday,

    Just popping in to say HI, read the posts no time to respond today.

    May those of you not feeling well, get relief soon:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Congrats to those that have lost and have done some excellent exercies!

    Son #1 called last night and he & his wife passed their audition to be dealers for the Poker Tournaments that come to Las Vegas starting the end of May. He will be done with this semester of school the middle of May so he will be on his summer break and she will be done with her school the middle of June, it's a great way for them to make some extra money when they are off of school:happy:

    Son #2 will come tonight for BBQ dinner, his wife & Kiddos are in Virginia for a wedding so he's been alone for about 2 weeks now and he's been getting a lot of extra stuff done while he doesn't have them under foot:wink:

    Son #3 came over yesterday to watch Game of Thrones with hubby but I was at work so I missed seeing him....will hope to catch up with him in another week.

    Peanut came though his vet visit with no major problems, of course they always say he's under weight (10.2) but because he's a long haired dachsund and 12 yr old they always say it's better for him to be under than over because of his long back:wink: . He's always so happy to go home, I know they treat him kindly but home with us is where he'd rather be.

    We went on a great bike ride yesterday and are planning on one for today and tomorrow too. Our weather is supposed to be about 78 today and 81 tomorrow so perfect biking weather. Son #1 said it's in the high 90's in Vegas...and that's probably what our 80's is in the next few days. I do so love warm weather:love:

    I want to get my kettlebell workout in before we go biking. Hubby has gone to the car dealer to pick up Son #2 as hs is having his wifes vehicle serviced while she's gone, so I figure I have about 40 min or so before he returns.

    Enjoy your day, drink you water:drinker: , log your food and let's keep moving.

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Saturday. Got home from Phoenix last nite, just as warm here as it was in AZ. Looks like the scale inched up a few pounds from the lack of good food choices at the conference. Tried to drink lots of water, but with finger foods and fried stuff offered for both receptions on Wed and Thurs, and the only decent food was early morning snack time, fruits yogurts homemade trail mixes etc. time to kick start again this weekend. One of the vendors was giving away pedometers so I did get one, and should have worn it because of course all the meeting rooms are all over the place and lots of walking to and from so will see how it works out.

    Hope all who are not well heal soon, and those who have lost or have NSV great job, to the rest us of us, lets work harder and smarter.

    Get to see those 2 grandkids tomorrow, Paisely is 3 weeks old and Trevor is 3 yrs old anxious to see how much she has changed in the past week as they grow and change rapidly

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I realize April is almost over, but I would love to join this group. I am 58 and am only 1.4 lbs away from my goal, but I just can't seem to get there. I presently weigh 139.4 lbs., and my goal is 138. I was within .5 lb a week ago. Very frustrating! I feel like a yo-yo! I have been doing JM 20 DS and RI 30. I just picked up NROLFW from the library. I am hoping that adding some weights might help me to get there. I am 5'6" and my daily calorie goal is 1400. I definitely eat my exercise calories!

    My goals are to workout 4 days/week, eat well, limit wine (my vice!). My other goal is to support my MFP friends! Anyone who relates to anything I have said, I'd love to hear from you!!

    I am going through the plateau thing myself and getting great advice here:flowerforyou:

    In fact I'm happy to announce that I got on the scale this morning and i lost an pound!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Whoo Hoo I broke through the 140 and Im 139 FINALLY!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I ate my 1200 calls and I do believe I was in starvation mode so I followed what every one was telling me and changed everything up, changed my exercise up, tried interval training exercise (thats hard, we really I only tried that today :blushing: ) and changed up my eating especially, stopped the bad food snacking and stuck to cleaner whole foods and ate closer to 1200 (like 1149, 1158) and I finally broke through (isn't that a song by Queen?) :happy:

    Anyway Im feeling positive this morning so I wanted to share :love:

    Thanks friends for your support, hopefully I can return the favor :glasses:

    And YES to whoever asked we MOST CERTAINLY DO HAVE AIR-CONDITIONING :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    We can't live without it here!!!!! LOL
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    The sun is shining today. So that makes me happy. I have a ton of laundry to do in order to pack for my all week business trip and then I will stay in So Cal and play at the Renaissance Faire all next weekend with my best friend. I can't wait. Have a great day all.

    Suzy, i hope you feel better soon and get to the bottom of the problem. Sending positive thoughts your way.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    A quick pop in here to log my food and see what you all are up to. DGGS is working on taking a nap. He doesn't seem to think he needs one; I disagree. :wink: As soon as he gets off to sleep, I'll leave him with gramps and head upstairs and put some extra elastic in some of his new shorts. He needs the length of 18 month but his tummy is too small for them.

    I let him hand feed himself lunch - a 1/2 pb and j sandwich on whole wheat bread. He had a death grip on that thing; he wouldn't even put it down to drink. He even managed the cup with out letting go. I will put up a pic of that event later.

    Suzy - I am so sorry you are feeling cruddy. :sad: A constant upset stomach:sick: is for the birds. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your doc gets to the bottom of this soon!

    Well, it may be time to get the sewing machine going.

    Talk to you all later.

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    It is a bright sunny Saturday here. Welcome to all the new ones. look forward to getting to know you.
    Nancy-Glad surgery went well & you are heading home. Congrats on the loss at the weigh in. Glad your mom is "cool" and keeping busy.
    Barb-Congratulations on being in "onederland". I like your idea of weight increments.
    Barbie-What a nice surpriose for you to have Jake home early.
    jellyfishjen-Your cat is cute. My cat is the exact opposite. He doesn't know what stranger means.:laugh: Enjoy the ballet!!
    jerri-How nice you are able to have a place at the beach. Enjoy!
    A healthier Suz-Hope you are feeling well soon.
    Jeannie-I am a bit jealous. I have 3 weeks to go before my son's soccer is over. Glad to hear you are going to be spending more time on yourself.:smile:
    Laura80111-That is good news about your son & daughter in law having work this summer.

    Well, I finally was under 170 this morning. It has been a bit frustrating the last month going up and down the same 2-3 pounds. Even though my info says I have only lost 7 pounds, It is now over 40 from when I first began and was not on MFP. I am needing new clothes. I am finding it difficult because it seems like one size is definately too small still and then the next size is too big. Hopefully I can find at least a top or two to see me through until that smaller size fits better.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Started the week-end off rough.Our poor tabby cat who was in foster care got deathly sick last night.We had him in the urgent care last night,doing blood work,and iv`s.No improvement today.The dr said he was in liver failure.e think he died of a broken heart.He was only 3.
    Trying to not go to food for comfort.
    Have a good week-end all.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Marking my place. Trying to keep up with everyone. Good luck Ladies!!!:drinker:
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Jane so sorry to hear about your tabby cat, ! I know how attached we can get to them , and it is hard when we see them :frown: sick.:frown: your in my thoughts from one cat lover to another.
  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    Hi ladies, I am new here. I have tried everything to find this group to join. How do I join??

    I just joined MFP a little over a week ago. Already my attitude has changed from feeling like this is a solitary journey to having so much support. But, I am 55, not 22 and my challenges have changed with age so I would like to be in close contact with women in my age range.

    In advance, thanks!
  • MimawP
    MimawP Posts: 9
    Hi ladies, I am new here. I have tried everything to find this group to join. How do I join??

    I just joined MFP a little over a week ago. Already my attitude has changed from feeling like this is a solitary journey to having so much support. But, I am 55, not 22 and my challenges have changed with age so I would like to be in close contact with women in my age range.

    In advance, thanks!

    I'm pretty sure you just joined by posting in. Welcome to the group :happy:

  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    Hi ladies, I am new here. I have tried everything to find this group to join. How do I join??

    I just joined MFP a little over a week ago. Already my attitude has changed from feeling like this is a solitary journey to having so much support. But, I am 55, not 22 and my challenges have changed with age so I would like to be in close contact with women in my age range.

    In advance, thanks!

    I'm pretty sure you just joined by posting in. Welcome to the group :happy:

    Well, thank you!!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    A warm but not sunny day in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley. DH is coming today and tomorrow I'll be back in my own house, four valleys to the east. I have fun staying with my parents but it's going to be good to be back with DH and J'boy every day. I can make sure they eat their fruit and veg's every day. Without me they exist on pasta and peanut butter. :noway: One needs to feel needed!

    Mum's been keeping my on track and under calorie counts this week. She just put a bowl full of "bits and bites" on the table for DH to snack on when he arrives. I made her move it to the kitchen where this wheelchair wont' go. There's nothing I like better than salty, crunchy, chocolaty snacks. :love: Best to keep temptation (literally) out of reach.

    I fell asleep at about 11 last night and slept until noon today. My mum said she kept checking on me because she was sure I'd overdosed on the morphine based pain killers and she was getting ready to look up "resuscitation" on the internet. :laugh: I didn't actually take any medication before I went to bed, so it must just have been sleep my body needed. I dozed off to Francis Mayes reading the beginning of "Bella Tuscany" (Audible Books) and when I woke up she was on Chapter Two again. I spent a whole six months in Italy...in my sleep! :yawn:

    Hi Madeline – I never heard the word “zoftig” before & had to look it up. It’s a great word, I love the mental image of the buxom Edwardian beauty. :wink: Just wait, it will come up in my next crossword puzzle.

    Re: “The Happiness Project” I agree with Barbie that one of the ideas that stuck with me is “Act the way I want to feel”. It’s a bit like “Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone” and other platitudes we’ve been hearing all our lives but getting it in the author’s context made it relevant for me.

    Determined Barb in AZ – congratulations on reaching your under 200 milestone. :flowerforyou:

    Jen, does the “Scary Lady book” have any upper body exercises I can do while sitting down?

    Barbie, I’m so pleased to read that your Jake is home. :heart:

    Amanda, you are brilliant, the answer IS umlauts! :drinker: How did you do that?

    Celticmuse – I’ve been within 5 pounds of my goal weight for 6 weeks now, oh yeah, it’s frustrating. If you get into the NROLFW routine you’ll see those muscles growing. Is wine a vice? :huh: I thought it was an essential food group!

    Hasta pronto,
