April Move your @ss Challenge



  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Ticker updated
  • HRBush
    HRBush Posts: 72 Member
    4/25: 5.0 miles

  • mandysmom092711
    Rode 9.25 miles of the stationary bike today. :)

  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Ran 3.97 this morning. Perfect weather for running: sunny & cloudy, 6C, nice breeze... Awesome! Now that my run is done, the sun can come out. :laugh:

    Ticker updated

  • positivelyJ
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    3.4 miles today. :smile:

  • dranaeli
    dranaeli Posts: 24 Member
    18 miles out of 30

    I am going to have to pick up my pace in order to reach my goal :)
  • crazydv
    crazydv Posts: 183 Member
    Swam 1 mile
    Biked 7 miles
    Walked 2 miles

    Completed my biking miles for this challenge...now to finish my swimming and walking/running miles!

    152.5 completed of 160
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    2.79 today in my first stint back in the gym since being cleared to do some additional structured workout beyond cardiac rehab.

    33.309 miles completed which is 3.309 over my goal for the month. Perhaps I can hit 40+ by the end of the month.

    A couple of NSVs in the last couple of days ... just had my third night of being able to sleep in a bed on my side/stomach. After spending the last six weeks sleeping in chairs/recliners waiting for my chest to fuse and the hinges to heal and despite the fact that it hurt like heck the first couple of nights, last night was almost "normal" and I'm not nearly as sore today as I have been the last two days.

    Went through my closet today and tossed all of my short-sleeved XXL shirts in a box to donate them. Didn't even worry about having to see if any of them still fit. XXL is officially "too big" for me in shirts.
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    2.79 today in my first stint back in the gym since being cleared to do some additional structured workout beyond cardiac rehab.

    33.309 miles completed which is 3.309 over my goal for the month. Perhaps I can hit 40+ by the end of the month.

    A couple of NSVs in the last couple of days ... just had my third night of being able to sleep in a bed on my side/stomach. After spending the last six weeks sleeping in chairs/recliners waiting for my chest to fuse and the hinges to heal and despite the fact that it hurt like heck the first couple of nights, last night was almost "normal" and I'm not nearly as sore today as I have been the last two days.

    Went through my closet today and tossed all of my short-sleeved XXL shirts in a box to donate them. Didn't even worry about having to see if any of them still fit. XXL is officially "too big" for me in shirts.

    @foxbat2828: Everything is falling into place for you my friend! This is great news! AND, like it wasn't enough, you crush your goal!!! Again!!!!

  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    walk 3.3 miles

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    2.58 miles today between little lunch walk and laps around field before spin class

    72.46/80 complete
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    You are awesome and I'm so glad you stuck around the thread even with limited abilities while recovering. It's people like you that keeps us "regular" folk going. You rock my friend. Great great work.
  • Taymay75
    Taymay75 Posts: 753 Member
    Goal: 90 miles

    Completed today (4/26) – 4 miles (Leslie Sansone Walk Slim 5 Really Big Miles)

    Total completed – 83 miles

    Left to complete – 7 miles
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Things have been busy for me. I've kept up on my miles, but have been only been reading here but not posting. YOu are all AWESOME!
    @speedy: What an awesome time on that run! Woot!
    @foxbat: You are an inspiration.
    @Janet: Your endurance is incredible!
    @vhuber: You are still the Iron Woman!
    And everybody: You are doing GREAT!

    Yesterday: 5.5 miles on foot, including a 3-mile run. (Haven't gotten beyond running 3-3.5 miles yet.)
    Today: My legs are tired, so I thought I'd rest today. Ended up walking 8 miles.

    I'm hoping for at least one day of decent weather in the next 4 so I can make my biking goal. Predictions are for cold temps, wind, and possibly snow coming up here. :grumble:


  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    You are awesome and I'm so glad you stuck around the thread even with limited abilities while recovering. It's people like you that keeps us "regular" folk going. You rock my friend. Great great work.

    It goes both ways. I found great success in getting motivated at the start of this year when I stumbled upon this thread. Seeing everyone else working toward their goals got me to the point of pushing to meet a goal and then surpass it.

    When I had my bypass surgery, it was seeing everyone else on the thread pushing through that motivated me to stay engaged. I had originally planned, right after my surgery, to just take off the entire recovery period and eat whatever and not worry about any exercise. Instead, staying engaged via everyone else pushing through on this thread made me decide to do the best that I could to stick with my pre-surgery motivation. As such, I've been able to actually continue to lose weight during the recovery period by watching what I eat and also meet my limited miles while recovering. I think sticking with my diet and being motivated by fellow MFPers to stay active have contributed to my continued recovery and progress. Looking forward to getting through this recovery and getting back to seeing how much more I can continue to set new goals.
  • thinktank32k
    3 mile elliptical and 6 miles on the bike. Completed my goal for the month.

  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    @foxbat you da man

    Quick summary of the April Challenge: 4,200 miles moved overall, 10 people have reached their goals, 14 moved over 100 miles :happy:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Things have been busy for me. I've kept up on my miles, but have been only been reading here but not posting. YOu are all AWESOME!
    @speedy: What an awesome time on that run! Woot!
    @foxbat: You are an inspiration.
    @Janet: Your endurance is incredible!
    @vhuber: You are still the Iron Woman!
    And everybody: You are doing GREAT!

    Yesterday: 5.5 miles on foot, including a 3-mile run. (Haven't gotten beyond running 3-3.5 miles yet.)
    Today: My legs are tired, so I thought I'd rest today. Ended up walking 8 miles.

    I'm hoping for at least one day of decent weather in the next 4 so I can make my biking goal. Predictions are for cold temps, wind, and possibly snow coming up here. :grumble:


    Thought you'd rest and walked ((8)) miles! Good Lord WHO is the Iron Women???? way to go lady!!! Our weather is to be just like yours!!!:sad: :sad:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Update with my TM miles while watching " DEAL or No DEAL"!!!

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