i can't believe i'm writing this ... ppl w/ tattoos



  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    I believe that tattoos should be timeless. Gorgeous and timeless. I think one out of 6 mean something more than they say or look like.
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Some of my tats do have a meaning and some dont. And I dont give a **** what other people think about it. :embarassed:
  • Pdschurig
    Pdschurig Posts: 56 Member
    It should be personal preference, I have 3 tatoos: first one was a rose with fog on my left shoulder (some customized flash), second was a tribal butterfly on lower back, third is another butterfly with eyes in its' wings drawn by my oldest son and each of the eyes are colored for my children's eyes 1 green 3 blue, the last one is the most personal :smile:
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    Nerp. Just some ish that was on my mind at the time. I am getting a Leo symbol soon...cause I'm an awesome *kitten* Leo....though.
  • Ctripp86
    Ctripp86 Posts: 45
    They don't HAVE to have meaning but I think that people recommend that because you're less likely to regret getting a tattoo that is meaningful as opposed to a tattoo of a butterfly on your lower back or barbed wire around your arm. I don't have any tattoos and I don't judge people that do; I see nothing wrong with it. Honestly, the reason I haven't gotten a tattoo is because I can't think of a single thing that I would want on my body for the rest of my life.
  • a_dub
    a_dub Posts: 29 Member
    I have one baby one - an outline of a daisy (the kind that you doodle in class) on my left wrist. It's the size of a nickel, but I love it.

    Daisies have always been my favorite flower, it isn't a serious, life-like daisy because that isn't who I am, and it has five petals - one for my dad, one for my mom, one for my grandma, one for my brother, and one for my best friend.

    To each their own. Get what you want, it's your body!
  • bonzombie
    I'm not tattooed and don't plan to, but it seems to me if you get something that means something important to you... that could all change! right? I'd rather have something pretty. :)
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    Lol at that justin beiber comment :)

    All of mine have some reason or another....the one that is probably a far stretch is the three skulls on my back...that was more a defiant sort of tattoo to get lol but all of the others have meaning :)

    You're right though, a tattoo can just be pretty and nothing else :)
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    I only have one but I want another one after I lose my weight. The one I have was a drawing that was done for me when I was in a car wreck and I have always wanted a tattoo because I just thought they were cool! when I turned old enough to get one I couldn't figure out what I wanted, and this drawing had been hanging on my wall since the wreck and I looked at it every day and then one day two plus two added up and I was like Im getting that as my tattoo! The next one I want has not "added up" for me yet lol meaning I have no idea what I want but it dnt have to be something as meaningful as the first. also when I have children... well if I can have children... I want my babies names drawn in the ribbon that is in my first tattoo which is praying hands holding a rose its all black except the rose which is a purplish pink color I love it!
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    I got my first one because I liked it (though I honestly just picked it out of a book at the studio and had them change it up a little - it is a sun, but I didn't want a face in it staring back at me).

    The second one I got was a stupid idea. I found a design that I liked that I felt kind of represented me, at the time. But it didn't really translate well as a tattoo, so now I hate it. I would love to get it covered (well), but have yet to come up with anything to cover it with.

    I did see someone post yesterday about the idea of getting a "cause ribbon" but having it be a measuring tape. Maybe if I ever got to goal, I would do something like that. Or bacon. Whatever.

    I did find another one that I want though. It's the word "love" in script, connected inside a heart. I would love to get that. That one would have meaning. Since my divorce, I have learned to really love myself for me. Because of that, I was able to find and appreciate the love of my life.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member

    My first one was a coverup to a crappy one I got when I was 16.
    My second one was a big lower backpiece that I thought was pretty (after I modified it my way).
    My third one was a random outting with a gf and it was like..."ZOMG LETS GET TATTOOS!" and then we got drunk.
    My fourth one was when my buddy was getting his first tat, I decided to get one too.

    My next one will be symbolic for my 3 kids, when I figure out what to do. lol
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I am not one who necessarily cares if a tattoo has a meaning or not. I'm about to get one at it doesn't really have mening, but it is still unique to me.

    The only annoyance I have are when people get multiple tattoos of things that are "trendy" and everyone seems to have. I have a facebok friend who got the colorfully outlined stars in 2005 (congrats 2.5 million other people did that year), then she got her baby's footprint on her with her name, (once again, so very original) then when the whole sparrow/finch/swallow tattoo became a trend she got that( girl you now have the most common tattoo of 20 year olds). Last year when naval/anchors were the cool thing she got one of those. Now finally, since the tattoo trend this year seems to be the 'day of the dead' skull, of course she gets that too. I want to slap this poser because she is covering her body in meaningless trend. Then again, she is the biggest poser (in the true meaning of the word) I have ever seen, I shouldn't be shocked.
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    someof my tattoos mean something.. others dont.. others are just there because i wanted them there... I'm getting a big black crow on my shin on tuesday lol. is there a meaning behind it? no i just like black birds and i think they look super gnarly.
    I have a portrait of scott weiland lol yeah that means something..
    but then i have a cobra and skull and flowers on my shin .. that doesnt mean anything i just like it.
    I'm getting a nazi zombie sleeve and a brightly colored japanese sleeve too.. neither mean much but I like the art work.
    its your body do wtf you want. someone doesnt like it.. they dont have to look.. and tattoos are personal, therefor they dont need to know anything about it. **** em! lol
  • mkaros11
    mkaros11 Posts: 3
    i have two stars on my hips, and i LOVE them! And yes, I completely agree with you, if you love them, then who cares what they all think!
  • Cat_from_Chicago
    Cat_from_Chicago Posts: 95 Member
    I have several tattoo and all have a "deeper meaning" for me but when others see my tree, for example, they just think it's a tree which is fine by me...
  • paperbagprincess
    I have tattoos. both arms full sleeved. Among others.

    I always end up reading tattoo threads (and stupidly piss myself off) and I always end up reading how people always advice to "get something that MEANS something".


    Sure, if it means something, awesome. You had something meaningful you wanted immortalize on your skin. Great. But why does it HAVE to? Can't *kitten* just be pretty? (or ugly, or scary, or whatever?) Some of mine do, most of mine, well, I just thought was cool.

    When I was getting fitted for a pair of running shoes a couple weeks ago, this was the conversation:
    Him: "So why sleeves? What do they MEAN?"
    Me: "Why do you have a justin beiber haircut?"
    Him: "Point taken."

    okay, that conversation didn't illustrate my point or question at all, I just found it funny. My real question is ... those WITH tattoos - does all of your ink MEAN something?

    LOL... great comeback with the employee at the shoe store!
    If it's your body... do what you want.

    I had my lip pierced for years and got a lot of flack for it. "You look so much better without it," "why would you do that to your face," "how are you going to get a good job," etc etc. Once I took it out (at age 27... kept it for a while) ppl automatically felt like they proved me wrong. My reasoning to take it out was b/c I was bored of it and wanted to move on, Not bc I felt it was a mistake. I knew when I was 19 that eventually I would take it out... however some ppl seem to think that the decisions we make aren't the proper ones b/c it's something they wouldnt do. Everyone on this planet is different for a reason. The world does not revolve around one type of opinion/person. Otherwise, it'd make for a very boring place. :)
  • JustLiftJess
    JustLiftJess Posts: 30 Member
    all of mine have meaning, even if it's little simple meanings, it's something important to me. for me i can't put it on my body unless it means something personally, but i don't knock others for it, that's THEIR body!
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    My husband is a tattoo artist and we have this discussion all the time. I have a mixture. The tattoos for my kids mean something. But I also have a Cthulhu cupcake, a tea pot, a coffee pot, a zombie librarian, an owl, and a black pegasus. The pegasus is something me and my college friends all got, but everything else came from the good ole imagination and it just expresses personality (yes, I am weird).

    I think there are two extremes: folks who get crappy, bull**** tattoos just because (my husband said he will scream if he gets one more chick wanting stars on her foot) and then you have people wanting tattoos that are smallish put have a lot of elements and MEAN SOMETHING. I say, keep 'em guessing.

    I want to see your Cthulhu cupcake....

    I have a few most don't mean anything, one does...I would love sleeves one day.
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I have tattoos that mean something to me and I have tattoos I got because I like tattoos and I wanted to get another one. I would say the majority of my tattoos are just cute things that look nice that I got randomly because that's who I am. I have had people ask me why I get tattoos or piercings as well, and my response is simply, "because I like them". It's like you said about the haircut (lol!), why do people buy certain clothes or wear certain colours of makeup? Because it means something or because they like the way it looks? I'm sure different people will have different answers but I like to live in the moment since I don't know what tomorrow has in store. So, like you, I get tattoos for different reasons. Sometimes my "reason" is just for fun, other times I have more meaningful reasons. :)
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    do my tattoos have meaning?


    I'm deeply spiritual and i wouldn't put something permanent on my body that didn't mean something.

    But sometimes "meaning" to me is not what it is to others. In my mind, there mere fact you put something on you because it's "pretty" or "scary" or just because you like it doesn't mean it has no meaning. The meaning is that you are expressing yourself.

    In the same line of conversation, though, I dislike when complete strangers want to ask me what my tattoos mean. Seriously? Do you REALLY want to spend the next three hours listening to me explain the deep symbolism of the idea, the connection with the artist, my life's history, and my personal take on spirituality??? I highly doubt it.

    Just say "nice ink" and move on.