i can't believe i'm writing this ... ppl w/ tattoos



  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    Tattoos ALWAYS mean something to the person who has them! Even if that meaning is, "I saw it, liked it, and got it because I thought it looked cool."

    Who are we to judge what other people put on their bodies??

    I HATE when people judge my tattoos! I have my last name tattooed on my collar bone. People will come up to me and say "oh, is that so you don't forget your name?" When I respond with, "No, it's so after I get married and change my last name, I still have the only piece I have left of my DEAD FATHER with me forever", they usually back off ;)

    That's my rant. Ashlie out :)
  • kimi72
    kimi72 Posts: 17
    I have 8 tats... I love them all... some have meaning some do not. I have a spider web with a black widow that says "Beautiful but Deadly" on my right shoulder blade. It actually was a joke tat! I have been married 3 times and my friends call me the Black widow... ( No I haven't actually killed any of my ex spouses but by the time I got done they wished they were dead)! I also have B.A.I.B on my right ankle... Stands for Bad A** indian Bi*ch... Joke between my cousins and I. I think tats should show your personality at least mine do... Been thinking about getting the loch ness monster as a tramp stamp... Hey I like Paul Blart The Mall Cop... But I will probably hold off on that one lol!

    Stay classy.

    I will always be classy trust me.. One of the classiest you'll meet. Just because I have what I have does niot in any way mean I am not classy!
  • PineappleMartini
    PineappleMartini Posts: 54 Member
    None of my tattoos mean anything. As a matter of fact I think my next tattoo is going to say "I like turtles" :laugh: