If it fits in my daily calories...



  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    What the hell difference does it make to you what other people do? Does it somehow effect you? Or just make you jealous?

    (I'll pretend I care....) As I munch on my 650 calorie shake with broken bits of waffle cone that I crumpled up and mixed in....

    :) I still have 1,000 calories left for the day. And that's accounting for the TWO black bean brownies I plan to consume. I'll likely have a bowl of ice cream tonight too. Moose tracks. Mmmmmmmm.

    I'm sorry--did I offend you by using curse words like shake, waffle cone, ice cream, and brownies? Nevermind; don't answer that. I don't really give a rat's *kitten*.

    Last night, for supper, I had a hamburger on a potato roll. Scandalous.

    Um, Wow. Why does the OP caring what other people eat upset you so much? Why do you care so much what she does, but expect her not to care what anyone else does?

    I'm so not upset. I think it's *^&^%$*&^ hilarious that she has her panties in a wad with jealousy over people losing and still eating things that she has deprived herself of. I don't deprive myself... I eat what I like-just not so much that I'm still sitting at over 200 pounds, and I exercise, lift heavy, and most of all enjoy life--even foods that others think are so scandalous. Too bad some have so much trouble with that.

    So, from this we are to believe that your panties are wad free?? Because I'll be honest, I sense some wadding.

    Actually, I think it's just fun to razz the diary police and the "holier-than-thou because I eat clean and everyone else should eat clean too" thinkers. There's lots of them, and these threads just never get old. I like to tell them all the horrible, awful things I eat and still have success. It wads their panties up even tighter to see things like, shake, ice cream, cake, etc.

    I LOVE IT!

    I've always enjoyed pissing people off. Ask my siblings. :P

    It's fun to razz the "I eat crap and lose weight" crowd sometimes too. They get so bent out shape when you suggest they give up their crap.

    Who made you the lord of what is right and wrong to eat, though? That's the point. Let people be. If that's what works for them, then sobeit. You don't have like it. You don't have to be their friend. But you really don't have any right to tell them what they should or should not eat.

    (for the record, my "shake" was a very good for me shake made with whey powder, unsweetened blueberries, unsweetened almond milk, frozen bananas, guar gum, and about 3 cups of organic baby spinach. My "burger" was a turkey 93/7 burger made by me. My brownies are made with black beans, stevia, eggs, and unsweetened baker's cocoa... but that's beside the point. I eat what I eat, and you eat what you eat, and each individual eats what they eat--and neither you, nor the OP, nor I have the right to cast stones. And quite frankly, it is LAUGHABLE at best that people think they have the right to behave like the Food Diary Gods).
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Thank you for that I needed that reminder :wink: However, if some choose to cheat and get away with it by having a weight loss, then good on them I say!
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    What the hell difference does it make to you what other people do? Does it somehow effect you? Or just make you jealous?

    (I'll pretend I care....) As I munch on my 650 calorie shake with broken bits of waffle cone that I crumpled up and mixed in....

    :) I still have 1,000 calories left for the day. And that's accounting for the TWO black bean brownies I plan to consume. I'll likely have a bowl of ice cream tonight too. Moose tracks. Mmmmmmmm.

    I'm sorry--did I offend you by using curse words like shake, waffle cone, ice cream, and brownies? Nevermind; don't answer that. I don't really give a rat's *kitten*.

    Last night, for supper, I had a hamburger on a potato roll. Scandalous.

    Um, Wow. Why does the OP caring what other people eat upset you so much? Why do you care so much what she does, but expect her not to care what anyone else does?

    I'm so not upset. I think it's *^&^%$*&^ hilarious that she has her panties in a wad with jealousy over people losing and still eating things that she has deprived herself of. I don't deprive myself... I eat what I like-just not so much that I'm still sitting at over 200 pounds, and I exercise, lift heavy, and most of all enjoy life--even foods that others think are so scandalous. Too bad some have so much trouble with that.

    So, from this we are to believe that your panties are wad free?? Because I'll be honest, I sense some wadding.

    Actually, I think it's just fun to razz the diary police and the "holier-than-thou because I eat clean and everyone else should eat clean too" thinkers. There's lots of them, and these threads just never get old. I like to tell them all the horrible, awful things I eat and still have success. It wads their panties up even tighter to see things like, shake, ice cream, cake, etc.

    I LOVE IT!

    I've always enjoyed pissing people off. Ask my siblings. :P

    It's fun to razz the "I eat crap and lose weight" crowd sometimes too. They get so bent out shape when you suggest they give up their crap.

    Who made you the lord of what is right and wrong to eat, though? That's the point. Let people be. If that's what works for them, then sobeit. You don't have like it. You don't have to be their friend. But you really don't have any right to tell them what they should or should not eat.

    (for the record, my "shake" was a very good for me shake made with whey powder, unsweetened blueberries, unsweetened almond milk, frozen bananas, guar gum, and about 3 cups of organic baby spinach. My "burger" was a turkey 93/7 burger made by me. My brownies are made with black beans, stevia, eggs, and unsweetened baker's cocoa... but that's beside the point. I eat what I eat, and you eat what you eat, and each individual eats what they eat--and neither you, nor the OP, nor I have the right to cast stones. And quite frankly, it is LAUGHABLE at best that people think they have the right to behave like the Food Diary Gods).

    Yes BEWARE of the food diary police lol
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I'm trying to change, but it is gradual. For instance, I haven't eliminated red meat, but have it only once a week (Preferable a nice big ribeye). Eventually I may have it even less often (or choose a nice small ribeye), but for now, it beats how much red meat I was eating and serving my husband six months ago. (

    With all due respect, why do you feel the need to eliminate red meat?:flowerforyou:
    A nice lean steak does not have the same fat in it than fatty hamburger....If you don't have cholestrol issues, there is absolutely no reason to elimiante lean red meat - just make sure you buy lean hamburger and cut off the visible fat on your steaks - it's great for protein, iron and a load of other good stuff!

    While I agree that you don't have to totally eliminate red meat, there is increasing medical evidence that eating less can improve health.

    My cholesterol is slightly above 200. I'm trying to lower it without meds. I hope I don't have to eliminate red meat, but I will do that before I take cholesterol medication. I've made other gradual adjustments as well (more fish, less butter, one serving of bacon instead of three....). I hope I don't have to eliminate anything, but I will do whatever I have to in order to stay off of cholesterol meds. And if those changes don't work, I will take the cholesterol medication.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    Oh, I forgot. My shake had avocado too. Yummy delicious, fatty avocado.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Organic may in some instances be cheaper than McDonalds, but on $25/person/mo, you can't eat organic OR clean. It's that simple.

    Where I live organic is rarely cheaper than McD, except what I grow myself. But healthy foods bought at the grocery or farmer's market is cheaper. And I can buy ingredients for ANY food sold at McD and make a bigger version of for the same or less money. Anyone that says fast food is cheaper than home prepared food is wrong. I now have plenty of money for food. That's not meant as a brag, it is simply true. But when I was a young single mother I could rarely afford fast food or pizza or prepackaged desserts. The only way to feed my family back then was to prepare meals because it is cheaper.

    Where I live, in NYC - where cigarettes are 15.00 a pack and coke is $3 for a 20 oz bottle and a Whopper combo is $8.00 with the small fries and drink... and there is an obesity tax on unhealthy food.... I eat like a princess on almost no money. I can spend $40 for the month and feel like Im rich! There are farmer's markets, organic places, local food centers, and healthy food is tax free.

    My 'fast food' is lamb on a pita with lettuce, or soup dumplings, or a kebab.
    If I want a cheeseburger... I grind up the meat, cook it seasoned the way I want it, throw it on a whole wheat bun with farmers cheese and ketchup and locally made mustard and fresh pickles and onions and mushrooms and you better believe I love the **** out of it and appreciate what it took to make it, and how good it tastes melting in my mouth.
    My dinners, with free range chicken, fresh vegetables and homemade bread- run about $2.25 each meal.

    If you aren't scared to cook.
    If you aren't scared to look.

    Healthy is WAY cheaper.

    I agree. I live in the middle of the desert with very little agriculture around, yet thanks to Trader Joe's I can have organic produce at great prices. I know it can be difficult in other places, but making what you can yourself saves a lot of money. Once my husband graduates art school and he's staying home too I hope to have the opportunity to start canning, making jams, and learning how to succeed at high altitude baking so that I can make our bread, pizza dough, etc.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    high altitude baking

    I just had this mental image of you baking while flying... Heh.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    If you reach in front of me and try to take away the cupcake I ate last night, or the wine I have most nights, or the chocolate i refuse to give up, or the ice cream that I like to indulge in, or the chicken strips that I inevitabley have once a week, or my burger and fries Fridays I will rip off your arm and beat you with the bloody stump . . . I protect these things like family.

    PS - I have been very successful.
    THIS. For some it just sucks that they may not be able to handle it like some of us are able too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you for that I needed that reminder :wink: However, if some choose to cheat and get away with it by having a weight loss, then good on them I say!

    I don't see that having some processed and less healthy food is seen as 'cheating'. I will never stop eating these types of foods but I'm learning portion size and moderation. The fact that I am losing weight while not just eating salad and fruit is not 'getting away with it' ....well maybe it is but to me I have a better chance of sticking to my new eating plan if nothing is forbidden or maybe I'm just fooling myself. LOL
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    high altitude baking

    I just had this mental image of you baking while flying... Heh.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.
    Hate to tell you, but the majority of people who ever diet regain back weight because they "miss" the foods they used to eat. ANYONE can lose weight dieting. There are lots of people on here that have. But what percentage actually has maintained once they reached the end of the diet? I guarantee the percentage is low.
    It makes much more sense to let people know that they can still eat what they really like IF they can learn how to appropriately use their daily calories correctly.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Thank you for that I needed that reminder :wink: However, if some choose to cheat and get away with it by having a weight loss, then good on them I say!

    I don't see that having some processed and less healthy food is seen as 'cheating'. I will never stop eating these types of foods but I'm learning portion size and moderation. The fact that I am losing weight while not just eating salad and fruit is not 'getting away with it' ....well maybe it is but to me I have a better chance of sticking to my new eating plan if nothing is forbidden or maybe I'm just fooling myself. LOL

    Nope. I think you're exactly right. Making modifications that you can live with long-term is the key to success. I don't plan to give up pizza or cupcakes forever so I have them once in a while. I just don't have them every day. I don't have cheat days because there's nothing to cheat on. I'm not on a diet, I've made lifestyle changes. It's working for me.
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member

    You are correct. Many people here are misinformed and believe that "clean" eating means eating only healthy food all the time.

    I don't know if I'd call it misinformed. I'm sure "clean eating" means many different things to many different people.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Hate to tell you, but the majority of people who ever diet regain back weight because they "miss" the foods they used to eat. ANYONE can lose weight dieting. There are lots of people on here that have. But what percentage actually has maintained once they reached the end of the diet? I guarantee the percentage is low.
    It makes much more sense to let people know that they can still eat what they really like IF they can learn how to appropriately use their daily calories correctly.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This times a million!!! A diet won't work forever because it's temporary. Helping people learn how to portion the junky food that is part of their lifestyle is much better and much more feasible. The whole overhaul can come later ... but one step at a time here. Portion control is a big battle all on its own without throwing in a bunch of foods that a person has never ate before.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.
    Hate to tell you, but the majority of people who ever diet regain back weight because they "miss" the foods they used to eat. ANYONE can lose weight dieting. There are lots of people on here that have. But what percentage actually has maintained once they reached the end of the diet? I guarantee the percentage is low.
    It makes much more sense to let people know that they can still eat what they really like IF they can learn how to appropriately use their daily calories correctly.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I can't love this enough!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member

    You are correct. Many people here are misinformed and believe that "clean" eating means eating only healthy food all the time.

    I don't know if I'd call it misinformed. I'm sure "clean eating" means many different things to many different people.

    Then why be so nitpicky in the first place?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    I've seen these threads enough that I've come to the following conclusion.

    Clean eating 100% of the time makes you such a miserable human being that the only way to feel joy is to look down at others.
    Tru Dat! All the clean eaters I know ALWAYS talk about food and how perfect they balanced their calories and the great taste of chicken breast.
    They hate it when I eat a fried piece of chicken with the skin on it and it's a thigh.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I agree, which is exactly why I've taken a break from calorie counting to focus on intuitive eating and healthy eating. I was getting to the point where if I had calories left over I would be like HELL YEAH I CAN HAVE SOME COOKIES which completely defeated the purpose. Focusing in on quality rather than quantity has been really good for me. I may go back to counting, or I may not. Depends on how fast these last few pounds come off.

    I'm always sad for people who are like "Had fried chicken, so I can't eat anything else for the day." That's missing the point. If you're eating healthy foods, staying in your caloric range is really easy.
  • JulieDerda
    JulieDerda Posts: 163
    agree!! I do believe in once a week cheat meal though. HOwever, i havent done fried foods since the first month of being on my new health kick. Some foods ARE harder to work off.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I agree, which is exactly why I've taken a break from calorie counting to focus on intuitive eating and healthy eating. I was getting to the point where if I had calories left over I would be like HELL YEAH I CAN HAVE SOME COOKIES which completely defeated the purpose. Focusing in on quality rather than quantity has been really good for me. I may go back to counting, or I may not. Depends on how fast these last few pounds come off.

    I'm always sad for people who are like "Had fried chicken, so I can't eat anything else for the day." That's missing the point. If you're eating healthy foods, staying in your caloric range is really easy.

    or you can just add in extra time at the gym to account for it and still have all of the calories you are used to having for the rest of the day.