Women hate me because I'm *too* beautiful



  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    she looks good for a brit.

    uh oh.. pot has been stirred.

    crap, i was afraid someone was going to go there... it's true, unfortunately, cept for MFP, I have lots of hot brit friends on MFP.

    I think brits purposely put the ugly women on TV.... although i don't know why..... theories?

    I think we might just tend to put people on TV that can act rather than idiots that just look good.

    Normally we do but there is always ......Hollyoaks ....... full of young pretty buxom wenches LOL

    I try and forget about that show! The theme music scares me :sad: But if you go back to the original cast it was really one pretty girl the rest average-pretty.
  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
    Think about it...she's British....she's very attractive for a woman...over there....she has white teeth to start off...huge plus.....not trying to be rude :)

    You might not be trying to be rude. But you managed it.

    this ^^^^^^
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member

    If there are more than a few exceptions to the rule.. then the rule is crap.... and quite a chunk of the british population is overweight
    I'm just relaying my observations. There are less overweight people as a percentage there then there are here. I think the stats bear this out.

    Depends what part of Britain you were in, no where near as much obesity as America but sadly Scotland has the highest levels of obesity in Europe ):
    Unfortunately, I never made it to Scotland. I would have loved to go because I find the accent attractive and I have roots there.

    Of course, the obesity level of Americans also varies by location. It's a big country. I live in the supposed fittest metropolitan area in the country and obesity is still a pretty big problem.

    considering our delicacy is the deep fried mars bar it's no surprise we're chubsters :P we deep fry EVERYTHING

    Sounds like us Southerners... and Especially Texans... we batter and fry butter for crying out loud!
  • karaemoore
    karaemoore Posts: 45 Member
    She has under forearm fat, that's a deal breaker there. how do you even get that?

    You know, I had to totally go back up and look at the pic after this post!! LOL
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I don't think she's conceited. I think she's just stating fact.

    You don't have to have model looks to be considered beautiful by the everday people around you. And you ARE treated differently based on your looks. Women tend to treat you like dirt and men tend to treat you better.

    Just the facts of life.
    I was just reading a thread on here about an article where a woman talked about how much better she was treated by everyone after losing 100lbs. It's true, how you look does affect how people treat you.

    The general attitude in this thread towards this woman really irritates me though. There is so much hatred against women (especially from ourselves) in society today and we don't even realize it. We not only accept it, but we participate in it...without even knowing it.
  • loseweightjames
    Besides all this debate, the OP is a "pot stirrer", so you have probably made his day. Unless he is crying somewhere in a corner b/c his thread has been hijacked by logic.

    I think the lady who wrote the article is the biggest pot stirrer of all. She knew what kind of attention it would get her.

    eh, troll mad I ignored them instead of arguing because everyone knows trolls feed on arguing and i refuse to feed them

    doesn't stop them from following me around MFP though.... they're like pets.... that i don't feed... OH CRAP SNOOKI! I FORGOT TO FEED THE HAMSTER THIS MORNING!!
  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    Ummmm... I like ther gigantic hands.... she looks like she could slap someone into a coma...
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Her caveman eyebrows lead me to believe otherwise...
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Think about it...she's British....she's very attractive for a woman...over there....she has white teeth to start off...huge plus.....not trying to be rude :)

    I do hope you're attempting to do humour here :huh:
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    Or women don't like her because she says *kitten* like "women don't like me because I'm sooo pretty."

    Her snaggletooth does not impress me.

    Yes, the jibbs are the first thing I noticed too. She's ok I mean she's not ugly she's not hot either.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member

    never ever watch shameless or skins USA, they make me cry D:

    The US version of Skins was a travesty if I ever saw one (who thought not changing the slang terms would be a brilliant idea... or the story line for that matter... honestly). As is American Top Gear.

    haha. same script for shameless too, doesn't work in America at all because it's about a benefits/drink/drug culture that just does not exist in America.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member

    The general attitude in this thread towards this woman really irritates me though. There is so much hatred against women (especially from ourselves) in society today and we don't even realize it. We not only accept it, but we participate in it...without even knowing it.


    Let's not bash women... there are plenty of people out there already (I won't name names because I don't want to get yelled at) that are giving women enough grief.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Alice Goodwin, British Super Hot!!!!!!


    ooo me likey!

    haha...I know!! Makes you want to eat an apple!!! So my opinion...women from all over the world are beautiful!!! Ha ha! Look at the periodic table behind her! ha ha ha!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Regardless of her looks, do any of you think that if it were a man who wrote the article, he would have gotten the same amount of attention and backlash for having confidence (or some might even say arrogance) about his appearance?

    We're supposed to have some self-esteem, but apparently not "too much" or "too little" and if we have "too much" then people are all too ready to point out every reason why your self-esteem isn't warranted.

    So this girl thinks she's beautiful, whether we agree or not shouldn't be a license to ridicule her and point out every flaw.

    Male or female, attributing anything SIGNIFICANT (yes, people are treated SLIGHTLY different based on looks) in your life to YOUR APPEARANCE (unless you have been horrifically burned or something) is really, really stupid.

    It's not her looks I have a problem with. It's her VANITY.

    Yeah, there are shallow people out there. But she is trying to say that NO PERSON can OVERLOOK her beauty. That is just bullcrap.I have one or two GORGEOUS friends who I adore more than anything and I would "go to the mattresses" if someone mistreated them. However, there are alot of snotty gorgeous girls out there that I wouldn't talk to because they are BRATS.

    An old cowboy's advice: A woman who is liked by men and hated by women is NOT TO BE TRUSTED.

  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member

    haha. same script for shameless too, doesn't work in America at all because it's about a benefits/drink/drug culture that just does not exist in America.

    That makes sense now because I tried watching it once and lost interest 5 minutes in because it wasn't making sense. Maybe Netflix will give me the original to watch?

    I watch Skins when I don't want to be in a good mood. (Does anyone else ever have that feeling?)
  • Poroco
    Poroco Posts: 5
    I agree that the woman is compensating for a lack of self worth in other areas of her life, but she does, however crudely, illustrate a point I agree with. An even moderately attractive woman receives a much different reception in the workplace than an attractive man. Especially a closed workplace. We as women are conditioned, through generations of evolution, to feel threatened by women who posses the qualities that society presently deems attractive.

    When I was young and beautiful, the 40ish over-weight women messed with me all the time. Now that I am a 40ish over-weight woman I am very cautious to treat people based on character.

    Two summers ago, right before I got preggers, I was training with the rugby women. There was this one girl, about 21, who was running circles around me playing the position I used to excel at. I was huffing and puffing and instinctively I said to another older player that I found this young woman to be arrogant and annoying. She laughed and said that people said the same thing about me 15 years ago.

    We can all feel envy and treat people differently because of it. Though the author has probably exaggerated her experiences, her reward of notoriety will ensure that she continues to be more sensational than insightful.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    There are times where I'll be talking to a guy and a really pretty girl walks in and I think "forget it, I'll never have a chance with him" and just walk away.

    Your defeated attitude is the thing which is holding you back. :flowerforyou:

    I was really grasping for a response to the above quote, and LL put it perfectly. :flowerforyou:
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Regardless of her looks, do any of you think that if it were a man who wrote the article, he would have gotten the same amount of attention and backlash for having confidence (or some might even say arrogance) about his appearance?

    We're supposed to have some self-esteem, but apparently not "too much" or "too little" and if we have "too much" then people are all too ready to point out every reason why your self-esteem isn't warranted.

    So this girl thinks she's beautiful, whether we agree or not shouldn't be a license to ridicule her and point out every flaw.

    Male or female, attributing anything significant in your life to YOUR APPEARANCE (unless you have been horrifically burned or something) is really, really stupid.

    It's not her looks I have a problem with. It's her VANITY.
    It's not stupid, it's true. People do get treated differently based on their appearances. That doesn't mean it's by choice.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member

    I watch Skins when I don't want to be in a good mood. (Does anyone else ever have that feeling?)

    My friend told me to watch it, so I tried. I quit watching after one episode. It made me really depressed for the future of the world.
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