Having Babies is no Excuse



  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member

    What is offensive is this mightier than thou attitude along with the accusation that we're making excuses. Sorry but I don't see that as encouragement. It is arrogance.

    As I said before - what about the overweight men - what are their excuses? and if we were making excuses and just settling for the body we ended up with after having babies, stretch marks and all, would we be in here on MFP? I don't think so.

    BabyBlue and Coconut, if I had said, "BabyBlue and Coconut, stop using the fact that you have had a baby and can not lose the weight as an excuse to be overweight" But, I never mentioned either one of your names or directed anything to you. And, I have had several women post on here that they did use that excuse for a while until they decided to change!!

    In fact, you two have said more rude things to me than I ever directed towards you! And a "Mightier than thou attitude" Really!!! So, any woman that posts a before picture and after picture, then encourages other women to do what they can do...to not settle for anything less is arrogant??? To not worry about being perfect or having a pre baby body, but to be your best...that is rude and offensive????

    And for BabyBlue to call me a bully...really!!! Wow!! Pretty sad in my opinion.

    So, to you two ladies, I say enjoy your misery. Make sure to not read other posts about successful weightloss because you might be offended and think the OP is arrogant, a bully, mightier than thou, rude, offensive....hmmmm...did I cover everything that you two called me????

    I could care less what an overweight man's excuse is....I am here to help moms. I do not accept male FR and only communicate with other women. And FYI, men can get stretch marks too!!

    I would also like to add, that every post that I make on other people's thread is always positive and up lifting. I come on here to have fun, to learn from others, and to spread what I have learned. I feel very sorry for people that enjoy spreading their misery to others!

    I despise haters!! :drinker:

    People will always be as miserable as they want and spread it wherever they can. Clearly many are inspired by you and those who get offended just don't know how to deal with the tough love approach. To each their own. Personally, I would never survive in the military if I cried every time someone told me to suck it up and not use excuses. Some people just need their entire lives to be sugarcoated. Maybe if once in a while they pushed themselves out of their comfort zone things like their health would be going a lot better.

    Thank you for your post, TinkrBelz!
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    You really like the sound of your own voice don't ya tinks? Another longwinded sermon from the mightier than thou :laugh: Are you sure you're not a preacher? Can't you just agree to disagree and accept the fact that people are ALLOWED to have different opinions?

    Please. Just stop. You are beginning to sound...pathetic. I'm sorry, but that's the nice way to put it.
    This is TINK'S SUCCESS STORY. You don't agree with the way she worded HER own story. You aren't motivated by it. We get it! Move on! Go write your own success story. Best of luck to you! And when you do write your own personal story, I sincerely hope you don't get the same treatment!
    This is the SUCCESS STORIES forum. This is the one place in our lives where we should feel perfectly free to brag, gloat, or even bloody preach about the hard work we have done. I just cannot fathom why anyone feels the need to try to knock someone down on their own success thread. If you are that sensitive, please consider for your own mental health whether or not places like this should be avoided.

    Thank you! A lot of these forums have shown me that people like to take out their frustrations on threads like this rather than seeking psychiatric help. Clearly something is wrong other than their needing to lose weight.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    I agree, make sure your hormones are right and yes, babies can change our body!! And, I am not sure if it is having babies that makes it more difficult to lose the weight, or just getting older.

    Everyone told me with my first child that my body would never be the same...I had made a mental note that my cute figure was gone. I lost that 50lbs without even trying. I was also 24.

    Baby 6, first female child, and 39....the weight DID NOT want to come off. So, here I am overweight, loss of muscle tone, slower metabolism, and wider hips! My hips never spread with my first 5 boys, the girl spread my hips. So, look....I was defeated!! I know and understand what y'all are saying. Why try when I still have stretch marks, loose skin, I can't get the weight off or it is coming off slowly, and my hips are wider. OH, and I am sooooo freaking tired!!! And I felt guilty leaving the family to go to the gym, I should be here for them all of the time....so I did not go to the gym even though my husband worked out daily.

    Moms have so much on their plate, it is amazing that we can juggle it all.

    So, please know that this message is not to say you will get your pre-baby body back. Some women do, but most of us do not. It changed. BUT, we can get our best post-baby body back and really, most importantly, we can get healthy!!! Our kids need to see mom healthy because we are their role models. It is not an easy journey, especially if you are like me and keep having kids!! LOL! I mean, I lost 50-60lbs 6 times!! That is so exhausting!!

    Anyway, keep up the good work. And when you get discouraged, get in touch with one of your MFP friends. That is what this community is about. And do not compare yourself to other women either. We all have different bodies, embrace your body shape and type and fine tune that body!!! :flowerforyou:

    I loved your story! I have 3 kids (9,7 &5) and I dont know how you do it with 6! You look amazing! I was lucky with my first 2 (boys). What I gained I lost. I stayed active, utilized my jogging stroller and was right back into my regular clothes within a few months of them being born. With my 3rd (daughter) I had a harder time. I also found it hard to fit in exercise with 3 little ones and work. I wasn't much heavier than after the boys, but still, a size bigger is a size bigger. Then I had some medical problems and the med's I was on just caused me to gain weight fast. The doctor said it was what I was eating but I knew it wasn't. I tried everything and it wouldn't budge! So, long story short, went off the med's, picked up 30DS, started logging everything religiously on MFP and today I am 32 pounds lighter and fit back into a size 10 pants (from a size 16!)
    I am a happy and healthy mom and happy/healthy mom = happy kids!!
  • justinamay0535
    justinamay0535 Posts: 132 Member
    I dont find this post offensive at all! I think its honest and motivating! You had 6 kids and look amazing...you deserve it because you worked your *kitten* off! I have 2 kids (2 yrs and a 3 month old) and with my 2nd baby I had to have an emergency c-section. I know Ill never look the same again. I also know Ill never be able to wear a 2 piece bathing suit due to me being obese/overweight for a lot of my life. Im going to have saggy skin and ugly stretch marks that will never go away.

    BUT I workout because I LOVE it. I love watching that scale move down every week. I love my postworkout high and that Im setting an awesome example for my children. I workout at home, never in the gym and Im still able to pour sweat during every workout. I make time for myself every day because if I dont my children may not have me around one day and that thought scares the s*** out of me. So if that means I take an hour out of my day and let the kids watch a movie while I workout then Ill do it.

    I know I wont ever look like I did before I had kids but I can try my hardest to get back a body I love to look at! Thanks for the post OP! :)
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I think your post is AWESOME and should be inspiring to any woman who has had kids and feels that she can't get that pre baby body back!

    Cheers to the OP.

    It's ALL about doing what we never thought we could.
  • UFCGirl1988
    UFCGirl1988 Posts: 75 Member
    No kids is a better option :D

    Totally agree! And that's one reason (among others) why I am not having kids :P
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    No kids is a better option :D

    Totally agree! And that's one reason (among others) why I am not having kids :P
    I've been an intensive care nurse for 15 years, and I've had the opportunity to witness many peoples' lives coming to a close. I've seen them surrounded by their children and their grandchildren, and I've seen them all alone. I listen to them late at night when they can't sleep, and they are reflecting back over their lives. I've heard so many of them say "I wish I would have had more children", but I've never heard a single one say "I wish I hadn't had children/hadn't had so many children."
    And none of them care in the least what their tummies look like or used to look like.
    When my body is gone--and it WILL happen--what will be left of my life?
    To each their own. Children aren't for everyone. For me, being surrounded by love and being hugged, kissed, and told "I love you" every single day by at least 7 people is the better option.
  • ednabnana
    ednabnana Posts: 304
    You look FANTABULOUS! Amazing job!!
  • tthroenle
    I delivered twins at 45 and weighed over 215 after delivery. I've lost 60 lbs. and maintained my weight loss for 2 years and am currently working on losing another 13 lbs. Genetics will always play a part in how your body recovers, but there is no reason not to be your best and be in the best shape possible.
  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn Posts: 501 Member
    No kids is a better option :D

    Totally agree! And that's one reason (among others) why I am not having kids :P
    I've been an intensive care nurse for 15 years, and I've had the opportunity to witness many peoples' lives coming to a close. I've seen them surrounded by their children and their grandchildren, and I've seen them all alone. I listen to them late at night when they can't sleep, and they are reflecting back over their lives. I've heard so many of them say "I wish I would have had more children", but I've never heard a single one say "I wish I hadn't had children/hadn't had so many children."
    And none of them care in the least what their tummies look like or used to look like.
    When my body is gone--and it WILL happen--what will be left of my life?
    To each their own. Children aren't for everyone. For me, being surrounded by love and being hugged, kissed, and told "I love you" every single day by at least 7 people is the better option.

    ^^ LOVE THIS!!

    I said my entire life I DO NOT WANT KIDS EVER. Then last year, after 9 years of marriage, Oops, I ended up pregnant at 36 and a mommy at 37! No one can explain how amazing it is. People tried telling me all the time, but I didn't listen or care. Now I am the happiest I've ever been ...our little unexpected ONE HIT WONDER miracle has totally completed me!!
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I think your story is amazing and want to congratulate you on an incredible journey! You look fantastic! I will be 44 this year and have never said I couldn't get back In shape because I have had kids. My boys are 17, 15 and 4 and i truly feel that i got healthier and fitter after each baby! If you don't want it bad enough you will never reach your goals. I hear the same story time and time again and it is hard to feel sorry for people that continually play the victim. I empathize but also know that if you really want something bad enough....you can get it.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    No kids is a better option :D

    Totally agree! And that's one reason (among others) why I am not having kids :P
    I've been an intensive care nurse for 15 years, and I've had the opportunity to witness many peoples' lives coming to a close. I've seen them surrounded by their children and their grandchildren, and I've seen them all alone. I listen to them late at night when they can't sleep, and they are reflecting back over their lives. I've heard so many of them say "I wish I would have had more children", but I've never heard a single one say "I wish I hadn't had children/hadn't had so many children."
    And none of them care in the least what their tummies look like or used to look like.
    When my body is gone--and it WILL happen--what will be left of my life?
    To each their own. Children aren't for everyone. For me, being surrounded by love and being hugged, kissed, and told "I love you" every single day by at least 7 people is the better option.

    ^^ LOVE THIS!!

    I said my entire life I DO NOT WANT KIDS EVER. Then last year, after 9 years of marriage, Oops, I ended up pregnant at 36 and a mommy at 37! No one can explain how amazing it is. People tried telling me all the time, but I didn't listen or care. Now I am the happiest I've ever been ...our little unexpected ONE HIT WONDER miracle has totally completed me!!

    I never thought I could have children and had my precious baby boy at age 45. I didn't know what I was missing and how much I could love someone! I gained 60lbs, three years later I'm back in shape and 5lbs lighter than I was. If you want it bad enough there is NO EXCUSE. I get up at 4:00am to workout because I work full time and want the evenings with my husband and son. I'm also a runner so I run at during my lunch time 2xweek. If you want it bad enough, make a plan, set a schedule and stick to it. It can be done.
  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn Posts: 501 Member
    No kids is a better option :D

    Totally agree! And that's one reason (among others) why I am not having kids :P
    I've been an intensive care nurse for 15 years, and I've had the opportunity to witness many peoples' lives coming to a close. I've seen them surrounded by their children and their grandchildren, and I've seen them all alone. I listen to them late at night when they can't sleep, and they are reflecting back over their lives. I've heard so many of them say "I wish I would have had more children", but I've never heard a single one say "I wish I hadn't had children/hadn't had so many children."
    And none of them care in the least what their tummies look like or used to look like.
    When my body is gone--and it WILL happen--what will be left of my life?
    To each their own. Children aren't for everyone. For me, being surrounded by love and being hugged, kissed, and told "I love you" every single day by at least 7 people is the better option.

    ^^ LOVE THIS!!

    I said my entire life I DO NOT WANT KIDS EVER. Then last year, after 9 years of marriage, Oops, I ended up pregnant at 36 and a mommy at 37! No one can explain how amazing it is. People tried telling me all the time, but I didn't listen or care. Now I am the happiest I've ever been ...our little unexpected ONE HIT WONDER miracle has totally completed me!!

    I never thought I could have children and had my precious baby boy at age 45. I didn't know what I was missing and how much I could love someone! I gained 60lbs, three years later I'm back in shape and 5lbs lighter than I was. If you want it bad enough there is NO EXCUSE. I get up at 4:00am to workout because I work full time and want the evenings with my husband and son. I'm also a runner so I run at during my lunch time 2xweek. If you want it bad enough, make a plan, set a schedule and stick to it. It can be done.

    Amen, sister! Congrats :) xoxo
  • mama4fitness
    No kids is a better option :D

    Totally agree! And that's one reason (among others) why I am not having kids :P
    I've been an intensive care nurse for 15 years, and I've had the opportunity to witness many peoples' lives coming to a close. I've seen them surrounded by their children and their grandchildren, and I've seen them all alone. I listen to them late at night when they can't sleep, and they are reflecting back over their lives. I've heard so many of them say "I wish I would have had more children", but I've never heard a single one say "I wish I hadn't had children/hadn't had so many children."
    And none of them care in the least what their tummies look like or used to look like.
    When my body is gone--and it WILL happen--what will be left of my life?
    To each their own. Children aren't for everyone. For me, being surrounded by love and being hugged, kissed, and told "I love you" every single day by at least 7 people is the better option.

    ^^ LOVE THIS!!

    I said my entire life I DO NOT WANT KIDS EVER. Then last year, after 9 years of marriage, Oops, I ended up pregnant at 36 and a mommy at 37! No one can explain how amazing it is. People tried telling me all the time, but I didn't listen or care. Now I am the happiest I've ever been ...our little unexpected ONE HIT WONDER miracle has totally completed me!!

    I never thought I could have children and had my precious baby boy at age 45. I didn't know what I was missing and how much I could love someone! I gained 60lbs, three years later I'm back in shape and 5lbs lighter than I was. If you want it bad enough there is NO EXCUSE. I get up at 4:00am to workout because I work full time and want the evenings with my husband and son. I'm also a runner so I run at during my lunch time 2xweek. If you want it bad enough, make a plan, set a schedule and stick to it. It can be done.

    All of this is beautiful!! This is why we chose to have 4 children! I would have more, but money and space keep us from doing so, but if God decides otherwise then obviously we would welcome more with open arms. I've never laughed so hard in my life after having kids. They bring me constant joy. So no matter what damage they caused to my body while carrying them...it is WELL worth it!! Yes, stretch marks are here to stay, but I can choose wether the fat stays or not. And that's the wonderful message about this entire thread. We can CHOOSE to lose our weight if we want to. No, our bodies won't ever be the "same", but it doesn't mean it will never be beautiful and sexy again. It will just be a new beautiful.
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm about to deliver in 8 days and so excited to start losing weight! Of course I am having a C-section so I'm going to have to wait awhile, but oh well!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Congrats, your hared work paid off. :)
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