
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Hey ladies, crazy day. Woke up to my internet out. Had to wait at home for them to come fix it- 12 hours later it's fixed. Insanely ridiculous. It blew my whole day. I'm already pissy from a hormone surge, I had to miss the gym to sit by the phone, I had to put off all my plans for the day to sit here and wait.

    Is it possible to gain 37 pounds back in one day? I sorta feel like I could have. I made some bad, bad choices. Total stress and irritation eating. Somebody pop me a good one and knock some sense into me.
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Can I vent for a minute and can you guys tell me if I'm being completely ridiculous?

    So this morning I'm on my way out the door and Jim tells me that him and his friends are going to some "rock fest" in Nebraska in August for two days.

    Um... EXCUSE ME!?!?! NO!!!!!! I mean who does he think he is? he just gets to go off to NE for two days and leave me here with the kid? WTF? WHY would I want him on some 2 day drinking binge at some concert surrounded by slutty girls???? WHY?? I don't even get an invite? Why not?

    It's not like he doesn't get guy time. He goes and plays pool with his friends every weekend!

    Then his FRIEND (Who's supposed to be MY friend) starts telling me that I"m too insecure and too controlling and i just need to let go and I should stop being a "killjoy"

    EXCUSE ME!?!?!?!?

    Am i way out of line here? Why I don't I get say? How does he suddenly think we have money for something like this? Why don't I ever get the chance to do anything like this?!?!?!?! HUH???

    Am i over reacting? Am I being unfair to him? Because personally, I think he's being incredibly unfair to me.

    Are you angry because you really don't trust him, or is it that you feel like you aren't getting your 'you' time that you want?

    I do think it's a little unfair if you don't trust him to be away from you...but if you not getting time to yourself is the issue, maybe you could come to a compromise. Is there somewhere you want to go with your girls or whatever? Perhaps you could do that some weekend.

    Honestly? it's that I don't trust him. And he's never given me reason not to trust him, which is what SO unfair to him. Plenty of other people have given me reason not to trust and he's the one that ended up having to deal with it. It's unfair, totally unfair. But that's kind of why I came to you guys because I knew I was being irrational (about some things) and I know I need a reality check sometimes. I know that in order to learn to trust him, I have to let him do this. I'm going to be a nervous wreck the entire time, but when he comes home to me, I'll be happy. I've never been in love before and I'm scared to death of losing him. it's ridiculous. But I know that I can't live my life like this. you should have seen me the day I learned that he spends 8 hours a night alone with his female supervisor....

    That and a tiny bit of it is that I ALREADY spend most of my time taking care of Owen and he spends very little because of his work schedule so I think it's a little unfair in that sense too.
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Also... everyone keep in mind that i am STILL suffering from TOM. :grumble: :grumble: :laugh:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Hey ladies, crazy day. Woke up to my internet out. Had to wait at home for them to come fix it- 12 hours later it's fixed. Insanely ridiculous. It blew my whole day. I'm already pissy from a hormone surge, I had to miss the gym to sit by the phone, I had to put off all my plans for the day to sit here and wait.

    Is it possible to gain 37 pounds back in one day? I sorta feel like I could have. I made some bad, bad choices. Total stress and irritation eating. Somebody pop me a good one and knock some sense into me.

    I don't think it's possible to gain 37 lbs in one day. :laugh: Trust me, I know all about hormone surges. Read above. There's mine. :laugh:

    Just take today for what it was and start over again tomorrow! Wake up and maybe do some stretches tomorrow morning and just tell yourself that you're going to have a great day! It'll all work out. But I say relax tonight, try to be happy and start fresh tomorrow! :heart:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Happy Birthday Marla and Janie.

    Vanessa- maybe had your BF asked you about going with the guys differently it would have set a little better. My hubs is gone all the time. In the 5 years we've been married he's been gone for over half of it. His long deployments are tough, but the short times away, they are nice if you ask me. Question: do you 2 ever get to go away together, just the 2 of you?
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Happy Birthday Marla and Janie.

    Vanessa- maybe had your BF asked you about going with the guys differently it would have set a little better. My hubs is gone all the time. In the 5 years we've been married he's been gone for over half of it. His long deployments are tough, but the short times away, they are nice if you ask me. Question: do you 2 ever get to go away together, just the 2 of you?

    Not really. He's not "that type of guy". He thinks that an afternoon with him sitting at the computer playing world of warcraft while I flip through channels is spending time together. :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    oh, excuse me-- I think I stumbled into the wrong thread--

    I'm looking for the Black team-- :ohwell:

  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    oh, excuse me-- I think I stumbled into the wrong thread--

    I'm looking for the Black team-- :ohwell:


    Sorry Marls. It's my fault again. :huh: :blushing:

    But we're here, promise!!!!!! (Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Marla!!!!! happy birthday to you!!!!!! :bigsmile: )
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Hey Marla, how was your cake?

    For those of you who said you still had left over calories today. No worries, I ate them for you. :blushing: Glad I could take one for the team.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Happy Birthday Marla and Janie.

    Vanessa- maybe had your BF asked you about going with the guys differently it would have set a little better. My hubs is gone all the time. In the 5 years we've been married he's been gone for over half of it. His long deployments are tough, but the short times away, they are nice if you ask me. Question: do you 2 ever get to go away together, just the 2 of you?

    Not really. He's not "that type of guy". He thinks that an afternoon with him sitting at the computer playing world of warcraft while I flip through channels is spending time together. :laugh:

    Maybe it would be good for you to get away then, even if it's just an overnight.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    oh, excuse me-- I think I stumbled into the wrong thread--

    I'm looking for the Black team-- :ohwell:


    Don't fear, we're just getting into real life again :tongue:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Is it possible to gain 37 pounds back in one day? I sorta feel like I could have. I made some bad, bad choices. Total stress and irritation eating. Somebody pop me a good one and knock some sense into me.

    1 pound = 3,500 calories therefore 37 pounds = 129,500
    That would be a LOT of eating. So I think you're good. :laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I'm HERE!!! I'm THE BLACK TEAM!!!

    I guess I got a little happy with the birthday wishes. I will wish Janie one tomorrow too.

    and so I give them both two here Marla

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! :heart: :heart:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Is it possible to gain 37 pounds back in one day? I sorta feel like I could have. I made some bad, bad choices. Total stress and irritation eating. Somebody pop me a good one and knock some sense into me.

    1 pound = 3,500 calories therefore 37 pounds = 129,500
    That would be a LOT of eating. So I think you're good. :laugh:

    I was thinking about doing the math, but I chose not to. So thanks for doing the math!!! :laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Is it possible to gain 37 pounds back in one day? I sorta feel like I could have. I made some bad, bad choices. Total stress and irritation eating. Somebody pop me a good one and knock some sense into me.

    1 pound = 3,500 calories therefore 37 pounds = 129,500
    That would be a LOT of eating. So I think you're good. :laugh:


    That is 55.5 of those new Hardy burger meals they have out! :sick: :sick: :sick: :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Is it possible to gain 37 pounds back in one day? I sorta feel like I could have. I made some bad, bad choices. Total stress and irritation eating. Somebody pop me a good one and knock some sense into me.

    1 pound = 3,500 calories therefore 37 pounds = 129,500
    That would be a LOT of eating. So I think you're good. :laugh:


    That is 55.5 of those new Hardy burger meals they have out! :sick: :sick: :sick: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    It's always weird to hear about fast food chains they don't have here in MN. Like Hardy's... We used to never have Sonic's... but we have two now (total. :laugh: ) jack in the box... never had. I can't think of what else, but the weird thing is we still get commercials for them! (cable)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Is it possible to gain 37 pounds back in one day? I sorta feel like I could have. I made some bad, bad choices. Total stress and irritation eating. Somebody pop me a good one and knock some sense into me.

    1 pound = 3,500 calories therefore 37 pounds = 129,500
    That would be a LOT of eating. So I think you're good. :laugh:


    That is 55.5 of those new Hardy burger meals they have out! :sick: :sick: :sick: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Or 46 orders of the cheese fries from Outback. Whoa.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Is it possible to gain 37 pounds back in one day? I sorta feel like I could have. I made some bad, bad choices. Total stress and irritation eating. Somebody pop me a good one and knock some sense into me.

    1 pound = 3,500 calories therefore 37 pounds = 129,500
    That would be a LOT of eating. So I think you're good. :laugh:


    That is 55.5 of those new Hardy burger meals they have out! :sick: :sick: :sick: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    The funny thing was I meant to say the whole amout I had lost, which isn't even 37, it's 47. How did I forget that number? That is a lot of calories and really gross to think about.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Is it possible to gain 37 pounds back in one day? I sorta feel like I could have. I made some bad, bad choices. Total stress and irritation eating. Somebody pop me a good one and knock some sense into me.

    1 pound = 3,500 calories therefore 37 pounds = 129,500
    That would be a LOT of eating. So I think you're good. :laugh:


    That is 55.5 of those new Hardy burger meals they have out! :sick: :sick: :sick: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    It's always weird to hear about fast food chains they don't have here in MN. Like Hardy's... We used to never have Sonic's... but we have two now (total. :laugh: ) jack in the box... never had. I can't think of what else, but the weird thing is we still get commercials for them! (cable)

    We get commercials for Sonic, but there are none in MD...they are in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Delaware but they totally skipped us. I want Sonic, dammit.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Is it possible to gain 37 pounds back in one day? I sorta feel like I could have. I made some bad, bad choices. Total stress and irritation eating. Somebody pop me a good one and knock some sense into me.

    1 pound = 3,500 calories therefore 37 pounds = 129,500
    That would be a LOT of eating. So I think you're good. :laugh:


    That is 55.5 of those new Hardy burger meals they have out! :sick: :sick: :sick: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Or 46 orders of the cheese fries from Outback. Whoa.
    Whoa is right! GA-ROSS!!!!!
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