Opinions On Adult Work to Pay Bills



  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member
    Do whatever the hell you need too to pay your bills, keep food in your stomach and a roof over your head. The only thing I would remember is, that this industry doesnt have great retirement benefits, so I would choose another career path as quickly as you can.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I knew someone in your position who worked as a dancer in an adult club to pay bills. At first it was great fun and she really enjoyed it. But eventually the attitude of the guys got to her and she ended up taking pills to get through her shifts, this was very common amongst the girls, eventually they needed a chemical buzz to give them the right attitude and confidence to earn what they needed to. At the point I met her she was experiencing extreme highs and lows of mood and was beginning to struggle to hold things together mentally. She eventually left this job and re-trained as an accountant. Had she not done she would have become more victimised, more mentally ill.

    I don't know how typical this story is but share it in case you don't know people in the trade. I don't think there is anything wrong with it in principle - but I would say to think carefully about how you will feel doing it and to plan your exit carefully if you do go down this road, so you don't feel trapped doing something that ends up making you feel bad.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Hon, Have you thought about getting STUDENT LOANS and PELL GRANTS (Free money from govenment) to help pay for school n bills?

    Yes, student loan's are a ***** to pay off, but you still have urr self respect in the end.

    Just a thought.
    I'm gonna really pray for you tonight.

    In Christ, Nicolette
    Student Loans don't make house payments
  • kendra0224
    I get that it is easy money, to some extent, but I always think about how things can affect my career later in life. For example, things people say on Facebook can make or break a job opportunity. My point is, if you intend to get an important job later in life, you may want to consider the effect that doing "adult work" can have on your future opportunities. Wishing you luck in whatever you decide to do.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Porn? Go for it. Stripping? Go for it. Prostitution? Uhh... illegal, so I wouldn't recommend. I am a huge fan of people having the freedom to do whatever you'd like. If it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother me. If you're being safe, getting paid fair wages and can sleep at night, more power to you.
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    I have a friend who resorted to becoming a hooker. While I disagree with her life choice, its her life and I still love her for what's inside somewhere.


    Edit: Ohgawd, I'm so sorry. I'm not laughing at your friend, or your concern, but rather your choice of words.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    i could understand if it were of the legal kinda AKA stripping, shot girl , something like that ..

    being a hooker = no :noway: (danger and disease)
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I'd say you have to look at the long term costs of doing "adult" work. I'd say do stuff that doesn't leave a video/photographic record =P

    You certainly don't want your kids or parents or whomever discovering it. Although that would be a weird discussion.
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I feel like if they can do it, and not hate themselves or even if they enjoy it, then I don't have any problems with it. People use their bodies all the time to get what they want, why not make it a profession? I am probably in the minority here, but really, have you seen what some "singers" wear on stage? Or even worse what they sing about? All that is ok, but someone who is not famous can't use their body to make money? Oh, yeah that makes sense.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Like hooking???

    Isn't that illegal?

    Not in Vegas???

    In Vegas, Yes! One county in Nevada, no.
  • EvonyPrincess
    I feel like if they can do it, and not hate themselves or even if they enjoy it, then I don't have any problems with it. People use their bodies all the time to get what they want, why not make it a profession? I am probably in the minority here, but really, have you seen what some "singers" wear on stage? Or even worse what they sing about? All that is ok, but someone who is not famous can't use their body to make money? Oh, yeah that makes sense.
    I never thought about it that way...that singers pretty much look like porn stars on stage. I mean hell Katy Perry doesn't even wear clothes half the time.

    You have sex scandals, sex tapes, "leaked" photos (which we all know are put out there to amp their fame). But that one girl that's down on her luck and BAM she's the bad person.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    If it's a legit, legal job, whatever. But you have to remember that photos/videos are forever, and your reputation is forever.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I used to do charity work and one of my clients was busted for prostitution. She has 6 kids, no family support, no child support. She was hooking for diapers and food for her kids. I wasn't going to give her a hard time for doing what she thought was necessary for her kids.
  • polegirl23
    polegirl23 Posts: 57 Member
    Haven't read the whole thread yet but as an ex full-time stripper who still dances the odd weekend for extra cash as needed I really don't have a problem with it and I'm not ashamed! My husband has always been fully supportive, I've only ever worked in reputable clubs and it's always been strictly dancing for me, no 'extras' (although I can't deny that that sort of thing does go on even in the 'nicer' places!!). I've worked with a huge variety of girls and danced for a huge variety of customers, it's a world that people shouldn't judge until they've seen it for themselves!! Once I become a mum I will give up for good, until then I can't see me quitting completely- there's no other way I could earn the sort of money I can in one weekend of dancing, so when the oven breaks, the fence falls down or the car blows up it's back to the club I go!!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Welp, do whatever you want, it's your life. But as soon as you have kids it's time to smarten up & be a role model. Be smart about the whole thing, no overly risky situations & be safe, ALL THE TIME.

    Everybody always says how the women in the adult industry all have daddy issues & had a horrible childhood & feel horrible about themselves. There are some who honestly just want to do it cuz it's fun & interesting to them & they make hella good money. It's not exactly the most deseriable profession to be in, but they aren't hurting anybody but themselves by doing that sort of stuff, so people need to leave (most of) them the **** alone.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I can't speak for anyone else, but I could never trust a partner I had found did things like that in her past, nor really respect them. It does seem like a cop out to me from getting a real job - there's always bar work, waiting tables, cleaning, babysitting and whatnot. That's just my opinion however, and I don't generally care that people make a living that way.
    I feel like if they can do it, and not hate themselves or even if they enjoy it, then I don't have any problems with it. People use their bodies all the time to get what they want, why not make it a profession? I am probably in the minority here, but really, have you seen what some "singers" wear on stage? Or even worse what they sing about? All that is ok, but someone who is not famous can't use their body to make money? Oh, yeah that makes sense.
    Also, no respect for the singers and performers that act as above. People with actual singing talent should be the ones to get famous in this case, but I understand sex sells.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    R u available right now?
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Like hooking???
    Not just that, I mean like stripping, videos, webcam, photos, escort service, etc.

    Videos/webcams/photos/escort, if you are comfortable with it and CAN make the money off it, go for it! :] Probably making more money then many of us!

    Not sure about the hooking though :[ but some people get into these situations.
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    When I was in the UK I did some adult work for a few months. I spent months trying to find a job, but they either didn't want to hire me for whatever reason, or the job just didn't fit into my uni schedule. I didn't have a place to live and couldn't even afford to get to school everyday.

    I didn't have a problem with it. I loved the people I met and the places and experiences I had. I know not everyone would be able to see and do the things I've done while I was in that line of work and I appreciate it for that. I also know that adult work isn't for everyone. I know people are even disgusted by it, but to each their own. My fiancee met me while I was doing this work (but not on the job) and I soon stopped after we met. I knew I couldn't have a solid relationship and still work at the same time. He knew what I did and was okay with it.

    I don't feel that it defines who I am or changes me in any way. I feel that if you are careful and safe and don't lose who are are in it, then there is no problem in doing adult work.
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    I dont judge..only you have to live with the decisions you make, and what line/lines u are comfortable or not comfortable crossing
    I dont personally know anyone involved in the adult business but I assume u could make a lot of $$...if you arent going to school or have bigger plans...what will you do when the time comes that you want to stop?
    I could see how some may get caught up in the lifestyle/$$
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