Views on America



  • dinovino_59
    dinovino_59 Posts: 1,700
    I live in America, and frankly I hate living here.

    I work my butt off monday through friday for pay that barely covers my bills and groceries.
    I go to college monday through thursday nights, for which I pay out of pocket for. (yes full time school and work leaves me tired all the time!)
    I don't have any health insurance, so I just try to keep myself as healthy as possible.
    I only get 1 week, yes 1 week of vacation a year - and it's not even paid vacation.
    The political system scares the *kitten* out of me.
    And the way people here view the gay community, and people of other cultures/skin color/etc is just horrific.

    The boyfriend and I are just trying to get through college, and then we're looking to gain citizenship elsewhere and get out of here!

    Unlike some countries in this are free to leave anytime. Cuba might work for healthcare as long as you mind standing in line for your groceries.
  • katielauren2001
    katielauren2001 Posts: 171 Member
    Ron paul for president......dont be an idiot and listen to the is all controlled my the federal government, paul is our only hope, he will show us the destruction the government has been doing to us for years
    Some of his policies are not very good though? Yes I agree he is alot better than the rest of the candidates.
  • debrapeterson
    debrapeterson Posts: 84 Member
    America is my home. The older America where we were a proud people, honest, hard workers and didn't want handouts. I miss this America. It has been replaced with give me give me. I still believe that if you want to work and make your own choices you should be able to. I don't want a ruler or free health care. I think abortions are a private decision mine would be not to abort. I believe two people should be able to choose to live, love and work together which means if they choose to marry they should be able to. America didn't become one of the strongest contries in the world by being ruled. Our constitution is what makes us free. I don't want Obama as a King.My life has been hard lots of struggles but I don't blame America it's up to me what I make it. I will end by saying i love America and will always love America
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    yes it is not the wild west.
    What? Texas is not the "wild west"???? Ha!
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    I understand that the person who started the thread asked for the opinions but as I go through the thread reading I just have to laugh at how ignorant some of the responses are. I am not trying to be mean but really all you have to do is see the high rate of people trying to get citizenship here and the fact that there are quite a few people here illegally. As for politics all countries have their own problems no matter where you live. If people were to go back and brush up on their US history they would understand why and how this country was settled. As for complaining about our school systems when you have never attended an American school...... Lets just say I would not complain about your school system.

    Really? You are calling people ignorant for speaking poorly of our educational system? Have YOU ever attended school outside of America? Have you ever read a report on how POORLY our educational system is doing in regards to the rest of the world? Obviously not. I actually did attend school in the United States (in 9 different states) as well as in Argentina and in Spain. I can honestly say that the education I received outside of the USA was by far superior than any that I received in the USA. I even attended one of the top high schools in the country for about a year and a half (clearly, my family moved around a lot), and it didn't even come close in comparison to the studies I received outside of the US. Before you call someone ignorant for not attending a US school, you may want to step back and take a look at the bigger picture.

    Thank you for pointing this out before me.

    As an American mother who is raising two little English girls, I can confirm that they are receiving a much better education than I ever did.

    My eldest is nearly done with her second year of full time education. She's 5 1/2.... if we were living back home she wouldn't even be starting school until September. She reads incredibly well... I still can't get over it. I was older than her when I started kindergarten... I went for half a day and the majority of that time was spent playing or tracing out letters in a work book.

    You are very welcome! Best of luck with your girls! I have dual citizenship, and if the man and I ever produce crotch-spawns (lol), we will most definitely be seeking citizenship for him and our kids outside of the US for them to gain a REAL education!
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    In one of my classes a girl said that before she came to America she thought all Americans were cowboys. She was not joking. I couldn't believe it lol
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I don't have any health insurance, so I just try to keep myself as healthy as possible.
    I only get 1 week, yes 1 week of vacation a year - and it's not even paid vacation.
    The political system scares the *kitten* out of me.
    And the way people here view the gay community, and people of other cultures/skin color/etc is just horrific.

    Move to my state. Massachusetts. We have Universal Health Care (the only state that does) and also gay marriage.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    We are not perfect all you have to do is look at the government assisstance programs and how easy it is to get this assisstance in many states and to live off of it. All you have to do is walk into any grocery store at the beginning of the month where I live and watch people fill their carts pay with a benefit card then walk outside and load their groceries in a new vehicle. Or buy steaks for their dogs because dog food is not covered (True story I was behind this in line one time) . It just shows how easy governments can be manipulated.

    Seen this too many times in line, I have my cart filled with generic food. The lady in front of me buys food with her money. Then does a separate purchase of name brand name juices and bread using her WIC card. Or, they buy their food with Food Stamps. Then a separate purchase by cigarettes with their own money. Or paying for their food with Food Stamp, meanwhile they and their kids have smart phones and I have a crap phone and I paying for all of my generic label food for my family of 8!!

    Let me play devil's advocate. I'm not talking about government assistance lifer's. How do you know the person you see paying their food with food stamps has not just recently lost their job and are struggling at the present time. They already owned a nice car, the kids already had smart phones etc... They need temporary assistance to get them through a tough time period. We already know how terrible many Americans are in saving money. :) . Are they suppose to sell everything they own immediately? Let's say they got a another nice paying job within a couple of months, they still have the car, the phones etc.... You may be surprised how many people use government assistance in a the way that it was intended, for short term temporary relief.

    I do not mind our government helping people out temporarily! In fact, as a wealthy and compassionate country, we should do this. And you are right, I do not know if this is a temporary situation.

    But, when my kids were in the public school, there were kids at my sons' school that receive and have always received free breakfast and lunch and they had cell phones when my kids did not and they wore expensive clothes. I remember one of my sons asking how come I packed their lunch when other kids got the nicer food for free. (The school had a basic lunch, but you could pay more money for the yummier food). I said because their parents do not make enough money, and the boys told me that they have money for nice clothes and phones.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Americas biggest problem: "me me me, mine mine mine"

    When you really cut to the chase, this is the core culture and the basis behind most of the problems here.

    America is a land of individual responsibility, competition, and progress. Sadly the dark sides of those things are entitlement, lack of compassion, and a tendency towards believing our way is the one true way.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I understand that the person who started the thread asked for the opinions but as I go through the thread reading I just have to laugh at how ignorant some of the responses are. I am not trying to be mean but really all you have to do is see the high rate of people trying to get citizenship here and the fact that there are quite a few people here illegally. As for politics all countries have their own problems no matter where you live. If people were to go back and brush up on their US history they would understand why and how this country was settled. As for complaining about our school systems when you have never attended an American school...... Lets just say I would not complain about your school system.

    Really? You are calling people ignorant for speaking poorly of our educational system? Have YOU ever attended school outside of America? Have you ever read a report on how POORLY our educational system is doing in regards to the rest of the world? Obviously not. I actually did attend school in the United States (in 9 different states) as well as in Argentina and in Spain. I can honestly say that the education I received outside of the USA was by far superior than any that I received in the USA. I even attended one of the top high schools in the country for about a year and a half (clearly, my family moved around a lot), and it didn't even come close in comparison to the studies I received outside of the US. Before you call someone ignorant for not attending a US school, you may want to step back and take a look at the bigger picture.

    Good for you. Yes I attended school outside of the US. It is ignorant to discuss educational systems you know nothing about. I do not express my opinion unless I personally have experienced it. Most of these people are going on stereotypes and generalizations so before you attack people you should read what they write.

    And exactly which educational system is it that I know nothing about? Refresh my memory please.

    Your ridiculous trying to start an argument once again read the post did I call you ignorant? No if you want to blast the country you live in by all means go ahead but do not fault me for finding an issue with people who have no knowledge running off at the mouth because of something they heard or saw on t.v.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,064 Member
    After talking to a friend last night who said that a girl from China giving a speech to her class about China is not allowed to say certain things against her government, I was soooooo happy to live in America.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Unlike some countries in this are free to leave anytime. Cuba might work for healthcare as long as you mind standing in line for your groceries.
    :flowerforyou: My son is studying in Rome this semester and went to Tunisia on a mission trip. He met some wonderful college students in Tunisia........who can never leave their own country. So, for those of you who loathe The United States of America, are FREE to leave!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    yes it is not the wild west.
    What? Texas is not the "wild west"???? Ha!

    Tell that to my friends in Montana. They have had not one but TWO dogs shot and killed by neighbors. No fines or penalties either. 4 broken-hearted children as a result.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Tell me which other countries has a policy in fill-out application forms indicating their ethnicity or race.....

    Every country I've lived in. It's not because the government is racist, it's for social profiling and can be used for good instead of evil. FOR EXAMPLE: understanding that a particular ethnicity is more prone to / exempt from certain cancers or diseases leads to research which can potentially provide vaccines / cures etc. You have to learn to look at the glass half-full aspect of this!

    OK if that is the case then why the inaccurate label? For example the label Hispanic/Latino, as I said a while ago its not an ethnicity & many Latin Americans don't have direct Spanish lineage to qualify for that Hispanic label. A Mexican of mostly Indigenous descent & a white Argentine who is of German descent are ethnicities apart & yet there in the US, both of them are called Hispanics :noway: Yes we speak Spanish but it doesn't make us Spaniards anymore than a German who is fluent in Japanese language be called Japanese.

    And Asian race? C'mon its not a race nor ethnicity, it simply means anyone from the CONTINENT OF ASIA which happen to include Middle East & Central Asians & yet the US defines them as "White".

    When you look at the dna of people there are always references to their cultural backgrounds. The white argentine of German decent isn't hispanic! They are caucasian, or should be for the purposes of social profiling and medical research. I think that whoever is making up these forms you describe has done so in ignorance. I understand your confusion and anger - if you're going to do something, do it properly. I was born in Papua New Guinea, and an ignorant schoolteacher once told me I was lying because I wasn't black! Idiots are everywhere in the world... Regardless of where I live, and where I was born, on a form my ethnic profiling is Caucasian - Other. And even though I am a minority group, I'm not angry about being asked to state my ethnicity. It doesn't define me.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    yes it is not the wild west.
    What? Texas is not the "wild west"???? Ha!

    they have obviously never been to the panhandle! lol

    BTW not all Texans have horses and not all Texans have pick up trucks with gun racks in the back window. Some of us just have pick up trucks. Not all of us though. Just some.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    America is my home. The older America where we were a proud people, honest, hard workers and didn't want handouts. I miss this America. It has been replaced with give me give me. I still believe that if you want to work and make your own choices you should be able to. I don't want a ruler or free health care. I think abortions are a private decision mine would be not to abort. I believe two people should be able to choose to live, love and work together which means if they choose to marry they should be able to. America didn't become one of the strongest contries in the world by being ruled. Our constitution is what makes us free. I don't want Obama as a King.My life has been hard lots of struggles but I don't blame America it's up to me what I make it. I will end by saying i love America and will always love America

    Sing it sister! :flowerforyou:
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    This is the only country I know people kill themselves to get over here whether its getting shipped here via cargo container, getting smuggled in a trunk across the border, or floating on a car door.

    Well, maybe you should read some more, because there are plenty of others!
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I'm always hearing that other countries hate America. If they do, I'm not going to argue, because America does need to mind their own business sometimes. But, I live here, I love it, wouldn't live anywhere else.

    Here's a rare opportunity for me to listen to other people's (from other countries) views on America.
    So, what do you think?

    No wrong answers here, ready to listen!
    Americans can chime in too!!

    Judge the individual! Not the country!
    American here and I haven't had any of my friends who are non American or even people I meet who are non American have any ill feelings towards me because of that, at least that I'm aware of just as I wouldn't them either.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    I live in America, and frankly I hate living here.

    I work my butt off monday through friday for pay that barely covers my bills and groceries.
    I go to college monday through thursday nights, for which I pay out of pocket for. (yes full time school and work leaves me tired all the time!)
    I don't have any health insurance, so I just try to keep myself as healthy as possible.
    I only get 1 week, yes 1 week of vacation a year - and it's not even paid vacation.
    The political system scares the *kitten* out of me.
    And the way people here view the gay community, and people of other cultures/skin color/etc is just horrific.

    The boyfriend and I are just trying to get through college, and then we're looking to gain citizenship elsewhere and get out of here!

    I would love to help you leave. Good riddance!
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    I understand that the person who started the thread asked for the opinions but as I go through the thread reading I just have to laugh at how ignorant some of the responses are. I am not trying to be mean but really all you have to do is see the high rate of people trying to get citizenship here and the fact that there are quite a few people here illegally. As for politics all countries have their own problems no matter where you live. If people were to go back and brush up on their US history they would understand why and how this country was settled. As for complaining about our school systems when you have never attended an American school...... Lets just say I would not complain about your school system.

    Really? You are calling people ignorant for speaking poorly of our educational system? Have YOU ever attended school outside of America? Have you ever read a report on how POORLY our educational system is doing in regards to the rest of the world? Obviously not. I actually did attend school in the United States (in 9 different states) as well as in Argentina and in Spain. I can honestly say that the education I received outside of the USA was by far superior than any that I received in the USA. I even attended one of the top high schools in the country for about a year and a half (clearly, my family moved around a lot), and it didn't even come close in comparison to the studies I received outside of the US. Before you call someone ignorant for not attending a US school, you may want to step back and take a look at the bigger picture.

    Good for you. Yes I attended school outside of the US. It is ignorant to discuss educational systems you know nothing about. I do not express my opinion unless I personally have experienced it. Most of these people are going on stereotypes and generalizations so before you attack people you should read what they write.

    And exactly which educational system is it that I know nothing about? Refresh my memory please.

    Your ridiculous trying to start an argument once again read the post did I call you ignorant? No if you want to blast the country you live in by all means go ahead but do not fault me for finding an issue with people who have no knowledge running off at the mouth because of something they heard or saw on t.v.

    I asked which educational system I know nothing about, because you said I was speaking of a system I knew nothing about (it's in the quotes, see for yourself). I was just asking you to enlighten me on which system I am speaking of without knowledge. I'm not ridiculous, I'm curious. And I rarely turn on a television, and when I do, you can rest assured believe it wouldn't be to watch US news stations!