Bye Bye Death Penalty



  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I don't agree with the death penalty, I think it should be banned. You don't teach a thief stealing is bad by robbing him. You don't teach and arson not to burn things down by setting his house on fire and you don't kill a killer. What kind of example does that set? You can't kill because it's illegal but were allowed to kill you if you do so? Umm, no. That's like telling a kid hitting is bad as you spank them.

    This is what we need to do......

    Ummm, people that commit murder have already proven they are not capable of learning right from wrong. It isn't about teaching them anything. It is about ridding the world from their disgusting existence!

    So just one murder? Okay, what if someone kills someone in a passionate act, as in catching them with his wife and just losing his *kitten*. Should they be executed?

    I didn't mean teaching them, I meant more so teaching society but I can see how I made that a bit confusing. A slow, miserable life locked in a little cell never to see family or anyone but other killers is worse than the quick easy and painless way out in my opinion.

    Yes just one murder makes you a killer no matter the cause. "as in catching them with his wife and just losing his *kitten*" That is a terrible excuse to kill someone. Get a divorce don't kill them. Losing his *kitten*? Yes he is dangerous. If he kills every time he loses his *kitten* why wouldn't you lock him away?

    There is a difference between a repentant killer and a stone cold killer.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    "While some states try to abolish the death penalty, my state is putting in an express lane" Paraphrased from Ron White..

    Ron White for Texas Governor!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    My good friend is a corrections officer at a super max in NY. These things you guys are saying prisoners get for free (TV, good food, etc)...they have to pay for them. The prisons turn a profit on that too. At least at the prison he works at, the only thing provided 'free of charge' is the absolute essentials. Life in prison is definitely not a vacation. You can argue it's more than they deserve, but it isn't easy or fun.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    If we're gonna keep it, I think we ought to at least make some changes to it.

    1) Public executions. Put them on so that the whole family can come down to the park and watch. Make sure the proceeds of the vendors, ticket sales and overseas viewing rights goes to the state conducting the execution.

    2) Publicly broadcast every single execution. Commandeer the airways, put it on every channel from coast to coast and show it in excruciating detail.

    3) Set-up a schedule so that people can plan their lives around the executions.

    4) Set up a two-tiered system for death penalty cases: one where the state shooses to go for teh death penalty and one where defendents may choose the death penalty as opposed to life in prison.

    5) Provide an incentive to killers to opt-in: The death penalty will be non-appealable, but if you win your case you get a settlement of $256,000 cash free.

    6) Weekly lottery to chose the executioner.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Exactly my point. It should be "guilty!" Bang, dead. Not "guilty." sit in jail appealing for 30 years.

    Again, I am in favor of capital punishment, but you don't think they deserve an appeal? You don't think courts are fallible?

    How do you feel on the 10 guilty people going free before 1 innocent person is convicted philosophy?

    You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

    Seriously though I am not comfortable living with the fact that 10 cancers to society are not being punished just so 1 innocent's life isn't ruined. We are comfortable with doctors being allowed to practice medicine when they passed with a 70%. Why aren't we comfortable with a court system that gets it right 80% or 90% of the time.

    I will concede that the court system is not perfect and convicts the innocent while releasing the guilty ( do OJ and Michael Jackson ring a bell)?

    Would you have the same opinion if it was you or a family member being exexcuted for a crime you didn't commit?
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I was born in Texas, that should about sum up my view on the subject.

    Haha! It does :tongue:

    Lol ^ This although I'm not from Texas, my stance is probably the same *Cali*
  • losethatshit
    Blood thirsty savages.
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    exactly :)

    I have a problem when the state can kill people in the name of justice.
    While I have trouble with people like Charlie Manson still being alive, I feel that it is difficult to teach that killing someone for a punishment is ever valid.
  • y353
    y353 Posts: 50 Member
    Well, maybe the convicts could WORK for society. Being useful.

    Something like "If I dont work my *kitten* off, I can't eat properly" as everyone who got to feed himself outside prison, have to do.
    Put them to clean streets, clean toilets... for life.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    6) Weekly lottery to chose the executioner.

    How much are tickets? And where does the money go?
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Blood thirsty savages.

    Very mature
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Well, maybe the convicts could WORK for society. Being useful.

    Something like "If I dont work my *kitten* off, I can't eat properly" as everyone who got to feed himself outside prison, have to do.
    Put them to clean streets, clean toilets... for life.

    They do.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Blood thirsty savages.

    I don't want to drink their blood. Personally not into this whole vampire craze going on right now.

    I just don't want my money used to keep dangerous people alive.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm 100% for the death penalty.
    I live in CT now and I don't think it should be taken away.

    There are some people who just deserve to die - serial murders, serial rapists, etc that can not and will not change with time in prison.
    However, (I may be wrong on this point, please correct me if I am), it is rather expensive to have someone on death row vs life in prison... SO from a financial POV, no death penalty might be the way...

    me too. The 2 that did those horrible rapes/murders in Cheshire def deserve to die. I hope they aren't going to be exempt from this now that they are taking it away since they were both sentenced to death
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    I'm Canadian also, and I do agree that if the person is 100% guilty, some people are just evil and deserve to die. For example, there's a murder trial going on in London, ON right now of a man who sexually assaulted and killed a little girl. The most he'll get is 25 years (that's the harshest penalty in Canada), probably eligible for parole after half of that. THAT is sad.

    If Canada did have the death penalty, he and his partner should get it. There is a fair chance that he will get "life" without parole. His partner should get the same penalty.

    Bernardo and Holmolka should both have gotten life without parole.

    Just my opinion
  • Juliet_622
    Juliet_622 Posts: 165 Member
    Blood thirsty savages.

    You read my mind.
  • Juliet_622
    Juliet_622 Posts: 165 Member
    Yes! I completely believe in "eye for an eye" punishment. I'm all for cutting off hands of theifs , castrating molestors, etc. I think our country could benefit from some serious punishments these days.

    I hear Saudi Arabia and Egypt have this code. They seem to be doing great.

  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I'm 100% for the death penalty.
    I live in CT now and I don't think it should be taken away.

    There are some people who just deserve to die - serial murders, serial rapists, etc that can not and will not change with time in prison.
    However, (I may be wrong on this point, please correct me if I am), it is rather expensive to have someone on death row vs life in prison... SO from a financial POV, no death penalty might be the way...

    me too. The 2 that did those horrible rapes/murders in Cheshire def deserve to die. I hope they aren't going to be exempt from this now that they are taking it away since they were both sentenced to death

    I also hope they don't get off the hook.

    And it IS expensive to keep them on death row which is why I think they should just open up a drive through and get rid of the ones who have been sitting there the longest up to the ones who just got there.

    I also think that the prisoners should be in their cells 23.5 hours a day and should have zero privileges. There is absolutely no reason why there should be a work out room for prisoners. What is the rationale in this? So they can come out bigger, stronger and meaner than they were before? That's bull. You are in prison for a reason. You did something horrible that got you there. You gave up any rights you had when you committed the crime so why should you get rights behind bars? It makes no sense.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    I'm Canadian also, and I do agree that if the person is 100% guilty, some people are just evil and deserve to die. For example, there's a murder trial going on in London, ON right now of a man who sexually assaulted and killed a little girl. The most he'll get is 25 years (that's the harshest penalty in Canada), probably eligible for parole after half of that. THAT is sad.

    I don't know about Canadian prisons but the first people shanked in the yard in US prisons are people who do things to kids.

    Same here in Canada - pedophiles are pedophiles, no matter where they are
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    The reason why we don't have the death penalty here in Canada is because there's enough remote places to hide a body when buddy's out on probation.