Bye Bye Death Penalty



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    So they are abolishing the death penalty in CT. I am honestly sickened by this! In my opinion, some people cross a line of doing something/s so horrible that they lost their right to live in our world/society/community and no one is to blame but themselves!

    So do you live in one of the 16 (about to be 17) states were there is no death penalty?? I know this is a touchy subject and I truly feel everyone is right in their way of thinking no matter what your stance is on it. Just curious to some of the views on this and the place you live.

    That's our awesome Governor for you. I'm surprised he didn't keep it and just tax the hell out of the people who are on death row. :happy:

    I agree that they shouldn't have abolished it however no one ever gets put to death and we end up paying for them while they rot in jail. It'd be different if we actually executed people.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    I'm against the death penalty - there have been some cases when the person hasn't been guilty.
    Killing for killing = wrong IMO.

  • NakedLunchTime
    I'm 100% for the death penalty.
    I live in CT now and I don't think it should be taken away.

    There are some people who just deserve to die - serial murders, serial rapists, etc that can not and will not change with time in prison.
    However, (I may be wrong on this point, please correct me if I am), it is rather expensive to have someone on death row vs life in prison... SO from a financial POV, no death penalty might be the way...

    Well they could eliminate the cost by just "getting on with the show" lol. But honestly! Why does it need to take 20 yrs of appeals? If DNA proves it 100% just do it and be on to the next one. I know that sounds harsh, but I hold no sympathy in my heart for people that are derranged. But I definetly see your point as well because that's not the way it is sadly.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I think they should all be put on a desert island. Let them kill each other instead of us paying for them to watch tv-body build-and make royalties from books they write while in prison.
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    This will probably be an unpopular opinion - but it amazes me that there are any states in the US that still have the death penalty. It seems medieval to me.

    (From Britain)

    I think it's when I hear of these horrible crimes and I picture how these people were killed, so brutally and many times for no "reason", (I use that term loosely), I just don't feel they have the right to breath the air that they so quickly and horrifically took from another human being.

    I do get that, and feel the same, honestly. I just think meeting violence with violence isn't the way that a civilised society behaves. Look at what other countries in the world still do it - are they countries you want to be in the same club as?

    I also think that if even one person in a thousand is wrongly executed, that's too many, and the only way to avoid that is not to execute people at all.

    Also - if the death penalty's OK, are other forms of corporal punishment OK too? Is it OK to cut the hands off people who steal, or stone women who commit adultery, or allow teachers to flog pupils for misbehaving in class? Where does it then end?
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I'm Canadian also, and I do agree that if the person is 100% guilty, some people are just evil and deserve to die. For example, there's a murder trial going on in London, ON right now of a man who sexually assaulted and killed a little girl. The most he'll get is 25 years (that's the harshest penalty in Canada), probably eligible for parole after half of that. THAT is sad.

    I don't know about Canadian prisons but the first people shanked in the yard in US prisons are people who do things to kids.
  • katielauren2001
    katielauren2001 Posts: 171 Member
    However, our court system is so screwed up that I don't trust any guilty verdicts anymore, especially if the culprit isn't white.

    Agreed! There was a case of that not long ago.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    I don't support the death penalty. I think if the persons family (the person who got killed/raped/whatever) should be able to kill that person if they want to. Some families DON'T support the death penalty and just feel guilty about killing someone else.

    I am pretty sure it also costs more to use the death penalty than is does for someone to stay in prison until they die. I'll have to look that up again.
  • NakedLunchTime
    I am in Oklahoma, we have the death penalty and I have a degree in Criminal Justice. I have studied the criminal element and seen crime sceen photos that support my thinking that some people need to be removed from this earth as they are beyond rehabilitation and there is no legit reason to keep them alive. Personally, I believe anyone convicted of child molestation should be put to death as you cannot change someone's sexual preference. You could lock me up for 20 years and tell me every day that I shouldn't have sex with women but the first day I am out I am going to find a woman and get down and dirty. So you can't tell me that someone who gets their rocks off by being with a kid can be told it is wrong and then suddenly go, "Yeah, you are right. I'm changed and will never do it again." They are too much of a danger to the most vulnerable people out there, kids.

    Oh, and if that ain't enough I have two more words for you to support that some people just need to die........Tim McVeigh.

    Well said!!!
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    The death penalty is just way too expensive. It costs less to jail someone for life than to fry them. That's why New Jersey got rid of it a few years ago.

    Besides, I rather see somone rot in jail everday for the rest of their life than get the easy way out.
  • katielauren2001
    katielauren2001 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm against the death penalty - there have been some cases when the person hasn't been guilty.
    Killing for killing = wrong IMO.


    Troy Davis was one that I can remember off the top of my head.
  • NakedLunchTime
    I live in Alabama, so we still have it down here. I know this is such a touchy issue.

    My opinion, is there are certain crimes, that the criminal does not deserve their life anymore. That man, if I am remembering right he is from CT, where his wife and 2 daughters were raped and murdered (burned a live)...those 2 men do not deserve their lives. They showed that they had no mercy and they do not contribute anything to our society. Their acts showed that they do not respect life...they did not respect those women's lives or their own.

    Just my opinion. We had a brutal rape here in my small town (I won't give details, but she, 19 year old girl, will never have children....what he did to her is beyond disturbing)...if they catch this man, I think he should be sentenced to death. I know it was a rape and she did survive, but what he did was so brutal and barbaric, he has showed that he does not respect life.
    Yes the Pettit family from CT. SOO scary its unreal, like a movie. Who would ever think that would happen to them :/
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    While I have trouble with people like Charlie Manson still being alive, I feel that it is difficult to teach that killing someone for a punishment is ever valid.

    This is pretty close to my views on the subject
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I think that the death penalty is appropriate, but only in the most extreme and obvious of circumstances. After all, one never really knows all of the facts in the case. For example, here in Georgia, a man was sentenced to death in the early 90's for killing a police officer. But around 5 years ago the witnesses in the case all recanted their stories. ALL of them. He appealed like a million times, but they still put him to death anyway. This man may have died for a crime that he didn't commit. We will never truly know now. If Georgia had not been so liberal with the death penalty, the truth still might have come out.

    But, there are also times when I feel that the circumstances warrant it. Another case here in Georgia. A few years back a man was on trial for rape. He managed to wrestle a gun away from a sheriff and shot up the court room. He murdered the sheriff, the judge, and several other people. There were plenty of witnesses that saw him do this. He is unequivocably guilty of this crime. In his case, the death penalty is appropriate. There was no question that he did it.
  • MrsGoHard
    MrsGoHard Posts: 150 Member
    While I have trouble with people like Charlie Manson still being alive, I feel that it is difficult to teach that killing someone for a punishment is ever valid.

    I agree with this wholeheartedly.
  • NakedLunchTime
    So they are abolishing the death penalty in CT. I am honestly sickened by this! In my opinion, some people cross a line of doing something/s so horrible that they lost their right to live in our world/society/community and no one is to blame but themselves!

    So do you live in one of the 16 (about to be 17) states were there is no death penalty?? I know this is a touchy subject and I truly feel everyone is right in their way of thinking no matter what your stance is on it. Just curious to some of the views on this and the place you live.

    That's our awesome Governor for you. I'm surprised he didn't keep it and just tax the hell out of the people who are on death row. :happy:

    I agree that they shouldn't have abolished it however no one ever gets put to death and we end up paying for them while they rot in jail. It'd be different if we actually executed people.

    So true!! I completely agree!
  • ccarre81
    ccarre81 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm Canadian also, and I do agree that if the person is 100% guilty, some people are just evil and deserve to die. For example, there's a murder trial going on in London, ON right now of a man who sexually assaulted and killed a little girl. The most he'll get is 25 years (that's the harshest penalty in Canada), probably eligible for parole after half of that. THAT is sad.

    Actually, the harshest penalty in Canada is life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years... and it does not mean that parole will be granted.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I wrote a paper in college about cosmetic companies torturing poor animals in order to test their products. The validity of the testing was often challenged due to the biological differences between man and animal. My suggestion was to do the testing on death row inmates. The results would be accurate and it would reduce the expense to house these inmates long term.

    At the time that I wrote the paper, I never had a pet in my life and certainly did not classify myself as an animal lover.
  • Juliet_622
    Juliet_622 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm against the death penalty - there have been some cases when the person hasn't been guilty.
    Killing for killing = wrong IMO.

    Names????? A whole website of people wrongly accused.

    I think that the death penalty is ridiculous. You're punishing someone for taking a life by taking a life? Hypocrisy much?!

    There are way too many people that have been wrongly accused and would've been executed (if Canada had the death penalty), and later were found to be innocent. You can never be 100% sure that they did it. Even confessions are worthless in court. False confessions are given far too often to be believable anymore.
  • Mandykinz2008
    Mandykinz2008 Posts: 292 Member
    I live in Texas..our death penalty isn't going anywhere..and I'm okay with that!