GUYS- - - Do you prefer a girl to have an appetite like your

Do you prefer a girl to have an appetite like yours or would you rather her eat less than you? Or do you even care? I know that I hate when I'm out with a guy and he eats less than me (yes it happens lol). So I was wondering if guys feel the same way with girls.. or maybe I'm just a little overly cautious about it?


  • Kassieisproud
    I havent thought about this and i would like to know
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    truthfully, it is usually weird for me when my wife eats as much or more than me (now that I am watching what I eat). i haven't been able to get here fully on board with eating healthier portions/food, and exercising. in the back of my mind I know what I can eat and being 6+ inches taller and working out more than her i know what she should be eating. but i love her just the same and hope she get's on board with being healthier some day.
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    Obviously not a guy, but I could never eat as much as my husband.

    One time at dinner I calculated our calorie differences and he had 3x as many as I did, just for dinner. Then he ate about 1000 calories of sherbet (pretty much the whole container) and whatever he ate before he got home. And this is pretty typical of how he eats.

    If I ate the amount he did, I would probably weigh just as much (65+ lbs) as he does and he's a lot taller.
  • vogggy
    vogggy Posts: 2 Member
    My gf and I are both logging here, but even before that I usually have a bgger portion as I am 6ft 4.

    Its not something as I guy I really notice tbh, unless she has left overs that I sometimes like to devour when she is done. Its a boyfriend perk!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    It annoys me when my partner eats more than me, because she can eat anything she wants and never gains wieght, the skinny b*

    But its not something that would really get too me.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I have to admit, when I am dating someone, it is something I notice.

    I was dating someone recently, and she was much shorter than I, and putting food own like me, and it was a big turn off.

    I don't like being that way. I can't help it though.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Nothing more intimate then going to a restaurant and sharing both appetizers and a entree, can only do that if she eats as much as I do.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    She'd probably better not have an appetite like mine! She would have to be doing a lot to burn circa 4000cals/day lol

    But honestly, as a general rule I probably would notice and think it was weird, but wouldn't put me off. If they can eat that and still look good then I have no problems there.
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    I have been on dates with guys before and they have been shocked at how much I eat...

    I have also had waiters tell me that I will not finish everything I've ordered... only to have them come back to take away clean plates and they always look shocked.

    I couldn't date a guy who eats less than me. I'd feel weird.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Wow, guys, what's it like to have women actually care what you think of our APPETITES now?
    Think about how silly this question would sound if the genders were turned around.
    I can't even believe there are men who have an opinion on it too. Why would you even care, if you're already attracted to her in the first place?
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Unless a woman is an athlete and in training it would be a major turnoff. I am competitive but not at the dinner table!!!
  • Crawflowr
    Crawflowr Posts: 106 Member
    It always used to drive me mad when my mother would serve the men-of-the-house bigger portions than us girls. I thought she was being sexist and unfair. But I suppose on consideration she was right to do so as us girls don't need as many calories as our taller brothers and father (assuming they are taller which in my case they were, though I think mum was just being sexist really). I wonder how many large girls have got that way because they had nice mothers who strove for equality among the siblings and gave everyone equal portions regardless of need. just a thought.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I can honestly say it has never occurred to me to care what anyone thinks of my appetite. And I can't say I've ever noticed someone else's appetite, either.

    What is this world coming to?
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Unless a woman is an athlete and in training it would be a major turnoff. I am competitive but not at the dinner table!!!
    You feel threatened by what someone else eats?! Really?
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    If I ate like my husband, I would be 10ft wide!

    He eats two platefuls of dinner. He eats crisps (potato chips in American) every day for the "potassium". He has dessert (thankfully only one) Everything on his plate is healthy and homemade (I should know, I do the cooking) but there is just so much of it. He does not diet as he tried it once and it made him irritable. He also goes for a big pizza/curry/pub lunch with his workmates once a week. He has a few glasses of wine or beer at he weekend if he feels like it. As he says, if he wants a danish pastry, he is having a danish pastry not sweating for 20 minutes internally debating if he should or he shouldn't.

    He also lost over 2stone (about 13kg) over the course of the last year

    So how does he do it? He cycles about 140 miles on a road bike every week to and from work. That's 80 mins a day, 6 times a week with his heavy workbag on the carrier.

    He is proof, if it were needed, that more cals out than cals coming in (no matter what the food type) loses the weight.

    I wish I could eat like him but I settle for exercising like him instead :)
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    I don`t honestly think my wife would/could ever eat like me...But it would be good if she ate the same foods as me..Nothing worse than cooking healthy for me then watching her and the kids eat crap.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    I hate it when I girl out eats me! But hey in the end who cares! haha
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Unless a woman is an athlete and in training it would be a major turnoff. I am competitive but not at the dinner table!!!
    You feel threatened by what someone else eats?! Really?

    This is a question to the guys. It's a bit rude to come in and criticize. Yes, it's a turn off. Sorry if that pisses you off. But, that's life. It's information for you. Not every guy feels this way, but many do. When a guy wants a house wife, he doesn't mean literally.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    ffs, can we please NOT be trying to tune ourselves to all the messed-up expectations of men. no, it is actually not their RIGHT to expect these things of us, so, no, we do not need to be asking them these questions.

    yes, men who have called it a turn-off, i am calling you messed-up. it's your problem if you find it a turn off, so you have to deal with it within yourself.

    women, i have dated men who have watched what I eat and commented on my 'huge appetite'. it is how i ended up here! i came here to count cals thinking that i was eating ridiculously large amounts because these a*holes had said so. guess how much i was eating? total 1500, net 1300.

    if a guy is feeling threatened or turned off by how much you eat, especially if you are a hard-working woman, you do not want him around.

    this is a FITNESS site. fitness includes healthy levels of physical activity, healthy levels of fat, healthy amounts of fuel, and healthy minds! if a man finds any of these behaviours unattractive, then run in the other direction.

    men, we need to fuel our bodies too. get off our cases already! a healthy appetite once a woman reaches fitness and maintenance is quite a high intake - around 2000-3000 cals depending on her height and activity level.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Unless a woman is an athlete and in training it would be a major turnoff. I am competitive but not at the dinner table!!!
    You feel threatened by what someone else eats?! Really?

    This is a question to the guys. It's a bit rude to come in and criticize. Yes, it's a turn off. Sorry if that pisses you off. But, that's life. It's information for you. Not every guy feels this way, but many do. When a guy wants a house wife, he doesn't mean literally.