GUYS- - - Do you prefer a girl to have an appetite like your



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    *reads through thread as men get bashed for giving their own personal opinion that they were asked for in the fist place*
    Exactly! The question was directed to GUYS and what their preference is. Why are they being bashed for their honest answers? And just because other women are offended by it, the OP wanted to know opinions.

    no kidding! ladies, lighten up. or go eat a cheeseburger cause some of yall are cranky. low blood sugar i presume.

    I would but if I ate a cheeseburger the boys might not like me.

    the right guy would.

    I must have forgotten to sue sarcasm font. :wink:
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I'd rather she be supportive of how I eat and not try to get me to eat like crap on a regular basis and settle for once or twice a week of more free eating.
  • angie_sample
    My husband is a big eater and after we started dating i did gain a lot of weight bc i was eating similar things to him. Maybe not quite as much but still way more calories than i should have been eating. Not that its his fault or anything like that, it was my choice to eat the things i ate. But now i am much more aware of portions and i make us the same thing for dinners i just do little changes. So if i make tacos. I always use ground turkey and instead of making me tacos i make a taco salad. Same food just served a different way.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I once read a story about a girl sent off to finishing school to become a proper young lady. She was told that proper ladies didn't eat much in front of men, so she wouldn't eat at all if there was a man present. She'd wait and eat later.

    I don't remember much of the story, but I remember that part because I thought 'how incredibly stupid'.

    I think it's a bit archaic to worry about whether a big appetite makes a female more or less attractive to a man. Actually, I think it's extremely archaic... A woman should eat whatever she needs/wants to maintain her weight (if she's at a healthy body weight). She shouldn't need to play games to make certain she's eating less than her man in order to feel and look 'feminine'.

    I really hope society gets past the silliness one day. :/

    I suppose some people will think that's harsh... but I live and work in a "man's" world (aka science). Things are improving, but a woman is still labeled a 'b****' if she's aggressive/assertive, while a man is praised for the same traits.
  • wolfehound22
    I don't really care, and it wouldn't turn me off, but I am aware of how much my wife eats. Now be before you jumo on me, I keep track of her cals, we both are trying to lose weight, and she doesn't really get on here enough to keep her eating habits in line, so if she is eating as much as me or more, than she is going to be way overboard. Now if we are having a cheat meal, then I could careless, but as far as our daily eating goes, I pay attention, only because I keep track of what she is eating for her.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I don't see why it's even an issue, honestly.
  • Sheila1968
    Sheila1968 Posts: 106
    I often eat the same thing as my hubby when we go out - the BIG difference being that I do NOT eat as much as he does all day long, every day. He eats (and should eat) far more than I do since he's 6 inches taller and a guy. But for a special dinner - like our once a week going out on Saturday nights - sure. We'll both get a Jack Daniel's burger and fries and split a dessert, for example. Or we'll eat the same thing at Subway or Arby's. It's not like we totally pig out, and we both exercise like crazy to allow us our treat night.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    ...not even an topic...
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    interesting replies.

    mine always tries and forces me to eat MORE food.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Yes and no. It depends on the person. If i know she works out and is constantly on the move then hell eat it up. If you work out like a beast eat like a beast. Now on the other hand is she doesn't do anything and just sits around and isn't active then I would have a problem. Im not shallow by any means. But I have personally been in situations where a girl wasn't active....ate like I did but would complain to me that she wasn't happy about the way she looked and needed to lose weight.

    Its like ordering a Big mac with a Diet coke because you are concerned about your health.
  • jenbunboo
    jenbunboo Posts: 90 Member
    Funny, I think about this a lot. I cook for my fiance and my father, and usually serve us about the same amount. Frequently, I clean my plate, as does my father, but my fiance does not. My fiance and I are both watching what we eat and tracking, but he eats more snacks than I do, eats bigger lunches, and drinks things with calories in them with dinner usually. I budget specifically for dinner, and often serve pretty big plates of food, just because we're vegan, and most everything on the plate is nutritionally dense but full of fiber and water.

    My father then proceeds to drink his calories for the rest of the evening, and somewhere a couple drinks in has 4 slices of toast, 30 olives, a half bag of chips, and an orange, but thats why my fiance and I are losing weight and he isn't!

    In the end, my fiance and I are both meeting with success, and I've gotten used to our different eating styles. He eats more earlier in the day, I eat more for dinner (still only about 400-500 calories most nights).
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    Wait a sec. Went back and re-read the OP post and she said that SHE hated when a guy ate LESS than her. How come no one jumped on her because of that? LOL!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    ....ok, thanks for stopping by......NEXT
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    Comparing my calorie goal to my husband's, they're almost the same, but then I'm taller than he is. I guess there's also the issue of whether a guy gets intimidated by a woman who's taller or more fit than he is. If it bothers him, he's probably not the right one anyway.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    The only time I've ever been able to out eat my husband or even come close to how much he eats is when I was pregnant with twins ha!
    He is bigger than me . naturally thin with a large appetite and high metabolism... he eats a lot! I would be so sick if I tried to keep up with him- why would I even want too?? ..what does it really matter though.. we are all different . just eat what your body needs.. heck most of our kids eat way more than I do and are much smaller than me.. they have their daddy's appetite and metabolism.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    When I met my husband I was over weight ate less than him. Now that I am much smaller and workout more, I eat more than him. He was commenting in the beginning and actually tried taking away my food once or twice saying he was a fraid I would gain the weight back, but it's been about 9 months since I started on working on maintaing weight and leaning out my body and since I have been successful he fully supports my eating. He will even ask me if I am still hungry or if I want something else too.

    I think the fear men have with women eating is if they gain weight and with some gaining the weight is ok, but then they have to worry about the woman feeling self consiouse and less beautiful because of the weight gain.
    Confidence is a big turn on and when the person you are with looses confidence in their looks it makes the relationship difficult.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Not sure if this has been said as I've skimmed this thread. But I've always had a small appetite. I also have anxiety and used to get panic attacks eating in front of people. It made me feel disgusting/fat/gross,etc. (this was 7-8 years ago mind you)

    When I started dating my boyfriend a few years ago and we'd go out to dinner he'd get PISSED when I only ate 1/4-1/2 of my ordered food. I'm not sure if he thought I was being wasteful? Or he was mad about buying me a 60$ dinner where I didn't eat much? I'm not sure. Now he just deals with it :P and if for whatever reason I eat a portion close to his or more it's pretty much like a "awesome job!" pat on the back kinda thing.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I eat a lot more than my boyfriend. But I burn alot of calories with my training and eat 6 times a day and he only has breakfast and dinner.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I am curious now. Of the guys that said that it would bother them, are you equating appetite with fitness or health? For instance, would it bother you if a marathon runner could out-eat you? I hope no one gets bashed for their replies, whichever way that goes.

    I have a friend that is oh, about 4'10" and can out-eat any guy I know, including her husband who's twice as tall. She weighs about 90 pounds, and is constantly trying to go a little higher. In fact, she has to be really careful about eating because she tends to lose a lot of weight really quickly, and falls into the 'unhealthy' range.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Wow, guys, what's it like to have women actually care what you think of our APPETITES now?
    Think about how silly this question would sound if the genders were turned around.
    I can't even believe there are men who have an opinion on it too. Why would you even care, if you're already attracted to her in the first place?

    I judge the **** out of a guy that eats less than me. Either he isn't eating healthy or he isn't active enough if he is out eaten by a 142 lb girl in a calorie deficit. On the same token, I also notice when people habitually eat large portions of unhealthy food. There are a few guys at my work like that, and I could not date them even if I was interested because I think that it is so gross.