GUYS- - - Do you prefer a girl to have an appetite like your



  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    My boyfriend could litterally eat anyone out of house and home, with that being said he always thought I could too, cause when he serves me dinner (yeah shocker) he piles it on my plate and I eat what I can and then pile the rest back on his plate. I'm NOT the size of a house and actually I can eat as much as him to maintain my weight. But now that I've been dieting he's secretly jumped on the bandwagon as well without admitting it. I've noticed he doesn't go for seconds anymore and there is always left overs now after dinner. And he would NEVER say anything about me eat as much or more then him. Who the hell cares
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I love food but also gained 50 pounds because of it!! Don't hate because I like my woman to be healthy and fit!!!

    I still love a good meal and I don't monitor a women portions!!

    I am in a restaurant right now watching overweight women order Grand Slam breakfast!!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I love a woman who eats.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I love a woman who eats.
    As a woman who eats, I love you for saying this. :)
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    ffs, can we please NOT be trying to tune ourselves to all the messed-up expectations of men. no, it is actually not their RIGHT to expect these things of us, so, no, we do not need to be asking them these questions.

    yes, men who have called it a turn-off, i am calling you messed-up. it's your problem if you find it a turn off, so you have to deal with it within yourself.

    For clarification - EVERYONE is different, therefore you can't tune yourself to what men want - that's like saying you are only going to wear whatever perfume all men in the world determine to be the nicest.

    So it isn't something that we have to deal with within ourselves. It is just a preference that is part of the bigger picture of whether we like the person or not.

    You say messed up like you're perfect. Guess what, we are all messed up in some way. Just because this isn't one of yours doesn't give yo the right to take the moral high ground. You want to talk messed up? I grew up skinny with a small appetite. Typically, this is a feminine trait - men eat lots, women not so much. I now have a large appetite and yes, it is messed up to think like this, but that is judged amongst men as he who can eat the most is the manliest, so if I'm out with a girl and she's keeping up, then that is diminishing my masculinity. Hence it is a turn off.

    Now off your high horse please....

    *pats head* maybe someday you'll learn to think beyond gender stereotypes and have thoughts of your very own.

    lol nice try

    clearly showing you have missed the point there and not actually read what I wrote.

    Never mind dear *pats head*
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    My wife is 5'11", eats like a horse (yes, as much or more than me) and is thin as a rail. Metabolism of a hummingbird. I much prefer that a woman enjoys food but at the end of the day, as long as a woman isn't a picky eater, I don't care how much she eats, be it more or less than myself. Picky is what drives me crazy.
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    If a girl can out eat me, I say that is AWESOME. However, only one girl was ever able to out eat me that I dated.

    She was 6'6" and on the women's volleyball team in college. I barely came up to her chest. I took her to the local steakhouse and she ate a 48oz steak and got her picture taken for doing it in under 30 minutes. I feel in love but she broke up with me 2 weeks later to date a basketball player. Go figure.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I love a girl who can eat!
    Do you prefer a girl to have an appetite like yours or would you rather her eat less than you? Or do you even care? I know that I hate when I'm out with a guy and he eats less than me (yes it happens lol). So I was wondering if guys feel the same way with girls.. or maybe I'm just a little overly cautious about it?
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I love a woman who eats.

    I feel the same way. it doesn't bother me if she out eats me. infact if she scratched, burped and farted as well that would be great! I'd feel the opposite way if she ate a little. to me I'd feel she isn't comfortable around me. I'd want her to feel comfortable around me.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member


    Who cares what men prefer? We shouldn't change our behaviors to what men prefer. We should behave how we want and the find a man who likes us for that. Seriously.

    And yeah I was eating 3000+ over the winter.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    I love a woman who eats.

    I love a man who loves a woman who eats :)
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    *reads through thread as men get bashed for giving their own personal opinion that they were asked for in the fist place*

    Guys!! IT'S A TRAP!!!
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I now have a large appetite and yes, it is messed up to think like this, but that is judged amongst men as he who can eat the most is the manliest, so if I'm out with a girl and she's keeping up, then that is diminishing my masculinity. Hence it is a turn off.

    It's diminishing your own perception of your masculinity. Hence your issue, not hers, not mine, got nothing to do with women. Men have got to stop trying to fix their insecurities by changing us... more for their own mental health and quality of life than anything else.

    You said that a woman who eats big while remaining healthy wouldn't bother you, so you sound like you've got a very healthy perception of other people. (haha, and lol yes, if a woman is eating 4000cals that is not a purely arbitrary or relative cause for concern. that is genuine... i haven't heard of any women who maintain on that much)

    Someone who is purely turned off by big eating has issues.

    I'll accept the 'high horse' criticism and move on. I do not think I said anything unfair, though. Pure and simple, it is messed up to have a 'big eating' turn off, and girls need to understand that it is not up to them to change in order to fix this issue for men. Men have got to sort their own issues out.

    Absolutely it is my issue - and I wouldn't want a girl to change for me, in any respect. But it is my preference, and for whatever reason that is, it remains my preference. Like I prefer shorter girls and not so much tall girls.

    Now as I said, it's not like it's a deal-breaker or anything. But it would just make me think about how she eats. I want someone who looks good and eating too much doesn't help that. I eat like 3500-4000+ cals a day so if she is eating like me, she is eating too much...

    To be honest the amount I care is being blown up by the fact I'm now going into so much detail...
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    personally I wouldn't care, how much she eats... What I would care about, is what she put in.... and what she does with those calories.

    I only mean that she would be doing damage to her body, if it the calories aren't used.... in more ways than just outward appearance
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    nah, don't really care how much she eats. I hate when we order food and she orders a salad or something like that then spend the rest of the evening trying to eat oof my plate because she was trying to be cute. If your hungry eat ...
  • mandy_lynn
    mandy_lynn Posts: 165 Member
    *reads through thread as men get bashed for giving their own personal opinion that they were asked for in the fist place*

    Guys!! IT'S A TRAP!!!

    I'm not a guy, and I was kind of thinking the same thing. If you are going to ask for an opinion, you have to be willing to take the answer.
    In response, there are days I eat as much as my husband, but I'm way more active than him and I burn most of what I eat!
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I love a woman who eats.

    I feel the same way. it doesn't bother me if she out eats me. infact if she scratched, burped and farted as well that would be great! I'd feel the opposite way if she ate a little. to me I'd feel she isn't comfortable around me. I'd want her to feel comfortable around me.

    I like your open mindedness.

    My OH is of the same opinion as you, though I literally cannot physically eat as much as he does or else I'd burst.

    I usually have 1/3 of the food I cooked and he'd have the remaining 2/ works well.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    *reads through thread as men get bashed for giving their own personal opinion that they were asked for in the fist place*

    Guys!! IT'S A TRAP!!!

    I'm not a guy, and I was kind of thinking the same thing. If you are going to ask for an opinion, you have to be willing to take the answer.
    In response, there are days I eat as much as my husband, but I'm way more active than him and I burn most of what I eat!

    HEY GIRLFRAN!!! I totally agree with you Mandy. Hope all is well =)

    If I were a guy, I wouldn't just mind a girl eating more than me, I'd probably be disgusted by it, especually if she were overweight and I was fit. I never eat more than my husband, even if I'm still hungry. Obviously, that's a whole other topic and is a major "me" problem. *shrugs*
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I don't give a flying f.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I don't really care about how she eats. As long as she cooks and and has big tits I'm good.