ITT: Ask me anything about losing weight..



  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    In trying to find my Body Fat %, I went to Fat2Fit Radio site and saw that there were 3 methods of calculating this.

    Stupidly, I did all three and you guessed it, got 3 VERY different results~ like 28% to 53% Body Fat!!

    Which method do you recommend?

    My stats:
    AGE 51
    WT ~ 200
    HT 5'0"
    WAIST 36.75
    HIPS 49.75
    WRIST 5.75
    FOREARM 10.75

    Thank you for taking so much time with all of us~ it's really nice to know that a real, live person has done what you've done and is willing to share how he did it and let us pick your brain too!

    My guess is it's closer to 50%. (or more)

    See this on body fat % and the problems trying to predict it:
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member

    I have a question... Hopefully you can shed some light and steer me in the right direction...

    These are my stats:
    Mar 2 April 6
    148.8 - Weight 145.2 -3.6lbs
    25.0% - Body fat 24.5% -.5%
    39.5 – Hips 39 -1in
    21.5 - R thigh 22 +.5in
    34 – Waist 34
    10 - R Bicep 11 +1in
    36 - shoulders 36.5 +.5in

    I am not too happy with these numbers. I had been stuck at 147lbs for the longest, creeped up to 153lbs and back down to 147lbs and now finally hovering at 145lbs.. Considering the above stats: How did I lose weight but inches really? I gained muscle which is good but no inches lost.. Like a lot of women, I am working on eliminating the post baby belly..nothing is working...

    It's probably a margin of error within your measurements and/or water weight
  • Hi, I am 31 gr over my daily allowance of protein, what could happen?
  • knapkec
    knapkec Posts: 2
    First of all let me say Congrat's.. your weight loss is amazing to me and inspiration!
    My question is this.. What am I doing wrong? I currently am at 133pds at 5'6, I'm following this website every day and logging in everything I eat. I workout 4 to 5 times a week high cardio and some free weights and according to this site I should be weighing in about 10 pounds lighter than I actually weigh. I haven't lost any in months even though according to what I'm eating myfitnesspal says I should have lost by now so I don't understand why the scale isn't moving????
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I don't know if anyone has asked about this (it's a LONG thread people!), but have you worked with anyone hypothyroid? I'm lifting heavy and seeing decent results (I have SHOULDERS now!), but I have the constant, nagging feeling that most of the numbers / calculators / recommendations that I come across, which are aimed at people with a normal metabolism, don't quite apply to me. For instance, I read a recommendation today that I should be eating 2,000 cals a day since I'm lifting heavy. Trust me, there's no damn way. MFP says my maintenance is ~1,600 cals, and I'm thinking that may not even be correct.

    It's hard enough to figure all this stuff out, but throw in a screwy metabolism and it's really fun. *sigh*

    (Yes, Uponthisrock, I know... I'm a unique flower... :tongue: )

    Oh, and I should mention that I'm recomping. My daily calorie goal is 1,500 and I eat exercise cals back depending on if I'm hungry, if I think I'm lacking something that day, if I get a hankering for something, if I want milk after my workout, etc.
  • Ksevert1
    Ksevert1 Posts: 1
    Are crunches really a way to burn fat? Because i feel like it is useless.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hi, I am 31 gr over my daily allowance of protein, what could happen?

    As long as you're healthy and eating at a calorie deficit, you would lose weight. Protein recommendations are just that. many people eat far more protein than this site sets you up for initially. Protein requirements go up with dieting, not down.

    See this:
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Are crunches really a way to burn fat? Because i feel like it is useless.

    They aren't useless, but there not going to burn belly fat magically.

    Abs are made in the kitchen.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I don't know if anyone has asked about this (it's a LONG thread people!), but have you worked with anyone hypothyroid? I'm lifting heavy and seeing decent results (I have SHOULDERS now!), but I have the constant, nagging feeling that most of the numbers / calculators / recommendations that I come across, which are aimed at people with a normal metabolism, don't quite apply to me. For instance, I read a recommendation today that I should be eating 2,000 cals a day since I'm lifting heavy. Trust me, there's no damn way. MFP says my maintenance is ~1,600 cals, and I'm thinking that may not even be correct.

    It's hard enough to figure all this stuff out, but throw in a screwy metabolism and it's really fun. *sigh*

    (Yes, Uponthisrock, I know... I'm a unique flower... :tongue: )

    Oh, and I should mention that I'm recomping. My daily calorie goal is 1,500 and I eat exercise cals back depending on if I'm hungry, if I think I'm lacking something that day, if I get a hankering for something, if I want milk after my workout, etc.

    Well, if the numbers don't add up don't go by them. You'll have to meticulously log every calorie and determine what you need to gain or lose weigh the old way - by trial and error. Eat the same calorie intake and macros and do the same types of exercises (types and frequencies). Do this for 3 weeks. Adjust calories up or down as needed.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    First of all let me say Congrat's.. your weight loss is amazing to me and inspiration!
    My question is this.. What am I doing wrong? I currently am at 133pds at 5'6, I'm following this website every day and logging in everything I eat. I workout 4 to 5 times a week high cardio and some free weights and according to this site I should be weighing in about 10 pounds lighter than I actually weigh. I haven't lost any in months even though according to what I'm eating myfitnesspal says I should have lost by now so I don't understand why the scale isn't moving????

    I have no idea why you are plateauing. You could be eating at a deficit, but holding onto water weight (not likely). You could be under-reporting your calorie intake (likely). You could have a metabolism slower than the models predict.

    Also see this about under-reporting calorie intake:

    And see this article on over-doing cardio and large calorie deficits
  • I really appreciate your kind offer to help others. Last year I lost 16lbs in 9 weeks and I sadly gained 9 lbs back before the year ended. I'm back on the wagon and ready to lose 22 lbs for good and keep it off. In two weeks I've lost 1.5lbs but I really feel that I should be losing more. I'm 5'3" and 148.5lbs currently. I'm working out 4-5 days/week (running, eliptical, yoga, crunches, upper body weights) and eating really well (1250-1450cals/day). Sticking to the calories isn't much of an issue for me so I wonder if I'm doing the wrong exercises? I lost just 0.4lbs last week even though I ran a full 10K on one of five days of exercise. I don't want to get frustrated in not seeing results fast so I would sincerely appreciate your feedback. Thank you again!
  • mreenis
    mreenis Posts: 13 Member
    I have been doing HIT on the stationary bike for quite some time, with a 10 sec work load and 10 sec rest for a total of 20 mins. Can do this relatively easily but still with effort.
    I have now stopped the HIT and am doing burst training. My problem is that I can only do 28 seconds before my legs give out (not my puffing). The following 3 goes are down to 26 seconds each.
    My question is should I loosen the tension on the bike to do the recommended 30-60 seconds or should I persevere with the heavier load and hope that I will be able to add time.
  • Ironlion45
    Ironlion45 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey thanks for the thread (ITT Ask me Anything...). I'm actually just starting (about 2 weeks in, one using MFP) to do the same thing you did- and the amount of weight I'm looking to lose is about the same too. Not only that, but I am around the same age you were when you set out to lose that weight;

    So your results are pretty inspirational to me, and they give me a lot of positive hope that I can accomplish what you did.

    I have read the thread, but since my situation is a lot like yours was, any tips you could give me when I'm just starting would probably be especially useful.
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 313 Member
    BUMP! Great info on here!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Bump. I kind of love this thread :)
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I have been doing HIT on the stationary bike for quite some time, with a 10 sec work load and 10 sec rest for a total of 20 mins. Can do this relatively easily but still with effort.
    I have now stopped the HIT and am doing burst training. My problem is that I can only do 28 seconds before my legs give out (not my puffing). The following 3 goes are down to 26 seconds each.
    My question is should I loosen the tension on the bike to do the recommended 30-60 seconds or should I persevere with the heavier load and hope that I will be able to add time.

    Sorry, this is not something I am familiar with.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I really appreciate your kind offer to help others. Last year I lost 16lbs in 9 weeks and I sadly gained 9 lbs back before the year ended. I'm back on the wagon and ready to lose 22 lbs for good and keep it off. In two weeks I've lost 1.5lbs but I really feel that I should be losing more. I'm 5'3" and 148.5lbs currently. I'm working out 4-5 days/week (running, eliptical, yoga, crunches, upper body weights) and eating really well (1250-1450cals/day). Sticking to the calories isn't much of an issue for me so I wonder if I'm doing the wrong exercises? I lost just 0.4lbs last week even though I ran a full 10K on one of five days of exercise. I don't want to get frustrated in not seeing results fast so I would sincerely appreciate your feedback. Thank you again!

    Two weeks is hardly any time at all. Women suffer from terrible water balance issues. You need to have more patience. You didn't gain weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight.

    Patience + consistency = success.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hey thanks for the thread (ITT Ask me Anything...). I'm actually just starting (about 2 weeks in, one using MFP) to do the same thing you did- and the amount of weight I'm looking to lose is about the same too. Not only that, but I am around the same age you were when you set out to lose that weight;

    So your results are pretty inspirational to me, and they give me a lot of positive hope that I can accomplish what you did.

    I have read the thread, but since my situation is a lot like yours was, any tips you could give me when I'm just starting would probably be especially useful.

    Just do it.

    This article is great.

    Start at:

    Just Do Something

  • Why are you so hung up on your weight? Fat is fat. To lose fat you'll need to burn more calories than you consume. This also has a side effect of lowering your weight. You can try to recomp and balance out muscle building while losing fat, but it's not efficient and your results will be faster if you focus on losing weight firs then gaining some muscle.

    Thank you. Advice taken on board.