

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    You can do it Jeannie!

    Goals and a plan and the right mental frame of mind is key for me. I haven't slacked off too much on exercise (probably why I haven't gained a ton!) but my foods are not anywhere near as good as they used to be. I had myself to the point where sweets made me sick to my stomach becasue I wasn't used to them. I CAN NOT say that right now. I've eaten my share of not such good choices lately. (FB friends, don't read my post from today....)

    I know 2 things right now. I want 4 stinkin pounds gone before we go home. That's number 1. The second one is that if I don't get my eating back to the way it was, that vacation is going to be a disaster because I will eat everything in sight, all the goodies my mom makes for my kids. Etc. It's good to go from eating really well to vacation and splurging a little. It's not good to go from spurgling already to vacation where it will turn into splurging a heck of a lot!

    Mental mind frame..... I'm working on it.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Hey Jeannie. I will post my goals when I have a chance to think. I have 2 extra kids here, promised them all breakfast, need to run to Walmart and that place gets busy on weekends and it's not so much fun, so I'm off!

    BTW- as much as I make my kiddos breakfast that's the one place I've managed to hold firm. I do not eat the waffles, I do not eat the french toast, I do not eat the pancakes, I do not drown anything in syrup. (Yummm, syrup.) I usually eat a few slices of turkey bacon and an English muffin!

    See, I still have motivation in there! It's not totally gone.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Ok I am going to be as positive as I can and just say oh well one day over won't kill me right? I have been eating right all day and then all of a sudden I got very shakey so I grabed a sandwhich when I was getting M something to eat. One day is NOT going to KILL me!!!I still am shakey hope it will go away soon.

    The girls should be going to bed soon and maybe I will just lay down as well who knows!

    It has been a quiet day for the black team. I hope it's not cause we all want to BEECH!!! :laugh:

    I wouldn't sweat it sam. Beth and I are at my in-laws (or as I refer to it,"the danger
    zone") for the weekend. Celebrating dw's 31st b-day. If I can be positive after the amount of"celebrating" I've done in the last two days, than you should be ok. Lol
    I'm glad you ate the sandwich woman. Shakey is not good and we care about you far to much to see you keel over.
    No worries
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Hey Team!

    Had a good day today. Work was a little crazy today...was very busy, but felt like I couldn't get anything done because all the interruptions. At least it went by really quickly. On the positive side, I went home (as in hometown) and got to see my sister and cousin (who are both home from college), my mom, my play sister along with her mom and grandmother. Good times. :bigsmile: Now, I'm back at home (residence) and relaxing.

    Asking for good thoughts/prayers for my sister and Granny is in the hospital now with what they always think are mini-strokes, and my sister is having hip surgery on Monday.

    Oh my, I will say a prayer for them both.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    You can do it Jeannie!

    Goals and a plan and the right mental frame of mind is key for me. I haven't slacked off too much on exercise (probably why I haven't gained a ton!) but my foods are not anywhere near as good as they used to be. I had myself to the point where sweets made me sick to my stomach becasue I wasn't used to them. I CAN NOT say that right now. I've eaten my share of not such good choices lately. (FB friends, don't read my post from today....)

    I know 2 things right now. I want 4 stinkin pounds gone before we go home. That's number 1. The second one is that if I don't get my eating back to the way it was, that vacation is going to be a disaster because I will eat everything in sight, all the goodies my mom makes for my kids. Etc. It's good to go from eating really well to vacation and splurging a little. It's not good to go from spurgling already to vacation where it will turn into splurging a heck of a lot!

    Mental mind frame..... I'm working on it.

    I printed goals and post its for each day. I am set.

    1 week. Period. I will stick to this plan for 1 week. I will let you know how it goes:flowerforyou:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Ok I am going to be as positive as I can and just say oh well one day over won't kill me right? I have been eating right all day and then all of a sudden I got very shakey so I grabed a sandwhich when I was getting M something to eat. One day is NOT going to KILL me!!!I still am shakey hope it will go away soon.

    The girls should be going to bed soon and maybe I will just lay down as well who knows!

    It has been a quiet day for the black team. I hope it's not cause we all want to BEECH!!! :laugh:

    I wouldn't sweat it sam. Beth and I are at my in-laws (or as I refer to it,"the danger
    zone") for the weekend. Celebrating dw's 31st b-day. If I can be positive after the amount of"celebrating" I've done in the last two days, than you should be ok. Lol
    I'm glad you ate the sandwich woman. Shakey is not good and we care about you far to much to see you keel over.
    No worries

    Thanks Andrew! They did go away before I went to bed.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey Team!

    Had a good day today. Work was a little crazy today...was very busy, but felt like I couldn't get anything done because all the interruptions. At least it went by really quickly. On the positive side, I went home (as in hometown) and got to see my sister and cousin (who are both home from college), my mom, my play sister along with her mom and grandmother. Good times. :bigsmile: Now, I'm back at home (residence) and relaxing.

    Asking for good thoughts/prayers for my sister and Granny is in the hospital now with what they always think are mini-strokes, and my sister is having hip surgery on Monday.

    Oh my, I will say a prayer for them both.

    Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    They are both in good granny has been to the hospital for this several times before. They always keep her, run all these tests and never find anything. I'm glad that it's not major, but I wish they would figure something out. My sister is just anxious to be able to run again (she runs track in college), so we're hoping that all goes well with the procedure and her rehabbing.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Um....yeah, I am very seriously considering signing up for a half marathon in October. Insane, right?
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I decided to ride my bike even though I knew it was going to be hotter the H-E double hockey sticks!! I said EFF it I have to get some exercise before I go crazy. I rode 15 miles in 1 and a half hours. Burned me LOTS of calories. I am determined to not let TOM ruin this weigh in for me. If I get under 170 and stay there or under while we are on vacation I get to buy myself some pretty new shoes!!

    Maybe something like these! :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I decided to ride my bike even though I knew it was going to be hotter the H-E double hockey sticks!! I said EFF it I have to get some exercise before I go crazy. I rode 15 miles in 1 and a half hours. Burned me LOTS of calories. I am determined to not let TOM ruin this weigh in for me. If I get under 170 and stay there or under while we are on vacation I get to buy myself some pretty new shoes!!

    Maybe something like these! :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone!

    HAWT shoes!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Um....yeah, I am very seriously considering signing up for a half marathon in October. Insane, right?

    nope not at all!! You have been running outside for awhile now you should be ok. You know what you have to do to train!

    Go for it!!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Um....yeah, I am very seriously considering signing up for a half marathon in October. Insane, right?

    nope not at all!! You have been running outside for awhile now you should be ok. You know what you have to do to train!

    Go for it!!

    I really kind of want to. Now, I'm in no way under the impression that I will be able to go from running 4-ish miles to 13 in 4 months...but if I could get to run about 8 and walk when I need to, I'd be totally proud of myself. Shoot, then I would want to do it next year and run the whole thing!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Um....yeah, I am very seriously considering signing up for a half marathon in October. Insane, right?

    nope not at all!! You have been running outside for awhile now you should be ok. You know what you have to do to train!

    Go for it!!

    I really kind of want to. Now, I'm in no way under the impression that I will be able to go from running 4-ish miles to 13 in 4 months...but if I could get to run about 8 and walk when I need to, I'd be totally proud of myself. Shoot, then I would want to do it next year and run the whole thing!

    Do they have where you have to keep at least an 18 minute mile? Cause then maybe you could run until you couldn't run anymore catch your breath then run again. I bet that would keep you under 18 minutes. Heck by next year you might be doing the marathon! :wink:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Um....yeah, I am very seriously considering signing up for a half marathon in October. Insane, right?

    nope not at all!! You have been running outside for awhile now you should be ok. You know what you have to do to train!

    Go for it!!

    I really kind of want to. Now, I'm in no way under the impression that I will be able to go from running 4-ish miles to 13 in 4 months...but if I could get to run about 8 and walk when I need to, I'd be totally proud of myself. Shoot, then I would want to do it next year and run the whole thing!

    Do they have where you have to keep at least an 18 minute mile? Cause then maybe you could run until you couldn't run anymore catch your breath then run again. I bet that would keep you under 18 minutes. Heck by next year you might be doing the marathon! :wink:

    I didn't see anything about that; the only thing I did see was that walkers have a limit of 5.5 hours to finish. I'll look at it though. I can't even believe I am thinking about this. :bigsmile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Um....yeah, I am very seriously considering signing up for a half marathon in October. Insane, right?

    nope not at all!! You have been running outside for awhile now you should be ok. You know what you have to do to train!

    Go for it!!

    I really kind of want to. Now, I'm in no way under the impression that I will be able to go from running 4-ish miles to 13 in 4 months...but if I could get to run about 8 and walk when I need to, I'd be totally proud of myself. Shoot, then I would want to do it next year and run the whole thing!

    Do they have where you have to keep at least an 18 minute mile? Cause then maybe you could run until you couldn't run anymore catch your breath then run again. I bet that would keep you under 18 minutes. Heck by next year you might be doing the marathon! :wink:

    I didn't see anything about that; the only thing I did see was that walkers have a limit of 5.5 hours to finish. I'll look at it though. I can't even believe I am thinking about this. :bigsmile:

    so how many miles is a marathon? Whew, you guys are running right past my old butt. jeez:ohwell:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Um....yeah, I am very seriously considering signing up for a half marathon in October. Insane, right?

    nope not at all!! You have been running outside for awhile now you should be ok. You know what you have to do to train!

    Go for it!!

    I really kind of want to. Now, I'm in no way under the impression that I will be able to go from running 4-ish miles to 13 in 4 months...but if I could get to run about 8 and walk when I need to, I'd be totally proud of myself. Shoot, then I would want to do it next year and run the whole thing!

    Do they have where you have to keep at least an 18 minute mile? Cause then maybe you could run until you couldn't run anymore catch your breath then run again. I bet that would keep you under 18 minutes. Heck by next year you might be doing the marathon! :wink:

    I didn't see anything about that; the only thing I did see was that walkers have a limit of 5.5 hours to finish. I'll look at it though. I can't even believe I am thinking about this. :bigsmile:

    so how many miles is a marathon? Whew, you guys are running right past my old butt. jeez:ohwell:

    A full marathon is 26.2 miles....I am thinking about doing the half.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Um....yeah, I am very seriously considering signing up for a half marathon in October. Insane, right?

    nope not at all!! You have been running outside for awhile now you should be ok. You know what you have to do to train!

    Go for it!!

    Well 13 isnt so bad. I think if you can lose 100 pounds you can do ANYthing you put your mind to!!

    :smooched: :smooched: :smooched:
    I really kind of want to. Now, I'm in no way under the impression that I will be able to go from running 4-ish miles to 13 in 4 months...but if I could get to run about 8 and walk when I need to, I'd be totally proud of myself. Shoot, then I would want to do it next year and run the whole thing!

    Do they have where you have to keep at least an 18 minute mile? Cause then maybe you could run until you couldn't run anymore catch your breath then run again. I bet that would keep you under 18 minutes. Heck by next year you might be doing the marathon! :wink:

    I didn't see anything about that; the only thing I did see was that walkers have a limit of 5.5 hours to finish. I'll look at it though. I can't even believe I am thinking about this. :bigsmile:

    so how many miles is a marathon? Whew, you guys are running right past my old butt. jeez:ohwell:

    A full marathon is 26.2 miles....I am thinking about doing the half.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Shuntae- you can do it! I'm still in awe of you guys running 5K's so a half is way out of my realm!

    Sam- shoes. I love me some shoes- even though I wear sneakers and flip flops most days. :laugh:

    Jeannie- I'm working on goals. I liked your idea to keep it to short periods of time. I may need to go one day at a time! I made it through breakfast (no pancakes or syrup with my fam), I made it through lunch (even though everybody else had hotdogs and nachos and cheese- I didn't but I'm not going to lie, I wanted some :angry: ) I kept telling myself- 4 pounds, 4 pounds.....

    When I looked at the calendar I realized we are probably leaving June 30 for our trip. That's really more like 2 weeks instead of 3. Sooooo, if I am to get off 4 pounds in that time frame I need to work awfully hard. No negativity here, it's historically speaking- just using pure hard facts. I looked at my weights and I was 4 pounds heavier at the beginning of April. So 2.5 months to get down 4 pounds (up and down, up and down, stay the same, etc) and I want to do it in 2 weeks. Right? Yup!

    I figure I've given my body a vacation, it's time for it to give back a little! Ok, time to log my lunch!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Shuntae- you can do it! I'm still in awe of you guys running 5K's so a half is way out of my realm!

    Sam- shoes. I love me some shoes- even though I wear sneakers and flip flops most days. :laugh:

    Jeannie- I'm working on goals. I liked your idea to keep it to short periods of time. I may need to go one day at a time! I made it through breakfast (no pancakes or syrup with my fam), I made it through lunch (even though everybody else had hotdogs and nachos and cheese- I didn't but I'm not going to lie, I wanted some :angry: ) I kept telling myself- 4 pounds, 4 pounds.....

    When I looked at the calendar I realized we are probably leaving June 30 for our trip. That's really more like 2 weeks instead of 3. Sooooo, if I am to get off 4 pounds in that time frame I need to work awfully hard. No negativity here, it's historically speaking- just using pure hard facts. I looked at my weights and I was 4 pounds heavier at the beginning of April. So 2.5 months to get down 4 pounds (up and down, up and down, stay the same, etc) and I want to do it in 2 weeks. Right? Yup!

    I figure I've given my body a vacation, it's time for it to give back a little! Ok, time to log my lunch!

    BOOya!! I have my fingers crossed to move that durn ticker next week!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Sam- shoes. I love me some shoes- even though I wear sneakers and flip flops most days. :laugh:

    I love shoes too! Hubs says to me oh great another pair of shoes you'll never wear! Cause I too only wear sneakers ot flip flops and I told him that if I get under this weight I will look smokin and will never take them off!! :laugh:

    I know how you feel about the pounds coming off or lack there of! I want to lose about 8 or 9 by the time we leave for vaca. so I can enjoy myself while we are up there. That gives me 7 weeks to lose that weight! If I stick to what I am doing now I hope that I can do it! I can't even imagine what 167 would feel like:love: . It's been years. :ohwell:

    Lori you seem pretty determined to lose this weight. I bet it will come off. Hubs is home he knows your serious and don't let him guilt you into the bad foods! :wink: