

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    OH and my new AV is all about me in the ready, set, GO postion!! Remember, in school when we were kids???


  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Sam- I am determined and hubs being home has been an issue, although he doesn't try to get me to eat but he doesn't stop me either. For some reason it was easier with just the kids and I.... excuses? I don't know, but true. The kids didn't care if I said eat cereal for dinner. DH DOES!

    Jeannie- ready set go! I love that!

    Also, last time I was stuck I was at 160 and my goal weight was 150. (Those last 10.) I changed it to 145 and moved it and now I'm not moving around 155. (Those last 10.) Maybe it's the mental thing of the last 10 for me. I've been planning on changing it to 140 anyway, so I'm going to do that. Do I need to change it to 120 to get to my goal of 140 so I never 'really' get to the last 10? I have to say I'm not too good for such a thing. :tongue:

    :drinker: Cheers to all of my teamies who had reevaluated and are ready to stick it again!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member

    Just shopping online for bathing suits. I like Land's End because I can get underwire swimwear. Important.

    Anyway, looking through the overstocks. If you wear a size 16 A cup or a size 4 DD- you are in luck!

  • Supagurl
    Supagurl Posts: 75
    I decided to ride my bike even though I knew it was going to be hotter the H-E double hockey sticks!! I said EFF it I have to get some exercise before I go crazy. I rode 15 miles in 1 and a half hours. Burned me LOTS of calories. I am determined to not let TOM ruin this weigh in for me. If I get under 170 and stay there or under while we are on vacation I get to buy myself some pretty new shoes!!

    Maybe something like these! :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone!
    these look like something that you stoled outta my sissy's closet :laugh: she is totally into pink glittery high heels:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    really i'm pretty sure she has those shoes lol
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Sam- I am determined and hubs being home has been an issue, although he doesn't try to get me to eat but he doesn't stop me either. For some reason it was easier with just the kids and I.... excuses? I don't know, but true. The kids didn't care if I said eat cereal for dinner. DH DOES!

    Jeannie- ready set go! I love that!

    Also, last time I was stuck I was at 160 and my goal weight was 150. (Those last 10.) I changed it to 145 and moved it and now I'm not moving around 155. (Those last 10.) Maybe it's the mental thing of the last 10 for me. I've been planning on changing it to 140 anyway, so I'm going to do that. Do I need to change it to 120 to get to my goal of 140 so I never 'really' get to the last 10? I have to say I'm not too good for such a thing. :tongue:

    :drinker: Cheers to all of my teamies who had reevaluated and are ready to stick it again!

    AHA!!!!!!!! Good Idea.:laugh: :laugh:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    :laugh: Suddenly the whole black team will have goal weights of 90 pounds! :laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I have found the best frozen treat EVER!! Cookies and Cream frozen yogurt from Edys or dryers the same company! YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!!!:love::love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    :laugh: Suddenly the whole black team will have goal weights of 90 pounds! :laugh:

    I'm not even close to 10 pounds from goal but I bet I will try moving it 10 pounds down when I get there! :wink: :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :laugh: Suddenly the whole black team will have goal weights of 90 pounds! :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I would do it to be funny, but a newbie may see it and think it is ok!

    I can look at my body and know I need to lose 20-25 pounds, so 10 is really not my last 10.

    I need to work out more. That is the simple truth. I can choose not to, but then I should shut my mouth.

    So I am going to do it!!. I am pulling out the Slim in 6 (no I aint a puppet!!:laugh: ) and all the weapons I can get!!

    I walked today and it is my off day. Lets just see what happens if I exercise each day for 45 minutes!!

  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member


    This was always your barbie doll's name when we were little wasn't it? Or was it Alexandria?
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Jeannie and Lori I, too am ready, set, goooooo! (And April is at her last 20 or so too!)
    Logged everything today and I am having a turkey burger for supper. It looks like rain but if it does, I'm finding my 30 day shred video and I bet I kick it's azz this time instead of the other way around!

    Let's hold hands and race headfirst into this final drop, okay?????
  • ddupree1
    ddupree1 Posts: 24
    Ok so I really need help! I fell off so much that I don't even know where to begin. I'm hurting emotionally and it seems that I don't even want to go out let alone go out on dates for knowing that by the end of the night, I will be rejected left to lick my wounds yet again. Not looking for approval from anyone but I shouldn't be made to feel this way either.

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Ok Lynnie, it's more fun to go at it with others. I'm with you.

    Jeannie, I can't decide if I can look at my body and think I can lose another 20-25 pounds or if I just don't like my body and won't be satisfied at any weigth. Make sense? I actually think I may be able to go to 130 but I'm not really sure. I thought 160 sounded like a dream when I was my heaviest, so it's hard for me to judge.

    My husband thought I was crazy when I said 140. Time will tell. If I can tone, if I can lose fat not weight, if the skin starts to tighten in places where it certainly is NOT know, all those if's then I may just be satisfied at 140.

    The other thing is that I want to be realistic. I want to be able to live. I'm not getting younger, while I would like a model's bod, I also know it's not in my cards. I have wrinkles I see coming, I have stretch marks, I have saggy skin already from losing the weight I have. I keep telling my DH I want a lift and a tuck. So after I had just been eyeing my saggy 'turkey neck' in the mirror I was headed to walmart. DH asked me what I needed, meaning at the store, I said a facelift with the lift and tuck. He just shoke his head. So I goobled at him. :laugh:

    Anyway, that's me! I'm crazy. I never worried so much about what I looked like 45 pounds heavier. Suddenly I lose a few and think I need to fit in in the Playboy mansion. Oh... to have one of those bods! Surgically enhanced or not. Who cares!:love:

    I digress. Basically, Jeannie, Lynnie. I'm in. Let's DO IT!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Jeannie and Lori I, too am ready, set, goooooo! (And April is at her last 20 or so too!)
    Logged everything today and I am having a turkey burger for supper. It looks like rain but if it does, I'm finding my 30 day shred video and I bet I kick it's azz this time instead of the other way around!

    Let's hold hands and race headfirst into this final drop, okay?????

    Yeah!!!!!!! So much fun to play with others!! I had such a childhood peaceful feeling when I read that. Silly, huh. I remember how much I loved to hold my friends hand and run-dead out-fast across the playground!!

    :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Anyway, that's me! I'm crazy. I never worried so much about what I looked like 45 pounds heavier. Suddenly I lose a few and think I need to fit in in the Playboy mansion. Oh... to have one of those bods! Surgically enhanced or not. Who cares!:love:

    I digress. Basically, Jeannie, Lynnie. I'm in. Let's DO IT!

    That is because you didnt think you were attractive at ALL if you were anything like me. I felt like a fluffy pillow in a room full of good furniture. No one really noticed me, just moved me to sit down.

    Now I feel like I am THERE. That I am worthy of a look or two. I flirt a bit more (I used to be a very flirty girl:blushing: ) I am not just speaking of men.......I looke women in the eye now too.

    So yes, I am looking at parts that wiggle and jiggle.......but at 48 that is to be expected. I just may give myself the gift I promised myself. One of those minimal face lifts they do with strings. But right now, I look at my picture and think...If that were your friend, what would you say....YOUR CRAZY GIRL!!

    We are funny, us women, arent we!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok so I really need help! I fell off so much that I don't even know where to begin. I'm hurting emotionally and it seems that I don't even want to go out let alone go out on dates for knowing that by the end of the night, I will be rejected left to lick my wounds yet again. Not looking for approval from anyone but I shouldn't be made to feel this way either.


    dd...I have not met you before. I am sorry you are in pain. You went on a date? What happened??:cry:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    quickie-- hey all--

    Had a great time at a graduation party-- ate very wisely, great choices-- until the Reese's Peanut Butter ice cream cake--

    I didn't even try to "do not." I just did-- teensy piece.

    And it was yummy--

    Then I had some fruit salad--

    Good golf vibes needed for tomorrow-- Sarah's in her sectional qualifier-- 36 holes tomorrow. If she finishes top 3, she's in the open.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    quickie-- hey all--

    Had a great time at a graduation party-- ate very wisely, great choices-- until the Reese's Peanut Butter ice cream cake--

    I didn't even try to "do not." I just did-- teensy piece.

    And it was yummy--

    Then I had some fruit salad--

    Good golf vibes needed for tomorrow-- Sarah's in her sectional qualifier-- 36 holes tomorrow. If she finishes top 3, she's in the open.


    All good vibes for ya baby!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Vibes coming your way Marla. Hope your daughter does well. Peanut butter ice cream cake? Heaven. I'm drooling like my dog just thinking about such a delight.

    Jeannie. Yes we are strange creatures. I admit it. You are probably right, at my heavier weight I figured I didn't deserve looks, now I'm very aware of how I look. And you are also right about others, they look at me and dont' see what I see. My husband is thrilled with the way I look. I want to see me through his eyes. Wiggle and jiggle. Can't even go there... although I did have a funny moment with that yesterday. Let's just say I told my DH I hoped his view was better than mine. :laugh: :laugh:

    I did binge today. On watermelon. LOL. I'll burn that off running to the bathroom all night long! I don't even think that stuff should count for calories, I pee like the ****ens after eating it.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Jeannie and Lori I, too am ready, set, goooooo! (And April is at her last 20 or so too!)
    Logged everything today and I am having a turkey burger for supper. It looks like rain but if it does, I'm finding my 30 day shred video and I bet I kick it's azz this time instead of the other way around!

    Let's hold hands and race headfirst into this final drop, okay?????

    Yeah!!!!!!! So much fun to play with others!! I had such a childhood peaceful feeling when I read that. Silly, huh. I remember how much I loved to hold my friends hand and run-dead out-fast across the playground!!

    :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched:

    I had that feeling the other day when my cousin's daughter and I were racing. My heart was pumping, not a worry in the world except for going as fast as I could. It was exhilarating!! I feel that way when I am on my bicycle too, wind blowing through my hair. Oh my gosh I wish I could bottle that thrill and sell it, I'd make millions.