Anyone want to start 30 day shred with me?



  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Still on vacation eh, wonderful for you!!! The group has been pretty quiet lately.
    Yes, level 2 is really that much harder, lol! It's all of the stuff that you do in the plank position that gets to me. There are a couple things I have to modify, and I take a couple quick breaks to get water, but Im getting through it! It should be easier for you if you've been running though, you have better endurance ;0)
    Congrats on the weight lost! That's fantastic, you're doing great. My scale is stuck I believe, lol, but I have lost 3.5 inches off my waist :bigsmile: Glad I measured, lol. I'm glad you have lost the muffin top, that too is my goal, lol!!
    Keep enjoying that vacation! :flowerforyou:

    Hey Jen,

    11 lbs lost and 3.5 iches from your hips is AMAZING!! Congrats, and keep it up. As you know, I tossed the scale, but as long as I am pushing forward, I am good! I will however update my weight Sept 1st so as to not throw off the calories (it is based on weight and height, right)?

    Yes, I work from home (part time) so I am basically on vacation for most of the summer, and just come home here and there for meetings, etc. It is NOT good for the calories though! We had a big BBQ today with friends (and cocktails) and I just finised a second workout of the day to burn it off!

    I keep saying "tomorrow" but tomorrow I REALLY will start Level 2! Wish me luck! I still cant get through all the push ups of level 1, but everything else is manageable now (dare I say, easy!?).

    Good luck and keep in touch - I will be around here and there - and back with a vengence in Sept!

    Thanks a bunch! I will be soo interested to see what your final loss is when you do finally weigh in, I"m sure it will be great!
    I'm not much for the push ups either, but I needed a change so I did level 2. Let me know what you think when you do it, it's killer. I may try to download that dance one you spoke of, sounds fun, lol.
    And don't feel bad about the BBQ, lol, I just got back from a 3 day weekend at my mother's with Roast beef, potatoes,! I was terrible, we'll see what the scale says tomorrow. i think it should be alright.
    I am soo jealous, I would love to work like you work, I hope you are enjoying it to the fullest, you deserve it! :flowerforyou:
    Keep in trouch :bigsmile:
  • 135gratitude
    Still on vacation eh, wonderful for you!!! The group has been pretty quiet lately.
    Yes, level 2 is really that much harder, lol! It's all of the stuff that you do in the plank position that gets to me. There are a couple things I have to modify, and I take a couple quick breaks to get water, but Im getting through it! It should be easier for you if you've been running though, you have better endurance ;0)
    Congrats on the weight lost! That's fantastic, you're doing great. My scale is stuck I believe, lol, but I have lost 3.5 inches off my waist :bigsmile: Glad I measured, lol. I'm glad you have lost the muffin top, that too is my goal, lol!!
    Keep enjoying that vacation! :flowerforyou:

    Hey Jen,

    11 lbs lost and 3.5 iches from your hips is AMAZING!! Congrats, and keep it up. As you know, I tossed the scale, but as long as I am pushing forward, I am good! I will however update my weight Sept 1st so as to not throw off the calories (it is based on weight and height, right)?

    Yes, I work from home (part time) so I am basically on vacation for most of the summer, and just come home here and there for meetings, etc. It is NOT good for the calories though! We had a big BBQ today with friends (and cocktails) and I just finised a second workout of the day to burn it off!

    I keep saying "tomorrow" but tomorrow I REALLY will start Level 2! Wish me luck! I still cant get through all the push ups of level 1, but everything else is manageable now (dare I say, easy!?).

    Good luck and keep in touch - I will be around here and there - and back with a vengence in Sept!

    Thanks a bunch! I will be soo interested to see what your final loss is when you do finally weigh in, I"m sure it will be great!
    I'm not much for the push ups either, but I needed a change so I did level 2. Let me know what you think when you do it, it's killer. I may try to download that dance one you spoke of, sounds fun, lol.
    And don't feel bad about the BBQ, lol, I just got back from a 3 day weekend at my mother's with Roast beef, potatoes,! I was terrible, we'll see what the scale says tomorrow. i think it should be alright.
    I am soo jealous, I would love to work like you work, I hope you are enjoying it to the fullest, you deserve it! :flowerforyou:
    Keep in trouch :bigsmile:

    Thanks jb_sweet! I have entered a loss of 1 lb per week (even though I don't know yet) because it just occurred to me that MFP is giving me calories based on my starting weight! My goal for September 1st is 155, so my fingers are crossed!

    So did the roast beef do any damage on the scales?

    I do love my job - it is great all around - I have two pre-schoolers at home, so I love being able to be home (although one starts JK in Sept, and the other starts nursery school - both 2 days a week - so I am sad, but at the same time excited that I will have a little time to work, and possibly a bit of "me" time!).
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Well this morning it said I was the same weight as Friday, so I'm happy about that! Hopefully it doesn't just show up tomorrow, lol!
    Oh wow, you are certainly going to have some time on your hands, which is nice to work on things for yourself a bit more :wink: I'm sure it will be a tough adjustment for all of you though. You should be ok for your calories, you seem to work out quite a bit, am I right? I will keep my fingers crossed for ya!
  • 135gratitude
    Well this morning it said I was the same weight as Friday, so I'm happy about that! Hopefully it doesn't just show up tomorrow, lol!
    Oh wow, you are certainly going to have some time on your hands, which is nice to work on things for yourself a bit more :wink: I'm sure it will be a tough adjustment for all of you though. You should be ok for your calories, you seem to work out quite a bit, am I right? I will keep my fingers crossed for ya!

    Good news on the scale! Keep moving forward, and it won't "catch up" to you!

    I do exercise quite a bit, I just wanted to enter some weight lost so that I did not continue to eat calories for my old weight (it probably went down 50 or 100 calories - not much - but still!).

    Still yet to try level 2, and no time today - I have to meet a friend for a run then hubby and I have a babysitter coming for a "date night" - gotta go run, but it's hot as heck here though, so I'd rather swim and tan!

    Have a great day!
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Still yet to try level 2, and no time today - I have to meet a friend for a run then hubby and I have a babysitter coming for a "date night" - gotta go run, but it's hot as heck here though, so I'd rather swim and tan!

    Ha! I laugh at your "hot as heck"! It always cracks me up when people in northern climes think it's hot where they are... It was 108 degrees here today and I have to walk a completely unshaded mile from class to my car while carrying a 15-20lb backpack at 3pm everyday. Now THAT'S hot! (Although not quite as hot as Phoenix, thank goodness--they were 113 today.)

    I'm glad to hear everyone is still plugging along. I just finished day 8 of level one. I've been trying to decide if I'm going to try level two before I go on vacation or if I should just stick with level one for the next week. I'd kind of like to really push myself before I take a week off, but on the other hand, I don't want to make myself dread starting back up once I get home. Maybe I'll just wait and see how I feel on day 11 (which should hopefully be Friday).

    Wait, am I counting right? Do you count your rest days? If I did six days of the Shred last week, took Sunday off, then did it again Monday and today, would those be days 7 and 8 or 8 and 9? Now I'm confused. And sleepy. Oh well, let me know how you're counting and I'm going to go to bed!
  • 135gratitude
    Still yet to try level 2, and no time today - I have to meet a friend for a run then hubby and I have a babysitter coming for a "date night" - gotta go run, but it's hot as heck here though, so I'd rather swim and tan!

    Ha! I laugh at your "hot as heck"! It always cracks me up when people in northern climes think it's hot where they are... It was 108 degrees here today and I have to walk a completely unshaded mile from class to my car while carrying a 15-20lb backpack at 3pm everyday. Now THAT'S hot! (Although not quite as hot as Phoenix, thank goodness--they were 113 today.)

    I'm glad to hear everyone is still plugging along. I just finished day 8 of level one. I've been trying to decide if I'm going to try level two before I go on vacation or if I should just stick with level one for the next week. I'd kind of like to really push myself before I take a week off, but on the other hand, I don't want to make myself dread starting back up once I get home. Maybe I'll just wait and see how I feel on day 11 (which should hopefully be Friday).

    Wait, am I counting right? Do you count your rest days? If I did six days of the Shred last week, took Sunday off, then did it again Monday and today, would those be days 7 and 8 or 8 and 9? Now I'm confused. And sleepy. Oh well, let me know how you're counting and I'm going to go to bed!

    Hahaha - :laugh: okay - so it was only in the low 90's (using your method - low 30's for our method) BUT that is hot for me!!!! Plus we have high high humidity - a friend just moved here from Saudi Arabia, and she said it's worse here than it was there due to the high humidity. Anyway, 108 is hot as h-ll, so you got me there!

    You are doing GREAT!

    I don't count the rest days, but I have been doing Level 1 for 6 weeks now, so what do I know about doing it right!!!! TODAY is the day I will start level 2 - I've just been doing so many other activities along with the Shred.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Still yet to try level 2, and no time today - I have to meet a friend for a run then hubby and I have a babysitter coming for a "date night" - gotta go run, but it's hot as heck here though, so I'd rather swim and tan!

    Ha! I laugh at your "hot as heck"! It always cracks me up when people in northern climes think it's hot where they are... It was 108 degrees here today and I have to walk a completely unshaded mile from class to my car while carrying a 15-20lb backpack at 3pm everyday. Now THAT'S hot! (Although not quite as hot as Phoenix, thank goodness--they were 113 today.)

    I'm glad to hear everyone is still plugging along. I just finished day 8 of level one. I've been trying to decide if I'm going to try level two before I go on vacation or if I should just stick with level one for the next week. I'd kind of like to really push myself before I take a week off, but on the other hand, I don't want to make myself dread starting back up once I get home. Maybe I'll just wait and see how I feel on day 11 (which should hopefully be Friday).

    Wait, am I counting right? Do you count your rest days? If I did six days of the Shred last week, took Sunday off, then did it again Monday and today, would those be days 7 and 8 or 8 and 9? Now I'm confused. And sleepy. Oh well, let me know how you're counting and I'm going to go to bed!

    Hahaha - :laugh: okay - so it was only in the low 90's (using your method - low 30's for our method) BUT that is hot for me!!!! Plus we have high high humidity - a friend just moved here from Saudi Arabia, and she said it's worse here than it was there due to the high humidity. Anyway, 108 is hot as h-ll, so you got me there!

    You are doing GREAT!

    I don't count the rest days, but I have been doing Level 1 for 6 weeks now, so what do I know about doing it right!!!! TODAY is the day I will start level 2 - I've just been doing so many other activities along with the Shred.

    Have a great day everyone!!!

    Good luck on level 2 Betty!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Ok, so I turned the Shred today and was planning on doing level one, but after a couple minutes of the warm-up I thought "Oh, what the h*ll!" and decided to do level two instead! DEFINITELY harder than level one, but actually not as bad as I had feared. I had to do the modified version of some of the moves (I think I did three squat thrusts before I gave up!), but I made it through with only a few stops. I can already tell I'm going to be sore tomorrow...

    Betty - How are you liking the Tracy Anderson videos? I was looking at them online and they seem pretty interesting. I have absolutely no rhythm so the dance cardio one is probably out for me (plus I don't think I have the room to bounce around like she does), but the mat workout one seems pretty doable. Have you tried it?
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Hi guys. So I weighed in today and am still at 180.6 which means I didn't lose any weight this week, BUT I am down 1.8% body fat this week! That kind of seems like a big number to me, and I'm pretty sure my scale isn't the most accurate measure of body composition, but I definitely feel like I've gained a lot of muscle this week.

    I did level two three days last week (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) and am planning on doing it this week as well. I'm leaving for vacation on Friday so I want to get in as much strength training as possible before then, since I won't be doing any while I'm gone.

    The board had been pretty quiet lately, but I hope everyone is doing well!
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    I realized I've kind of been talking to myself on thread for the last week, but I'm sure you guys will be back...

    I just wanted to check in before leaving for my vacation today. I weighed myself since I won't be able to next week and I'm down two pounds and .4% body fat since Monday! That brings my current weight to 178.6. I'm excited about this because I've been hovering around 180 for the last year or so and unable to maintain anything under that point. I've been below it several times, but not for very long. I really feel like I'm doing things the right way this time and am confident I can keep losing.

    I'm planning to take my digital food scale with me on vacation (I'm sure everybody's gonna LOVE that!), and while I am going to allow myself to go over my daily calories if I want to, I'm going to be sure to stay within my maintenance calories. Also, while I won't be taking the Shred with me, I am planning on getting plenty of exercise.

    Also, here are my current measurements (the first number is from June 15th).

    weight - (182.4) 178.6
    bust - (44) 43
    rib cage - (36.5) 36.5
    natural waist - (35) 33
    belly button - (37) 35
    hips - (40) 39.5
    butt - (43) 42
    r arm - (13) 13
    l arm - (12.5) 12.5
    r thigh - (25) 24.5
    l thigh - (25) 24.5
    r calf - (15.5) 15
    l calf - (15.5) 15

    So anyway, I'll talk to you guys in about a week and a half!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Congrats on your loss, that's awesome!!! Have a great vacation! :bigsmile:
  • 135gratitude
    Hey Ladies!!!

    Sorry I've been MIA, we decided to stay on vacation for an extra week, so I've been away a while!

    jbsweet and mrskelly - how are you ladies doing? Vacations good?

    Kelly - I've done some of the Tracey Anderson stuff but I do it all online - I have yet to buy them. I love love love her standing ab workouts - you really feel it in as few as 10 reps. I find the dance stuff pretty hard, even with a dance background, and the amount of space needed is just insane! Our living room did not prove big enough, so I have to do it in the bedroom, which I hate (I like the bedroom to stay tranquil), and even then it is tight, and the room is 14x26, so I do have a long stretch of space - which is just barely enough. I say skip those videos.

    I was thinking of starting P90X - apparently losing 20-25 lbs in the 90 days is very common. I could finish up the losing phase and get focused on improving fitness.

    Hope you are all well!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I've been ok, although no more Shred for me :angry: Doctor's orders, my knees have gotten really bad and I can't have any impact, even jumping. She said all I can do is walk or do the elliptical, it sucks. I've been slacking a bit this week since hearing that. Oh well, not too much I can do at this point.
    I'm glad you had a good vacation, it's so great that you were able to do that.
    From what I've heard I think that you'd do well at the P90 X, I'd say go for it
  • 135gratitude
    I've been ok, although no more Shred for me :angry: Doctor's orders, my knees have gotten really bad and I can't have any impact, even jumping. She said all I can do is walk or do the elliptical, it sucks. I've been slacking a bit this week since hearing that. Oh well, not too much I can do at this point.
    I'm glad you had a good vacation, it's so great that you were able to do that.
    From what I've heard I think that you'd do well at the P90 X, I'd say go for it

    Oh no! Sorry to hear this! BUT... you can do a power walk! That is great cardio, and you can really squeeze your butt and thighs and calfs when you do it! I was walking with my kids (2&4) and needed a workout for the day, so at their slow pace, I just squeezed evertying as I went, and it was great. This won't slow you down - you can do it! You can also do all of Jillian's weights without the lower body stuff. If I can't squeeze her workout in one day, I do the weights parts infront of the tv.

    You are doing so well, hang in there! I know how an injury can make you want to throw in the towel, or take a break, but keep pushing on!
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Hi guys! I just got back from vacation yesterday. I did really well for about the first week--measured, weighed and logged everything I ate--but things took a dive a few days ago! I'm still feeling okay about things though and I'm back on track today. I weighed in this morning and am up almost 6 lbs, but I started my period yesterday so I know that I'm retaining water. Add that to three days of booze (not a ton--I don't drink very often--but who could say no to lychee mojitos on the 96th floor of the Hancock Center?!), plenty of salty popcorn at the airport, and not drinking enough water on the plane and it's no wonder I'm up that much! My body fat is down another 1.2% though, so I'm sure the weight will be gone by next Monday.

    I hope you guys are doing well. Have you weighed yourself yet Betty? I'm dying to know how much weight you've lost!

    I've decided to start the New Rules of Lifting for Women program on Saturday, so I'm excited about that. I'm a little nervous about increasing my caloric intake (to 1700 on off days; 2000 on the days that I train), but I figure I'll give it a month and see what happens. It's supposed to be a great program for increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I've been ok, although no more Shred for me :angry: Doctor's orders, my knees have gotten really bad and I can't have any impact, even jumping. She said all I can do is walk or do the elliptical, it sucks. I've been slacking a bit this week since hearing that. Oh well, not too much I can do at this point.
    I'm glad you had a good vacation, it's so great that you were able to do that.
    From what I've heard I think that you'd do well at the P90 X, I'd say go for it

    Oh no! Sorry to hear this! BUT... you can do a power walk! That is great cardio, and you can really squeeze your butt and thighs and calfs when you do it! I was walking with my kids (2&4) and needed a workout for the day, so at their slow pace, I just squeezed evertying as I went, and it was great. This won't slow you down - you can do it! You can also do all of Jillian's weights without the lower body stuff. If I can't squeeze her workout in one day, I do the weights parts infront of the tv.

    You are doing so well, hang in there! I know how an injury can make you want to throw in the towel, or take a break, but keep pushing on!

    Thanks Betty! That's pretty much what I've been trying to do. I also got a pilates dvd that's pretty good and there's only a few things on there that I'm not allowed. I'm trying to really get back into things and not let it bring me down. Thanks for the motivation! :flowerforyou:
  • 135gratitude
    Hi guys! I just got back from vacation yesterday. I did really well for about the first week--measured, weighed and logged everything I ate--but things took a dive a few days ago! I'm still feeling okay about things though and I'm back on track today. I weighed in this morning and am up almost 6 lbs, but I started my period yesterday so I know that I'm retaining water. Add that to three days of booze (not a ton--I don't drink very often--but who could say no to lychee mojitos on the 96th floor of the Hancock Center?!), plenty of salty popcorn at the airport, and not drinking enough water on the plane and it's no wonder I'm up that much! My body fat is down another 1.2% though, so I'm sure the weight will be gone by next Monday.

    I hope you guys are doing well. Have you weighed yourself yet Betty? I'm dying to know how much weight you've lost!

    I've decided to start the New Rules of Lifting for Women program on Saturday, so I'm excited about that. I'm a little nervous about increasing my caloric intake (to 1700 on off days; 2000 on the days that I train), but I figure I'll give it a month and see what happens. It's supposed to be a great program for increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat.

    You just couldn't say no to the mojitos! :tongue: That would be wrong! Glad the vacation was good - we are leaving again today, so I will be away from the computer for another week+, but I will still be keeping track of my cals.

    1.2% bf loss, is GREAT! Don't worry about the 6 pounds, TOM and salt and plane = 6 lbs. No worries there.

    What's this program you are starting? Heavy lifting? I am starting P90X in Sept when all this vacationing slows down. I can't wait!

    I weigh in September 1st - next Tuesday - but I am sooo nervous! I think I've lost at least 10lbs. I bought my first pair of Size 6 jeans yesterday from the Gap - I just love them, and I almost cried when they fit (I know - I'm a huge nerd - but I've been a 12 or 14 most of my life - literally since 8th grade).

    Have a great week Kelly, and drink lots to get rid of that water! Let me know if you want to do P90X along with me!
  • 135gratitude
    I've been ok, although no more Shred for me :angry: Doctor's orders, my knees have gotten really bad and I can't have any impact, even jumping. She said all I can do is walk or do the elliptical, it sucks. I've been slacking a bit this week since hearing that. Oh well, not too much I can do at this point.
    I'm glad you had a good vacation, it's so great that you were able to do that.
    From what I've heard I think that you'd do well at the P90 X, I'd say go for it

    Oh no! Sorry to hear this! BUT... you can do a power walk! That is great cardio, and you can really squeeze your butt and thighs and calfs when you do it! I was walking with my kids (2&4) and needed a workout for the day, so at their slow pace, I just squeezed evertying as I went, and it was great. This won't slow you down - you can do it! You can also do all of Jillian's weights without the lower body stuff. If I can't squeeze her workout in one day, I do the weights parts infront of the tv.

    You are doing so well, hang in there! I know how an injury can make you want to throw in the towel, or take a break, but keep pushing on!

    Thanks Betty! That's pretty much what I've been trying to do. I also got a pilates dvd that's pretty good and there's only a few things on there that I'm not allowed. I'm trying to really get back into things and not let it bring me down. Thanks for the motivation! :flowerforyou:

    I'm sure you are doing GREAT! How is the scale reading? You are SOOO good to do Pilates when you are injured - you have the exact right attitude, and like this, you will be sooo successful!

    Have a great week, and keep in touch!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I've been ok, although no more Shred for me :angry: Doctor's orders, my knees have gotten really bad and I can't have any impact, even jumping. She said all I can do is walk or do the elliptical, it sucks. I've been slacking a bit this week since hearing that. Oh well, not too much I can do at this point.
    I'm glad you had a good vacation, it's so great that you were able to do that.
    From what I've heard I think that you'd do well at the P90 X, I'd say go for it

    Oh no! Sorry to hear this! BUT... you can do a power walk! That is great cardio, and you can really squeeze your butt and thighs and calfs when you do it! I was walking with my kids (2&4) and needed a workout for the day, so at their slow pace, I just squeezed evertying as I went, and it was great. This won't slow you down - you can do it! You can also do all of Jillian's weights without the lower body stuff. If I can't squeeze her workout in one day, I do the weights parts infront of the tv.

    You are doing so well, hang in there! I know how an injury can make you want to throw in the towel, or take a break, but keep pushing on!

    Thanks Betty! That's pretty much what I've been trying to do. I also got a pilates dvd that's pretty good and there's only a few things on there that I'm not allowed. I'm trying to really get back into things and not let it bring me down. Thanks for the motivation! :flowerforyou:

    I'm sure you are doing GREAT! How is the scale reading? You are SOOO good to do Pilates when you are injured - you have the exact right attitude, and like this, you will be sooo successful!

    Have a great week, and keep in touch!

    Well that's the great thing, lol. I just started new meds for my PCOS, so this should prevent me from gaining any more weight (apparantly, lol). So anyway, I weighed myself this morning and it was at 211!!! The lowest since I began my journey in April, that's two pounds below the 5 pounds I've kept losing and gaining, it's a great relief to finally see the scale going down again! I have Pilates for Wimps, lol, it's actually a pretty good workout though. And yes, I'm trying to keep the attitude positive, although it is hard at times, but that's why we're here right!
    Did you decide to start the P90X or are you sticking it out for a bit? When was your weigh in again? I have a feeling that it's getting closer. FIngers crossed!! I'm sure it will be great :flowerforyou:
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Hi guys!

    I weighed in this morning and my vacation water weight is gone, plus another 1.6 pounds! That means I'm at 177! Hooray!

    I feel like I've been struggling to get (and stay) out of the 180s for sooo long. In the past, every time I make it into the 170s it feel like I'm struggling so hard and holding onto my better eating habits for dear life just willing the scale to inch down a few more pounds. This time feels totally different though. I feel like I've finally reached a new normal and don't feel like I'm depriving myself of anything... Probably because I'm not! I haven't cut out any macronutrients or turned anything into an "off-limits" food (dairy, sugar, etc). I'm just trying to eat better and not letting minor setbacks derail my whole plan. Sorry if this seems like self-congratulatory rambling, but it just feel like something has finally clicked for me and it's really exciting to see that it's working!

    jb - I'm happy to hear the scale is moving for you again! I don't know if I've mentioned it on this thread, but I'm an acupuncturist who specializes in women's medicine. I posted some herb and supplement recommendations for PCOS on another thread. If you're interested in stuff like that I'm sure you can find it by doing a search for PCOS on the main message board page. the name of the thread is "PCOS Episode - Help." How is the pilates going? I've done videos in the past and went to a class once. It was in the basement of the YMCA and by the time I was done I could barely make it back up the stairs! Weight training is another no-impact thing you can do while you're recovering.

    Betty - That's so exciting about the size 6 pants! I've always been more like a 14-16 (except for a brief time as an 18) and currently have my sights set on size 8! My 10s are starting to get a little loose and I tried on an 8 at J Crew during my vacation that was just a little too tight, so it shouldn't be too long now! I think another 5 pounds should do it. My ultimate goal is a 6 and I'm sure I'll cry like a baby when I finally get there!

    The New Rules of Lifting is a heavy lifting plan (although I don't know if you can consider what I'm lifting right now heavy!). I started Saturday and today will be my second day. I'm really liking it so far. I honestly didn't feel like I had done much in the gym on Saturday, but I sure felt it yesterday! Today will be a different set of exercises (you alternate between two workouts), so we'll see how those go today.

    I'm so excited to hear the results of your weigh-in tomorrow! And to hear how you like P90X. I have a friend who's doing it and he said it's insane. I'd love to try it someday, but for now my free membership to the rec center at school is winning out over anything I have to pay for!

    I hope you both had a great weekend and I can't wait to hear about both of your weigh-ins!