Anyone want to start 30 day shred with me?

I'm starting today, and I'd love to have someone to check in with. I'm really out of shape, and I know it's going to kick my butt! I'm going to commit to doing it for the full time. YOu can do it differently but Im going to do it for at least 5 days a week until I get to 30 days. I'm going to check in here each time I do the video for accountability and I'm going to check in weekly for weight/measurements
Starting today June 14

151.6 lbs

31.5 waist
41 hip
38.5 fullest part of abdomen
24 thigh
12 upper arm
38 Bust

eta June 14th
I just did it for the first time, I really REALLY wanted to turn it off after 10 mins but I didn't I finished it and I'm sweating like a pig. I don't often sweat, I've gone on hour long bike rides through hilly dirt trails and not broken a sweat, I'm actually soaked right now.
Helpful hint........Dont do this before church LOL I have to make myself presentable somehow and don't have time for a bath LOL Now that I finished it on the first day I KNOW I can do this, can't wiat for some people to join me :)


  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Okay, I'm in! I did the workout for the first time on thursday and my arms and shoulders still hurt! OUCH! :bigsmile: I guess if it last that long, it's an awsome workout! I will also do it 5 times a week. I have church in an hour and a 2 year old to get ready, so I will do it tonight and post! Thanks for starting the thread, I've been needing some new motivation. Hope you didn't stink too bad at church! :wink:
    - Jen

    Are we checking in our measurments on Sunday's then??

    weight 130
    waist 29
    hip 34
    fullest part of abdomen 33
    L thigh 20/R thigh 19.5
    L upper arm 10/R upper arm 10.5
    bust 35
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    I'm in..I think...yikes...I have a hard time with commitment so I'll see how it goes.

    I did level 1 this morning and it was my first time, how did you guys pick what size weights you used?

    I'm 154 lbs, I didn't do my measurements but I will tomorrow morning. I'll probably only mesure myself after the 30 days...unless I need some encouragement :laugh:
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    ok, i'm going to try this too, i just have a hard time trying to find time to workout at home except my daily run on my treadmill.
    I have done it twice before and that is it, so we shall see how many times i can do it this time.
    I have to get in the shower now to get ready for a bridal shower i ahve to go to, so i will do it tonight and post after i do it. and i'll try and do my measurements then too

    Good Luck Everyone!!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Well, I started last saturday, but if you don't mind I would like to join anyway. I know I'm a little ahead of everyone, but it'd be nice to be able to talk to ppl about the shred :smile:

    I've stuck with it completely every day so far. Jillian really kicks your butt!!!!

    When I started the shred (6/6/09) I was:
    weight: 157
    waist: 31
    hip: 42
    belly: 40
    L thigh: 24.5
    R thigh:24.5
    L upper arm: 13.5
    R upper arm: 13.5

    Tomorrow will be my last day of the first level! I'll post my stats then :happy: I def feel there's a difference, I can't wait to see the numbers lol
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    YAY! I'm so glad people are joining me.

    for the weights I'm just using water bottles, they are a little over a pound each, not much, but I didn't want to spend any more money on this until I prove I will actually use it
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    hey that's absolutely fine! My best friend started the shred and she uses cans from her kitchen :wink:
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    I'm using 3 pounders, only because that is what I have from forever ago! I can only hold them for the first few excersises, then they end up on the floor! :smile: I may try cans, maybe I'll have more luck that way! When are you supposed to go up to the 2nd level? Is it after a week or just when you feel ready??
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Thanks for the info about the weights. I don't have any weights per se and I don't want to buy any right now either. I used cans today too but I've been using them since January (doing other fitness dvds). They felt a bit light today except for when we had to raise them straight forward while doing the lateral squats. Oh my hurt me. :sad: I have some water bottles & tomorrow I'll experiment and see if they might be a bit heavier without being too heavy.

    jenifergotti maybe if you use cans for the exercises you find hard and the 3 lbers for the others or do a few with the 3 lbers then switch to cans?? I'm a newbie when it comes to the 30 day shred and I too asked about moving on between levels...someone told me ideally you do 10 days on each level ( correct me if I'm wrong anyone)

    mom_to_be when you say you've done it twice before did you mean you did the 30 day shred twice before??
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    the bottles I'm using are 500 ml and Im going to switch to the 710 ml when they get too light :)
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Okay, just finished my day 1! Oh my how I'm sweating.... Ewww! My two year old son did the butt kicks with me, he thought it was the funniest "working out" ever! Good idea on the cans when my weight are too much-wanttobemoreactive. (We need to get each others names, that would be easier - I'm Jen) Hope to hear from you all tomorrow! :smile:
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member

    mom_to_be when you say you've done it twice before did you mean you did the 30 day shred twice before??

    When i said twice i mean 2 times as in 1 day and then another day and that was it. i just never have time to workout at home, i need to get out of the house and away from all my kids!! LOL

    i'm not going to end up starting till tomorrow as when i got home tonight and we were BBQing supper, there was a car acident on our property again so dinner got held up calling 911 and helping the kid in his car and talking to the firemen and police and now it' s too late to do it as the kids are in bed and I can't be jumping around in my living room as they will wake up.

    I have 3 lb and 5 lb weights that i use. i also have the nautilus dumbells that are interchangeable and i can use them when i want to increase afterwards.
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Oh my, scary! I hope everyone was okay in the accident!

    How are you guys logging your workout?
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I logged it as "circuit training" though I'm sure I burned more calories than it says, it feels like i burned about 4000 LOL
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    someone kick my butt into gear. Today is day 2 and I'm sore from yesterday and I'm afraid to do it again :embarassed: I did 25 mins of wii fit this morning, and I'm going to go get lunch now. maybe after lunch i'll get at it!
    I'm trying to use the flylady cleaning philosopy, I can do ANYTHING for 20 minutes, right?
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    You can do it!!! I am super sore today too. Going powerwalking this morning and then hopefully coming home to get my jillian on! If you do it, I won't have an excuse not to, so DO IT! :happy:

    20 minutes is NOTHING out of your life!!
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    done day 2! now you have NO excuse :P
    it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. It was still hard but not any harder than yesterday :D
    AND i'm actually less sore than I was before I started, get those muscles moving girls !
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Oh my, scary! I hope everyone was okay in the accident!

    How are you guys logging your workout?

    there was only a 20 yo kid in the car driving it, he is fine, they took him to the hospital to get checked out, his arm was bleeding from the broken glass.

    i log it under cardio and just put in the time and calories burned from my HRM
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Day 2 done & counting :wink:

    I used water bottles today but i'm going to have to get some bigger ones as they weren't heavy enough.

    After I was done my workout my husband was leaving on a road trip for work & says to me: ' Oh, did you put those water bottles out for me to take in the car?' LOL
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Do you guys mind if I join you? I just got the video over the weekend and today was my first day. I was definitely sweaty by the time it was over, but I managed to make it through (well ok, I did take a couple small breaks here and there--my asthma seems to have kicked up over the last few days).

    Here are my starting stats (this is the first time I've done measurements since signing up for MFP so I wanted to be thorough :tongue: )

    weight - 182.4
    bust - 44
    rib cage - 36.5
    natural waist - 35
    belly button - 37
    hips - 40
    butt - 43
    r arm - 13
    l arm - 12.5
    r thigh - 25
    l thigh - 25
    r calf - 15.5
    l calf - 15.5
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Today will be my 10th day!!! I'm so excited that I start level 2 tomorrow :happy: I'll let you guys know how it goes. I'm sure Jillian will kick my butt even harder in this next round