Anyone want to start 30 day shred with me?



  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    that's great! glad to inspire someone else to join

    and yes I'm serious, they are bricks, and they aren't even new bricks so they have dirty mortar all over them LOL but it works and it was free :D
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Oh ladies - I hit the wall today - a 45 minute run in the morning, then the Shred - I think I have to rest Sat, and Sun, and just do some intense cardio, and then my muscles will be ready to rock for Monday! Plus, I don't want my muscles full of extra fluids for my weigh in on Mon!

    Have a great weekend!

    Will everyone post on Monday or sometime each week so we can celebrate our success?
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Good morning ladies! Are we hanging in here?

    I thought I might take today off, but a good night's sleep, and I am ready to go!!!!

    Do you all find it is getting easier? I found that at about day 3, I noticed signigicant change!

    Have a great day!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Good morning!

    Betty, congrats on seeing a change! It's an awesome feeling isn't it!?

    My muscles are soooooo sore this morning. :ohwell: I feel like an old lady lol
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Hi all,

    My arms weren't sore today after going with the heavier weights yesterday :smile: and my thighs & shins aren't sore either :bigsmile:

    I had to take today off as we went away yesterday for the night & just got back now :grumble:

    I didn't eat as well as i wanted to while I was away as we were visiting friends and they're not the healthiest of eaters, not horrible but could be so much better :grumble:

    Anyway, that's over and tomorrow is a new day :wink:
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    Day 6 done :)
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    on day 3 now... still really hurting but hoping it will improve pronto.

    at the beach so my eating has not been fabulous, but im hoping shredding every day is helping!

    i have 5 lb weights, and i find that i can only do the first set of a couple of the exercises with teh weights, and then i just do the second set without weights (and my arms still burn!)... any advice on that???
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    on day 3 now... still really hurting but hoping it will improve pronto.

    at the beach so my eating has not been fabulous, but im hoping shredding every day is helping!

    i have 5 lb weights, and i find that i can only do the first set of a couple of the exercises with teh weights, and then i just do the second set without weights (and my arms still burn!)... any advice on that???

    I think what you are doing is perfect!!! I am also using 5lbs, and in the beginning, my shoulders could barely take it, but now I am finding that I can move up from the 5 pounders!

    Hang in there! You're doing great!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I almost didn't do the shred today. I actually was trying to talk myself out of it. Sheesh! I did it anyway, but I can't believe I almost didn't. I knew if I didn't do it, I'd be disappointed in myself tomorrow morning. Does anyone get this way with exercising sometimes?
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    I almost didn't do the shred today. I actually was trying to talk myself out of it. Sheesh! I did it anyway, but I can't believe I almost didn't. I knew if I didn't do it, I'd be disappointed in myself tomorrow morning. Does anyone get this way with exercising sometimes?

    YES!!! Exercising is like house cleaning - sometimes hard to get started, but you always feel better afterward.

    I always say to myself, that I only need to commit for 15 minutes, then I can quit. I've never quit before 30 minutes.

    Congrats on pushing through!
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Day 6 done for me :bigsmile:
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    Sunday is my weigh in.
    the scale hasn't budged however........
    .................. June 13 ....................Today
    waist ........... 31.5 .......................... 30
    hip.................. 41..........................39.75
    thighx2.............24........................... 23
    bust .................38.............................36

    dh isn't so happy about the last one. I'm over the moon that's 9.75 inches altogether in one week!!

    I realize I won't have these kind of results every week but this system really really works!
  • nazykatz
    nazykatz Posts: 16 Member
    Speaking of pushing through the exercise...

    I just laugh because EVERY time I'm about to stop, and I'm thinking I absolutely cannot do a single second more... Jillian will say "OK, just 2 more!" And I do it! :tongue:

    Keep pushing!
    (Those measurements Misty posted are very encouraging! Thanks. You go girl!)

  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    day 7 done :)

    I find her timing really good. I find the same thing, every time i think I'm done she says something like I know it's hard, but that's how you get results etc and i can keep going. to be honest when I first watched the video I found her really annoying and then when I was doing it her rambling was really helpful :D
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Misty - WOW! That's awesome.

    Okay, WHAT is with the scale? I peaked today (and I was dressed, and it was after breakfast) but still, it was UP 3 lbs!!?!?!?!? Could it be???? My muscles are quite sore, so I am sure they are full of fluid and glycogen, so I am not going to freak out.....

    Weigh in is tomorrow....

    No Shred for me today - just cardio - next to rest these muscles, and then Shred it up again tomorrow!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I was up this morning too, from 151 1/2 to 153 and a bit I'm guessing it's normal?
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Betty & Misty I'm up on the scale too. I weighed myself this morning even though Wednesday is my weigh-in day.

    I seen a few posts on You Tube from women and some of them were talking about the scale going up but inches coming off. These were 'random posts' in the sense that they were from one day during the shred & not from when the shred was over, saying what happened during the day.

    I'm glad I took my measurements on day 1 of the shred.

    Impressive measurements Misty, by the way. :wink:
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Hey ladies! Sorry I've been AWOL the last few days, life has been a little crazy. I was having a lot of soreness in my low back from my sacrum being out of place and my left knee got tweaked and swollen from my uneven stance, but it seems like my body is finally getting back to normal so I'm ready to jump back in!

    I got a GoWear Fit on Friday so I'm really excited to see how many calories I burn during the Shred. I've been absolutely floored to see how much I burn just while going about my daily life. Yesterday I walked to and from work and then did a little grocery shopping in the afternoon and burned 3000 calories for the day! I can't even imagine what's going to happen tomorrow when I'm traipsing through campus all day carrying a 20lbs backpack!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    on day 3 now... still really hurting but hoping it will improve pronto.

    at the beach so my eating has not been fabulous, but im hoping shredding every day is helping!

    i have 5 lb weights, and i find that i can only do the first set of a couple of the exercises with teh weights, and then i just do the second set without weights (and my arms still burn!)... any advice on that???

    I think what you are doing is perfect!!! I am also using 5lbs, and in the beginning, my shoulders could barely take it, but now I am finding that I can move up from the 5 pounders!

    Hang in there! You're doing great!

    thanks!!!! i did day 4 today... i am hoping to be able to push through with weights the whole time by day 6... we'll see how that goes. i am at the beach still and food is bad. i am really really trying but family eats pretty poorly... i am cooking them dinner some and such but its still hard. i am excited to get home and eat well AND shred... hoping for great results!
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Betty & Misty I'm up on the scale too. I weighed myself this morning even though Wednesday is my weigh-in day.

    I seen a few posts on You Tube from women and some of them were talking about the scale going up but inches coming off. These were 'random posts' in the sense that they were from one day during the shred & not from when the shred was over, saying what happened during the day.

    I'm glad I took my measurements on day 1 of the shred.

    Impressive measurements Misty, by the way. :wink:

    Thanks for sharing this, but I can't stay 165 pounds!!?!?!? This is ridiculous! Tomorrow is my official weigh in, so I HOPE to see some good numbers, but bigger numbers! Yikes. That would make me quit and stuff my face.

    But no. Calm down Betty. Push through. Hang on. Keep going. It's just fluid in the overworked muscles, which are becoming metabolic furnaces burning and burning calories......

    Okay, I'm calm again....

    Good luck to us all for weigh in....