Anyone want to start 30 day shred with me?



  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    YAY! you're done level 1! I think you just inspired me to do the shred now :) I was going to do it after I went to get groceries but I'll do it first.

    Maybe I'll get good and sweaty and stinky and the creepy produce guy that always hits on me will leave me alone :noway: :laugh:
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    YAY! you're done level 1! I think you just inspired me to do the shred now :) I was going to do it after I went to get groceries but I'll do it first.

    Maybe I'll get good and sweaty and stinky and the creepy produce guy that always hits on me will leave me alone :noway: :laugh:

  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    LOL yeah it's creepy he's worked there in all the years i've been shopping there too (about 7) and I think he worked there when I was a kid shopping with my parent

    but back to the point.......................


  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Hooray for you misty !!!!! :bigsmile:

    I'm away on Saturday for the day and perhaps tomorrow so I may only get to start level 2 on Sunday.
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    hmmmmmmmm where is everyone? are we all still around?

    I'll start level 2 today but not until this afternoon have a dr appt with the kids this morning
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    I'm here misty.
    I'm in a couple of other groups on here and people haven't been posting that much lately.
    I guess people's routines are starting to change with summer.

    I'm taking today & tomorrow off. Yesterday I wore my MBT sandals for the first time this summer when I went for a walk in the afternoon and my legs today are sore. MBTs, if you haven't heard of them, don't have a flat sole, they are curved. And so you end up using musles in your legs that you don't normally use when you wear them. It sounds crazy but the guy who invented them actually studied a tribe who run barefoot and created thesesneakers & sandals that simulated the way they ran. The reason I bought them is I had major shin splints a couple of years ago & ended up wearing nothing but sneakers for almost 2 yrs while my shins were healing. The sandals really made me walk on my heel & push off on my toe rather than walking flat footed like my birkenstocks used to do. Sorry for the long story.

    Anyways....I can't wait to hear what you think of level 2. :wink:
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hey guys im here... i have day 10 to do in the morning.. so nervous! i hope i am ready for level 2 on sunday, i can't believe i am a third of the way through already!

    how do you guys like level 2 so far? is it much different? i havent previewed it yet...

    also, do any of you have any of her other dvds?
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    just did day 10! i am pretty confident with level 1 so im going to try level 2 tomorrow! i am very interested to see how that goes, i previewed it today and it looks rough, especially the abs...

    any thoughts/tips???
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    today was supposed to be my weigh in day, but I forgot to weigh myself this morning, so I'll do it tomorrow

    I started level 2 today and it kicked my butt holy cow, it was hard! When I was done I called my bridesmaid and told her that she may not be witnessing my wedding, but rather writing my obituary LOL
    it felt good though and I'll do it again tomorrow.
    I took 2 days off between levels (not intentionally, but life got in the way) and I think it would have been easier if I had of started right away
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member

    well I'm back to my starting weight lol (after gaining a few last time) I'm at 151 lbs I have some digestive problems and haven't "gone" in a while and my TOM is starting on wednesday so I'm hoping that next week I'll be down a couple my masurements are still good though :) i think i'm going to throw out my scale and keep up the measuring tape love lol

    ................. June 13 ....................June 21....................Today
    waist ........... 31.5 .......................... 30.............................28
    hip.................. 41..........................39.75...........................38
    thighx2.............24........................... 23..............................22
    bust .................38.............................36..............................36

    for a grand total of 19 inches!!
    this really works I don't care what my devil possessed scales says!
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Wow misty, what amazing measurements :noway:
    I measured myself on Day 1 but haven't remeasured.
    As for scales, I totally want a digital scale as with my one, you pretty much have to lose 2 lbs before you are sure that the needle actually went down to a lower number :laugh:

    I had 3 days away from the shred. I had only planned on 2 but I was so tired yesterday there was no way I could have done it.

    It was my first day on level 2 today and wow wee the last set of strength training almost did me in. The water bottles I have don't work well when I have to do any type of raises as my hands seem to get clammy and I can't get a good grasp on them as they slip...I'm sure this doesn't happen with

    I can so feel my arms this afternoon...I wonder what tomorrow will bring?
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    sudzie88 did you try level 2? I'd say just do what you can do & modify things if you have to.
    What I really like about this dvd is that Jillian has 2 people at 2 different levels with her doing it. So if you're not super fit like Jillian, you can still follow along and get a good workout.
    I had to take a rest between sets on the last strength section (military leg press & the vee arm raises)....YEOW they were hard for me...but I'm ok with that because I know my fitness level is just okay but I also know if I stick with it I'll get better.

    Anways, I woke up with sore arms & legs (can you say about you misty, were you're arms & legs sore today?

    Oh and today I did Day 2 of level 2
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    level 2 day 2 done
    I'm really struggling with level 2, I don't look forward to it like i did with level 1. I'm pmsing and lazy feeling so maybe when that passes it will get better, but I have to force myself to do it !
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    I find level 2 harder than level 1.

    My arms are much more sore too. Today I dropped a bowl and broke it but my arms just feel kind of wobbly.
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Day 3 of level 2 done. :smile:

    My arms are wibbly wobbly & the backs of my legs are sore.

    Oh and the last time I sweated this much when I exercised, or I should say the only time when I sweated this much when I exercised is when I used to run.
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    i actually decided to stay at level 1 for now. i previewed level 2 and it seems like you need a lot more room. i am at my boyfriends and barely have enough room for level 1, so while i am here i am continuing and trying to do the hardest version of level 1. when i get home i am going to start level 2, and hopefully it wont be AS bad (maybe?) because i stuck with level 1 longer and got good at it.

    congrats for finishing day 3 of level 2! that is awesome!

    and misty your results are amazing! im jealous!
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    i actually decided to stay at level 1 for now. i previewed level 2 and it seems like you need a lot more room. i am at my boyfriends and barely have enough room for level 1, so while i am here i am continuing and trying to do the hardest version of level 1. when i get home i am going to start level 2, and hopefully it wont be AS bad (maybe?) because i stuck with level 1 longer and got good at it.

    sudzie I think that's great!!!! :wink:
    It's like anything, if you advance too quickly and you're not ready, you may get discouraged.
    You are still building up your fitness level no matter level of the shred you are doing.

    Like I said before what I really like about this dvd is that there is so much room for advancement.
    I did girlie pushups on level 1, and on level 2 some of my squats aren't very low :laugh: so I'll be able to workout with Jillian for quite awhile before I can do what Natalie (the more advanced of the 2 gals) can do.
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    Hey guys
    I'll be back on the wagon tomorrow, it's been a rough week, and today is Canada day so i didn't do any formal exercise! (although we built a HUGE lobster out of sand today at a sand sculpture contest and took 1st place for the second year in a row, so that's gotta count for something ;) lotsa shovelling)

    anywho someone kick my butt back into gear tomorrow will ya? my eating has been pretty bad the last couple of days with the holiday and my lovely aunt flow stopping by for a visit!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    What exactly do you guys do to get your results?
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    What exactly do you guys do to get your results?

    We are doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred fitness dvd.
    Jillian is one of the trainers on the tv show The Biggest Loser.