Anyone want to start 30 day shred with me?



  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    ok, day 2 down!!

    burned 140 cal. today 160 max HR 128 avg HR
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    I just finished the Shred - it was GREAT! IT took 26 minutes, and I burned 260 calories according to my HRM!

    My heart rate takes a serious dip during the crunches (down to the low 100's) - but I guess that is okay. I get tempted to jump up and do some jumping jacks to get it back up!

    Anyone else wear a HRM?

    I have a HRM monitor as well. I know what you mean about doing the crunches and your HR dropping.

    It's like interval training! During certain moves (e.g. the side lunges and shoulder raises) my heart rate can go as high as 160, and then jumping jacks around 130, and then crunches 100, and then up and down again! I believe that is good for cardio conditioning though!

    What do you burn in teh 20-30 minutes? A similar amount? I'm just curious!

    I burned 135 calories yesterday when i did it, just finihsing my breakfast and getting ready to do it again. i will let you know what my HRM says after i do it.
    Everyone will be different depending on their weight, height and how much they have been working out and how ong as well etc........ Just for some sort of compairison i am 5 ft and about 108-110 lbs, (keeps fluctuating) and am almost at my goal weight.

    You are right - comparing apples and oranges! You must be really shocked when you hear people saying they burn 1000 calories in an hour!!!! I burn about 500-600 for a full out cardio session (treadmill running, elliptical, etc), but I am 5'8" and 165 pounds! (BMI 25.2)

    I am totally bummed when i hear that many calories, however my treadmill says i burn 800-900 or just over wheni am on it for an houor and my HRM only says about 400 and a bit. My BMI is 21.2
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Day 4 done & counting. :wink:

    I was nervous to wake up this morning as the sqauts & lunges are making me hurt :sad:
    It hasn't gotten bad enough that I had to take a day off yet, so that's a good thing :bigsmile:

    I still have to get heavier weights. :grumble:
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    I just finished the Shred - it was GREAT! IT took 26 minutes, and I burned 260 calories according to my HRM!

    My heart rate takes a serious dip during the crunches (down to the low 100's) - but I guess that is okay. I get tempted to jump up and do some jumping jacks to get it back up!

    Anyone else wear a HRM?

    I have a HRM monitor as well. I know what you mean about doing the crunches and your HR dropping.

    It's like interval training! During certain moves (e.g. the side lunges and shoulder raises) my heart rate can go as high as 160, and then jumping jacks around 130, and then crunches 100, and then up and down again! I believe that is good for cardio conditioning though!

    What do you burn in teh 20-30 minutes? A similar amount? I'm just curious!

    I burned 135 calories yesterday when i did it, just finihsing my breakfast and getting ready to do it again. i will let you know what my HRM says after i do it.
    Everyone will be different depending on their weight, height and how much they have been working out and how ong as well etc........ Just for some sort of compairison i am 5 ft and about 108-110 lbs, (keeps fluctuating) and am almost at my goal weight.

    You are right - comparing apples and oranges! You must be really shocked when you hear people saying they burn 1000 calories in an hour!!!! I burn about 500-600 for a full out cardio session (treadmill running, elliptical, etc), but I am 5'8" and 165 pounds! (BMI 25.2)

    I am totally bummed when i hear that many calories, however my treadmill says i burn 800-900 or just over wheni am on it for an houor and my HRM only says about 400 and a bit. My BMI is 21.2

    Yeah, 400 cals for an hour of running sound about right for your height and weight! That's okay though - you are looking GREAT and are almost at your goal!

    Bette Midler always complained about being "petite" and not being able to eat very big portions! She said that at 5' she can't even hide 5 lbs! But, on the bright side, you are a nice light weight!
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Day 4 done & counting. :wink:

    I was nervous to wake up this morning as the sqauts & lunges are making me hurt :sad:
    It hasn't gotten bad enough that I had to take a day off yet, so that's a good thing :bigsmile:

    I still have to get heavier weights. :grumble:

    GOOD WORK!!!!!

    It's so great to see that we are all sticking with this!!!

    I did my second day in a row, and I was NOT that sore! I was really worried! I followed the workout with the run (and have yet to stretch) and burned 450 calories - which is a bonus!

    My chest was really sore today - I am so weak in that area! I'm using 5 lb weights to start, and I think I need to increase them for bicep and shoulders, etc.

    Have a GREAT day everyone!
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I need heavier weights too! I was using water bottles but they aren't very heavy. My dh is a mason, so we have lots of bricks around I may see what I can find there LOL

    So I was planning on taking wed and sun off the shred, but I really don't feel like i need to. are you guys doing this every day or do you take days off?
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    I need heavier weights too! I was using water bottles but they aren't very heavy. My dh is a mason, so we have lots of bricks around I may see what I can find there LOL

    So I was planning on taking wed and sun off the shred, but I really don't feel like i need to. are you guys doing this every day or do you take days off?

    Hahaha - I can picture you with bricks in your hands!

    I am doing it everyday, unless my muscles feel tired (although I'm 3 days in) in which case I will just do cardio.

    How is everyone else doing it?
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    maybe I can make it my goal to work up to cinder blocks LOL
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    I need heavier weights too! I was using water bottles but they aren't very heavy. My dh is a mason, so we have lots of bricks around I may see what I can find there LOL

    So I was planning on taking wed and sun off the shred, but I really don't feel like i need to. are you guys doing this every day or do you take days off?

    Hahaha - I can picture you with bricks in your hands!

    I am doing it everyday, unless my muscles feel tired (although I'm 3 days in) in which case I will just do cardio.

    How is everyone else doing it?

    I usually do it 5 days a week with rest days in between. I'm seeing great results so far.
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    I will probably be taking a day off here & there...Friday night my husband & I are staying overnight with friends so I probably won't get to do the workout on Saturday....with workouts tomorrow & Friday that will be 6 days in a row for me then a day off. :smile:
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Okay ladies... I posted my real pic on my av.... I thought I should have a "before and after" for our 30 day SHRED!!! Shall we all do the same? Then we can see fare we've come in 30 days!

    Hope you are all having a great day!
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    I didn't do the full Shred today. My sacrum has been out for about a week and after several failed chiropractic treatments I think it's finally back where it should be. My low back is really sore from all the manipulation though, so today I opted to skip the cardio and legs portion of the Shred in favor of doing the upper body strength moves and abs. I was planning on taking the day off from the whole thing, but found myself actually WANTING to do it! I'm going to take that as a good sign! I also walked about 3 miles in 97 degrees, so I'll let that be my cardio for the day.

    I hope everybody is doing well! I'll be back in fighting shape and Shredding with you in the next couple of days I'm sure!
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Okay ladies - how are we doing??? Today is day 4 for me, and the running shoes are going on right now!

    Have a great day!
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    It`s day 4 for me too, I`m getting going as soon as the baby goes for a nap!
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    It`s day 4 for me too, I`m getting going as soon as the baby goes for a nap!

    How are you feeling misty? My chest is really sore, but nothing else - what about you?

    (and good for you to be working out while baby naps!!!! I was laying on the couch when the babes napped!).
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I`m feeling good! I took a day off yesterday, but kinda wish I didn`t. The push ups are still REALLY hard for me, but the rest is okay

    oh and :blushing: he`s not really a *baby* he`s MY baby, but he`s nearing 2
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    I`m feeling good! I took a day off yesterday, but kinda wish I didn`t. The push ups are still REALLY hard for me, but the rest is okay

    oh and :blushing: he`s not really a *baby* he`s MY baby, but he`s nearing 2

    Hahahaha! My "babies" are 2 and 4, and I'm just losing the weight now! They've been doing the shred along with me (modified of course - more just jumping around for fun) and I find it makes the 2 year old sleep better, and the 4 year old is enjoying his rests more!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    So, I haven't posted in a few days..sorry about that...I'm a little ahead of everyone. I just started day 1 of level 2 yesterday. Wow! You guys are in for a treat lol You think Jillian kicks your butt in level 1!

    I'm not going to give anything away, but it's a lot more fun and intense than level 2. Hope everyone is doing well with level 1!
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    So, I haven't posted in a few days..sorry about that...I'm a little ahead of everyone. I just started day 1 of level 2 yesterday. Wow! You guys are in for a treat lol You think Jillian kicks your butt in level 1!

    I'm not going to give anything away, but it's a lot more fun and intense than level 2. Hope everyone is doing well with level 1!

    Was the idea that we move to level three after a week of 1? Is that the idea? My friend who moved ahead does 1 and 2 together - is that what you are doing?
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Well, I started before everyone on this thread. I just joined so I could talk to ppl that are doing the shred.
    I started 11 days ago on level 1 and yesterday was my first day at level 2.
    There are 3 levels to the video and you do each level for 10 days :smile: ...hence "30 day shred". Each level gets a little more intense, but they're fun and you def start seeing a difference.