Anyone want to start 30 day shred with me?



  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Wow size 6 Betty! That's awesome, I'm so sure that you will see a great improvement on the scale, you've been doing fantastic. To be honest, when I hit a size 12 I'll probably cry, I feel like a size 6 is just not even possible for me at this point, so I really don't blame you for feeling that way at all!! :bigsmile:
    Thanks so much mskellyw, the encouragement helps a lot! Congrats to you on 177, that is super fantaastic!! I have been doing weight training and the pilates with a lot of walking! I had a bachelorette party this weekend and drank WAY too much (I haven't drank in 6 months either), so I"m retaining water today, blah. I was controlling my PCOS the herbal way up until this month but I wasn't losing weight, I'd done a lot of research too so I know I was doing it right. I literally gained and lost the same 5 pounds like 6 times in 4 months, I got so frustrated that I changed over to Glumetza. Once I get to the weight I want to be at, I will probably switch back to the natural approach to maintain things since I really don't like being on prescriptions all the time. I may drop you a note at the time though just to get your opinion if you don't mind.
  • 135gratitude
    Hey Ladies!!!! Jenn and Kelly - how are you doing?

    Sooo..... hubby can't find the scale!!! He hid it in June when I was going "scale crazy" and now he can't find it!! All my clothes are fitting loose, and a pair of pants I wore at around 150 are loose, so I figure I've got to be in the low 150's if not the high 140's! Hubby has convinced me not to weigh at all, after I told him that if I saw something in the 140's I would be thrilled, but something in the 150's and I would be disappointed with myself. He thought that this was just crazy, and I kind of agree. No weighing for me! I will wait until after P90X which I finish at the end of November. I put my weight in at 150 to adjust for calories.

    P90X - wow - it is a hard one! I felt tired after my workout yesterday, not invigorated, but maybe that is the idea? I did chest and back, and a bit of cardio, and it took almost 90 minutes. This is an intense program!

    Keep me updated ladies!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Hi Betty, I'm doing alright :smile: Busy busy with too many weddings and bachelorettes and stuff, after this weekend I am free for a while, YAY! But I have a wedding Friday AND Saturday, blah! I'm going to have to dance my as* of to burn off the calories from the wedding food and booze!
    I'd tend to agree with your husband, If you feel that it will disapoint you to see 150s then don't bother! You are feeling great right now so just go with that, I'm sure you will see great results from the P90X, I've heard it's fantastic! A 90 min workout though? No doubt you are tired! I don't blame you there. With the Shred you were only going for 30 mins tops so that would be the diff. you're doing way more work. Congrats on the lose pants btw! And that is soo funny that he can't find the scale! Unless it's intentional because he wants to keep you happy, sounds like he's a good/supportive man to me!
    Good luck with it, you are doing amazing! :flowerforyou:
  • 135gratitude
    Hi Betty, I'm doing alright :smile: Busy busy with too many weddings and bachelorettes and stuff, after this weekend I am free for a while, YAY! But I have a wedding Friday AND Saturday, blah! I'm going to have to dance my as* of to burn off the calories from the wedding food and booze!
    I'd tend to agree with your husband, If you feel that it will disapoint you to see 150s then don't bother! You are feeling great right now so just go with that, I'm sure you will see great results from the P90X, I've heard it's fantastic! A 90 min workout though? No doubt you are tired! I don't blame you there. With the Shred you were only going for 30 mins tops so that would be the diff. you're doing way more work. Congrats on the lose pants btw! And that is soo funny that he can't find the scale! Unless it's intentional because he wants to keep you happy, sounds like he's a good/supportive man to me!
    Good luck with it, you are doing amazing! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Jenn, and have LOTS of fun with all the parties and weddings! Sounds good to me!!!

    I always did a run or other cardio with Jillian, so I am used to 60 min a day at least, but Tony Horton is kicking my *kitten* with his workout!!!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks Betty, the weddings actually sucked, lol. But they are over, no more weddings this year, finally!! I hope everything is going well for you :flowerforyou:
  • 135gratitude
    Thanks Betty, the weddings actually sucked, lol. But they are over, no more weddings this year, finally!! I hope everything is going well for you :flowerforyou:

    Sorry to hear they sucked!

    Have a GREAT week! How is your losing going? I am still pushing forward, without any "bad" days in over 12 weeks now! I wish I had my scale, but hubby is right that this is for the best. Last night I was not hungry at all, and had over 500 cals left. I think my body is adapting!

    Keep in touch!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    My losing's not going too well, I think my body is adjusting right now. I was doing the Shred for about 3 months and now all I do is walk and do Pilates and Yoga, so I'm sure my body needs to get used to the lower intensity. I'm also on those new meds too, which also takes an adjustment period. I'm just trying to not get frustrated and continue plugging along and hoping for the best! I figure since this is a lifestyle change for me it will happen eventually, hopefully, lol.
    Good for you on the 12 weeks no bad days, man you have motivation!!! :flowerforyou: I've been cheating a fair bit the last couple weeks, but I've been keeping it within my calories at least, so it's not as bad as it could be I suppose. I need to get to that point too where I'm not hungry in the evening, that's my worst time of day! Last night I wanted ice cream, badly, lol, so instead of eating it, I went to bed, lol. Sad I know, but it kept me away from the ice cream! I think I need to get me a hubby to steal my scale, lol..I think that thing is sometimes evil! I skipped my actual weigh in this week anyway because of the weddings and TOM, but I did peek, and didn't like what I saw, lol. So I'm not going to log the weight until I weigh in next week instead :bigsmile: I'm sure I'm carrying a lot of water weight too, I never drink and I did this weekend, which doesn't help at all.
    Here's to a great week :drinker: (and that's water, no more beer for me for at least 6 months, lol!)

  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Double post, grrr!

  • 135gratitude
    Jenn..... Kelly...... how's it going?????
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Oh same old, plugging along, lol. You?:flowerforyou:
  • 135gratitude
    Oh same old, plugging along, lol. You?:flowerforyou:

    Hello! I'm doing GREAT! Really focused on here, and reaching my goals!

    I measured, and I'm down to 37-27.5-38.5 from 40-31.5-41 when I started this 13 weeks ago!

    I also peeked at the scale at the gym, and it looks like I am down around 18 lbs, although I was fully dressed (including shoes) so I am going to weigh myself at home, in the morning, naked, etc once the hubby releases the scale for me!

    Hope you are also doing well! Keep up the calorie monitoring, and hope you can exercise more soon! How are you feeling by the way?
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Wow Betty, that is fantastic!! Good for you, you are soo motivated! I can't believe it's only been 13 weeks and you've done so well, awesome :flowerforyou:
    My knees have been very frustrating this week, so I've only gotten out to walk twice. I am buying an elliptical on Saturday though, so I'm hoping to get on that sucker for 30-60 mins a day and I think that will kick things into gear. It's one of the only things the doc said I could do, so I'm going to give it my all and hope for the best! It's a good time to get it since the snow will be flying soon and I hate snow/cold and won't be walking outside anymore. I'm starting a walking challenge and a Biggest Loser challenge here at work too, so I'm hoping that that will be motivation for me too.
    Have you ever done Cardio Kickboxing?? My cousin's doing it and says that they don't do knee kicks where she goes, just legs and upper body, so I'm considering it. She says that is is fantastic and a great great workout, she's asking her trainer what he thinks about my knee issues and doing it and we'll see. I think it would be fun, and very motivating for me since I'll be going with her and she'll drag me kicking and screaming if need be, lol!
    So when's the hubby going to give back the scale then since you want to see where you're at?

    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • 135gratitude
    Glad you will be back on the eliptical soon! That is great. There is something to be said for diet without exercise though - in my opinion, easier to control my eating, as I don't get so hungry as I do with exercise!

    I need that scale! Did I mention I peeked at the scale at the gym??? :blushing: I shouldn't have, because we had a new agreement, but I am only 10 lbs away from my ultimate dream weight! I can't believe it! I was fully clothed, and had shoes on, but the reading was great! Just what I had expected.

    Hope you have a great week and see some loss!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I'm really hoping that it will result in a loss, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I agree about the not being hungry aspect, however its not resulting in any loss for me, I'm maintaining at 1400 calories a day, some how, lol. I dunno, we'll see!!
    You did mention you peeked, bad girl, lol! I'm glad that it was the result that you are hoping for. I"m sure with the P90X you'll be at your goal in no time! 10 pounds from dream weight, wow, that's awesome, I'm sure you're feeling fantastic! :drinker: Cheers!

    Have a great week yourself!
    Jenn :flowerforyou:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I'm really hoping that it will result in a loss, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I agree about the not being hungry aspect, however its not resulting in any loss for me, I'm maintaining at 1400 calories a day, some how, lol. I dunno, we'll see!!
    You did mention you peeked, bad girl, lol! I'm glad that it was the result that you are hoping for. I"m sure with the P90X you'll be at your goal in no time! 10 pounds from dream weight, wow, that's awesome, I'm sure you're feeling fantastic! :drinker: Cheers!

    Have a great week yourself!
    Jenn :flowerforyou:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Ok Betty, it finally happened, lol, I'm down 6 pounds! 4 of those are the same pesky ones as before, but the other 2 are not! I think I finally broke the plateau, woo hoo! Just had to share :bigsmile:
    I hope you're week went well :flowerforyou:
  • 135gratitude
    Ok Betty, it finally happened, lol, I'm down 6 pounds! 4 of those are the same pesky ones as before, but the other 2 are not! I think I finally broke the plateau, woo hoo! Just had to share :bigsmile:
    I hope you're week went well :flowerforyou:

    Congrats Jenn! That is awesome!!!!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I have not worked out since LAST Saturday (eeeek!!!) because I have a respiratory infection, but I am stressing about these calories! I've been sticking to my calories, but without exercise, it just seems like I'm not doing anything - you know?

    Anyway, congrats, and keep up the great work! I hope to be back to working out on Monday.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks Betty!! I feel your pain, I'm on day 13 of illness and have only done the elliptical twice in the past week. The last time I did it I pushed myself too hard I think cause I woke up the next day WAY sicker. So I too have decided not to push it and am just watching my cals, but it does feel like doing nothing eh. I'm going to try to get back to it tonight too, good luck to you! I hope you are feeling better soon!
    Have a good week.

    Jenn :flowerforyou:
  • 135gratitude
    Thanks Betty!! I feel your pain, I'm on day 13 of illness and have only done the elliptical twice in the past week. The last time I did it I pushed myself too hard I think cause I woke up the next day WAY sicker. So I too have decided not to push it and am just watching my cals, but it does feel like doing nothing eh. I'm going to try to get back to it tonight too, good luck to you! I hope you are feeling better soon!
    Have a good week.

    Jenn :flowerforyou:

    Oh Jenn! 13 days of sickness! Wow - that must be wearing! I'm on day 12 come to think of it - I have not worked out in 12 days! I've been eating my maintenance calories, or less really, and all is well with my weight (well my measurements, clothes, etc). I can't wait to get back in the swing of things, and tomorrow is my day to start my workout again.

    Are you back to working out yet? Have you been dieting while you were sick? I didn't eat much at all the first 4 or 5 days, but after that, my appetite was back!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Ya, it's been brutle! I'm finally starting to feel better, I hope you are as well. I've only done the elliptical like twice and walked a bit, but I'm going to do it after work tonight. Time to get back into things before I get lazy again, lol! I've been sticking to my calories, I'm up to 1590 for calories right now tho, I took some advice from a smarty on here and upped my level to lightly active from sedentary. I've been doing a steps challenge and watching the number of steps I've been taking and since it's over 4000 a day every day I'm not considered sedentary. I've just started this on Monday, I'm going to try it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. If I gain, I'll drop back down to 1400, if I lose more than I'll keep it where it is. I'm glad you were maintaining, we can't use sickness as an excuse!! Well not every day anyway :wink:
    Good luck with your work out today!
    Jenn :flowerforyou:

    p.s. I think this has kind of turned into our own thread, lol. funny