Show me your breakfast! (Under 400 cal)



  • Sabine321
    Sabine321 Posts: 55 Member
    -whole wheat pancakes
    -low sugar syrup
    -1/2 banana cut on top = about 350 cal

    Whole wheat pancake mix from a box (organic) and then I add ground flax seeds and oats. I mix it once a week and keep it in an airtight container so it's quick in the mornings. Just adding fat free milk and egg whites in the morning, cook them in a non stick pan and yummy.
  • cafeconleche
    my very favorite breakfast is scrambled eggs with hotsauce and my homemade salsa. sometimes if i am on the go, i roll it up in a wrap/tortilla. i usually skip the cheese, but sometimes i'll throw it on, like a tsp or so.

    i also do berry smoothies, or mocha smoothies with my herbalife powder. yum yum.
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    2 Large Eggs, Fried and three pieces of dry whole wheat toast. I make my eggs over easy and dip one piece in the yolks to soak them up and use the other two to eat the eggs on :)

    Comes to 365 Cals :)
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    4 eggs. Scrambled and pan-fried in about a teaspoon of butter. Salt, pepper, nom nom nom 400 cal and out the door.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    My breakfast is usually a liquid one, and if I'm not having a protein shake for breakfast, I make an 'avocado smoothie'.
    Don't knock it till you try it, it's the best thing I can imagine... yummm.

    Basically you need a vitamix, 1 raw avocado, pitted, a tablespoon of raw honey, 1/2 cup organic low fat milk, 1/8 cup of yogurt, and enough ice to make somewhere between an ice cream and a smoothie consistency.

    It is SO good. Some people think it tastes too green but for me - I just taste a delicate blend of sweet and light flavors which combine wonderfully.

    It's about 400 cal for a really big serving. I can't bring myself to cut the portion in half - too good!
  • MommyLyssa
    MommyLyssa Posts: 134
    My favorite "breakfast" (I dont eat it, but my first meal of the day) is two fried eggs (in my prepped cast iron pan, so no butter needed), a whole wheat english muffin with a tablespoon of organic smuckers red raspberry preserves, and some kind of fruit or veggie (often and apple or carrots). Right around 350-400 calories, so filling, and hits protein and fiber :)

    I like my eggs either sunny side or over easy...I love to dip my english muffin in the "pee" as my kids call it.
  • bfmcfade
    bfmcfade Posts: 4 Member
    Thomas english muffin ( 100 calorie type), canadian bacon ( 2 slices 40 calories), large egg ( 70 calories ), reduced fat cheese( slice 70 or 90 calorie or laughing cow spread 45 calories per wedge), tomato slices( 6 calories for 2 slices)
  • Rabbitfeet
    Rabbitfeet Posts: 92 Member
    I love my porridge in the morning. I chop up banana to sweeten it up . Keeps me full for hours! I have a portion that is about 350 calories. If i am in a rush i tend to skip breakfast but i try and eat a piece of fruit or a yogurt in that case.
  • peggymenard
    peggymenard Posts: 246 Member
    This a.m.
    1/2 C Egg Beaters
    1 slice of whole wheat bread toasted
    1/2 TBS parmesan cheese
    1/4 C of mixed fresh fruit (make my own from grapes, blue berries, strawberries, navel oranges, apples and pineapple. I mix a big bowl and refrig for the week.
    Dollop of Cool Whip or yogurt
    Coffee with Stevia or Splenda and Coffeemate
    Scramble Egg Beaters, cut toast in half, put eggs on one side and sprinkle with cheese. about 350 Cal

    Another fav is two scoops of protein meal replacement, 1 C ice, 1 C water, 1/2 banana, 1/4 coconut flavoring. Blend until smooth.
  • suaku
    suaku Posts: 45
    4 oz. Westsoy Soy Slender Vanilla Soymilk (35 calories, 3 g protein, 2g fiber)
    3/4 cup Kashi GoLean Crisp Toasted Berry Crumble Cereal (180 calories, 9g protein, 8g fiber)
    Put cereal and milk in bowl and eat before it gets soggy, followed by...

    7.5 Tbsp (2.5 servings) Southwestern Eggbeaters (50 calories, 10g protein, 3g fiber)
    1/4 cup Kraft Free Shredded Cheddar (45 calories, 9g protein)
    1 La Tortilla Factory - Low Carb / High Fiber Large Whole Wheat Tortillas (80 calories, 8g protein, 12g fiber)
    1 Tbsp Mrs. Renfro's Habanero Salsa (8 Calories, 0g protein)

    Mix egg and cheese together in small bowl and toss in Microwave for 75 seconds. Stir and cook for another 75 seconds until done. While egg/cheese is cooking heat tortilla in toaster oven. Dump egg/cheese into warm tortilla, top with salsa, and fold like a burrito.

    After this, I'm full and have plenty of energy for workouts/the day ahead.
    Total: 398 calories, 39g protein, 25g fiber
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    I generally have Shakeology with 1/2 banana & PB2-its 340 calories. Sometimes I add oats to it too, which puts it just over 400.

    If I need to have my shake for lunch, I'll have 4 egg whites, spinach, mushrooms & some feta all scrambled together.
  • jpbeck
    jpbeck Posts: 30
    1 cup of cooked steel cut oats
    3 Links of Amylu Sugarhouse Maple Breakfast Chicken Sausage
    Greek Yogurt, between 1/2 and a cup, depending on the yogurt. Lately I've been eating a cup of Kirkland sig plain yogurt.

    Comes to 388 calories and it is a well balanced breakfast. :)
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    2 boiled eggs on a warm multi seed pitta bread. 297cals
  • Wasabinuts
    Wasabinuts Posts: 19 Member
    How about whole wheat and oatmeal pancakes with strawberry or raspberry syrop.
  • Wasabinuts
    Wasabinuts Posts: 19 Member
    The pancakes and syrop would be close to 400 calories if the syrop is made from scratch using stevia.
  • mali240
    mali240 Posts: 126
    One egg scrambled egg with onions, scallions and tomatoes with two rotis (Indian whole wheat flat bread) super filling and superbly yummersss
  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    I eat a 314 calorie breakfast that consists of :

    3-4 oz of greek yoghurt 2% fat
    a small handfull of müsli
    a small handfull of mixed grapes
    1 tablespoon of maple syrup on top of it all.

    I used to hate having breakfast, but this feels more like an alternative desert where fruits vary (yesterday it was orange instead of grapes).
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    6 TBS egg whites, 2 strips of turkey bacon, served on a slice of honey wheat toast. All under 200 calories
  • chimebird
    chimebird Posts: 57 Member
    I usually just have fried eggs on toast and a cup of coffee. You guys are way more creative!
  • swt0pie
    swt0pie Posts: 366 Member
    one slice brown bread with natural strawberry jam
    coffee with semi skimmed milk, no sugar
    half a banana
    light yoghurt
    total= 250cal