Peanut Butter is a Good Source of....Protein??



  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Good post and I agree, and additionally I don't understand how people continually list foods as being "good sources of protein" when they really aren't protein dense.

    next on my *kitten* list: cheese
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Let's talk politics and religion! I think that might be a less divisive topic than peanut butter.

  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    This is an excerpt from a blog post I just posted. Below is the relevant portion. If, for some odd reason, you want to read the my stupid ramblings along with the relevant portion, it's located here:

    Ok, enough with the conspiracy theories. How do I define "good source of protein?" Most people on MFP practice calorie restriction. If someone is trying to add protein to their 1800 calorie diet, a "good" source of protein would be something that is "dense" in protein, that is, you get a lot of protein for the amount of calories you eat. Comparatively speaking, peanut butter simply doesn't fit that bill. The following shows calories and protein per 100g, the data was taken from

    Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast: 23g of protein/110 calories

    Egg Whites: 11g/48 cals

    Canned Chunk White Tuna: 26g/116 cals

    Peanut Butter: 22g/ (brace yourself) 588 cals.

    So, on a calorie restricted diet, how can you justify calling peanut butter a "good" source of protein? You can't. You have to eat 5 times as many calories to get the same amount of protein you would get in canned tuna.

    Of course, the typical serving of peanut butter isn't 100g, it's 32g (2 tbsp). For 190 cals you get a not so whopping 8g of protein. If you insist on calling that a "good" source of protein, then in the interests of consistency, you also should call oatmeal a pretty good source of protein with 5g for 150 cals.

    My point should be pretty clear by now. If someone asks how to add more protein to their diet, nuts or nut butter would be one of the last things I would recommend. There are so many more options that would add substantially more protein for a far less expensive calorie hit. Now, if they say, "but I'm vegan, how do I get protein with no animal products?" The proper answer to that would be, "I don't know, the same way you ice skate uphill, I suppose."

    I adore peanut butter but have had none since losing weight and I won't do either, because I find it moreish.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    My head hurts after reading all that. I'm amazed at some of the responses in here.

    Nowhere was it mentioned that PB should not be consumed. The OP was trying to point out that there are better sources of protein. Maybe there are other posts about this topic. However, I see at least one post per day where people are suggesting PB as a good source of protein. And that statement simply isn't true.

    Now, for those who have adjusted their MFP settings for a higher daily protein intake, then this is probably more relevant. For those who are using MFP's suggested macro setting, then I can see where this may be a confusing topic. My opinion on MFP's settings is that protein is too low and carbs are too high. Not saying carbs are bad, but just pre set too high by MFP.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Nowhere was it mentioned that PB should not be consumed. The OP was trying to point out that there are better sources of protein. Maybe there are other posts about this topic. However, I see at least one post per day where people are suggesting PB as a good source of protein. And that statement simply isn't true.

    ^ This seemed pretty clear to me but apparently some people took it as "peanut butter is bad and will kill you".
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Nowhere was it mentioned that PB should not be consumed. The OP was trying to point out that there are better sources of protein. Maybe there are other posts about this topic. However, I see at least one post per day where people are suggesting PB as a good source of protein. And that statement simply isn't true.

    ^ This seemed pretty clear to me but apparently some people took it as "peanut butter is bad and will kill you".

    I think people react this way because they are hungry and cranky. Eat some PB and chillax people!
  • shellybean73
    shellybean73 Posts: 88 Member
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I am in love with peanut butter. So even if it's now proven to not be a good source of protein, I'm still gonna eat it, almost every day!:love: And it fits into my calories, even better!
  • Kylieikerd
    Just use PB2. It has 45 calories as apposed to 190. I use it in smoothies to get in all my protein. It's delish.
  • mamnboston
    I consider crunchy peanut butter to be a treat, love it...especially on an english muffin, yummers
  • TheBakerGirl

    Yoke is something you attach to your oxen to pull your cart.

    Yolk is the gooey yellow-orange orb of deliciousness in your egg.

    Mine is always over-easy because the oxen just won't hold still long enough . geeze.
  • heylatimer
    heylatimer Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for the info. This made me look up a bunch of the spreads that someone might put on bread to compare the various macros. Here is what I found below... Bottom line is, pick your poison.

    Butter Salted
    100 calories
    11g fat
    0g carbs
    0g protein
    81mg sodium

    90 calories
    10g fat
    0g carbs
    0g protein
    90mg sodium

    Miracle Whip
    35 calories
    3g fat
    2g carbs
    0g protein
    100mg sodium

    Peanut Butter
    90 calories
    8g fat
    4g carbs
    3g protein
    70mg sodium

    Strawberry Jam
    50 calories
    0g fat
    13g carbs
    0g protein
    0mg sodium
  • jennieth
    jennieth Posts: 105
    Touchy touchy subject! I agree with it being a source of good fat if you need it that happens to have protein.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Beans and legumes aren't that incredible of a source of protein per calorie either! *runs away from thread*
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    Is this debate still going on?:huh:
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    I love PB and want to thank the OP for the info :) I will no longer think of PB as a "protein" source but as a very tasty treat.
    However, I do have to say I am shocked that there are still people that do not brush their teeth before bed!!! Not brushing before bed can lead to cavities and gingivitis. I do not want to start another debate as the whole PB for protein was enough but PLEASE BRUSH BEFORE BED!! Thanks:)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I love PB and want to thank the OP for the info :) I will no longer think of PB as a "protein" source but as a very tasty treat.
    However, I do have to say I am shocked that there are still people that do not brush their teeth before bed!!! Not brushing before bed can lead to cavities and gingivitis. I do not want to start another debate as the whole PB for protein was enough but PLEASE BRUSH BEFORE BED!! Thanks:)

    We would, but toothpaste is not a good source of protein.
  • lilbrohoppy
    broken down well by OP ty
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    my brother ate about three things as a weird kid growing up. Mainstay was peanut butter sandwiches, so it wasn't until I was about 30 that I liked it... Still don't think it was a particularly healthy diet staple...

    oh yeah,

    peanut butter sandwiches
    chocolate ice cream
    peperoni pizza.

    all brand specific.
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    Not giving up the peanutbutter. Simply will never happen.