Peanut Butter is a Good Source of....Protein??



  • FoodieGal09
    FoodieGal09 Posts: 198 Member
    I am guilty of snacking on nuts to get my protein. Pistachios are my go to and the hit on my fat intake is worth it. Plus I only eat them on my otherwise low fat days, so it balances out.

    As much as I love PB, the calories just aren't worth it. My SO will be relieved- he despises PB!
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    All I'm saying is that if you try taking my peanut butter from me, I will use every single muscle I've spent time building for to kick your *kitten*. For reals. I eat my peanut butter every day--sticking to my 1800-2500 calorie days (depending on my exercise), and you can't take it. Period. Excellent source of protein or not, it has some, and I don't care about the fat.
  • SabrinaR10
    Now, if they say, "but I'm vegan, how do I get protein with no animal products?" The proper answer to that would be, "I don't know, the same way you ice skate uphill, I suppose."

    Lol that's funny!

    I love peanut butter, I actually just finished eating some! But in all seriousness... I think what people mean (as far as adding peanut butter as a good source of protein) is that instead of eating that awful snack that is loaded with sugar, bad fat and loads of calories, peanut is a relatively good source of protein. AND it tastes amazingggggg! Anyway, I am 'pro-peanut butter' so I will fight for it any day ;)
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    I think peanut butter is one of the best ways to reach your calorie intake if you are way behind and need to hit your macros. 210 calories per 2 tbsp, healthier fats and some protein.

    I am not saying it is the most healthy thing to eat, but you could do far worse. More people should eat natural peanut butter and peanuts instead of the processed lunch meats and fast food that is loaded with carcinogens, nitrates, and sodium.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I totally a vegetarian, I am constantly being told what a great source peanut butter is for protein and nuts, too..but on a calorie controlled diet is is pretty much suicide.

    22g of protein is NOT a good trade off for 588 calories.

    nasty whey protein ''shakes'' it is, then...approx 20 g protein for 110 calories.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Of course peanut butter has healthy fat as well as protein, so that's something to consider.

    Likewise, egg whites, with their low calorie, high protein aren't all that effective, because you really need the yoke in order to properly absorb the white protein.
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    My older brother used to eat spoonfuls of it, and then scream at me. His breath was awful. I love peanut butter, but still shudder a bit when I get the first whiff out of the jar.

    LOL, this actually made me laugh out loud at work here!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yeah, it's really just when you don't have that many options. Peanut butter is quick unlike lentils and quinoa. And without meat, meat, meat, vegans and vegetarians don't really have the same calorie issues. Vegetables just aren't calorie dense. so there's lots of room for fatty fatty peanut butter if it means a little protein.


    To a meat eater, compared to a chicken breast or piece of steak, PB isn't a great source or protein. But I will say that a 90-calorie tablespoon of it on a slice of whole wheat toast at 6 a.m. will keep me until lunch at 1, even if I work out in between. So, to say you have to eat a lot for it to be filling it bubkus (sp?).
  • egawne14
    egawne14 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for this posting.. it makes it quite clear. Although I love peanut butter, crunchy peanut butter.. I'm now heartbroken. I had 2 tbsps lastnight thinking it was a "Dessert" ..
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Beans and Tofu for sure -- you have to eat more Tofu to up the protein compared to Tuna but Tuna also has a crap ton of sodium in it.

    I only need 3500 calories worth of black beans to get my proteins in!

    Actually, I hear tempeh is not awful for getting protein in without eating meat. Shame it's soy protein.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Beans and Tofu for sure -- you have to eat more Tofu to up the protein compared to Tuna but Tuna also has a crap ton of sodium in it.

    I'd be more concerned about the mercury
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    i dont care i will bath in it anyway:tongue:
  • SNorris01
    SNorris01 Posts: 97 Member
    It is all peanuts just in powered form, all you do is add water has the same flavor and consistency of PB. I love real PB, but this is just as good rather expensive, but good stuff.
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    I agree with OP. I regard peanut butter as a good source of fat that happens to have protein on the side. I think most people who say peanut butter is a good source of protein are vegans, and they tend to call anything that isn't meat and has protein a good source of protein because they don't have much to choose from...

    Really? Not much to choose from? Maybe you should educate yourself on plant-based proteins and see HOW MANY there are before you say we don't have much to choose from. I'm vegan, and I *rarely* eat peanut butter because I don't think it's high in protein for the cals. It is a good fat source, though.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I am a second vote for PB2. It isn't fake, they just take peanuts and basically squeeze the oil out of them. You just reconstitute it with water and it tastes the same to me.

    1/4 the calories, but with all the good stuff still there.

    "squeezing the oil out" suggests to me that "all the good stuff" isn't there anymore
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I just took a peek at your food diary and you consumed a huge amount of nuts today-- nearly 500 calories worth! So I don't think you have any right to preach aobut not eating peanut butter.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member

    Beans and Tofu for sure -- you have to eat more Tofu to up the protein compared to Tuna but Tuna also has a crap ton of

    Don't eat out of a can, and the sodium is quite low.
  • gwyn48
    gwyn48 Posts: 23 Member
    I thought a few years ago the ADA now records peanut butter as a fat, not a protein. I agree with this assessment & use it accordingly. Like I would never cut up 2 TBLSP of butter and eat it straight, I won't do the same with peanut butter. It has helped me keep it in perspective
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Not everyone eats meat. For a vegetarian, peanut butter is a good source of protein.

    And in my opinion (and that of every medical opinion I've ever read) people here think they need far more protein than they actually do.

    Thank you! I'm not a vegetarian, but it drives me crazy when people criticize vegetarians and vegans for not consuming 1,000 grams of protein every day. Our bodies really don't need very much. Also, fat is not bad! Especially the fat that comes from nuts.

    I did what now?
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I am a second vote for PB2. It isn't fake, they just take peanuts and basically squeeze the oil out of them. You just reconstitute it with water and it tastes the same to me.

    1/4 the calories, but with all the good stuff still there.

    "squeezing the oil out" suggests to me that "all the good stuff" isn't there anymore


    I eat peanut butter for the healthy fats... not the smidge of protein.