ladies help! my mom and girlfriend dont like each other



  • ThePunkHippie

    ETA: Just saw the leav mom is not an option. Yep, if you can't put your GF who could potentially become your WIFE (i.e. #1 woman in your life. Period. End. O. Story.) first in a little thing. You will never put her first. It's your choice to be a momma's boy or to be a man.

    You're kidding, right? You're saying he should abandon the person who gave him life for a relationship that may or may not last???
    (I'm not close to my mother at ALL, & I still wouldn't do this. It's stupid. I also wouldn't give up a friendship that's been around longer for a new relationship)
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    Look, this is a common thing, believe it or not. Some people get along famously with their significant other's mom, others don't. My future mother-in-law is passive aggressive and doesn't like me soley on the fact that she no longer is the only woman in her "baby boy's" life. But we are civil. There's no point in stressing about it, they're both grown ups and when they need to be around each other they can act civil like me and my monster-in-law. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Sounds like my mom. In my mom's eyes no man is good enough for me and no women is good enough for my brothers. My mom and boyfriend don't like each other but my mother lives on the other side of the country so it's not that big of a deal.

    If you're serious about her, you need to take her side. It's obvious that your mom is the instigator in the situation. If your mom insults her again like that I think you should speak up so you're girlfriend doesn't have to and an altercation can be avoided. Plus if your girlfriend knows you have her back she is more likely to be the mature one and turn the other cheek.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member

    ETA: Just saw the leav mom is not an option. Yep, if you can't put your GF who could potentially become your WIFE (i.e. #1 woman in your life. Period. End. O. Story.) first in a little thing. You will never put her first. It's your choice to be a momma's boy or to be a man.

    You're kidding, right? You're saying he should abandon the person who gave him life for a relationship that may or may not last???
    (I'm not close to my mother at ALL, & I still wouldn't do this. It's stupid. I also wouldn't give up a friendship that's been around longer for a new relationship)

    I agree. I know my boyfriend's mom is the #1 woman in his life, and I'm 2nd. And that's totally fine with me---I'm not the one who carried him for 9 months, gave birth, raised him, etc. He is a man, through and through, and he loves his mama. Just happens to work out that his mama loves me too :) And on the flip side, he knows that my son is the #1 man in my life, then (when he was living) my dad, then him. We don't all have the same relationships with our families, so this may not ring true for everyone, but to me, family comes first.
  • ThePunkHippie
    No girlfriend and mom ever really get along. Me and my boyfriend's mom got along GREAT until we moved in together, now we're in a constant battle with each other and she did some really f**ked up stuff to me so the boyfriend finally put his foot down with her and she's starting to back off. She acts like I took her baby away, mid you we're 30yrs old. So you have to decide if you can live with it that's all

    That's BS - I get along better with my boyfriend's mom than I do with my own.
  • webot1964
    I don't think you need to give up on either relationship. Just realize that no one will every be perfect for you in your Mom's eye.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    No girlfriend and mom ever really get along. Me and my boyfriend's mom got along GREAT until we moved in together, now we're in a constant battle with each other and she did some really f**ked up stuff to me so the boyfriend finally put his foot down with her and she's starting to back off. She acts like I took her baby away, mid you we're 30yrs old. So you have to decide if you can live with it that's all

    That's BS - I get along better with my boyfriend's mom than I do with my own.

    I agree.. My boyfriends mom probably loves me more than she loves him lol. I actually consider her a bestfriend and love her like my own mother.
  • ThePunkHippie
    No girlfriend and mom ever really get along. Me and my boyfriend's mom got along GREAT until we moved in together, now we're in a constant battle with each other and she did some really f**ked up stuff to me so the boyfriend finally put his foot down with her and she's starting to back off. She acts like I took her baby away, mid you we're 30yrs old. So you have to decide if you can live with it that's all

    That's BS - I get along better with my boyfriend's mom than I do with my own.

    I agree.. My boyfriends mom probably loves me more than she loves him lol. I actually consider her a bestfriend and love her like my own mother.

    My bf's mother loves me more than she loves her own daughter *laughs*
    & My mom loves my bf more than she loves me (but we've never been close - actually, the whole family is more just a bunch of separates with a bloodline in common)
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Kudos to you OP, you are one of my favourite subtle trolls on this site. Your last post about your wife trying to poison you was great entertainment, and provoked the obvious ****storm.

    I hope this thread will be as successful.

    A+ would read again.

    I read it as fiction too. :smile:
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    your gf knew she was meeting your mom and wore a short skirt? Maybe your gf has no long term intentions for your relationship. When I met my in-laws I had just got off the plane after a 24 hour journey but I stopped at the bathroom to freshen up my make up and brush my hair before I met them. They were picking us up from the airport.

    My parents hate my husband. They made it very clear. But he's a wonderful guy and my mom is a control freak that didn't want me to get married because that meant that I couldn't live with her and take care of her. We got married and then she realized she wasn't going to win, that I wasn't moving back home (EVER!!!) and that I am not her caretaker she insists that she's always loved him that she has no idea why he hates her and what a great guy he is for taking care of me etc. Since your mom doesn't sound like that I don't know what to say. Your gf will call you a mama's boy and probably leave you if you don't stand up for her but doing so will probably hurt your mom's feelings. Fine line your walking. Good luck.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    So Im taking my girlfriend to meet my mom for the first time and I notice that her skirt is kinda short and tight. I know my mom will notice this too but after a previous post I did on mfp where I was called a jerk several hundred times I decide not to mention anything to the girlfriend about her attire. At the dinner my mom says to the gf "so what do u do?" The gf says "I'm a project mgr for a fortune 500 co." My mom says " well with a skirt that tight and a Butt that big I bet u could make a fortune in the projects as a Hooker, hahaha " ( my mom like me lacks tact and is kinda getting senile). My gf is extremely offended and when we leave she says "I don't think I'm going to like your mom". My mom text me and says "your gf is a stick in the mud who dresses like a tramp I'm quite sure I'm not going to like her".

    How should I go forward? Do I try to get them together again, leave the girlfriend, leave my mom (this is actually not an option) or not really care?

    I just want to apologize for everyone that clearly disrespected your mother on this message board! Maybe she was a little harsh what she said to your girl's face, but older people are known for NOT giving a **** about what comes out of their mouth. My dad is a Vietnam Veteran and will cuss you out in a heartbeat for anything. LOL! He is also a laugh riot. She should have known better though than to wear that! You steer on the conservative side when trying to make first impressions (common sense) and I don't know who said you shouldn't have told her anything, but you should have. I bet she would NOT have worn that to an interview and essentially meeting your mom was an interview (she was trying to make a good impression and get the "job" [the good graces of a person who love and adore]). I think both parties should apologize and move on. Your girl should apologize for wearing that attire and ultimately disrespecting your mother and her beliefs. Older people have a way of being extra offended about ANYTHING! Also, your mom should apologize for hurting your girl's feelings (even though she obviously meant what she said)! She may be reluctant to, but if she loves you, wants the best for you, and wants to see you happy then maybe she will make this exception and your girl to. I do wish you luck. Tough situation to be in, but believe me, I've been there.

    Respect is earned! And his mother clearly doesn't deserve respect if she "doesn't give a s*** about what comes out of her mouth.

    To be honest, the girl brought it on herself when she showed up to that woman's house inappropriately dressed. No, she didn't deserve to be reamed like that, but you kinda open yourself up when you wear that around older people, especially your boyfriend's mom. I'm from Louisiana, the ultimate conservative deep south, and you respect your elders to the utmost and wearing inappropriate clothing is something that will get a Bible thrown at you. LOL!

    and I would throw it right back!

    Hmmm...maybe because you don't deserve any respect.

    and you are clearly related to his mother! Birds of a feather....
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bahahaha, I like your mom's sense of humor.

    Well, at least it was funny to me, though she was maybe serious about it..

    Sorry, I don't have any advice and I'm not a lady.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    To the people saying the GF dressed like a skank, the OP does not define what "short" means in this case. I mean, was it a skirt that was almost a belt or was it three inches above her knees? And how long are her legs, because if she has very long legs a skirt that isn't actually all that short will appear to be because it will show more leg.

    I think the OP is just trying to stir things up, personally, especially since he never bothered to even respond in a previous thread. But to assume "short skirt" means she dressed inappropriately or that the mother wasn't out of line is stupid without having all the facts -- and we don't.

    Of course I'm trying to stir things up! But I'm to busy supporting my pals to answer every post, I made an exception for that chick who called my mother a ***** tho.......if u would like to be my pal plz submit a friend request. And I may be missing something but EXACTLY what is your question?
  • hikezilla
    hikezilla Posts: 174 Member
    From one guy to another...why do you even care? Do you need the drama? Probably not. My mom and my now wife, did not hit it off from the very beginning...we got married anyway, and had a couple of sprouts, and very soon after the wedding my mom liked my wife more than she did me.

    I know almost nothing about women. I don't even try to learn anything about women anymore. Life is already too short, I am not going to spend my time worrying about how a woman thinks or why she does what she does. When I start to wonder about women things...I go fishing and forget about it.

    Get something sparkly.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    My Mother in Law likes me better than she likes her son, and she lives on the other side of the Atlantic to me, so it's a win win situation, and she would like me to wear short skits, she thinks I have great legs and her son is lucky to have me.....
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I honestly can't believe some of the comment's I have read on here. I didn't realize so many of my Pals were so judgemental!!! People calling his mom a *****, others calling his GF a **** or a skank....

    You don't know the man that posted this, or his mom, or his GF. What if he didn't tell the GF that his mother's house is where they were having dinner.... (he likes to start **** here, maybe he likes to do it at home too....) ? What if the GF was wearing a knee length pencil skirt - but the mom thinks anything above the calf is too short, and anything form fitting is too tight? What if the GF had a different outfit on, and the guy told her to change, to wear his favorite outfit? After all, he admits he knew they were going to his moms, and that the skirt was "too short" - but kept his mouth shut on purpose. Maybe this whole conversation has been taken out of context. My point is - none of us have any idea what the real story is here. Next time maybe you should try to look at something objectively, instead of being so judgemental.

    The audacity of some people just amaze me - someone asks you for advice, and you call his mom a *****, and his girlfriend a skank. Stay Classy MFPs.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    As a mother of a boy (he's only 3) I really do not look forward to the day he starts dating and bringing girls to meet me. I am hoping he finds someone that truly loves him and will be an equal partner in the relationship. But, we will see; I am not looking forward to it AT ALL. Because let's face it, no one is ever really good enough for our children. Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it.
  • weathergirl320
    They will eventually get along. Just don't get in the middle or make a big deal about it

    Don't agree with this. My MIL and I still don't get along.

    And PLEASE tell me you told your mother that her comment was completely inappropriate. If you can't stand up to your mother now, you never will. If your GF were asking for advice, I'd tell her to run for the hills if you didn't stand up for her.

    ETA: Just saw the leav mom is not an option. Yep, if you can't put your GF who could potentially become your WIFE (i.e. #1 woman in your life. Period. End. O. Story.) first in a little thing. You will never put her first. It's your choice to be a momma's boy or to be a man.

    ^^I agree whole heartedly. I've been with my husband for 14 yrs, married for 9 yrs. I've never gotten along with my MIL. My husband chooses to be a momma's boy and will side with her EVERY time. It causes a lot of tension and arguments in our marriage. To the point where divorce has been on the table more than once.

    That's pathetic
  • Genozid
    Genozid Posts: 30
    Clearly you have to kill one of them.....

    How tight is your mom's skirt?
  • Genozid
    Genozid Posts: 30
    They will eventually get along. Just don't get in the middle or make a big deal about it

    Don't agree with this. My MIL and I still don't get along.

    And PLEASE tell me you told your mother that her comment was completely inappropriate. If you can't stand up to your mother now, you never will. If your GF were asking for advice, I'd tell her to run for the hills if you didn't stand up for her.

    ETA: Just saw the leav mom is not an option. Yep, if you can't put your GF who could potentially become your WIFE (i.e. #1 woman in your life. Period. End. O. Story.) first in a little thing. You will never put her first. It's your choice to be a momma's boy or to be a man.

    ^^I agree whole heartedly. I've been with my husband for 14 yrs, married for 9 yrs. I've never gotten along with my MIL. My husband chooses to be a momma's boy and will side with her EVERY time. It causes a lot of tension and arguments in our marriage. To the point where divorce has been on the table more than once.

    That's pathetic

    I agree... Choke slam her.

    Bet she steps out.