I am annoyed with the anti-lady-muscle posts.



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    [DELETED -- I don't think this post was directed at any of my comments.]
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I am pro whatever people want to look like lol. If being cut makes you happy awesome, if not awesome. Let's just be healthy and stop talking badly about each other. It annoys me. =]

    This isn't about being cut =(. It's about being strong...add 5% bodyfat to the most ripped (meaning cut) woman you ever saw, and you'll be SHOCKED at how incredibly feminine and shaped she is.

    I just don't get why it's anyones business what other people look like. Mind your body and not others. This site it supposed to help people, not tell them that you don't like their body style.

    This thread was started BECAUSE of all the trolls bashing women who lift. Please...I know your heart is in the right place, but go complain to them. You'll NEVER see one of these ladies bashing someone thin, or fat, or anything else...without being provoked first.

    Perhaps not bashing, but I've seen plenty of "why wouldn't you want to lift heavy" or "why would you want to be skinny fat" and similar messages over and over again (and the responses are never appreciated even though people are being honest about their preferences not to have a certain body type). That is also criticizing someone else's personal choice about how they want their body to look. It might be more subtle, but it's not really any less rude. Now, making a declarative statement like, "This is why I lift heavy..." with awesome pics after, THAT'S empowering. But the other way is just veiled criticism of others.

    ETA: and just saw a post about the "turkey arm test" and it "not being pretty" - yep, no bashing here. (Apologies to the turkey arm poster, as I agree, mine aren't pretty, either, lol, just making a point).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So stop it. Thanks.

    Though I am not against lady-muscles ---

    People here on da internets have different opinions & not everybody finds it attractive. What a beautiful world we live in to have & share different ideas. Different strokes right?

    Can you really be upset at a man that doesn't find your ripped up back sexy? Sure.. you're here too :) Like it or not he's still entitled to his opinion!

    No, but see we're not allowed to have a different opinion in a thread specifically about lady muscles. Or something...

    You can have different opinions - but don't be rude - there is a difference - I suggest you learn it
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Holy crap the lower pic works out at my gym! Dayum, I gotta out lift her tonight. Woman scares me everytime I see her. I feel like she could bend me over and have her way with me.

    It's ok, even with as much steroids as she's clearly used, her little woman penis would probably only hurt a little bit.


    I think she stands and pees in the mens locker room too. I saw her doing up right rows with 100 lbs. and I was like I can do that so I'm safe today. 45lb plate stealing freak in the gym. lmao

    *sigh* Yeh, she's doping and all, but do we have to call her names?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I would like to draw your attention to the original post. I said I was annoyed and asked people to stop making posts that were against muscles on women. I never said you HAD to have muscles. Or that you were not attractive with out them. Or that muscles were better than no muscles. It was a simple request driven by annoyance. You of course do not have to obey my request.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Psst: Lets not bash the body builder lady either. She obviously works hard (and uses steroids) and likes how she looks so more power to her.

    I agree, I was more teasing him than poking fun at her.
  • emcemayo
    emcemayo Posts: 45 Member
    yaay am 4 the muscle lady!
  • littlecaponey2
    littlecaponey2 Posts: 143 Member
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Agree! :drinker:
    Just started a weight lifting program 3 weeks ago, and the results are already amazing! I kind of wonder why I didn't do that before!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i dont understand why anyone(male or female) wouldnt want to have muscles, good cardio, good flexibility and agility.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'd like to see one post about women lifting that doesn't distil down to 'I'd do her vs I wouldn't do her".

    *sigh* So sick of this idea that women can be based around doable or not and that's it- she has no purpose other than as a hot pocket for whoever wants her. As if the worst insult is to have someone decree them 'undoable'- and to impressionable young adults reading this- they believe it because it keeps getting pushed on them.

    ^^^This X 1000

    I think this is a little overboard...I mean, I recognize that you feel this way, I...as a man, simply don't agree. Are women objectified in todays society? Sure. Are men objectified in todays society? You bet.

    If you don't believe me, go check out the 'shirtless men' thread.


    Beauty period is objectified in todays society. More seriously though...I think it's because women are more sensitive to perceived implications than men are...that they take things wrong. Even when men flat out SAY 'I'd do her'...most of them would be scared to death had they the actual chance, and the ones blustering are usually the most terrified.

    Also, as much as I like sex (and, I do), never...in my life, would I ever consider any woman 'a hot pocket for whoever wants her, unless she had already proven by her actions she was. Additionally, I'd likely break any man I felt were truly doing so to a woman in my presence. This has happened in the past.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Lighten up its a joke, I think women with muscles are beautiful too, I just don't want to be beaten up if they rage on me for swiping one of their 45's without asking first. (Disclaimer) In know way is Zilla responsible for his comments on this post for he is under the influence of the peanut butter blue M&Ms.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    This one annoys me the most. Why can't we redefine what women are "meant" to look like? Why do we have to appear weak? We can go to college now, have jobs, pay bills, but we can't be strong? We can't open our own jars of pickles, or pick up 50lb 6 year olds, swing 20lb sledge hammers as a seismic source, load full coolers into trucks, or fill out the *kitten* in a pair of work trousers?

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I am pro whatever people want to look like lol. If being cut makes you happy awesome, if not awesome. Let's just be healthy and stop talking badly about each other. It annoys me. =]

    This isn't about being cut =(. It's about being strong...add 5% bodyfat to the most ripped (meaning cut) woman you ever saw, and you'll be SHOCKED at how incredibly feminine and shaped she is.

    I just don't get why it's anyones business what other people look like. Mind your body and not others. This site it supposed to help people, not tell them that you don't like their body style.

    This thread was started BECAUSE of all the trolls bashing women who lift. Please...I know your heart is in the right place, but go complain to them. You'll NEVER see one of these ladies bashing someone thin, or fat, or anything else...without being provoked first.

    Perhaps not bashing, but I've seen plenty of "why wouldn't you want to lift heavy" or "why would you want to be skinny fat" and similar messages over and over again (and the responses are never appreciated even though people are being honest about their preferences not to have a certain body type). That is also criticizing someone else's personal choice about how they want their body to look. It might be more subtle, but it's not really any less rude. Now, making a declarative statement like, "This is why I lift heavy..." with awesome pics after, THAT'S empowering. But the other way is just veiled criticism of others.

    ETA: and just saw a post about the "turkey arm test" and it "not being pretty" - yep, no bashing here. (Apologies to the turkey arm poster, as I agree, mine aren't pretty, either, lol, just making a point).

    Note...I said 'without provocation'. These women have been provoked...repeatedly.

    Additionally, I disagree that your suggested examples are 'veiled criticism'. This is the internet, everyone needs to grow a thicker skin...but if you'd been a part of the thread I was yesterday (about what weights to use to 'tone'...wow), you'd be a bit more understanding of why this thread has come to be.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am pro whatever people want to look like lol. If being cut makes you happy awesome, if not awesome. Let's just be healthy and stop talking badly about each other. It annoys me. =]

    This isn't about being cut =(. It's about being strong...add 5% bodyfat to the most ripped (meaning cut) woman you ever saw, and you'll be SHOCKED at how incredibly feminine and shaped she is.

    I just don't get why it's anyones business what other people look like. Mind your body and not others. This site it supposed to help people, not tell them that you don't like their body style.


    Where do you see them saying they did not like someone's body style?
  • FoodieGal09
    FoodieGal09 Posts: 198 Member
    My "New rules" book is en route. I am so grateful to the women on here who brought it to my attention and can't wait to get started. Before coming on this site I probably would have been "anti-muscle" (that sounds nonsensical to me now) but I think I was just horribly misinformed. There are probably a lot of newbies on here who don't have a clue about the benefits of weightlifting and these topics can open a whole new avenue for them. Of course it's not going to be for everyone and there is nothing wrong with that. But I, personally, think you ladies look great and hope to join the ranks some day. Keep up the good work and pictures. Lots of pictures!
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I have at least 100 lbs to lose- I would KILL to see some muscles on me instead of flab! I have seen some women body builders that do look kind of masculine to me but at least they are fit and I'm sure they are proud of the way they look. Confidence to me is beautiful!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I have at least 100 lbs to lose- I would KILL to see some muscles on me instead of flab! I have seen some women body builders that do look kind of masculine to me but at least they are fit and I'm sure they are proud of the way they look. Confidence to me is beautiful!

    Heavy strength training will burn that fat more quickly than any other form of exercise.

    Additionally, if in fact you ever feel you are 'too masculine' (and I do believe it's possible, don't misunderstand me)...losing muscle is far, far easier than gaining it.
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    I have at least 100 lbs to lose- I would KILL to see some muscles on me instead of flab! I have seen some women body builders that do look kind of masculine to me but at least they are fit and I'm sure they are proud of the way they look. Confidence to me is beautiful!

    Heavy strength training will burn that fat more quickly than any other form of exercise.

    Additionally, if in fact you ever feel you are 'too masculine' (and I do believe it's possible, don't misunderstand me)...losing muscle is far, far easier than gaining it.
    No form of exercise including heavy lifting burns fat!! Exercise burns calories thats it. eating at a deficit burns fat!! Please have a clue about what your talking about if your going to give advice. Thanks!!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I joke a lot, so laugh and quit taking things so serious, laugh a little. I love muscle on women. As a matter of fact I am training my workout partner in power lifting.