"You don't need to lose any more weight!"



  • limesublime
    limesublime Posts: 118 Member
    I get this all the time. I just tell them I have AIDS then they leave me alone.

    <snicker> Well done. I can think of all kinds of diagnosis that could shut people up. "I've lost too much weight? Oh yeah, that contagious tapeworm has been really difficult to clear"
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    I get this all the time. I just tell them I have AIDS then they leave me alone.

    <snicker> Well done. I can think of all kinds of diagnosis that could shut people up. "I've lost too much weight? Oh yeah, that contagious tapeworm has been really difficult to clear"

    "Yeah I guess i shouldn't have gone on that cancer diet"
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    Does any one else get this? It's so irritating. I think people are trying to be nice when they say it, but how do you respond? In my profile pic (taken today) I'm 156. I was 110 (5'3") previously, and that's where I want to be. When I tell people that (when they ask) they say "you shouldn't lose that much more" or "you look fine now" or "you'll be too skinny". Do you get this and how do you handle it?

    My 22 year old daughter has recently been losing weight. She is 5'4" and was at around 160 she is now close to 130 and looks fantastic. I know she wants to lose more but, she isn't stressing about it. Anyway we were at a party with family friends so the parents and the kids her age. I commented on how great she looked and a few of the ladies were saying yes she looks like she needs to eat some pizza...REALLY!!! She has worked had to get 30 pounds off the right way healthy eating and portion control. I could not believe it. I think you have to get to a healthy weight where you feel comfortable and let they non supportive people say what they will but, in reality they are envious of your will power
  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    I remember on another weight loss forum I'm on...someone said to me... "Your so TINY!! How can you possible lose another 14 pounds....

    My aunt also has said something to me about not taking it too far...

    I'm a very healthy 129lbs at 5'4" and feel like even when I get to 120lbs I will still have a lot of work in regards to toning up.
    I've just started ignoring it all. I don't mind what I see on the outside, but when I see myself nakey there is definite improvements that need to be made mostly due to my significant weight loss.
  • snailers
    snailers Posts: 10
    I hate it when people are trying to be polite or are trying to fit you into their own conception of what's a healthy look. If you compare America to Asian countries, people have a significant different view on what's considered a "healthy" weight. (Asian BMIs have a lower cutoff point for overweight and obese). You have to put things in perspective. Weight loss does significantly reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, and a whole bunch of healthy benefits. I just smile and say I want to look fit so I work out! And they shut up.
  • pfradd
    pfradd Posts: 34 Member
    Yes again the other day I was getting dressed my wife said you don't need to lose any more weight you *kitten* is starting look saggy
    First STOP Looking at my *kitten* and I can crack walnuts between them cheeks. I doing this for me know one else!!!
  • Jenny111372
    Jenny111372 Posts: 87 Member
    I had a discussion one time with my doctor about comments like this. His response was that we are a fat society and people aren't used to seeing others at healthy weights, so they look abnormal.

    Can't agree more. I've told people my goal weight and they think Im nuts (165-170 for 6ft tall). At 185 im just crossing the line between over weight and "normal" My 39 inch waist is more than it should be. But they think I shouldn't lose any more. They just dont know what normal actually looks like...

    My husband is 6ft and at a time he was in this range..165-170 and he looked great! That's actually his goal..well, not that he's working on it..lol..but he'd like to be back to 170..he's currently 196 and I think still looks great! Good luck in getting to your goal weight!
  • Meegz84
    Meegz84 Posts: 74
    Do you looooove the people that so your a fitness/health "freak" ... Copped that as an off hand comment from a fellow worker and I turned around and was like"thanks a lot for that, you really know how to make someone feel great".. Seriously.. Just be a
    Cause I give a crap about how I look and pay attention tl what food I eat.. Grrrrr...

    It was only months ago that I used to be referred to as a " seagull" as you could guarantee I'd by close on hand if there was cake/savoury treats on offer in the office...
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    "You already look fine" is what someone says when they feel threatened by the prospect of someone else's success.
  • debbie1346
    debbie1346 Posts: 4
    I like to tell them , "if I don't watch my weight, no one else will. Easier to keep up w/ it now." Of course, some will watch my weight and talk about it but they can not do anything about it.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    It's funny because those comments usually come from people who could do with losing a few pounds themselves (obvious jelousy right there) i get it at work and just smile and say how great i feel about losing weight :)

    totally agree, its very annoying.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    I get it all the time now im nearing my target. I have about 8lbs to lose and then my BMI will be 25ish. I get people at work saying oh you will start looking drawn, your face will change. I have just learned to ignore them now and smile. I know that most of them that say it are well without being rude. Overweight and just a little jealous of my success :O)

    Think everyone gets it at some point. Keep going and well done so far xxx
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    I've lost 27 since the first of January which puts me lower than I can honestly remember in years. So I've just been waiting to hear it....and I did yesterday :/ In the end it doesn't matter what others think because it's what we want for ourselves so keep up the good work ;)

    And yes, as others have said, these type of comments do usually come from peeps that could stand to lose more than a few pounds lol!
  • xarla16
    xarla16 Posts: 84 Member
    Growing up, I was always thin. I was 95 pounds and 5'6" when I got married. In the six years since then, I put on 60. That put me at 155ish, so I still wasn't particularly heavy, but I was out of shape and really wanted to do something about it. But my whole life I heard things like:

    "Go eat a sandwich!"
    "You'll blow away in this strong wind!"
    "Do you have an eating disorder?"

    As I gained weight, I didn't hear those things as often, but once I started dieting and exercising, I got the "you shouldn't lose weight" comments, too. When I explained that I was grossly out of shape, they said, "Yeah, but you're still skinny! So what! You only live once, eat what you want!"

    I may only live once (that's up for debate, isn't it?), but if I'm healthy and fit, I'm likely going to live a lot longer and happier than otherwise!

    I totally understand where you're coming from. I tend to think a lot of those comments come from people who are insecure about their own weight and see you, who is thinner than them, trying to get healthier, so they feel bad about themselves. If they decide that YOU don't need to lose weight, they can convince themselves they don't have to lose weight themselves.

    I think everyone has their own idea of what their body should look like. When I started university I was 5'6" and 117 lbs. I was very healthy and by no means under weight, I was just really active. I gained 48 lbs in 6 years, and for me 165 lbs felt extremely overweight for myself. Everyone is different. I have seen people of the same height, have the same goal weight as my start weight. You have to do what is healthy for you and what feels right. I used to hear the thin remarks too, and I have no doubt that when I get closer to my goal weight people will be telling me that I don't need to lose any more weight, when for myself I really do need to.
  • docdesmond
    docdesmond Posts: 5
    I'm 5'8", and I used to be 155lbs years ago. I don't know if I want to be that light, but I definitely am looking to lose the body fat (down to about 10-12%). Right now I weight 180. People tell me all the time that I don't need to lose weight. I grew up playing sports. So, my thing is to get into similar shape as my competition days. I tell people that "I am not as athletic as I used to be. It would be nice get it all back." That usually does the trick.

    Remember, weight loss and health are personal goals. Everyone views weight in relation to their ideal body type, not their friends personal goals. Them saying that you don't need to lose any more weight can also be viewed as them saying that you look good. Say thank you for their compliment and tell them that you still have a little more work to do. They will admire you for your work and dedication. As long as the weight loss is healthy. . .I say GO FOR IT!!!
  • mariiyah
    mariiyah Posts: 136 Member
    i get this a lot at home too. im now 170.8 pounds and have a body shape & a collar bone!! personally im proud of this but almost everyone in my entire family is made up of really TALL, really round people so now i stick out like a sore thumb according to my dad, aunt & gran. :grumble:

    sometimes its annoying because 170 lbs is still A LOT! too much for my height, however i am also happy that everyone noticed it & i take it all as compliments :tongue:
    i like to hear how "skinny" im getting round the middle...it motivates me to go on & get to my GW which is 123-126 lbs :happy:
    i also hope others in my family will see that it CAN be done without having to follow fad diets that are easy to break.
    im still trying to convince them to cook healthy food with fresh ingredients from scratch everyday though :ohwell:
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I reply by saying my body fat % is unhealthy (25%) at this current weight and I am working on reaching a healthy zone (21%), which should take me to the 112lbs goal I have determined for myself.

    No one can argue with healthy numbers.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I got that when I was 160....i'm 5'5"!!!!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Yeeeah, I get it quite a bit. But I must admit, people do seem to mean well - they just don't understand how I go to so many blimmin' exercise classes :)

    As many have said before me, I just say that I'm working on my health and fitness. You can't really argue with that. Also, if it's close friends or people I'm really fond of, I'll murmur "yeah...but you haven't seen me naked. Needs work".
  • HarpingOn
    HarpingOn Posts: 55 Member
    I'm starting to get this now, and I don't really know what to say.

    So far I've tended to shrug and change the subject :/