"You don't need to lose any more weight!"



  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I get this. When I tell someone I'm going to exercise, I more often than not get the response, "But you don't need to lose anymore weight!". Well, sorry to break it to you, but I like being active and having a healthy heart and body (and mind, for good measure). Dropping weight isn't the only reason to exercise.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    "Are you still losing weight? You're getting too skinny"..

    I respond with "well I'm not trying too but with all the beneficial exercise and eating properly the inches just fall off... Sigh..."

    HAHA, they hate that one.
    HURLEYX3RO Posts: 269
    I guess it really depends on the person and how they carry their weight.

    When I was in highschool I weighed around 135-145 lbs... at 5'3"

    I was very active but ate horribly. Sure I had some weight that I could do without, but at the time I really didnt care.

    After graduating within 4 years I packed on roughly 75 lbs.

    I got together with a trainer and dropped 40 lbs. I weighed 180 lbs but was becoming very very toned and looked like I weighed so much less. In fact I looked thinner than I had looked in high school.

    I think that even though that was still considered overweight for my height I was healthy and felt fantastic.

    If I had lost anymore weight than that Id look sick.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    I've been getting this for the last 30lbs that I have lost, and I'm currently 6'6" 230lbs.

    I think it shows how skewed people's perception of what fit and healthy weight has become.

    I've also found that the more fit people at my gym have been complementing on my progress, which I think re-enforces the above statement.
  • sdubya04
    sdubya04 Posts: 28 Member
    I tell people it's just as hard to maintain as it is to lose! I'm MAINTAINING and being healthy (or trying to)
    It's a good answer even if it's not the truth!
  • elvensnow
    elvensnow Posts: 154 Member
    Growing up, I was always thin. I was 95 pounds and 5'6"

    I'm going to go the other way here. I quoted this person because seriously, 95 lbs at 5'6 is incredibly underweight. That is truly unhealthy.

    I think a lot of women have goals that are way too low for them. They want to look like a model or tv/movie star. But people need to realize that those women ARE underweight. Not to mention that the women hired to act, especially in TV, have very abnormal body types -- they are usually very tall and have very thin frames. This means they LOOK very skinny even with how little they weigh. And a lot of extra work is done to make them look even better on top of that.

    Also, relying on BMI is a horrible idea. Just because BMI says 100 lbs is okay for your height doesn't mean it's okay for YOU. Everyone's body is different, and what you weigh is going to depend a LOT on your frame (skeletal structure).

    I admit that yes, sometimes people say "But you're so skinny! Don't lose more!" a little bit out of jealousy. Sometimes. But I think more often than not they are being truthful, and you just don't want to see it because your self esteem is so low from years of being overweight. You have not adjusted to your new body, it takes time. You might not see yourself as "skinny" because you are so used to looking in the mirror and seeing a "fat" person.

    Seriously, the only way you can KNOW if you are at a healthy weight and are ok to lose more is TALK TO A DOCTOR. They will know what is healthy for you. I have talked to mine, and I am 5'5 but they say for me to stop at 150 is JUST FINE. And 150, according to BMI charts, is right on the top line verging on "overweight". But for ME it's okay because I have a large frame, large hips, etc. I have measured my hips and weight and I have a good hip-to-waist ratio, I am working out to lose the body fat (but not muscle!). So I know even though I won't weigh 110 like all the TV stars, that I will look good AND be healthy.

    Seriously, I worry about a lot of women out there who cannot accept a healthy weight. I really think you should talk to a doctor.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I say "Thank you." and change the subject. They are really trying to pay you a complement (or I choose to believe that) and frankly, my weight is none of their business.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm starting to get that a lot, but I think most people are just trying to be nice & think they are complimenting me, so I take it lightly & just say, "thank you" :)
  • elvensnow
    elvensnow Posts: 154 Member
    I had a discussion one time with my doctor about comments like this. His response was that we are a fat society and people aren't used to seeing others at healthy weights, so they look abnormal.

    Can't agree more. I've told people my goal weight and they think Im nuts (165-170 for 6ft tall). At 185 im just crossing the line between over weight and "normal" My 39 inch waist is more than it should be. But they think I shouldn't lose any more. They just dont know what normal actually looks like...

    Exactly. I've read articles saying that one reason we have an obesity problem is that many people no longer know what a healthy weight is. I live in a city that is considered "thin," so I do actually see a fair number of slim people at all ages. That probably does help.

    I also want to add a little more:

    "People no longer know what a healthy weight is" is true, even from both sides.

    Did you know that the government redefined what is "overweight" and "obese" in the 80s? That's right - on the BMI scale, they moved the "overweight" and "obese" ranges DOWN, which put a HUGE amount of people into the "fat" categories, OVERNIGHT.

    So you wonder why we have an "obesity epidemic" when the people defining it keep changing their minds!

    Also, in the old days, being heavy was a sign that you WERE healthy. It meant you had enough food and leisure time to actually build some bulk. But now, if you don't spend 2 hours in the gym every night to burn off every last ounce of fat, then you are unhealthy.

    My point is, healthiness is in the eye of the beholder. People think that "being healthy" is a solid, defined term when IT'S NOT. To be "healthy" you need to look at YOUR life, YOUR health, YOUR weight, and not what society says is right, because ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL.

    Talk to your doctor. That's really the only way you will know if you are on the right path or not. Too many women think being ultra-skinny is okay and healthy because society likes people who are ultra skinny (and society equates this with being healthy which is COMPLETELY UNTRUE).

    Yes I agree often times people will say you don't need to lose more when you can. But often times they are right - you don't NEED to lose more, you just want to. And that's okay to an extent. But don't get mad at them for it, often times it's really just a compliment.
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    its annoying .. especially when you know you have put weight on and dont fit into your clothes.. and want to get back.. but they are like noooo you havnt put weight on.. its like they dont want to be honest and are happy if you go fat!!! Or just make out that im paranoid.. when the scale shows i've put on 15kg and clothes no longer fit!! thats not being para.. that shows that people rather have you fat so they can feel good about themselves..

    i will always look bigger then my friends before most of them are petite but i still want to be slim and toned..

    i've stopped explaining and seeking for help or motivation from them.. i do my own thing.. keep an eye out for healthier meals or have smaller meals or if i am going out for dinner i have smaller lunch.. no1 needs to know about this.. but i can start to see effects already (5kg lost) and i will keep going till i fit back into my old clothes and feel good about myself..
  • Pinkgirl319
    Pinkgirl319 Posts: 80 Member
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    Does any one else get this? It's so irritating. I think people are trying to be nice when they say it, but how do you respond? In my profile pic (taken today) I'm 156. I was 110 (5'3") previously, and that's where I want to be. When I tell people that (when they ask) they say "you shouldn't lose that much more" or "you look fine now" or "you'll be too skinny". Do you get this and how do you handle it?

    i simply inform them their opinion is wrong. sometimes i say it rudely sometimes im nice about it but those are the words i use and it ends the conversation,

    it's about what i want not what "they" think i need