Fit Men / Un-fit Women



    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Double Shot Liquor and Guns? It might just be the women you're hanging out with.
    Why do you not want to ask them?

    Yea, It's also a drive through...right next to a bank. A little twisted I know, but I saw the irony. I would prefer not to bring my people into this. They are of all shapes and sizes, and I respect each of them.
  • kaliedoscope65
    I think your statements could go both ways Fit Women/ Un-fit Men as well. I agree with MMSTGR to a certain degree -- there is an animal nature in women to want to mate with the leader of the pack persee. But don't mix up this fleeting desire with a relationship.

    Then you have society which capitalizes on the "model" image -- I mean why do men and women say they are a smaller size when they know they clearly are not. Men will loose their minds over the bikini clad hottie, so why is it so different that women would loose their minds over the ripped young man.

    If your question delves more into long term relationship and less into the physical attraction -- there are too many factors to consider. Such as maybe the un-fit person (male or female) believes this is a person that would complete them and maybe just maybe there would be a transformation of both individuals both physically and mentally.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I don't think that is just a female thing. I know a lot of guys who are overweight who only want the little thin girls.

    Quite frankly I like a man who is funny, intelligent, sweet, hard working and about 6 feet tall. The 6 feet thing seems to be the only physical part. It is terrible, I went on a date with a 5' 6" guy once and just felt uncomfortable (and I'm 4' 10.5" so it's not like I'm ever taller than anyone).

    My hubs is 6' tall and has a fairly good sized gut on him. But he is sweet and funny and intelligent. He works very hard and loves me to death. I wish he would lose some weight because his back hurts him from an old injury and I know less weight would make him feel better. He does have amazing arms and he is very strong. I want him healthy since I would like to keep him around for a long time.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    there is an animal nature in women to want to mate with the leader of the pack persee. But don't mix up this fleeting desire with a relationship.

  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Double Shot Liquor and Guns? It might just be the women you're hanging out with.
    Why do you not want to ask them?

    Yea, It's also a drive through...right next to a bank. A little twisted I know, but I saw the irony. I would prefer not to bring my people into this. They are of all shapes and sizes, and I respect each of them.

    I get that. :smile:
    Right next to a bank? hahaha Nice.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    i say get in shape and you choose which girl you want
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    I've always been partial to the bigger gals myself, then them to it works out.

    Nothing to do with lifestyle, i just like my ladies soft...........not hard.

  • sweetpotatofry
    sweetpotatofry Posts: 209 Member
    Hmm I think this is a case of the Texas sharpshooter fallacy. It's not that un-fit women are more likely to be attracted to fit men, but that you personally might have noticed this more because you were not attracted to them/found it odd that they were attracted to you... does that make sense?

    I agree with what everyone is saying, that it is natural to be attracted to people who are in shape, etc., and I don't think this is at all unique to or more likely with overweight women. If anything, women are usually held up to a much higher standard of attractiveness than men. You're more likely to see a lot of guys with girls "out of their league" than the other way around, because even today, in the eyes of a lot of people, a guy's worth depends on a much wider range of things than how he looks, whereas women have to spend more time dressing up/putting on makeup/etc on an everyday basis. I mean, I know we've come a long way, but in general there is much greater emphasis placed on how women look than there is for guys.

    ...Sorry for getting kind of offtopic :laugh: but I don't think the whole "fit men/un-fit women" thing is actually a trend so much as just something you've noticed because you're a fit guy? I'm sure a lot of fit women have had the same experience with un-fit guys.
  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
    Whereas I do understand what you're saying and don't find particular offense - after all, those who demand a high degree of perfection in others but aren't willing to be there (or try to be there) themselves do tend to chafe that sense of fairness in us - I'm not sure I've seen a lot of what you're describing.

    First, as others have pointed out, it's a given that most people - men and women - are going to find fitness in another appealing, regardless of what they themselves sport in terms of health. Now, as far as these women 'demanding' a certain degree of high-level buffness... Personally, I've not seen it, but maybe because I'm a woman who appreciates a man doing what he can to get and stay fit. I don't require muscle-bound, flat abs, et cetera. I want a man who will make an effort to be *healthy,* not a piece of eye candy to flaunt. That said, yes, I do appreciate the occasional spotting of 'the Pretty,' as friends and I call such men. But it never beats out the chemistry.

    There are definitely women (and men) out there who are obsessively focused on finding a degree of physical perfection in a potential mate. You've seen it in women's demands, I've seen it men's. But overall I think it's the exception, not the rule. Just sometimes we get bombarded with those few.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I didn't know this was primarily a women's site...

    I thought that was funny too lol.

    And, in before the lock...this should be interesting.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I would prefer not to bring my people into this. They are of all shapes and sizes, and I respect each of them.

    You just wouldn't date any of them because they are fat!

    Sorry, but you don't come off very well here in my opinion despite the not trying to offend comment.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    Ugh... it's a total double standard. I've heard MORE fat men say, "I don't like fat girls" or "No fatties", etc. Don't believe me? Watch this:

    MOST of the time (but not always) men are much more demanding that their partner be physically attractive than women. Same goes for gay men. I have a gay friend who said looks for him is 90% of the relationship.
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    I like how how the OP doesn't have an actual picture of himself so we cant judge is he is really THAT fit and that it would be reasonable to assume that he wouldn't be into a big chick. I bet he thinks he's sooooo fit and beautiful but in reality; he is average so it wouldn't really be a long shot for a big girl to go after him.

    Get off your high horse. People have different tastes. Look at that freekin body builder that likes plump women. If people didn't take chances and hit on people at the risk of being shut down they wouldn't find people like that guy.

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I would prefer not to bring my people into this. They are of all shapes and sizes, and I respect each of them.

    You just wouldn't date any of them because they are fat!

    Sorry, but you don't come off very well here in my opinion despite the not trying to offend comment.

    No, he didn't lol...I've been sort of waiting for the punchline this entire time.

    And...there it was lol.
  • AshleyNStanley
    I see "FIT" women with "overweight" guys all the time and wonder to myself, how did he get her... I am overweight and am not a couch potato or lazy at all. I am a mother of 2 toddlers, I work at a plant shift work as a process operator, I clean my house, wash our clothes, find time in between that to cook for my family, have play time with my kids and exercise. My husband is nicely built. He is tall and a little overweight, but hey, I wasn't looking for Brad Pitt. I found the one that made me smile and was physically attracted and had fun with. It sounds to me that you must think very highly of yourself and probably don't have anyone because you will never find someone as perfect as you think you are.
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'm technically overweight for my height (5 foot 2), but certainly developing my fitness. I can surprise people with how fit and strong I am for someone who is overweight. I can run circles around some of the thin girls I used to go to university with a few years ago.

    So that being said....where's that hot dude who likes the cuddly girls? Any chance you live in Oz? :blushing:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Primarily a women's site??????

    The anonymity of the internet is wonderful isn't it - you would not ask your female friends the question, presumably because you did not want to offend, so you decide to ask the question on this site.

    *scratches head*
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Maybe you are just perceptive to this more, because I've actually noticed the opposite (at least were I live). Men will have let themselves go, but their wives/girlfriends are still in good shape. Or else both parties have let themselves go. Everyone has a little vanity in there somewhere though, regardless of what they look like.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I think your statements could go both ways Fit Women/ Un-fit Men as well.

    Yup works both ways. I have wondered this before myself really.