Carbs are making you fat



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I think there are a lot of misconceptions on both sides of this argument. Carbs do make you fat, if you want an explination of how, watch the movie "Fat Head" it does a pretty good job of making it simple to understand. If you read the Atkins book it does NOT say to never eat carbs, and it does have you add carbs back into your diet as you go, first berries and nuts, then breads and even starches. Yes, there are a lot of people out there who have tried it and failed, but there are others for whom it works. In the book it does say to do easy to moderate exercise, however, when working out at a more extreme intensity it is important to have bread-carbs as well as veggies and fruits to not "bonk".

    Fat Head only makes people more ignorant on the subject of nutrition, the basic message was eating in a deficit regardless of what it is causes weight loss, everything else in the movie is a bunch of nonsense. Atkins also believed int he metabolic advantage to low carb diets which is not unlike unicorns, a fantasy
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Wow! Nice discussing things with you all. Take care.
    I like your sunglasses:flowerforyou:
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Anyone who thinks carbs don't make you fat is an IDIOT. Personally, I only eat raisins and horseradish everyday, and i'm RIPPED.

  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    *sigh* so now its not carbs, but grains are the bad guy?

    Evidently, they have never lived with a person who is not overweight and observed the things they eat.

    When I was thin, you best believe I ate some carbs. I got fat from eating too many calories and not doing any exercise...period.
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    I know this has been said, but I agree that processed carbs are making people fat. What I don't like about low carb is that it says fruits and veggies are bad. I follow a diet that does not include grains, dairy or sugar but still eat about 200 carbs a day in fruit and veggies and have no problem losing weight.
    800 cals worth of fruits and veggies a day??? That's a lot. What kind of fruit and veggies? Grapes and melons?
  • Jesse_Hunter
    Jesse_Hunter Posts: 162 Member
    A lot of people feel less hungry on low carb so you don't over-eat, create a caloric deficit and lose weight. Processed carbs may contribute to weight gain because for some they make you hungry, you over-eat, don't create a caloric deficit and gain weight.
    I've seen a lot of low carbers, particularly those that are very over-weight lose weight initially but never get to goal.


    Carbs are your friend, They fuel the body. Unfortunatly, Society would have you believe otherwise. The average american diet can range anywhere between 50-65% fat, This combined with high calories, high carbs, high sugar, and a routinely sedetary lifestyle creates a dangerous combination. Excess fat creates a lining inside your body that prevents the absorption/dispersal of sugar through the blood to be quick and efficient. Instead, This lining causes the sugar to linger in the blood sugar. This as we know, Is the cause of diabetes type 2 (not sugar).

    Basically, You cannot blame being obese on one factor alone. Obesity is caused by many factors, complexities, and senarios.

    Although, your attention should begin focusing on the nearly 40% increase of daily fat above what your body requires!

    Try this out: Tomorrow, Keep track of how many calories from fat you consume, At the end of the day compare those calories to your overall daily calories to figure out the fat %. Make sure to eat the way you normally do, I think you will be suprised.

    Happy fitness everyone!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Marilyn Monroe credits her beautiful figure to pasta (AKA, carbs)


    She so fat...

    Umm, I don't know if you picked the best possible picture to illustrate your point...

    Great picture.. she looks real, not photo-shopped!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    its old news. Taubes has a new book out. I have Good Calories, Bad Calories it was okay for its time. A lot of low carbers have moved on since that.

    Good book?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    At least it seems like most everyone agress that processed foods are bad.

    Then most everyone is an idiot

    ok I'm not the most diet educated person out there but are you suggesting that processed food are good for you?. To me processed food = food loaded with additional chemicals such as soda, those "nutrition bars" where the list of checmicals goes on and on, food from fast food chains like McD's and such where there are tons of added chemicals.

    I'm not trying to argue, just was wondering if this is what you meant
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    >Post fear-mongering topic with fear-mongering title.
    >Get asked to explain your side.
    >Say it's a "gotcha" question, and refuse to explain it.

    Damn, you took one right from the Sarah Palin book. Well done OP.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    I know this has been said, but I agree that processed carbs are making people fat. What I don't like about low carb is that it says fruits and veggies are bad. I follow a diet that does not include grains, dairy or sugar but still eat about 200 carbs a day in fruit and veggies and have no problem losing weight.

    Following this as noted above.
    I keep my NET carbs under 125 per day. Works for me. Lost a bunch of weight and can lose more, build muscle at a reasonable rate for my age depending on how hard I want to work at it. Had a nice dinner out tonight, had a couple of pieces of french sourdough bread a nice treat. I suppose one of the notable highlights of the evening past the great food at Coquette is that Leonardo Dicapprio was at the next table. We're in New Orleans, there are a lot of movies done here. He's here for a movie for a time.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    At least it seems like most everyone agress that processed foods are bad.

    Then most everyone is an idiot

    ok I'm not the most diet educated person out there but are you suggesting that processed food are good for you?. To me processed food = food loaded with additional chemicals such as soda and those "nutrition bars". I'm not trying to argue, just was wondering if this is what you meant

    Some examples of processed foods, tell me why they are bad;

    Frozen fruits, protein powder, yogurt, milk, cheese, olive oil, butter, nut butters, oatmeal.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Anyone who thinks carbs don't make you fat is an IDIOT. Personally, I only eat raisins and horseradish everyday, and i'm RIPPED.


    Horseradish is a double win. It stokes the metabolic fire and it blocks carbs.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Anyone who thinks carbs don't make you fat is an IDIOT. Personally, I only eat raisins and horseradish everyday, and i'm RIPPED.


    Horseradish is a double win. It stokes the metabolic fire and it blocks carbs.

    DUN DUN DUN! The MFP Authority has spoken ;)
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    *sigh* so now its not carbs, but grains are the bad guy?

    Evidently, they have never lived with a person who is not overweight and observed the things they eat.

    When I was thin, you best believe I ate some carbs. I got fat from eating too many calories and not doing any exercise...period.

    Yea I have a feeling what made me gain was the huge amount of peanut butter I used to eat xD

    Always have and always will eat my carbs :D
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    At least it seems like most everyone agress that processed foods are bad.

    Then most everyone is an idiot

    ok I'm not the most diet educated person out there but are you suggesting that processed food are good for you?. To me processed food = food loaded with additional chemicals such as soda and those "nutrition bars". I'm not trying to argue, just was wondering if this is what you meant

    Some examples of processed foods, tell me why they are bad;

    Frozen fruits, protein powder, yogurt, milk, cheese, olive oil, butter, nut butters, oatmeal.

    tricky boy . . .
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Re: this very subject...
    I have been having troubles at the doc's lately. Although I am now losing weight, I went into pre-diabetic stage on my last blood tests after 3 months on MFP and 18 pounds lost. My doctor has no idea how to lose weight, as he initially told me to go on a 800-1000 calorie, low fat diet. I went on the Atkins diet about 12 years ago, and had some problems when my potassium dropped and I started having bouts of tachycardia and ended up in the ER several times. So, I have decided to limit my net carbs to 75-100 per day, take a potassium supplement and hope for the best. I think as long as I don't go into ketosis from too few carbs, I should be okay. I am convinced too many carbs could be aggravating my blood pressure and insulin levels. I have just recently been hearing about inflammation in the arteries caused by too many carbs. Anything that causes a sugar spike is especially harmful in that way. I have another appointment for blood work in 2 months, so we will see. It's just a little difficult learning a completely new way of planning my meals to have lower carbs, yet still meet the calorie limit. I have tomorrow planned and did fairly well. I just don't want to go to the extreme of Atkins where I was eating pork chops, bacon cheeseburgers (without the bun), and lots of fried stuff. It was easy and I lost a ton of weight, but was too scarey when my heart started flopping around like a flounder. I'll comment in my profile after two months if anyone is interested in my next test results.

    Edit: Yeah, there are bad carbs and carbs that are not so bad. It's eating a lot of either one that's not good. The "bad" ones give ya a sugar/insulin spike and the good ones are slower to metabolize and preferable.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member

    100% means the "moderation" part and, btw, me too. btw, it's the highly packaged and high preprocessed carbs that are bulging us first worlders. IF we shopped and prepared our own natural foods, are carb content would go way down and the ones we ate would be from fruits and veggies, with a little grain thrown in. Good call.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    P.S. Marilyn Monroe was more like a size 4/6. Sizing was much different back then. Her measurements from her dressmaker are floating around somewhere. Not a size 10 by today's standards.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    At least it seems like most everyone agress that processed foods are bad.

    Then most everyone is an idiot

    ok I'm not the most diet educated person out there but are you suggesting that processed food are good for you?. To me processed food = food loaded with additional chemicals such as soda and those "nutrition bars". I'm not trying to argue, just was wondering if this is what you meant

    Some examples of processed foods, tell me why they are bad;

    Frozen fruits, protein powder, yogurt, milk, cheese, olive oil, butter, nut butters, oatmeal.

    I think you and I are on a bit different pages about what we consider processed food. While you're correct, those are processed foods (and good for you at that!) but when I think of processed food (and what I believe others in the thread are referring to as processed food) are the chemically enhanced food from burger king or those so called nutirition bars which are loaded with additives etc. Strictly speaking almost all foods are processed but I think you're taking terms too literally sir
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