H2O = water



  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    What? You mean when I put a cheeseburger in my water, it's adding calories? Jeez that's where I've been going wrong all these years, cheeseburgers in my water...
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    I put slices of orange and lemon into my glass of water, makes it more palatable

  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Ok this is one of my pet peeves... Water is nothing else but h2o. It bugs me when people talk about "flavor water" if what you drink has a flavor taste, color or anything like that, news flash it's not water. True it may be made with water, but when you put chemical packets to enhance the taste it's no longer true h2o. And what's in those packets will do more harm than good.

    Water = h2o

    Not this or any other drink whose ingredients is more than h2o
     Aquafina FlavorSplash

    Flavored Water
      Country: USA
      Flavor: Citrus Blend
      Sweetner: Splenda
      Carbonation: No
      Container: Plastic

      Aquafina Citrus Blend FlavorSplash Ingredients:
    Filtered Water, Natural Flavors, Citric Acid, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, Phosphoric Acid, Sodium Benzonate, Sodium Citrate, Sucralose (splenda) Calcium Disodium EDTA.

    Love you!!!

    And so many people think we don't really need "water.".
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    If you drink pure H2O, you would get sick.

    Water for human consumption has minerals in it. I don't care what people consider a cup of water (whether is has flavor or not), but just FYI.... you are not drinking pure H2O even when you drink the cleanest water possible.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    That's like saying NaCl = Salt. The origin of the salt affects the flavor. Sea salt tastes different from rock salt, which tastes different from salts that are smoked or have minerals added.

    I don't always drink it, but I prefer certain brands of bottled water because they taste better than tap water. I grew up in a city that used to have great water, but that's no longer the case. I use a filter, but it still doesn't taste as good as bottled water.

    If you don't notice the difference or think the cost is worth it, bully for you, but some people have reasons for caring.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I agree ppl should be drinking plain water despite the taste or lack thereof. It gives your kidneys a nice break from filtering and helps the spleen filter the blood more easily.

    I hate reading posts about ppl advocating drinking any type of beverage instead of water, claiming its just as good for the body. Drinking coffee, energy drinks, artificial sweeteners.... That stuff needs to be filtered by our bodies.

    Our bodies are MADE to filter. Obviously everything should be in moderation, I don't advocate NEVER drinking water, but our bodies are specifically made to filter out the nasties and keep the good stuff. Should we give our heart a break from pumping? Our lungs a break from breathing?

    Your missing the point. Our bodies filter out the "nasties" that occur in nature. Not man made stuff that the body doesn't even recognize.

    We were never intended to drink soda and such or our creator would have made soda when the earth was formed.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    What about dihydrogen monoxide? Maybe we should not count that as water either.

    Dude.... dihydrogen monoxide kills more people every year than any other compound. We should ban it!

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I agree ppl should be drinking plain water despite the taste or lack thereof. It gives your kidneys a nice break from filtering and helps the spleen filter the blood more easily.

    I hate reading posts about ppl advocating drinking any type of beverage instead of water, claiming its just as good for the body. Drinking coffee, energy drinks, artificial sweeteners.... That stuff needs to be filtered by our bodies.

    Our bodies are MADE to filter. Obviously everything should be in moderation, I don't advocate NEVER drinking water, but our bodies are specifically made to filter out the nasties and keep the good stuff. Should we give our heart a break from pumping? Our lungs a break from breathing?

    Your missing the point. Our bodies filter out the "nasties" that occur in nature. Not man made stuff that the body doesn't even recognize.

    We were never intended to drink soda and such or our creator would have made soda when the earth was formed.

    Coffee beans are manmade??? Tea leaves? Lemon juice? Lime juice? 100% fruit juice? Those are all manmade?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    You need the equivalent of 8 cups of water a day on average, from any source. These sources can be pure water/tea/coffee/juice/soda/milk/fruit/veg etc. It does NOT have to be pure neat water!

    And where do you get this from?

    This goes against everything I was taught and have ever learned.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You need the equivalent of 8 cups of water a day on average, from any source. These sources can be pure water/tea/coffee/juice/soda/milk/fruit/veg etc. It does NOT have to be pure neat water!

    And where do you get this from?

    This goes against everything I was taught and have ever learned.

    Taught by whom? Because it's wrong.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I agree ppl should be drinking plain water despite the taste or lack thereof. It gives your kidneys a nice break from filtering and helps the spleen filter the blood more easily.

    I hate reading posts about ppl advocating drinking any type of beverage instead of water, claiming its just as good for the body. Drinking coffee, energy drinks, artificial sweeteners.... That stuff needs to be filtered by our bodies.

    Our bodies are MADE to filter. Obviously everything should be in moderation, I don't advocate NEVER drinking water, but our bodies are specifically made to filter out the nasties and keep the good stuff. Should we give our heart a break from pumping? Our lungs a break from breathing?

    Your missing the point. Our bodies filter out the "nasties" that occur in nature. Not man made stuff that the body doesn't even recognize.

    We were never intended to drink soda and such or our creator would have made soda when the earth was formed.

    Really you want to go down that path? So you only ingest raw foods in their most natural form? Please.

    The kidneys of a normal, healthy adult are more than capable of filtering a can of soda or some crystal light.
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    I want to keep this post going for as long as possible.The replies are amusing me at work.

    If I didn't add anything to my water, be it flavoring or natural lemon/lime juice, I'd never drink water. I'm not naturally a thirsty person, meaning I wouldn't drink anything. at. all. ever (until I felt sick). Anyone who has an issue with this can kiss my grits.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm going to throw a wrench in all of this and point out that there is water (actual H2O!!! even) in foods we eat. And that counts towards hydration. And not everyone needs to drink 8 full glasses of water a day because of the water we get from our food.

  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm glad my body isn't overly picky or I would be made up of nearly 75% cherry coke before MFP.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I'm glad my body isn't overly picky or I would be made up of nearly 75% cherry coke before MFP.

    LOL you sound delicious.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I'm glad my body isn't overly picky or I would be made up of nearly 75% cherry coke before MFP.

    But you would also simultaneously be dehydrated!
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I wasn't aware that adding flavor changes the h2o molecules to something else

    It doesn't unless you didn't graduate from school then all bets are off.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    You need the equivalent of 8 cups of water a day on average, from any source. These sources can be pure water/tea/coffee/juice/soda/milk/fruit/veg etc. It does NOT have to be pure neat water!

    And where do you get this from?

    This goes against everything I was taught and have ever learned.

    Taught by whom? Because it's wrong.

    What's wrong about this is that the general recommendation is 8-9 glasses ON TOP OF the water you get from food because we need a lot more than 8 glasses (don't know the general rule here, sorry) but some of it is derived from food sources. All numbers are general average human so everyone could be different.
  • joe7880
    joe7880 Posts: 92 Member
    I think drinking sweetened drinks instead of plain water also desensitizes your taste buds so when you actually enjoy sugar, it takes way more to "hit the spot" than if you were drinking your water plain.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    You need the equivalent of 8 cups of water a day on average, from any source. These sources can be pure water/tea/coffee/juice/soda/milk/fruit/veg etc. It does NOT have to be pure neat water!

    And where do you get this from?

    This goes against everything I was taught and have ever learned.

    Taught by whom? Because it's wrong.

    What's wrong about this is that the general recommendation is 8-9 glasses ON TOP OF the water you get from food because we need a lot more than 8 glasses (don't know the general rule here, sorry) but some of it is derived from food sources. All numbers are general average human so everyone could be different.

    The AVERAGE amount the AVERAGE person needs is around 8 cups of "water". Now, the source of that infamous statement is misquoted:
    How did the 8 X 8 myth start? Valtin thinks that the notion may have started in 1945 when the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council recommended approximately “1 milliliter of water for each calorie of food,” which would amount to roughly 2 to 2.5 quarts per day (64 to 80 ounces).

    In its next sentence the board stated, “[M]ost of this quantity is contained in prepared foods.” But that last sentence seems to have been missed, so that the recommendation was erroneously interpreted as how much water a person should drink each day.