Does this constitute cheating to you?



  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Yes to me that is cheating!!.. it's a betrayal.. I would not marry man who was doing this nor would I stay in a relationhsip with him.
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    I would considered this cheating I'm not a big fan of porn or strip clubs. I think it's disrespectful when u got a wife or gf waiting at home. Idk if it's cause I'm self conscious but I know what his doing is immature.
  • AlyiEli2017
    AlyiEli2017 Posts: 81 Member
    I would be MAD yes, but this is your relationship. No one can tell you what to think or feel. You have to put it out there what you both say is cheating and what isnt, therefore when things like this happen its known and the other party has no choice but to take up for they actions. If my boyfriend paid a random girl to do things; over the web, in person heck yes I would be MAD, only because thats not the relationship we are suppose to have. Everyone relationship is different. Talk to him once your not so mad and explain whats going on and how you feel. Thats the best way! Hope I helped.
  • BogusAnnie
    BogusAnnie Posts: 8
    the definition of cheating doesn't matter here...obviously he has an issue. Speaking from someone who has been here bought the T-shirt then burned the have problems. This is the tip of the ice burg. The only reason he feels badly is because he got caught. Trust your gut....if it says there's a problem...then trust me Sweety...there IS a problem. He no doubt has other accounts that you are unaware of, he won't use his real FB account...pu-lease...he isn't completely stupid.
    If you are having this issue now, I can guarantee he will say what he has to to make it OK....then down the line you will always be wondering and distrusting. The chances are good that he won't just stop. Do yourself a favour and quit while you are ahead. If this was a friend of yours asking YOU what to do....would you tell her to stay or go?
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    That's the other thing I probably should have mentioned... he really isn't that interested in having much sex with me and my sex drive is much higher than his!

    Not ideal........

    Initially I thought not a big deal. It's just extra expensive pR0n. After I read this statement, I think he's got some issues.

    There is way to much free porn out there to justify paying for it with that said porn isn't evil but if you are with someone else then its best enjoyed with that other person.

    The low sex drive but watches and pays for a lot of porn might mean he's not into you or he's interests have grown apart from your own and it might be time to have a talk. Might want to break it off or get some help before you end up on this show Divorce Court that I'm watching.

    We all have our vices .... My personal vice is I like to gamble and given the chance I'd go in a heart beat :laugh: but I'm sure that will change when the first time I lose some cash instead of win.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    To clarify something though - for people who are saying there's is something wrong if he has a sex drive for porn but not for her...

    Guys will ALWAYS have a sex drive for porn.

    Porn and sex are so distant from each other you just can't group them together. A guy will jerk off even if his SO has the highest sex drive in the world and he thinks she's the hottest woman ever and they have sex minimum 3 times a day.

    So the porn thing needs to be taken out of the equation entirely.

    I can't possibly disagree with you more. Having a bigger craving for a picture of fake person on the screen than a real live person in your bed? Any guy (or gal!) with that has some serious issues and delusions about what real people are like. There is nothing wrong with porn but when someone prefers it over real sex or their significant other, there is a problem. A big one.

    Not every guy looks at porn, this generalization needs to stop. If I were a man that didn't watch porn, I'd get so sick of being told that I do. Most SINGLE guys look at porn and at that time, it's 100% acceptable. Unless you're watching it with a sig other that genuinely likes watching it, it's inappropriate in a serious relationship.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I would say it was a reason to give him the boot as he shouldn't be looking at other women on line. If he is doing that now he is more than likely gonna do it once your married because it is an addiciting habit. I don't think this kind of behavior is harmless because it will cause temptation somewhere down the road for him. I can't tell you what to do but I know I wouldn't want to marry a guy like that.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    dump him!
  • lovemonkey143j
    If he watching porn but not that interested in you then you have a problem. The question is......are you strong enough to admit that it's a problem and you should move on or brave enough to see if he really does love you and stick it out? If it was me and he wasn't willing to have sex but yet was watching porn all the time then he can get out.................. I know easier said than done but really the trust is broken and now your gonna wonder what he is doing every minute of every day. You have to ask yourself if your better than that...................don't know you but I'd say yes, nothing is worth losing your dignity over, especially someone that can lie to you about something as special as sex...........whatever form it may be in.
  • cPT_Helice
    cPT_Helice Posts: 403
    Sorry this isn't weight loss related but I am in a bit of a mess and don't really want to speak to my real life friends about this at the moment.

    Last night I found out that my fiance (what a joke!!!!!!) has been visiting an adult site and paying women to do web cam 'stuff' for him.
    I made him log on the site and I could see that he'd emailed a couple but I could see from his 'transactions' he had done a lot of web cam viewing (mostly all paid for).

    He'd also searched on there for women in our area - most of these people are escorts too but he swears on his life he has 'only' done web camming (him watching them) and nothing more.

    I don't have a huge problem with porn but somehow when you are paying someone to do stuff specifically for you it seems worse? (worse than watching a film or whatever) I also don't have a problem with strip clubs as I think they are mainly about a group of lads having a laugh but this has been happening in my own home, late at night and when I'm not there.

    I've been on his Facebook and checked his messages and he isn't messaging real life women. He is very upset - but that's because he's been caught.

    What would you do???

    To me, it's cheating. it seems you are ok with him having cybersex as long as he's not paying for it? Am I reading this right. And you are cool with him using porn instead of being with you. I wouldn't be ok with any of it.
    But, consider this...... this is when your relationship is at it's best. You aren't married yet. It's not stale yet. If it is, you are really going to be in trouble later.
    I see some people saying that it's ok - the whole porn thing - and saying the issue is that he is not being with you, as if these things are not connected. I think it might do you good to stop (if you even are) getting advice from folks on here, when it comes to your relationship and doing some research on porn addiction and it's effects on men and relationships. This is your life - Your future!!! Don't let it ride on opinions! Get the facts.
    The "pornthing" does not need to be taken out of the equation. The "pornthing" may very well be the equation!
    Good luck!
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Dump him and run. It will only get worse, much worse.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Everyone has a different opinion/definition of cheating.

    So, if you think it's cheating and you're hurt by it, then it's cheating.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    Sorry this isn't weight loss related but I am in a bit of a mess and don't really want to speak to my real life friends about this at the moment.

    Last night I found out that my fiance (what a joke!!!!!!) has been visiting an adult site and paying women to do web cam 'stuff' for him.
    I made him log on the site and I could see that he'd emailed a couple but I could see from his 'transactions' he had done a lot of web cam viewing (mostly all paid for).

    He'd also searched on there for women in our area - most of these people are escorts too but he swears on his life he has 'only' done web camming (him watching them) and nothing more.

    I don't have a huge problem with porn but somehow when you are paying someone to do stuff specifically for you it seems worse? (worse than watching a film or whatever) I also don't have a problem with strip clubs as I think they are mainly about a group of lads having a laugh but this has been happening in my own home, late at night and when I'm not there.

    I've been on his Facebook and checked his messages and he isn't messaging real life women. He is very upset - but that's because he's been caught.

    What would you do???

    Been there done that. :cry:

    My guy even went to the extremes of going onto Craigslist and messaging girls to meet up with him.
    Porn is one thing, but that i say is cheating. Why hasn't he asked you to do these things that he pays women to do?
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Dump his butt. Move on.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    No. Cheating is oral copulation or vaginal penetration. He was just checking out living porn. Everyone has something they keep either a secret or don't disclose to their significant other, people dont just want to admit it. You BETKNOT listen to these old maids on this thread and give up your man. See if you can set up a web cam and perform tricks for instead of some random tricks performing tricks for him.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Sorry this isn't weight loss related but I am in a bit of a mess and don't really want to speak to my real life friends about this at the moment.

    Last night I found out that my fiance (what a joke!!!!!!) has been visiting an adult site and paying women to do web cam 'stuff' for him.
    I made him log on the site and I could see that he'd emailed a couple but I could see from his 'transactions' he had done a lot of web cam viewing (mostly all paid for).

    He'd also searched on there for women in our area - most of these people are escorts too but he swears on his life he has 'only' done web camming (him watching them) and nothing more.

    I don't have a huge problem with porn but somehow when you are paying someone to do stuff specifically for you it seems worse? (worse than watching a film or whatever) I also don't have a problem with strip clubs as I think they are mainly about a group of lads having a laugh but this has been happening in my own home, late at night and when I'm not there.

    I've been on his Facebook and checked his messages and he isn't messaging real life women. He is very upset - but that's because he's been caught.

    What would you do???

    That stinks and I'm sorry that you're having to deal with the hurt that this revelation is obviously causing you. :(

    If I were in your shoes - I would postpone the wedding, if there is a date set. I would set some really clear boundaries with regards to the web cam site(s). I would require some accountability, either with you or with a friend who could be trusted not to disclose it to anyone else.

    If he is visiting these sites on the down low and you are having an issue with compatible sex drives, these are both huge red flags to me that your relationship is not ready for the commitment of marriage. It is about the betrayal and broken trust. If you can't have trust and honesty in a marriage, it is always going to struggle. Best not to go down that path if you aren't already there.

    You obviously love him enough to be engaged to him, so I'm guessing you want to try and work things out. Just be prepared for a bumpy road if he is addicted to these types of sites.
  • cPT_Helice
    cPT_Helice Posts: 403
    It IS cheating....Especially when he is looking for women in your area....If he hasn't met one in person - he is definitely hoping too. Maybe you should talk to him about why he is doing this...Is he having them do things that you won't do? If so, maybe you should do some of those things for him...It's just a thought. :)

    THIS is one of the most ridiculous things I have read in a VERY long time!!
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    We all have our own ideals about these kinds of situations. I say, if it bothers you, it always will, therefore there will always be problems. This is something he likes to do, and it's something that bothers you. Cheating or not is completely irrelevant. Putting a term on it won't get you anywhere. It's a matter of the heart.

    If you can't trust him as a result of this, the issues are much larger than whether or not he spent a few dollars to get off.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    While the suggestions to "do the things for him he is paying for" might be well-intended, it puts the responsibility back on the OP, as if she is the one somehow lacking in their relationship. If there are things he wants to see/watch, he should be communicating that to her, NOT sneaking behind her back and asking for it from other women until he gets busted doing it. Telling her that performing for him will help fix the problem is just putting a tiny bandage on a big, gaping wound.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    No. Cheating is oral copulation or vaginal penetration. He was just checking out living porn. Everyone has something they keep either a secret or don't disclose to their significant other, people dont just want to admit it. You BETKNOT listen to these old maids on this thread and give up your man. See if you can set up a web cam and perform tricks for instead of some random tricks performing tricks for him.

    So she should cheapen herself and lower her standards to get down to this jerk's level? Great advice.