Do you carry protection when running?



  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    If I lived in the US, or any of the rougher parts of the UK, I'd undoubtedly carry something that was purely defensive.
    Question: do you think that the entire US is dangerous?

    Due to the larger wild animals and to relaxed firearms laws, yes. I wouldn't feel safe, personally.

    Re animals - Size doesn't matter that much? Some of the most deadly animals in the world are about the size of a quarter (spiders). Animals are also generally fearful of humans, so the biggest danger most often comes from a large one deciding to walk into oncoming traffic and causing an accident. For the rest of the time, it's about not being stupid - if you know where the den is, don't go near it; don't leave out food (and if there is food around and they've found it, don't get between it and them); etc. (And yes, I lived in an area where black bears raided trash cans like raccoons if you left food scraps in them.)

    As for the gun law thing, laws don't matter to people looking to do harm to others. There are also laws against assault, rape, and murder, as well as from carrying weapons onto school grounds and other "posted" areas. If those laws were actually useful in protecting people, there wouldn't be school shootings, assaults, murders, or rapes to begin with.

    Additionally, here's an interesting article on the violent crime rates of the US vs the UK - . In a nutshell, London has more violent crimes than New York City. Also, of note, violent crimes have been dropping across the board in the US since the late 90s, and gun laws, overall, haven't really changed (in fact, on the federal level, the "assualt rifles ban" expired a few years ago).

    Regardless of the popularity of John Wayne and Chuck Norris in American culture, the United States is not some Wild West where everyone carries guns and settles disputes with 20 paces at high noon. We actually are a civilized society over here.

    Another person who's read into what I've said in the completely wrong way, assumed I'm stereotyping based on Wild West movies and ignored what I've actually said.

    Being in the UK and not in a neighbourhood common for dog-walking, or in a city with rabid foxes, I'm not at risk from ANY wild animals - except maybe a stray deer. My point is that if I lived in an area WITH large wild animals, things I could defend myself against if they came at me, I would aim to.

    Additionally, as everyone seems to have ignored, I did say 'or in a rougher part of the UK'. I'm not saying 'OMG everyone kills everyone else in America, and the UK is totally safe!!!'.

    Given that your stated fear of the US is on our lax gun laws and wild animals, and that you also stated that you meant that the entire country is more dangerous than some of the safer parts of the UK, it's kind of hard to read it any other way than "I've seen on the TV that the US has wolves and cougers and bears, so that must be how the entire country is and everyone's in daily peril for their lives for one reason or another." The John Wayne reference was in regard to the fact that the media likes to misrepresent a lot of things and that people (yes, even other Americans) seem to think that such fiction is actually what the more gun-toting areas are like. Ironically, one of the country's most dangerous cities (DC) is a gun-free zone.
  • Lovinmama
    Lovinmama Posts: 38
    we do sometimes get cougars though, never had them come up. if you see a cougar dont run, dont attack it, pepper spray will do nothing. Stand up tall raise your arms make lots of noise, you want to look big and intimadating. <3
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Hubby carries metal bat and I carry pepper spray so the two legged or four legged creatures are getting double wammy (spelling?)
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    I carry a .9mm in the side of my bra when I ride my bike.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I have thought about getting pepper spray but I run with my dog and never at the same time of day.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I don't carry anything, if it's a woogy neighborhood, I'll run with a partner, but I can handle myself pretty well and if someone comes at me, they'd better darn sure know what they're doing, cause I don't play in a fight. I go for the throat.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Hubby carries metal bat and I carry pepper spray so the two legged or four legged creatures are getting double wammy (spelling?)
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    It saddens me, how many seem to live in fear. :flowerforyou:

    My second biggest fear is having to kill something when my life in imminent danger.

    It's not something you ever get over, I still have nightmares.
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    Always bring a condom! LOL. Actually, I run with my (big) dogs, so they are my protection!

    You beat me to that!
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Tons of posts about carrying mace and 1 advocate of carrying a gun.

    Why not try running in a safer area or indoors?? My treadmill is pretty safe, the only thing I have to worry about is if someone who hasn't showered in weeks and is wearing a cut off (exposing armpits) jumps on the machine beside me.

    I think prevention is better than protection. After all mace is only effective if used properly (assuming you even have the opportunity to use it).

    Maybe I'm too logical...

    I can't afford a gym membership yet and I don't own a treadmill. Other than that, my town is really small. Like a 5 to 10 mile radius small. It's not that my town isn't safe but we get a lot and I mean a lot of drifters/homeless passing through and some have been violent towards townspeople so yeah, it's just safer to carry something like pepper spray for me. If I had a gym membership or treadmill I'd probably use those instead though!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Given that your stated fear of the US is on our lax gun laws and wild animals, and that you also stated that you meant that the entire country is more dangerous than some of the safer parts of the UK, it's kind of hard to read it any other way than "I've seen on the TV that the US has wolves and cougers and bears, so that must be how the entire country is and everyone's in daily peril for their lives for one reason or another." The John Wayne reference was in regard to the fact that the media likes to misrepresent a lot of things and that people (yes, even other Americans) seem to think that such fiction is actually what the more gun-toting areas are like. Ironically, one of the country's most dangerous cities (DC) is a gun-free zone.

    What is your issue, exactly, with where I would consider dangerous enough to want to carry something to defend myself? I'm confused about why people seem to have taken offence to me saying that?

    I'm not saying 'everyone's in daily peril'. I'm saying the risks, though relatively minimal in some areas, would be high enough for me to think about carrying a defensive form of protection.

    I am not a two-year-old child who stereotypes or blindly believes what she sees on TV, so I'm struggling to see why people are using that as an 'argument' for why I should feel safe if I lived in the US and went running?
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    No but that's why I don't go running alone. lol
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I carry a Colt Combat Commander lightweight in a fanny pack along with an extra magazine. All loaded with Wilson Combat 230 gr XTP ammo.

    The gun is not my first option as I am proficient in krav maga.

    My basic strategy is:
    1- outrun it and get away
    2- failing 1 then go to hand to hand
    3- if I feel option 2 is not viable for any number of reasons then its time for the pistol

    I believe in escalation of force.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I don't. I took mixed martial arts for years, and have a lot of training with defense for guns, knives, and physical attacks. I've had to defend myself physically a few times, sadly, and I feel confident enough to be able to handle most situations. If the situation were bad enough that I couldn't handle it, then carrying anything extra wouldn't have made a difference, anyway.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    LOL to the response about the condom. I go with my dog usually which is protection enough, he's a happy go lucky golden who likes to jump all over people. But I live in a very small town where the bears are just starting to come out so I have to be diligent about where I run and what time of day that I go.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Always bring a condom! LOL.

    That's what I was thinking! Cuz you never know who you might run into. :wink:
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    someone bought me a "rape whistle" once to carry everywhere I go.

    But seriously, if you hear a whistle, are you really going to come running to my rescue?! I didn't think it was the best form of protection....
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 659 Member
    If I run at night I carry a pocket knife. Plus I use my phone as a music player and flashlight
  • lovinbeinold
    lovinbeinold Posts: 116
    I got stopped by some unsavoury types once, and pretended to be a COMPLETE and UTTER scared the living bejeeezus out of them. I am looking forward to doing that again, but equally, hope I never have to.

    Good one bluefox9r! I like that. One time my gorgeous daughter and I were walking. She is 6' tall, slender, and beautiful. Some gang types spotted her and approached us. Then just as suddenly they looked away and walked off. After we were out of ear shot, I said, "How did you do that?"

    She looked at me, crossed her eyes, let her face relax and let her jaw go slack and let her tongue protrude ever so slightly. It transformed her from the beauty to looking compromised. She looked like a totally different person.

    She told me that was a great protection in certain circumstances. It worked for us that day. I was proud of her.

    Mind you, that wouldn't work on someone intent on harm, no doubt. A true predator might see that as an opportunity to hurt someone powerless, because that's how she looked too. But in that particular circumstance, it worked great.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Always bring a condom! LOL.

    I was gonna say that! :wink:
    Me, too...which suggests that I'm not in the proper frame of mind.... Seriously, though, I was given a shock weight (because I take long walks in rural areas...and this is the only county in which I've been the victim of a violent crime, so it makes me feel a little more at ease...)
  • lovinbeinold
    lovinbeinold Posts: 116
    And one other thing. I used to take my big, ugly, black chow chow dog with me. He had a solid black tongue too. He did protect me well, and defended me in a laundromat at night one time, back in the '60's. A good, loyal dog, big enough to take care of business is a great protection against human beings. But I'd have some kind of spray with me too if I was out where there were mountain lions.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    I carry a Colt Combat Commander lightweight in a fanny pack along with an extra magazine. All loaded with Wilson Combat 230 gr XTP ammo.

    The gun is not my first option as I am proficient in krav maga.

    My basic strategy is:
    1- outrun it and get away
    2- failing 1 then go to hand to hand
    3- if I feel option 2 is not viable for any number of reasons then its time for the pistol

    I believe in escalation of force.

    Love this answer!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Oh and to answer the question...maybe I do and maybe I dont...I am not going to tell someone if I do or not. I would rather it be a surprise. You never know what kind of people are out there or on here for that matter.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I carry my keys, which has mace on it. So yeah!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    What is your issue, exactly, with where I would consider dangerous enough to want to carry something to defend myself? I'm confused about why people seem to have taken offence to me saying that?

    I'm not saying 'everyone's in daily peril'. I'm saying the risks, though relatively minimal in some areas, would be high enough for me to think about carrying a defensive form of protection.

    I am not a two-year-old child who stereotypes or blindly believes what she sees on TV, so I'm struggling to see why people are using that as an 'argument' for why I should feel safe if I lived in the US and went running?

    I too am trying to figure out why this is an issue.
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    Springfield XD 40 Sub compact or a Walter PPQ 9. I tend to use the Springfield more though.

    For leasure inactive times, I use a KingTuk Inner waistband holster. I wouldn't use it for running since there isn't a back strap. If I was to run I would either use a fanny pack (but those jump around) or a outer waist band (like Galco) with a button back strap.

    My wife uses a Berreta Tomcat 32. She has a waistband holster that seems to not jump around like a fanny pack does.
  • Usually I run in a park where animals are on leashes (and this park so happens to be next to the city animal shelter). As far as people go, I am currently training in martial arts but try to run at parks where there are no secluded areas, with people around, and in the daylight. If I want to go to other trails, then I'd go with a friend. I would consider pepper spray if I was running or biking in areas with loose dogs around, but I just avoid those areas because I don't want to carry more than I have to. One time I did have a dog that concerned me when I was on my bike, but was able to get away. My biggest concern is crazy drivers running me over. :P
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    I just don't shower.
    It keeps them all away.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Note to self...don't **** with runners in the USA lol

    This^^^ I forgot to mention in my earlier post. I wear only 1 earbud when walking outside, and keep it low. The last time I carried concealed weapon regularly was when I lived and worked in a big city. After spending 20 years in the city walking all over, I have at least some street smarts and trust my instincts. And, I have carried a knife my whole life. Never needed to protect myself with it, but dang, it is almost always coming in handy for one thing or another. LOL
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Springfield XD 40 Sub compact or a Walter PPQ 9. I tend to use the Springfield more though.

    For leasure inactive times, I use a KingTuk Inner waistband holster. I wouldn't use it for running since there isn't a back strap. If I was to run I would either use a fanny pack (but those jump around) or a outer waist band (like Galco) with a button back strap.

    My wife uses a Berreta Tomcat 32. She has a waistband holster that seems to not jump around like a fanny pack does.

    That's correct babe...doesn't jump around at all actually! A-Mazing Holster! And a bonus....totally sucks in your tum rolls!
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