Ever asked the husband/wife/SO this question?



  • Dlopez678
    Dlopez678 Posts: 97
    I have never asked because my husband has NEVER made me feel anything short of being the most beautiful person in any room. I hope I do the same for him.

    That is amazing! Congrats to you on having a great husband!
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    Well, I wouldn't be attracted to him if he got too overweight, and not because I loved him less, but because in order for him to get that way, he would have to have a total lifestyle change for the worse. THAT would not be attractive, because he would not be taking care of himself that way, and I know he would feel the same way about me.

    So we don't have to ask that question, because we both have very specific lifestyle goals that keep us the way we are, and changing those goals would be the big issue, not the resulting body changes.

    ^^^This!! the basis of the understanding we have

    I hope you never sustain a horrific injury such as having your face disfigured in a fire. Being as your husband is in the AIRFORCE, would you still love him if he was horribly injured?

    Marriage is not about SEXUAL attraction.

    Pretty sure OP asked about weight, which in most cases is a controlable situation, not catastrophic accidents. I'm sorry if it offends you if my husband and I are completely honest about how we feel about the other taking care of thier body.
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Nah...i left him once I got thinner, so it was pretty irrelavent by that point....:drinker:

    :noway: :laugh: That post made my day.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Marriage is not about SEXUAL attraction.
    I disagree to a point. Its not what marriage is completely about...but factor that out and something is missing in your relationship.

    If your spouse turns into someone you are physically repulsed by, do you spend the rest of your life without intimacy and never get tempted by physical needs?

    I'm not saying its an excuse to go out and cheat, or that you should automatically leave..but sexual attraction is a VERY important part of a relationship.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I LOVE this topic!

    My boyfriend met me while I was heavy, and I had my own insecurities because all the women he has really dated, have always been very thin. He has never made me feel ugly, or unwanted.. He loves me and my big body, and is loving me through my whole lifestyle change even though I ***** and moan the whole way... we are some lucky people to have found such good SO. One day, I'll ask him th dreaded question, but I already know he loves me how I am.. so it's not even fully needed :):heart:
  • thiscanbedone
    thiscanbedone Posts: 84 Member
    I did and his response was;

    'It's easier to love you now because I can tell you love yourself more and that makes me happy'

    Same here!!:smile:
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    Marriage is not about SEXUAL attraction.
    I disagree to a point. Its not what marriage is completely about...but factor that out and something is missing in your relationship.

    If your spouse turns into someone you are physically repulsed by, do you spend the rest of your life without intimacy and never get tempted by physical needs?

    I'm not saying its an excuse to go out and cheat, or that you should automatically leave..but sexual attraction is a VERY important part of a relationship.

    Exactly. Getting the point of repulsion would take time, and during that time I am secure n the fact that he or I would say something or make attempts to keep it from getting to that point. Which is part of why we made our understanding.
  • BAtobe
    BAtobe Posts: 93 Member
    Well, I wouldn't be attracted to him if he got too overweight, and not because I loved him less, but because in order for him to get that way, he would have to have a total lifestyle change for the worse. THAT would not be attractive, because he would not be taking care of himself that way, and I know he would feel the same way about me.

    So we don't have to ask that question, because we both have very specific lifestyle goals that keep us the way we are, and changing those goals would be the big issue, not the resulting body changes.

    ^^^This!! the basis of the understanding we have
    I agree, and feel the same way. The OP's question wasn't about LOVE, it was about attraction. We can still love someone when they don't physically appeal to us, but physical attraction is important in a relationship.

    I think most people would lie in response to the OP's question, or fall back to the "I'd still love you no matter how you look", but the truth is...we dont' always find that person attractive anymore when something about their appearance changes drastically.

    THANK YOU! I kind of feel like my husband is being called a douche because he was honest. He did always tell me he loved me and that my size did not matter but I know his actions spoke louder than words. I am not mad, I do not think he is a jerk. He does LOVE me, that doesn't mean he automatically finds me sexy at 235lbs and I'm ok with that. I don't think I was sexy at that weight either. We still had sex, we married at that weight, we had another child at that weight, he would never have left me. I love him, too. I think he is sexy too. I cannot say if he gained 100lbs that I would be as attracted to him as I am now but I would still love him the same. He is still uber sweet. We all have our own preferences and that is ok. :smile:
  • kboggs6763
    kboggs6763 Posts: 35 Member
  • Rjdj3530
    Rjdj3530 Posts: 154
    I did this at my highest weight and later on at a lower weight and got the same answer that he found me very sexy so who knows what he really thought.
  • MrsSamB
    MrsSamB Posts: 144 Member
    Even at my heaviest (226) I never had to ask. My husband tells me - often - how beautiful and sexy I am.

    Mine too. I love him. =)
  • BAtobe
    BAtobe Posts: 93 Member
    Well, I wouldn't be attracted to him if he got too overweight, and not because I loved him less, but because in order for him to get that way, he would have to have a total lifestyle change for the worse. THAT would not be attractive, because he would not be taking care of himself that way, and I know he would feel the same way about me.

    So we don't have to ask that question, because we both have very specific lifestyle goals that keep us the way we are, and changing those goals would be the big issue, not the resulting body changes.

    ^^^This!! the basis of the understanding we have

    I hope you never sustain a horrific injury such as having your face disfigured in a fire. Being as your husband is in the AIRFORCE, would you still love him if he was horribly injured?

    Marriage is not about SEXUAL attraction.

    Pretty sure OP asked about weight, which in most cases is a controlable situation, not catastrophic accidents. I'm sorry if it offends you if my husband and I are completely honest about how we feel about the other taking care of thier body.

    A good example of my original question. I think you and your husband have an understanding about what you expect from your spouse and it's great you are honest.
  • GinNouveau
    GinNouveau Posts: 143 Member
    I did and his response was;

    'It's easier to love you now because I can tell you love yourself more and that makes me happy'

    Love this :)
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Well, I wouldn't be attracted to him if he got too overweight, and not because I loved him less, but because in order for him to get that way, he would have to have a total lifestyle change for the worse. THAT would not be attractive, because he would not be taking care of himself that way, and I know he would feel the same way about me.

    So we don't have to ask that question, because we both have very specific lifestyle goals that keep us the way we are, and changing those goals would be the big issue, not the resulting body changes.

    ^^^This!! the basis of the understanding we have

    I hope you never sustain a horrific injury such as having your face disfigured in a fire. Being as your husband is in the AIRFORCE, would you still love him if he was horribly injured?

    Marriage is not about SEXUAL attraction.

    Pretty sure OP asked about weight, which in most cases is a controlable situation, not catastrophic accidents. I'm sorry if it offends you if my husband and I are completely honest about how we feel about the other taking care of thier body.

    It doesn't offend me. Just kind of puzzling to me is all. I don't see how you have an appearance exception for accidents but not one for weight.

    I was more replying to your statement specifically, not to the OP. I replied to the OP in an earlier post.

    You made a statement about yourself that you seem to think is fact such as you're done having children. Unless you had a hysterectomy, even tubal ligations are not 100%. My sister had one where her tubes had to be cauterized and even then has had two more children.

    End of the day it's not my relationship so I'm leaving this one alone.

    edited because I was a bit too harsh
  • Dlopez678
    Dlopez678 Posts: 97
    Well, I wouldn't be attracted to him if he got too overweight, and not because I loved him less, but because in order for him to get that way, he would have to have a total lifestyle change for the worse. THAT would not be attractive, because he would not be taking care of himself that way, and I know he would feel the same way about me.

    So we don't have to ask that question, because we both have very specific lifestyle goals that keep us the way we are, and changing those goals would be the big issue, not the resulting body changes.

    ^^^This!! the basis of the understanding we have
    I agree, and feel the same way. The OP's question wasn't about LOVE, it was about attraction. We can still love someone when they don't physically appeal to us, but physical attraction is important in a relationship.

    I think most people would lie in response to the OP's question, or fall back to the "I'd still love you no matter how you look", but the truth is...we dont' always find that person attractive anymore when something about their appearance changes drastically.

    I find my husband extremely attractive at 294 lbs. I found him just as attractive at 321 lbs and I'll still find him attractive whatever weight he decides to get down to.. Not solely because he's a good looking man but because of who he is. There is more to being attractive than a pretty face/hot body.. You can have all that and be a shallow snob and still be extremely unattractive.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    THANK YOU! I kind of feel like my husband is being called a douche because he was honest. He did always tell me he loved me and that my size did not matter but I know his actions spoke louder than words. I am not mad, I do not think he is a jerk. He does LOVE me, that doesn't mean he automatically finds me sexy at 235lbs and I'm ok with that. I don't think I was sexy at that weight either. We still had sex, we married at that weight, we had another child at that weight, he would never have left me. I love him, too. I think he is sexy too. I cannot say if he gained 100lbs that I would be as attracted to him as I am now but I would still love him the same. He is still uber sweet. We all have our own preferences and that is ok. :smile:
    I suspect a lot of people are in denial about the truth that their spouse might not find them attractive anymore. When we meet and date someone who looks a certain way, its because we're attracted to them that way. If something changes (aside from basic aging, etc.) its likely that the attraction level will change too (it doesn't make that person a jerk or mean they love you any less). I've seen plenty of people (men and women both) who let themselves go after marriage thinking they'd locked in their spouse and didn't have to bother keeping themselves looking good anymore, and then later on...someone ended up cheating or leaving!
  • BAtobe
    BAtobe Posts: 93 Member
    Marriage is not about SEXUAL attraction.
    I disagree to a point. Its not what marriage is completely about...but factor that out and something is missing in your relationship.

    If your spouse turns into someone you are physically repulsed by, do you spend the rest of your life without intimacy and never get tempted by physical needs?

    I'm not saying its an excuse to go out and cheat, or that you should automatically leave..but sexual attraction is a VERY important part of a relationship.

    Exactly. Getting the point of repulsion would take time, and during that time I am secure n the fact that he or I would say something or make attempts to keep it from getting to that point. Which is part of why we made our understanding.

    Yeah, well sexual attraction (or lack there of) has ruined many marriages I am sure. I think sex is a very important part of a relationship. I used to say it wasn't until it became an issue in my marriage. I NEED my husband to be sexually attracted to me. I can't make him feel something he doesn't, so I did what I needed for myself to help fulfill that need in my marriage. And it's better than ever. No shame in that. :wink:
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Well, I think I am way too old fashioned because I plan on staying married even if my husband's pecker no longer works. :devil:
  • thiscanbedone
    thiscanbedone Posts: 84 Member
    My husband has loved me from my smallest point to my biggest point. He has never let a day pass that he has not told me that I was beautiful. One of the ways I knew it was time to change, was when I could no longer accept the compliment without saying, "I am glad you think so." But, I am slowly working my way out of that stage. Since I committed to losing I feel better about myself, and even if my stubborn ticker does not show it, I have actually lost 6 lbs so far!
    Even my husband says you are beautiful but I felt horrible inside because of my looks. It is at that depressing point he said that ''Then what are you doing about it?'' I think he just got irritated by my inactivity and not keeping my promises to myself. Now I haven't lost any weight as such but he is happy now that I am doing something for myself and he definitely can't keep his hands off me!! :)
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    Well, I wouldn't be attracted to him if he got too overweight, and not because I loved him less, but because in order for him to get that way, he would have to have a total lifestyle change for the worse. THAT would not be attractive, because he would not be taking care of himself that way, and I know he would feel the same way about me.

    So we don't have to ask that question, because we both have very specific lifestyle goals that keep us the way we are, and changing those goals would be the big issue, not the resulting body changes.

    ^^^This!! the basis of the understanding we have

    I hope you never sustain a horrific injury such as having your face disfigured in a fire. Being as your husband is in the AIRFORCE, would you still love him if he was horribly injured?

    Marriage is not about SEXUAL attraction.

    Pretty sure OP asked about weight, which in most cases is a controlable situation, not catastrophic accidents. I'm sorry if it offends you if my husband and I are completely honest about how we feel about the other taking care of thier body.

    It doesn't offend me. Just kind of puzzling to me is all. I don't see how you have an appearance exception for accidents but not one for weight.

    I was more replying to your statement specifically, not to the OP. I replied to the OP in an earlier post.

    You made a statement about yourself that you seem to think is fact such as you're done having children. Have you had a hysterectomy because if you haven't even tubal ligations are not 100%. My sister had one where her tubes had to be cauterized and even then has had two more children.

    That was a rhetorical question; I do not expect you to answer so don't feel like I'm getting too personal.

    End of the day it's not my relationship so I'm leaving this one alone.

    My husband has had a vasectomy and I only gained 15-20lbs with both my pregnancies so that isn't an issue really anyway. A person can control their weight in pretty much any situation. Whether it be medication for a medical condition, diet and specific exercises if disability occurs, special diet for food allergies that cause weight gain, etc. plus, I never said we'd stop loving each other. We have been through enough to know we will love each other no matter what, but physical attraction has to do with physical appearance. But we're live an alternative lifestyle anyway so I guess not much would change.
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