Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Today was weigh day and I am at 194.6. That is over pounds from last week. The plateau is gone. I dont remember the last time I weighed this little. In a few weeks I will be in the 180's. On some good advice from a friend I re-evaluated my eating habits and exercise habits and decided I was sliding a little. Maybe eating just a litte more and adding a few little things that really mattered. ( butter on bread, little too much chocolate) I went back to square one on my eating and bumped up my exercise a lot and the scale moved. Hope all of you are having a good day. Hope to hear from all of you soon.
    Vicki M.

    Vicki----this is great news
    congratulations. Once again there is evidence that being mindful of eating and exercising is the key----since my husband got to his goal weight and has been adding little extras to his eating i noticed myself being attracted to adding little things, too but even the "good " stuff has calories that add up and subtract from weight loss. Keep up the good work.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    My name is Susan - I joined MFP in early spring - lost 10 lbs., then gained 4 back. I am back now until i get to my goal weight. I need to lose around 20 lbs. I have gained and lost this same 20 lbs so many times over the last 10 years. A couple of questions - how do handle cooking for you husband - if he doesn't need to lose weight. My husband weighs THE EXACT SAME THING he did when we married 28 years ago. He was thin then and can't really afford to lose any weight. I hate making 2 meals. Also, do ya'll eat your exercise caloreis?

    Welcome, Susan----
    my husband and I have been losing weight together, but he reached his goal two months ago. i fix him exactly the same meal I fix for myself and he has a lot of snacks throughout the day. the way we eat is "clean", healthy, nutritious, and we decided not to go back to food that wasn't healthy (white sugar, white flour,chips, etc.). You could give your husband a larger portion or add a yam or sweet potato or brown rice to his dinner. Fruit, whole grain crackers with peanut butter would keep his calories up without sacrificing nutrition.I hope you'll both stay focused on health so you can live to be very old together.

    Yes, I eat some of my exercise calories but not all of them. It has been working for me so far, so I'll keep doing it.

    I look forward to hearing from you on this thread:bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Barbicat-

    I am up too late, as usual,but I couldn't sit by without say congratulations to Vicki on your accomplishment. You really knocked your plateau down to size!! I forgot to mention it in my prior post because my memory is like my checking account--what comes in, too soon sneaks out while I am not looking!!!:laugh:

    I had to laugh, Barbie, in a recent post when you talked about it being "hot" when it was 77F degrees. I realize that IS hot for your location, but where I am "hot" is more like 90+--and we are about to get a dose of that and maybe some 100's thrown in for good measure. Like I needed an excuse to drink more hefewiezen!! :heart: or crave ice cream!!:heart::laugh: :laugh:

    Actually, the nice thing about my new lifestyle is that if I factor in the calories, I can enjoy that beer and have an occasional ice cream treat without derailing my weight loss.

    I really AM going to bed now!!:yawn:

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning Ladies:smile: CONGRATULATIONS:happy: to Vicki and Susan on the weight loss. I have the reverse problem with my husband, as I've mentioned before, he loves to eat and does have a weight problem. I have to either make two meals or just eat small portions of what I fix for him. Most of the time he either cooks or gets take out :grumble: ( I watch my grandson almost every day after working my full time job so I don't prepare many meals:smile: ) There are days when I eat some of my exercise calories. Or rather I exercise more because I have gone over my 1200. What happens is, when I log in m y food, I may have gone over. If I do then I will take an extra walk or do a DVD. Seems to work for me. :smile: Well it's raining cats and dogs here:grumble:
    guess I will be doing my exercising indoors today. Gotta get to work . Everyone have a woderful day:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: remember to drink that water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: Rosemary
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Thank you Barb, Barbie, and Rosemary for your words of encouragement. I find this is a constant job. Even though I find it is not really hard to eat right and exercise because it has become a way of life, I can still not let my guard down for a day. Old habits fall back into place quickly. My goal this time around is to make the new way of life so natural that I dont fall back into the old habits as quickly. All of you ladies are helping me with that each day. I hope all of you have a good day. Remember to meet your goals. I got up early this morning and already had my workout at the gym. It doesnt happen every day like I would like, but I take it as it comes. Have a good day. Talk to you later.

    PS I too had to chuckle at 77 being hot. Here when it is 77 we call it a cold front. and enjoy every minute of it.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444

    I would definately consider 77 a hot one. Today it is 13C (55 F) and light drizzle. It been cool much more often than not. The positive thing is the central air is rarely been used this summer. That will be nice when the electric bill comes in.:happy:

    I walked a bit yesterday and almost stayed within my cals. 117 over Unfortunately my heel is very sore just from a 30 minute walk. I see the doc in one week so I will hopefully get some answers or start the diagnostic route for my heel, my ribs and my arm - I have notes so I don't forget anything!!.

    I still need to remind myself to eat more fruit and veggies. All in all, I am getting better at eating healthy. The mindless eating has stopped and I don't "graze" like I used too. Every little step in the right direction right?
    I picked up a couple of dvd's at Wal-mart and want to give them a try tonight - at least one. One is Kathy Smith and is about gentle exercises for the mind, body and soul. Sounds like something I could use!! I only paid $4 each for them so I won't mind if I can't do them. I'm just trying to find different things that may work for me and my ailments:laugh:

    Today I will:
    try to exercise
    drink my water
    have a big salad for supper

    Have a great day

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Heather:smile: Sounds like you are doing well.

    Barb:smile: Vickie:smile: Barbie:smile: Your commitment to exercise is encouraging. And the results are showing just how effective it is.

    I better do some stationary bike. It's too smokey to do much outdoors.

    Will be looking after grandkiddies for a week or so, do hope my scale cooperates when I get back [and that I do what I need to meanwhile]. Exercise shouldn't be a problem and they need to eat healthy too.

    Hot here is 95 plus and that it is, likely around 100 today.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    So of course, I start talking about HOT weather, and here it is almost 1p and it is only 64 F degrees and overcast. Actually got a little mist on the windows when I drove to work @ 4:45a,:yawn: AKA "oh dark thirty" :laugh: :laugh:

    The tv weather says we will make 79 today, but not if the clouds don't go away. This is the marine air layer they promised would keep us cool for a day, then we go back in the 80's on Friday, the 90's on Saturday and Sunday, and we are supposed to be pushing 100+ on Monday and Tuesday,:glasses: :glasses: I may not be doing afternoon walks the first part of next week!! They might be more like afternoon "melts!!":laugh: A great excuse to drink lots of hefeweizen:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: ---er- I mean WATER, yeah thats it, good old H20..... :wink: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    As for me, I am maintaining my loss of last weekend, so I plan to hit the trail on Fri and either Sat or Sun to do a couple of long (6 - 8 milers) and see if I can outrun about 3 more pounds. I would like to be down 30 lbs. by the time I visit my doctor's office on August 4th.

    Hope everyone is haviing a happy day. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Congrats to all who are "losers"--or should we say "winners?" or those who are "winning at losing"?"

    If circumstances or motivational or health issues are interfering with your relationship with your scale. Take comfort:heart::heart: --Tomorrow is another day, and plan that it will be a better one!!

  • skimbro000
    skimbro000 Posts: 10
    I have had a good day so far - I worked out this am. It was weight training day for me - so to burn some extra calories, I got on the stationary bike in between sets, and rode it (at high resistance as fast as I could pedal) until my heart rate went up. Not sure how many extra calories it burned, but I was wet to my underwear when I was done! :laugh: I teach school and cannot believe I go back 2 weeks from today. It has been so nice going to the gym at my leisure and not at 5 am - but oh well - I am looking forward to seeing my students. Eating has gone well too - lots of fresh veggies in season here - having grilled chicken and veggies for dinner. Tomorrow is weigh in day for me - wish me luck.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I think maybe I have finally gotten the hang of this. :wink: It feels so empowering to log those last few calories of the day and know you didn't go over.... Drinking enought water has all but become second nature.

    Just out of curiosity today I tried on a size smaller while I was waiting on my prescriptions to be filled. Not quite there yet. I could get a size 12 on but I looked "melted and poured." So for now I'll continue to wear my 14s a bit too big.

    Made history tonight. Hubby actually went walking with me after supper. He only lasted 15 minutes, but I figure that's at least a start!

    Now that we have two Susans on this thread I'll start signing off as SuzyQ so it will be easier to keep us straight. Goodnight all :yawn:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I am new to this site. What program are you using to get 3.5 lbs. off per week? I have tried every diet out there. Thanks!:blushing:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I am new to this site. What program are you using to get 3.5 lbs. off per week? I have tried every diet out there. Thanks!:blushing:

    I wouldn't really call it a "program." In my case, I watch my calories, get my carbs from fruits and veggies, limit my fat intake, watch my sodium (sneak stuff shows up everywhere), drink my 8 - 10 glasses of water, and those who have been on this site know that my login should probably be "walkin fool." I do 20 - 30 miles per week, with probably 2/3 of those miles on Fri, Sat and Sun, because of my work schedule.

    The speed at which you lose is affected by consumption of calories and amount of calories burned through exercise, AND by how much you have to lose. In my case, I figure on losing 120 pounds by the middle of 2010. Consequently, since I am still in the 1st "quarter" of the game, so to speak, my loss is fairly rapid. Your results will be different than mine.

    One thing that I have taken from Suzzeque, who has also recently posted on here is the idea of blasting through a plateau of weight loss by doing a one or two day veggie, fruit, and water regimen. I got "stuck" after 4th of July, mainly because my walking program was put on the back burner due to my having to deal with helping a seriously ill friend who was in and out of the hospital.

    I wanted to get back on schedule with my losing, so I decided to try it. It isn't as hard as it sounds. Veggies are very filling, and if you choose the right ingredients (soybeans, for instance) you will still get enough protein. You can eat and stay comfortably full and not consume many calories. I only did it for about a day and a half, but that combined with about 12 miles of walking over two days, and I was down 4 pounds. I did go up one for a couple of days after returning to my customary healthy eating, but within two days, I was back to the lowest weight.

    Using this site, taking advantage of the tools available, drawing information and sharing ideas with others has resulted in a very effective result for me. I started in April and have lost 27 pounds in 13 weeks.

    I hope this answers your question.

    Good luck with your efforts.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    I am new to this site. What program are you using to get 3.5 lbs. off per week? I have tried every diet out there. Thanks!:blushing:

    Welcome Eava57.:flowerforyou: You said you have tried every diet out there. What is your exercise like? I have found what works for me is, cutting calorie intake to 1200, drinking at least 4 16oz bottles of water, exercising (walking, aerobics, riding my bike or hiking) AT LEAST 30 minutes every day and logging in and putting that information in MFP. I have lost 25 pounds since June 1. Everyone is different, what works for one may not work for someone else. :happy: Just remember that this is the best place to be for support and suggestions.:wink: The ladies on this thread have been through it all. :noway: We have lost, gained, plateaued, gained and lost again. Some have lost and have managed to keep it off. We just have to stick together and muddle through. I know for me the ladies here give me the strenght to keep on even if I have a bad day. I look forward to hearing of your success. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: Rosemary
  • indianagranny
    marking this thread to read later. needing some new motivation but not enough time to read right now
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :glasses: good morning to all. were is the sun. today i am heading to the ocean in the state of R. I. going to the state park and camp for a few. its suppose to be sunning so i am going to be walking up and down the sand water patch. that should be a wonderful workout. the temp is suppose to be upper 70's i hope everyone has a nice weekend and i hope everyone healthy way of eating and exercise goes well i didn;t do go yesterday i gave up a lot of my time i keep thinking about what i wanted to do and never took my time out i didn;t log and that i found i eat more not good. ok i have my notebook with me and i am going to paper log this weekend.. all the time i see how inportant these little things are and when i don't do them i lose out .. ok a little more packing to do again everyone have a nice weekend love debbie and family
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Thanks Barb for posting Suzzeque's suggestion. I am once more at a plateau. I hit more and more of them as I get closer to reaching my goal. I will be trying the fruit, veggie, water for a couple of days. I hope this jump-starts things for me.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I am new to this site. What program are you using to get 3.5 lbs. off per week? I have tried every diet out there. Thanks!:blushing:

    Don't beat yourself up if you can't maintain 3+ pounds at a time week in, week out. Metabolisms are all different. If you are staying within your calorie limits, getting regular exercise, limiting your sodium and fat, and drinking plenty of water (half your weight in ounces):drinker: it will come off in healthy amounts. So far I have only lost more than one pound a week twice; others consistently lose more. Give yourself permission to make healthy progress. I'm learning that some weeks it may not happen as fast as you'd like. And remember, the best exercise is the one you will DO! The important thing is that is IS happening! :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'm reading an article in a magazine about why people fail to lose weight and the #1 section is about not counting on your girlfriend's diet----that you have to find the one that works for you. I think that fits in with being open minded to new ideas rather than jumping on any new fad and assuming that because it worked for someone else, it will work for you. I've been through trial and error for the last six months to get to where I am right now. I can't compare myself to anyone but me. I can get ideas, strength, and inspiration from others.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ---I've watched you persevere through good and bad and never give up. Keep trying on those small pants, they'll be fitting soon.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome, IndianaGranny
    this is a great group. Congratulations on your weight loss so far:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Susan---this group has lots of great ideas from the inspiring (never give up) to the practical (keep paper and pencil next to your water glass and keep track of how many glasses you drink every day)---these ladies have helped me so much

    :flowerforyou: Debbie--I hope you have a great time in R.I.---walking in the sand is great exercise for your legs

    :flowerforyou: Becky, I'm so glad you checked in this morning. I was just about to start worrying about you

    :flowerforyou: Barb, it was cool here yesterday and I thought I'd be able to get a long walk, but the computer fixer came over and spent the whole afternoon with us. By the time he left and we ate supper there was only time to go to the dog park (as you know, dogs are the most important people). It may be cool again today so maybe I can take a long walk after I get my hair cut

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, you continue to be so upbeat and so encouraging. You are so right about us sticking together. If I only had my "face to face" friends, I'd be back to my old ways in no time.

    Yesterday I taught a new dance at line dance. This is the third time I've done that but only the first since I lost weight. I felt much better in front of the group thinner this time. I was still scared but I lived through it. :laugh: :laugh: I'll be teaching the same dance at the class this morning.

    Thank you all for starting my day off right. Now it's time for breakfast.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Barbie, I posted this at work this morning...the boss is away...so we have a tendency to play. :laugh:
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Hello, all!
    I'm back from vacation. Diet was so-so...exercise was excessive walking for two days and sitting in the car for the other two!:grumble:
    Well, back to a better routine today.