Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    It is 97 degrees on my patio and it is not even noon yet --PDT. :glasses: :noway: Just like yesterday, it appears today will be hotter than :devil: you know what!! I am including in this post most of what I included in one placed yesterday on the "Golden Sneakers" thread,---which as you will see, I renamed, "melted sneakers" in honor of our heatwave
    ....I think we will have to rename this thread the "melted sneakers" --it was 103 degrees F in the Portland (OR) area today, and we have two more days of this. Thank goodness for my AC in the house, the car and the office.

    I feel for people in Seattle. There are far fewer homes with AC, and even they are being threatened with triple digit temperatures this week.

    As for me, for those who might not yet have figured it out, I will save you the trouble of guessing and just tell you--I am nuts!!! What else could explain what I did today?(Monday)

    I really wanted to keep my walking program on track, so I decided, I wasn't going to let a little heat stop me. It was about 82 degrees when I started what was supposed to be a 4 mile course, but by the time I was finshed, it was 2 hours (including 15 minutes of water and other breaks) and 5.5 miles later, and about 95 degrees!! :noway: I drank about 40 ounces of water while I was out--thanks to the handy drinking fountain on the trail, which I hit for refills of my water bottle coming and going.

    After I finished, I came home, hopped in the bathtub and then went back to work for 4 more hours. I don't expect to have ANY difficulty getting to sleep tonight !!

    I have decided to take tomorrow as a day of rest as far as walking is concerned......

    So here it is today, and what a morning. I don't remember turning off my alarm, but at TWELVE minutes BEFORE 5 am, I wake up and look at the clock! and YIKES!!! I live 3.5 miles from my office, and it takes me about 5 minutes to drive there. Would you believe I was sitting at my desk at 5:01 am?:noway: I could hardly believe it myself.:laugh: :laugh:

    A few corners were cut, such as, hair that got combed at a stop light, along with the addition of a little lipstick, a little foundation that was added at my desk in between calls. I think the doggies thought a tornado went thru the house when I left. I did manage to grab a yogurt and a banana for breakfast, so I didn't have to chew on the leather steering wheel cover for nutrition!!:laugh: or visit the vending machines.:grumble:

    I was considering trying to walk again today, but then I took the doggies out when I got home, and I decided that today, the A/C is my FRIEND:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Since I started writing, my temperature sensor had changed to tell me it is now 98 degrees on my patio!!!!:laugh: I changed to the Seattle news program, and it is 90 degrees in the vicinity of Barbiecat, and 87 in Seattle.

    The noon news has a story about "hot dogs"--keeping your dogs safe in the heat. My guys have enough sense to visit the water bowl as needed and stay on the cool side of the doggie door.

    :flowerforyou: To all those with physical injury or illness, my thoughts are with you.

    :flowerforyou: To the newbies--Welcome, you have come to the right place--great support and encouragement from everyone--and the chance to read my jokes!! Who could ask for more?:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Suzzeque, congrats on the new addition to your family.

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat, I was thinking of you when I made that comment about no A/C. Hope you and Jake find a way to keep cool!!:drinker: :drinker: It may not be considered "clean eating" but I am thinking today might be the day to try my idea for a :heart: "Magarita snow cone":heart::laugh: Hey it can't hurt!! And if it doesn't cool you off, if you have enough of the Margarita part of the recipe, you won't CARE!!!:laugh:

    Well, I didn't weigh last weekend, so we will see what happens this next weekend. Good day to all

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Greetings from Nebraska! I haven't been on for a few days. Four of our five children who are at home have gone to camp so I only have ONE! I think in ways one takes more energy and attention than five (now 14 definately takes LOTS of energy!!). We have so many clean glasses in the cupboard that there doesn't seem to be room for even one more. The bath towels that I thought I didn't have suddenly appeared after the kids left. The milk gets ice crystals in it because the fridge isn't being opened every few minutes!:laugh: My husband and I are having fun with our youngest though. He and I do the paper route every morning on our bikes so that should be good for another pound or two loss. It's always fun to read about each of your lives and to know that we are all in this together. I need to see some movement on my ticker...I haven't been very diligent this past week. Have a good one!!:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    It may not be considered "clean eating" but I am thinking today might be the day to try my idea for a :heart: "Magarita snow cone":heart::laugh: Hey it can't hurt!! And if it doesn't cool you off, if you have enough of the Margarita part of the recipe, you won't CARE!!!:laugh:

    I'm not a margarita drinker but I was inspired by your snow cone idea and got up and added crushed ice to my iced tea---my tea was made with a combination of green, orange, peach, and lemon herb tea:bigsmile: Thanks for the idea

    I walked for over an hour on the trail starting at 10AM. It was hot but the trail route before noon has lots of shady spots to keep it cooler. I could have walked farther if I hadn't already spent 35 minutes at the dog park with the girls.

    I stopped at the motorhome to pick up two little fans and asked myself why we weren't staying there since it has airconditioning.....the answer was simple
    no satellite TV and no internet----I know what my priorities are:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Bernie stayed out all night last night. When I went out on the porch at midnight and brought Haifa in the house, I gave some serious thought to spending the night outside, too. :laugh: :laugh: It was 65 degrees outside and 85 degrees in the house. When I got up at 5:30 to take the dogs out, Bernie was at the back door desperate to come in.

    gotta go, more later
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Just got back from 4 days on our boat in Lake Powell. It was so hot the lake water was like bath water. I used my life jacket cause of my torn shoulder muscles, but swam 1/2 to an hour everyday exploring shelves and the ends of the canyons.

    Of course, I ate too much and put back a couple of pounds, but I'm not depressed about it. Afterall, it's sort of expected.

    So today I'm back to the diet like nothing happened and back to using my Wii fit every night.

    My only regret is that I didn't eat any ice cream while I was "off" my diet. lol It would have melted before I could get it in my mouth.

  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    :heart: Hi everyone,

    Welcome to the new folks. So glad to have you join the group. This is a wonderful tool for weighloss with lots of support.

    I am so happy:smile::smile: :smile: because today I no longer need to use the crutches. My knee surgery has progressed to being able to walk with only the big old knee brace and believe me that is wonderful. I so miss being able to go for walks with my dogs but just a 4 more weeks and I should be able to start. My friend Heather comes over and takes our border collie Codie for a run several days a week. Isn't that wonderful. I am also now allowed to sleep without the brace so I am makeing great progress. I am going to look on Netflix tonight for a easy workout not using knees to hold me over until I can walk as exercise. I am still sticking to my program with the exception of tonight. :grumble: :explode: :grumble: My husband made his world famous fried chicken and I did indulge 5 oz of it. I added it into my calories for today and no evening snack will still keep me within my intake though I am sure the fat is more than I would like.

    I had been at the same weight for almost 2 weeks and that was ok because I am still recovering from knee surgery and unable to burn many calories so just maintaining my weightloss is enough. Well it finally moved 1 pound and I am grateful. Reading all of your shares helped me get through that spell.
    I so enjoy reading all your posts.

    Well that's all for now.
    I am drinking water as I type.
    From sunny Fieldbrook, CA
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    It may not be considered "clean eating" but I am thinking today might be the day to try my idea for a :heart: "Magarita snow cone":heart::laugh: Hey it can't hurt!! And if it doesn't cool you off, if you have enough of the Margarita part of the recipe, you won't CARE!!!:laugh:

    I'm not a margarita drinker but I was inspired by your snow cone idea and got up and added crushed ice to my iced tea---my tea was made with a combination of green, orange, peach, and lemon herb tea:bigsmile: Thanks for the idea

    I walked for over an hour on the trail starting at 10AM. It was hot but the trail route before noon has lots of shady spots to keep it cooler. I could have walked farther if I hadn't already spent 35 minutes at the dog park with the girls.

    I stopped at the motorhome to pick up two little fans and asked myself why we weren't staying there since it has airconditioning.....the answer was simple
    no satellite TV and no internet----I know what my priorities are:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Bernie stayed out all night last night. When I went out on the porch at midnight and brought Haifa in the house, I gave some serious thought to spending the night outside, too. :laugh: :laugh: It was 65 degrees outside and 85 degrees in the house. When I got up at 5:30 to take the dogs out, Bernie was at the back door desperate to come in.

    gotta go, more later

    Hi Barbie,

    I am glad I could give you a "cool" idea for your tea.

    I wonder if it is a "thing" about people with our name being "walkaholics" even in this heat. Both of us out there burning calories in the heatwave, but at least you had enough sense to start a little earlier than I did yesterday.

    Tonight Mai Li took off up the street lickety-split with Pepper and I bringing up the rear. I was amazed that she seemed to want to head out for a longer than usual walk, since it was still 100 out at 7:30 tonight, but she soon figured out that home was where the water and the A/C :heart: were located, so she made record time back home, and got no arguments from me or Pepper about cutting the trip short.

    As far as the motorhome is concerned, maybe it is time to find a close RV park with an internet and cable hookup and relocate until about Friday, when this heatwave is supposed to dissipate a little. :glasses: I suppose you could bring it home and park it in your driveway, but I imagine your neighbors would object to a generator running, which I am thinking you might have to run for your AC.

    As for the temperature differential you described between inside and outside the house, it sounds like you might benefit from a solution I learned during the 12 years I lived in an un airconditioned townhouse style condo. We had a couple of breezebox style fans. We put one in our bedroom, blowing out the window and another at the other end of the upstairs blowing in. As soon as it was cooler outside than in, we would crank up both fans and in about 20 minutes the upstairs would be cooled off.

    I suppose you can't beg borrow or steal a fan right now in your area. Tonight I talked to my aunt who lives south of Seattle, and she is actually planning to be in line at a local store tomorrow morning to buy another fan, because they told her they are getting a shipment in before the store opens tomorrow. I heard that Seattle is supposed to reach 100 degrees tomorrow--an all time record high for the city itself, though the south metro area exceeded that yesterday, I am told. I am not sure what happened today, as I haven't seen any Seattle news this evening, yet.

    We are in for it again tomorrow. Today it was 106, and tomorrow they are promising, or is that threatening:grumble: :laugh: us with 107 !! There is one silver lining to report. Today the AC stopped working in my office. Why is that good? Well, it obviously wasn't good for anyone stuck there trying to work, but in my case, it quit after I left at 10a, and was fixed by the time I returned at 3p. I did get there in time for a sugar free ice pop though.:heart:

    Well, keep cool.

    And Lianne, hang in there, you will be back on your feet soon and making up for lost time with exercise. Maintaining IS an accomplishment!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Good night all. My "hot dogs" and I are going to turn in soon.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning all,
    I am down another pound today. I worked by butt off last week so I should lose something. LOL.
    Barb I am so sorry it is so hot for you. I guess that is unusual in your part of the world. It is always like that here, but really seems to be a cooler summer than usual. I hope you get some relief soon. The fan system that Barbie told you about does work well. We have done that often when no ac is available. I have all the kiddies today so I guess I better go and get started on my day. Talk to you ladies later.
    Vicki M
  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    Morning to all,
    Sounds like it's pretty hot for a lot of us. Here in upstate NY it's been fairly cool and rainy. Although people are bemoaning the fact that gardens aren't growing well and vacations are a little damp, I have to say I'm not minding it after the heat of Saipan.

    Still pretty rung out from illness, but going to water aerobics w/ a friend this morning. It's a great group of us "mature" people so pretty much any level is OK. I can take it easy but it will still be some activity. Fortunately I'm still only working part time for a couple more weeks so I can rest some during the day.

    I hate this. But then I read how patient others are w/ surgeries and illness and I take heart. This too shall pass!

    I have a family reunion next weekend, so I'm really happy to go and show off my new slimmer body! I've lost some of the muscle tone I had from exercising:ohwell: (it's quite amazing how fast it goes!!!) but many people haven't seen me for some time.

    Be well, be strong
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Congrats to Lianne getting off the crutches and managing to NOT gain weight during this season of inactivity. :flowerforyou:

    Barb your talk of heat waves reminds me of the July I went to Niagara Falls with my best friend and we had to both go buy tank tops because much to our surprise they were having triple digit temps there. :noway: We were both expecting to need sleeves by nightfall. It’s been so hot here our air conditioner can’t keep up. I’ve taken to wearing spaghetti strap sundresses at home. We take tepid showers and then lay cover-less with a fan on high at bedtime. Sometime during the night we finally cool down and reach for covers. I try to do all my drying and baking first thing of a morning or outdoors on the grill and exercise must be all done before then too. Right now its cooler outside than inside so all my windows are wide open. By ten I’ll be shutting them all trying to hold in the cool.

    Diane, you are an inspiration the way you keep on keeping on in spite of health issues. Water aerobics sounds like a perfect transitional exercise. I remember how much I enjoyed it when I was pregnant. May you wow them at the family reunion and be the talk of the family. :flowerforyou:

    And Vicki, congrats on another pound gone. :flowerforyou:

    I haven’t lost or gained anything so far this week so today I’m pouring on the water and doubling up on exercise to see if I can get things to budge even a fraction before my official weigh in day for the end of the month. I think its the same old too much sodium problem I seem to fight on a regular basis. I'm either going to have to drink even more water, or stop eating anything that comes in a box or can. I've already stopped eating at the Chinese or Mexican restaurants because of all the sodium. My fridge is full of fruits and vegetables. Maybe I'll have a vegetarian Wednesday this week....
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    We are experiencing yet another rainy day:grumble: The temperatures are getting close to freezing at night as well. When I read about some of you that are experiencing the extreme heat I don't feel so bad. Things can always be worse:smile:

    My MRI is finally booked for the middle of August:happy: It has been a long couple of months not being able to move around without pain and not being able to exercise the way I have become adjusted to. When I asked about if they could MRI both knees the person that booked my apt said that I need to get another order from my physician and it could be done at the same time. So that is my next plan of attack. All things are coming together and I am thankful for that:smile:

    Sending warm wishes for a wonderful day to each and everyone. Remember to drink lots of water especially those of you enduring the heat wave:drinker:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    My MRI is finally booked for the middle of August:happy: It has been a long couple of months not being able to move around without pain and not being able to exercise the way I have become adjusted to. When I asked about if they could MRI both knees the person that booked my apt said that I need to get another order from my physician and it could be done at the same time. So that is my next plan of attack. All things are coming together and I am thankful for that:smile: Marie:heart:

    Praying the doctors get things straightened out so you can get all the tests done on the same day. Waiting has never been my strong suit so I feel for you. Hopefully you'll be pain-free very soon and back to your usual exercise routine.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Morning all,
    I am down another pound today. I worked by butt off last week so I should lose something. LOL.
    Barb I am so sorry it is so hot for you. I guess that is unusual in your part of the world. It is always like that here, but really seems to be a cooler summer than usual. I hope you get some relief soon. The fan system that Barbie told you about does work well. We have done that often when no ac is available. I have all the kiddies today so I guess I better go and get started on my day. Talk to you ladies later.
    Vicki M


    :flowerforyou: Congrats on the pound gone (forever I hope:smile: ) To clarify a little confusion, I am the one TALKING about the heat, but I am not suffering from it. I have AC. BARBIE(cat) is the one who is without AC, except in the motorhome. It was I who suggested the fan idea for Barbie if she was so inclined.

    At least I know where all the cooler summer went--it is at VICKI's HOUSE!!!:laugh: If this keeps up, you could have visitors from Washington!!!:glasses:

    Happy Day to all, I came on long enough to post the eating so far today and now it is nap time, in order for me to be ready for an appointment at 1:30p

    Keep cool or stay warm, depending upon the weather where you are!!:flowerforyou:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    My thoughts go out to any one in the Seatlle area. Last I heard today was suppose to be a record breaker.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    It is still hot here but it seems to be cooling down a bit. I slept better last night and took a nap this afternoon. We have two tower fans, three small fans, and a ceiling fan in the living room. When we lived in Anderson, California near Redding it was over 100 degrees almost every day all summer. We had air conditioning installed in our house right after we bought the house. Here we have only three or four hot days a year. I can put up with anything for a few days. Yesterday I walked over 24,000 steps. Tonight I’ve got just over 15,000 and I’m not going out again.

    Jake and I walked for 70 minutes this morning on the trail----at 8 AM it was 75 degrees but there was a lot of shade on the trail. After that, he cut the grass and I had a friend come over for a visit. After lunch we took the dogs to the dog park and they lasted less than 20 minutes. There was no one either at the dog park or the city park because it was so hot.

    :flowerforyou: Lianne----that is such good news about getting rid of the crutches. You have been so patient and balanced about following directions and not rushing the recovery from your surgery. Your dogs are going to be so happy when you can walk them again. When my husband was down with a leg injury last year, the dogs missed going out with him and were so happy when he was back on his feet. Your dog is so cute. He looks like he’s saying “Mommy, come for a walk with me”:heart: congratulations on losing another pound.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki
    congratulations on losing another pound. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: You continue to be an inspiration to all of us.

    :flowerforyou: Diane----your family is going to be so impressed by your weight loss. I’m glad you’re on your way to recovery. Water aerobics is a great and gentle way to exercise.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ---I have some of the same coping techniques that you do. I have to remember that we have the heat only a few days a year and people in Texas and other places have it for months. I had to give up packaged foods and canned foods ( I love canned vegetables and hated to give them up, but with practice I’m liking fresh and frozen vegetables more)

    :flowerforyou: Marie---the upcoming MRI is good news so you can finally find out what’s wrong and get busy on a solution---thanks for the reminder about drinking water:drinker: ----I just got up and got another glass to drink :drinker: before continuing with my writing. It sounds so nice and cool at your house, maybe we should all come for a visit.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, thanks for the cool wishes.

    Well, the cats are outside and the dogs are lying on the floor next to the open door. I have a little fan pointed at me. Life is good. :bigsmile:

    Hugs to all,:heart::heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Sorry about the confusion. I am very bad at reading and remembering who said what. i thought I checked it before I wrote it but guess not. I may get it straight one day but probably not. Just got home from dinner with girl friends. We try to go out at least once a month. We all used to work together and now have gone separate ways as far as employment is concerned. I got a big salad and did great. No exercise today, but just count as rest day. Will do better tomorrow. Hope it cools off for those of you who are hot. See you tomorrow.
    Vicki M
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Late Evening Greetings to all

    Those of you who have been here a while may recall me referring to my part of the country as the "Pacific NorthWET"--that has been amended due to the temperatures--it is now the Pacific NorthSWEAT":laugh: :laugh:

    IT is ONLY going to be 100 tomorrow!! A cooling trend from the 107 we had today!! Yikes!!

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning :flowerforyou:

    Glad to hear that some of you are finding good solutions to cope with the heat:smile: Yes, indeed Barbie you all could head my way to cool off...although today for the first time in the whole month of July the forecast is saying sunny with just a slight chance of rain! We have been experiencing very chilly, damp and of course rainy weather...but not much we can do about it is there? Maybe August will be better.

    Thank you all for being so supportive with my on going struggles with my knee(s). You are all such sweethearts:flowerforyou:

    Today is a very special day for me...my daughter's birthday! We have always liked to make our children's birthday a very special event and I try to continue doing that. Before I head to my dr's apt this afternoon one of my stops will be to church to light a candle. My beautiful daughter still lives on in my heart and I cherish every single one of my memories of her:heart: Life as we know it has changed dramatically over the years but love remains the same.

    Modified exercises for me again today and catching up on loads of laundry now the sun is finally shining:bigsmile:

    Have a wonderful day everyone:flowerforyou:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Last night we had a thunderstorm blow through. I just love the way things smell after a good rain!

    I didn't follow through with a totally veggie day yesterday. I ate tuna for lunch, but did double up on my exercise, doing strength training in the morning and aerobics in the afternoon. I can sure feel it in my glutes when I get up or down today. I also managed to drink LOTS of water. :drinker:

    Yesterday was my brother's first chemo. Praying this works, cuz if it doesn't they don't give him but 3-6 months. Now that Baby Abbie is safely here, I'm planning a trip to see him before his next treatment. I'm thinking if I am there the day before his next treatment he might feel better by then.

    Time to exercise before things start heating up. Today is my errand day this week and I'm meeting a girlfriend for lunch for the best soup and salad in town. We were garden club buddies when I lived here 24 years ago and have just rediscovered her. Its been fun playing catch up over lunch.

    Tomorrow is the end of the month. Lets do all we can today to meet our July goals. :drinker:
  • HeatherMMB
    HeatherMMB Posts: 95
    Hi all,
    for those of you in the HOT spots - can you send some warmth up to Canada - we have been cool and wet for all of July!!
    Lianne - glad to hear about the move to crutches - the recovery is in sight!! :happy:

    Suezz: prayer for your brother for his speedy recovery. My church has a prayer chain and I can ask them to pray for him too if you are OK with that.

    Do we do goals for each month??

    Working on getting in more water - always thought I drank lots but keeping track tells me I am stuck at 6 a day - gotta do more! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Stay cool!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Suezz: prayer for your brother for his speedy recovery. My church has a prayer chain and I can ask them to pray for him too if you are OK with that.

    That would be awesome. By all means add KENNETH BROWN and his family to your prayer chain.

    Just finished my morning workout. I'm glistening and have already drank over half my water for the day. :drinker: